how bout the other family's who have lost a loved one, how come we dont hear bout them, how come we only hear bout cindy sheehan.
If they camped out in front of the president's Crawford ranch for the time Cindy did, we'd hear about them. Don't put Cindy down because she has been the most vocal. We should praise her for her determination.
If they camped out in front of the president's Crawford ranch for the time Cindy did, we'd hear about them. Don't put Cindy down because she has been the most vocal. We should praise her for her determination.
oh for the love of fucking christ, cant you people read what i fucking wrote. I SAID I AGREED WITH HER AND RESPECTED HER, god its like talking to a fucking brickwall with you people
Ron: I just don't feel like going out tonight
Sammi: Wanna just break up?
yeah and the average 9-5 american isnt ON HERE OR ON MYSPACE. sorry if i didnt properly mention what group disagrees with her, ill try to remember that for the next time :rolleyes:. she had tons of support from the average 9-5 american, look at how high the support to end this war was for her
How do you know what the average american supports? How do you know they don't support her?
If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
How do you know what the average american supports? How do you know they don't support her?
the average american doesnt like this war. poll numbers showed that before she got buddy buddy with moore and the far left, people supported her and then after she did get buddy buddy with them, they went down in numbers.
Ron: I just don't feel like going out tonight
Sammi: Wanna just break up?
the average american doesnt like this war. poll numbers showed that before she got buddy buddy with moore and the far left, people supported her and then after she did get buddy buddy with them, they went down in numbers.
I'd like to see these polls. I've never seen them before. Polls from which media outlets?
If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
oh for the love of fucking christ, cant you people read what i fucking wrote. I SAID I AGREED WITH HER AND RESPECTED HER, god its like talking to a fucking brickwall with you people
You agreeing and respecting her has nothing to do with the question you asked and that I gave my 2 cents on.
i think it was more like 5 but whos counting and who cares reall. i lost all respect for her, when she became a puppet for moore and the far left.
You saying you respect and agree with her doesn't erase the fact you put her down for what you think she has done or who you think she has aligned herself with. That's all. I think for the most part you and I are in agreement.
And as I re-read that; how can you have "lost all respect for her," but still have respect for her?
i am sure some people would love to fuck christ, but thats not really my thing i give this board about a 95% literacy rate cool, me too is a myth exactly what does "you people" mean? you a racist metsy? gotta a problem with black people? damn long island bigot's :rolleyes: see, i knew we would agree on a few things
your such an ass my2hands, but i love ya. oh no i love u, does that make me a gay bigot :rolleyes:
Ron: I just don't feel like going out tonight
Sammi: Wanna just break up?
I'm not addressing your opinion and right to have it. I'm addressing how you view people who disagree with you opinion in this case. I recall you not particularly caring for the way some have chose to conduct themselves in the religion threads...and here you are doing the same. Everyone has opinions and a right to express need to state the obvious. I was just pointing out the irony.
jim jones had one hell of a mission too. i don't recall any conflict with my views on how people conduct themselves. i gave my opinion and my reasons for my opinion. if someone would like to debate those issues the floor is theirs. all you've done is make personal attacks without addressing any of the issues i stated. this is completely out of topic.
You saying you respect and agree with her doesn't erase the fact you put her down for what you think she has done or who you think she has aligned herself with. That's all. I think for the most part you and I are in agreement.
And as I re-read that; how can you have lost respect for her, but still have respect for her?
cause i can respect her for what shes trying do, but i dont respect the way shes going bout it
Ron: I just don't feel like going out tonight
Sammi: Wanna just break up?
if that's what you read into it you need help. it is a reference to another "average joe" that got people to follow him. one fanatic is no different from another.
i wonder why the other mothers who've lost children in iraq aren't jumping on her bandwagon.
me needing help has nothing to do with you using an occams razor to compare sheehan with jim jones
it is a reference to another "average joe" that got people to follow him. one fanatic is no different from another.
your kidding right? so an anti war activist is now a fanatic to be compared to crazy and dangerous fanatics from history. sorry dude, this crowd is a little to sharp for that turd to float
jim jones had one hell of a mission too. i don't recall any conflict with my views on how people conduct themselves. i gave my opinion and my reasons for my opinion. if someone would like to debate those issues the floor is theirs. all you've done is make personal attacks without addressing any of the issues i stated. this is completely out of topic.
