Old News Revisited!!!......Need Feedback

Guys i need some feed back,
i know its old news but is surely still the most important issue of our time and im only really catching up with it lately.
There seems an overwhelming amount of evidence to suggest the twin towers were not bought down by planes, and when looking at it, i dont think u have to be a physicist to think hang on, that relatively small plane bought down a scyscraper like that, straight down into its own footprint???!!! and then the only other building to be affected in the area was the 3rd world trade center building???!!!
I can look across the water and cry real tears for the great people of America, let down so greatly by a government and a country they so strongly believe in, especially the firefighters tryin to save lives and seemingly murdered by there own bosses to whom they give they're selfless commitment.
But as a patriotic Englishman that would genuinely give my life for what is truly my country's idealism, and a serving British Army soldier (tho not for much longer), i have to think well if the terrorists did not bring down the towers, then who bombed my capital and killed my people, and this makes me FUCKING angry! Did my own government kill my own people?
As i said im a patriot and would give my life for the true ideals of my Great Country, so someone please tell me wot they think about all this, as i know that pearl jam fans are generally the most thoughtfull and inquisitive minds going, it goes with the taste in music.
using oOnly Greyyy
i know its old news but is surely still the most important issue of our time and im only really catching up with it lately.
There seems an overwhelming amount of evidence to suggest the twin towers were not bought down by planes, and when looking at it, i dont think u have to be a physicist to think hang on, that relatively small plane bought down a scyscraper like that, straight down into its own footprint???!!! and then the only other building to be affected in the area was the 3rd world trade center building???!!!
I can look across the water and cry real tears for the great people of America, let down so greatly by a government and a country they so strongly believe in, especially the firefighters tryin to save lives and seemingly murdered by there own bosses to whom they give they're selfless commitment.
But as a patriotic Englishman that would genuinely give my life for what is truly my country's idealism, and a serving British Army soldier (tho not for much longer), i have to think well if the terrorists did not bring down the towers, then who bombed my capital and killed my people, and this makes me FUCKING angry! Did my own government kill my own people?
As i said im a patriot and would give my life for the true ideals of my Great Country, so someone please tell me wot they think about all this, as i know that pearl jam fans are generally the most thoughtfull and inquisitive minds going, it goes with the taste in music.
using oOnly Greyyy
vision oOnly Greyyy
Post edited by Unknown User on
im not being ignorant but wot do u mean by flamed bud? im confused-) u mean before i get too angry or before i get hammered by people for not researching the boards??
using oOnly Greyyy
vision oOnly Greyyy
yea, getting insulted, verbally attacked...etc.
Not for not using the search button...but for simply bringing up the topic that there could have been other factors other than a terrorist group hijacking the airliners.
Thanks mate, but to be honest i dont give a fuck about people that see and think with there ears and not there eyes and brain. Are there really people out there so naive about human nature and so ignorant of the precedents set in the past for exactly this??
Wot I do realise is there are people out there that wanna see the end of the "free" world, im not ignorant to that, and just maybe we DO need oil (because of technologies being held back while theres still a profit margin in the ground) and maybe the US and/or British government felt the people needed a push in the right direction, but i think we all deserve the truth and then WE will make the decisions, isnt that how its supposed to be?? and we certainly dont deserve to become collateral damage for a insanely percieved "greater good"
vision oOnly Greyyy
Let's be optimistic and give them a chance first. Maybe they'll surprise us.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
vision oOnly Greyyy
here you go:
talks about explosive cutter charges used in WTC 2..
Cool, but i dont think i really need anymore facts that i have no way of verifying without takin a physics degree, wot i want to know is wot everybody thinks and feels? how are we supposed to react to this? because wot THEY rely on is that we are not interested or motivated enough to take our world, our lives back , that THEY keep us that way by forcing us to have no option but to buy our existence at the supermarket or the electrical goods counter, therefore needing to work to live and to feed our kin, and in the process have not the time or energy to meddle where the future is really being decided. So to summarise FUCK THE FACTS, HOW DO WE FEEL?????
vision oOnly Greyyy
Quit being lazy and do a search.
Please feel free to enlighten me on the facts then Will, and i promise not to edit ur post down to the one line that suits my ignorance.
vision oOnly Greyyy
The problem is, according to NIST's director they were only given 6 months to figure out what caused the collapse. They should have been given 6 years. The first hypothesis they came up with was printed in the press and that's why there is so much confusion.
I mean, you don't have to be a genius or a construction engineer to realize that was no pancake collapse. If you could hear NIST now, they are telling a different story. Saying that in-fact the trusses didn't snap off and cause the floors to pancake. They are saying the weight of the floors and debris on the trusses caused them to pull the perimeter wall/columns inward, resulting in a buckling near the impact hole. This brought the 30 or so floors above that down onto the weakened floors directly below, the momentum gained from gravity was enough to destroy the whole building.
But all of these theories are taken from very little evidence. The administration rushed the inquiry, didn't spend enough on it and had most of the evidence destroyed. That is the real smoking gun. Ultimately it's not a question of how the buildings fell, the questions are why and who. It's a pretty sure thing Al-Qaeda had something to do with it, but did the administration play a part.
I've seen dozens of videos of the collapses from different angles, I've watched them frame-by-frame and studied them. There is just no conclusive evidence supporting any of the collapse theories, including NIST's new one.
The collapse of WTC7 is important, in that it shows the administrations complicency towards the attacks. No investigation was ever performed into the collapse of WTC7, that I know of. I just think looking at the physics of it is a lost battle from any side. The debate can go on for centuries. Just look at the administrations actions surrounding 9/11.
that's any crowd. how about dropping the crowd and deciding for yourself.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
those werent small planes buddy. even compared to the size of the buildingthey were two beoing 767 airplanes with 24,000 gallons of fuel. when supporting floors collapse onto the ones below it, the extremely heavy concrete has no where to go but, down. and im not even a physicist
are you serious?
You should see some of the footage I've seen about the way the towers were built. The way they explained it is the structure was built like a screen. What happens when you poke a hole in the screen with a pencil?? It's doesn't collapse. This is the same principle. These planes were like a pencil going through a screen. This building stood for an hour afterwards then suddenly you saw explosions going down the side of it as if there were bombs going off. Check it out! You'll have doubts too. Loose Change is a good one to see.
The problem with this is that the administration are the current leaders of the free world and im surely not supposed to believe that there is that level of incompetence at that level of the U.S leadership? sinister seems a much more logical explanation
And we are not the only ones who realise that debating can go on for a long time, a lot longer than say, interest and concentration.
vision oOnly Greyyy
if you seriously are brainwashed by loose change I feel sorry for you.
pencil through a screen does NOT equal boeing 767 full of fuel into a building.
ok here we go again.
facts? dude wake up. el queda was beihnd these attacks. not the US government.
Correct me if i'm wrong buddy (not without researching ur facts first tho) the way i understand it those towers were built too withstand MULTIPLE boeing (the previous model) strikes in the event of fog causing a problem in terms of vision. These previous boeings carried very small amount less fuel, something like 400 gallons less.
vision oOnly Greyyy
Listen ask urself if u would have taken the same decisions that seem to have been taken? would any of ur friends or family? no country is perfect and the whole world is a battle between good and evil for the attention of the ignorant, see a few on this page, i think u have a country with a lot of good people (i dont know it very well however) and i think u just have to follow your heart.
vision oOnly Greyyy