What personal attacks? I pointed out your hypocrisy. And how you treat others differing opinions is always part of the debate topic.
if that's what you read into it you need help. it is a reference to another "average joe" that got people to follow him. one fanatic is no different from another.
i wonder why the other mothers who've lost children in iraq aren't jumping on her bandwagon.
so what you're saying is that no one should run for office if they have an agenda.......looks like we're gonna have to get rid of everybody in the legislative and executive branches.....:rolleyes:
if that's what you read into it you need help. it is a reference to another "average joe" that got people to follow him. one fanatic is no different from another.
i wonder why the other mothers who've lost children in iraq aren't jumping on her bandwagon.
What's wrong with someone making the effort, going out of their way, getting the exposure they need for their cause? Would you rather everyone just stay quiet, not make any noise and go completely unnoticed? That's ridiculous. How would your message ever be heard that way? What was wrong with her approach exactly? I really want to know.
If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
if he had chosen to be a policeman and was shot during that job; her mission would have been banning guns. IMO. but what if he chose to be a fireman and died in a fire?
It's common knowledge that the current administration skewed facts to convince US of cause for war. How many people think Saddam Hussein was involved in September 11th. When people call the police and fire departments on average 2% of all crimes are fraudulent.
i raise the most dangerous animal in north america. people become cops; a job where people shoot at you.
I thought you were *just* a farmer that compassionately fed grass to cows and the like because you are so concerned about the health of cows, right? You don't feed them chemically laden corn and soy, right? By the way what is "naturally raised" beef versus "organic" beef? I know the difference I just wondered if you knew that you are one sly marketer What's your website about, then?
her son chose to become a sholdier and knew the risks of the job. my son leaves for iraq in 3 months and i accept that he may die there.
If your son dies, and you just *accept* it then that's a reflection of your view of your son. On the flip side, you may think Cindy Sheehan thinks a lot like you. Either or, I hope your son remains safe.
she's just another fanatic in my book and she can live and be happy. let the sheep follow her where ever she roams.
OK, so you use sheep references because you are around a lot of sheep. I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt here. Otherwise, it is kindof ironic, that you put *sheep* and *slaughter* in the same sentence. Again, you are one sly person
but we also have to consider the future and how our withdrawal will effect the world. thus the need for a plan that leaves a troubled and formally oppressed nation with the freedoms we all enjoy and an economy that leaves them self supporting.
with it's resources iraq can be a thriving economy in the world market and if the money is distributed in a democracy and not put in one mans pocket; the future of iraq is bright.
This is sheep talk. Actually, sheep are cute. You write like the news is still from late 2001.
There is no such thing as leftover pizza. There is now pizza and later pizza. - anonymous The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math - The Mincing Mockingbird
What's wrong with someone making the effort, going out of their way, getting the exposure they need for their cause? Would you rather everyone just stay quiet, not make any noise and go completely unnoticed? That's ridiculous. How would your message ever be heard that way? What was wrong with her approach exactly? I really want to know.
i think everyone should make an effort. i never said anyone shouldn't. and bozo can run for president if he wants. just because someone runs for president doesn't mean they're qualified. look at clinton.
i think everyone with a true message should be heard. BUT; with such a big issue; a uniform front will do a lot more then splinter groups. i've been trying to inform people about the food they eat and i do everything i can to get the message out. but i've joined with others and we're making progress. so much progress that ted turner (the owner of the largest buffalo herd in the us); has taken notice and is changing his practices.,9171,1599697-1,00.html
there's a right way and a wrong way to get a message accross. splinter groups have no weight but if all the groups banded together; their voices would have to be heard. to pose a united front you must dismiss the extreemes and offer logical plans that can work. otherwise you're dismissed as a fanatic.
Sammi: Wanna just break up?
How do you know what the average american supports? How do you know they don't support her?
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
"Sheehan recently said she was leaving the Democratic Party because it "caved" into the president."
She is not "in bed" with any one party. She is a woman on a mission and I support her.
Sammi: Wanna just break up?
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
I'd like to see these polls. I've never seen them before. Polls from which media outlets?
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Take a deep breath and calm down.
Sammi: Wanna just break up?
Sammi: Wanna just break up?
I'll look it up. But I have to say, I couldn't care less what the polls say...I'll make my own mind up about her.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
You saying you respect and agree with her doesn't erase the fact you put her down for what you think she has done or who you think she has aligned herself with. That's all. I think for the most part you and I are in agreement.
And as I re-read that; how can you have "lost all respect for her," but still have respect for her?
post #14
you said it, not me :cool:
Sammi: Wanna just break up?
jim jones had one hell of a mission too. i don't recall any conflict with my views on how people conduct themselves. i gave my opinion and my reasons for my opinion. if someone would like to debate those issues the floor is theirs. all you've done is make personal attacks without addressing any of the issues i stated. this is completely out of topic.
Sammi: Wanna just break up?
love has nothing to do with sexual identity...
except your man crush for ryan howard
so cindy sheehan is jim jones?
now that was one hell of a stretch :rolleyes:
Sammi: Wanna just break up?
Sammi: Wanna just break up?
if that's what you read into it you need help. it is a reference to another "average joe" that got people to follow him. one fanatic is no different from another.
i wonder why the other mothers who've lost children in iraq aren't jumping on her bandwagon.
if by "bandwagon" you mean the anti-war "bandwagon"...
many families are against this war, and many are active anti war activists...
What personal attacks? I pointed out your hypocrisy. And how you treat others differing opinions is always part of the debate topic.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
so what you're saying is that no one should run for office if they have an agenda.......looks like we're gonna have to get rid of everybody in the legislative and executive branches.....:rolleyes:
What's wrong with someone making the effort, going out of their way, getting the exposure they need for their cause? Would you rather everyone just stay quiet, not make any noise and go completely unnoticed? That's ridiculous. How would your message ever be heard that way? What was wrong with her approach exactly? I really want to know.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
It's common knowledge that the current administration skewed facts to convince US of cause for war. How many people think Saddam Hussein was involved in September 11th. When people call the police and fire departments on average 2% of all crimes are fraudulent.
I thought you were *just* a farmer that compassionately fed grass to cows and the like because you are so concerned about the health of cows, right? You don't feed them chemically laden corn and soy, right? By the way what is "naturally raised" beef versus "organic" beef? I know the difference I just wondered if you knew that you are one sly marketer
If your son dies, and you just *accept* it then that's a reflection of your view of your son. On the flip side, you may think Cindy Sheehan thinks a lot like you. Either or, I hope your son remains safe.
OK, so you use sheep references because you are around a lot of sheep. I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt here. Otherwise, it is kindof ironic, that you put *sheep* and *slaughter* in the same sentence. Again, you are one sly person
Ok, so what does it mean to act like a sheep?
Could someone verify that we are *helping* North Korea?
This is sheep talk. Actually, sheep are cute. You write like the news is still from late 2001.
The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math - The Mincing Mockingbird
i think everyone should make an effort. i never said anyone shouldn't. and bozo can run for president if he wants. just because someone runs for president doesn't mean they're qualified. look at clinton.
i think everyone with a true message should be heard. BUT; with such a big issue; a uniform front will do a lot more then splinter groups. i've been trying to inform people about the food they eat and i do everything i can to get the message out. but i've joined with others and we're making progress. so much progress that ted turner (the owner of the largest buffalo herd in the us); has taken notice and is changing his practices.,9171,1599697-1,00.html
there's a right way and a wrong way to get a message accross. splinter groups have no weight but if all the groups banded together; their voices would have to be heard. to pose a united front you must dismiss the extreemes and offer logical plans that can work. otherwise you're dismissed as a fanatic.