I agree. Dubois could make my list, for sure.
In the meantime, check out the Ken Burns film about JJ. It's an eye opener.
You may say that Mohammed Ali just punched people too. We all know that's not the full picture. And things were a lot tougher in Johnsons day. He was just as abrasive, comical and rebellious as Ali during a time when half the U.S population wanted to see him hanging from a tree. The man was a great human being and a powerful force for change and for hope amongst black Americans at the turn of the century. He would have excelled in our own time - with our modern day cult of celebrity e.t.c. Again, he still managed to shine way back then, and against all the odds.
Ok, I'll compromise with you. JJ is on this list if WEB is too.
but I've been thinking on it all day! And this is my list people, and you know I don't give a toss about politics so try not to flame me please!
Jim Henson
Martha Jane Canary - Calamity Jane
Tennessee Williams
Amelia Earhart
Alexander Graham Bell
Thomas Eddison
Ansel Adams
Harper Lee
Paul Newman
Mae West
Paul Robson
Solomon Guggenheim
That'll do for now. I'll add the rest later. Need more think time!
Word. I picture you all being professors or wanna be professors wearing your cord suits with the elbow patches and no rim glasses and shit, or, dressed like militant soldiers waiting for the revolution to start.
All spittin hot fire.
You've got me all wrong man, all wrong. This is me popping down the shops for some milk and a loaf a bread...
I've always placed artists on a footing above politicians and other businessmen.
If so why not include some great American artists? I mean Eddie Vedder is a fantastic lyricist/campaigner/singer/songwriter but with all due respect, is he really up there with people like John Coltrane, Miles Davis or Hendrix. Or writers such as Ernst Hemingway, T.S. Eliot, Plath, John Steinbeck. Or visual artists such as Jason Pollack.
If so why not include some great American artists? I mean Eddie Vedder is a fantastic lyricist/campaigner/singer/songwriter but with all due respect, is he really up there with people like John Coltrane, Miles Davis or Hendrix. Or writers such as Ernst Hemingway, T.S. Eliot, Plath, John Steinbeck. Or visual artists such as Jason Pollack.
Hemingway wouldn't make my top 20. I don't regard him as a great artist. Miles Davis and John Coltrane maybe. Sure. I'm just not a fan of Jazz really. John Steinbeck? Nah. Not my cup of tea. Still, some interesting names you've listed there.
i didn't say they weren't "great" i said they were liberals...they ARE liberals. and not very smart liberals...i mean...eddie vedder? as a top 20 all time american? are you SERIOUS?
i've posted here long enough that the left has NO DESIRE of hearing the other side. at all. so i don't need a lecture on how i need to hear the other side. i'm resigned to the post of pointing out idiocy.
*Jack Kerouac was a Republican and Goldwater supporter.
*Malcolm X told his supporters to never trust a liberal.
*Johnny Cash was deeply religious and, with the exception of being someone who supported the weak and destitute, was "socially conservative."
*Hunter S. Thompson, in relation to his rabid gun facination, once said, "I think George Washington owned guns. I've never seen any contradiction with that. I'm not a liberal, by the way. I think that's what's wrong with liberals. I believe I have every right to have guns. I just bought another huge weapon. A lot of people shouldn't own guns. I should. I have a safety record. Guns are a lot of fun out here."
*Purple Hawk obviously doesn't know much about the people on Byrnzie's list.
Richard P. Feynman
Robert Goddard
Orville/Wilbur Wright
Jackie Cochran
George Washington
Thomas Jefferson
Clarence Darrow
Ben Franklin
Thomas Edison
Norman Borlaug
"If all those sweet, young things were laid end to end, I wouldn't be the least bit surprised."
—Dorothy Parker
Very cool thread! Here are a few that come to mind.............
*Maria Mitchell (an excerpt from wikipedia) She became the first woman member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 1848 and of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in 1850. She later worked at the U.S. Nautical Almanac Office, calculating tables of positions of Venus, and traveled in Europe with Nathaniel Hawthorne and his family.
She became professor of astronomy at Vassar College in 1865, the first person (male or female) appointed to the faculty. She was also named as Director of the Vassar College Observatory. After teaching there for some time, she learned that despite her reputation and experience, her salary was less than that of many younger male professors. She insisted on a salary increase, and got it.
*Walt Whitman
*Henry David Thoreau
*MLK and Booker T Washington (I like the non-violent, 'lead by example' approach of these two)
*Susan B Anthony
*Thomas Edison
*Wright brothers
*Andrew Carnegie (for his passion of philanthropy)
*Alexander Graham Bell
So many, I'm sure I'll have more later.
The greatest obstacle to discovery is not ignorance,
but the illusion of knowledge.
~Daniel Boorstin
Only a life lived for others is worth living.
~Albert Einstein
2. you really think eddie vedder is a greater american than ronald reagan? if it weren't for the latter, the last bastion of conservatism would be gone...he was single handedly responsible for a political realignment and the rebirth of conservative values...
but yeah...eddie vedder really cares about stuff...what an intellectual
yeah because Reagan was a leading intellectual and superior human being wasn't he? the guy was a bloody B-movie actor.
anyway, why are people slagging off the starter of the thread just for posting his opinions? don't reply if you don't like it.
It was a good list anyway.
"I remember one night at Muzdalifa with nothing but the sky overhead, I lay awake amid sleeping Muslim brothers and I learned that pilgrims from every land — every colour, and class, and rank; high officials and the beggar alike — all snored in the same language"
I did not get a chance to read the entire thread but surely if you are going to consider musicians Miles Davis should be toward the top of that list. By far above Eddie Vedder. Also another musician i would consider above those you listed would be Woody Guthrie.
Charlotte 00 Charlotte 03 Asheville 04 Atlanta 12 Greenville 16, Columbia 16 Seattle 18 Nashville 22 Ohana Festival 24 x2
Burroughs, Kerouac, Bill Hicks??? C'mon, are you stoned or stupid??? If that's your idea of great Americans, then we, as a nation, are not only royally screwed but we also deserve to be screwed.
its just his opinion. I certainly do not agree with his list, but thats fine. feel free to make your own so he and the rest of us can rip that apart too.
American Soldier
David Ortiz
My Dad
My Mom
Ed Vedder
Flavor Flav
Chris Farley
Atticus Finch
Arthur Ashe
George Washington
Flannel Shirt
All that's sacred, comes from youth....dedications, naive and true.
*Jack Kerouac was a Republican and Goldwater supporter.
*Malcolm X told his supporters to never trust a liberal.
*Johnny Cash was deeply religious and, with the exception of being someone who supported the weak and destitute, was "socially conservative."
*Hunter S. Thompson, in relation to his rabid gun facination, once said, "I think George Washington owned guns. I've never seen any contradiction with that. I'm not a liberal, by the way. I think that's what's wrong with liberals. I believe I have every right to have guns. I just bought another huge weapon. A lot of people shouldn't own guns. I should. I have a safety record. Guns are a lot of fun out here."
*Purple Hawk obviously doesn't know much about the people on Byrnzie's list.
By the way, good choices Byrnzie.
Hehehe. Nicely done.
War is Peace
Freedom is Slavery
Ignorance is Strength
American Soldier
David Ortiz
My Dad
My Mom
Ed Vedder
Flavor Flav
Chris Farley
Atticus Finch
Arthur Ashe
George Washington
Flannel Shirt
I just can't look at Flavor Flav again in the same way after that ridiculous real life dating show he just made.
I did not get a chance to read the entire thread but surely if you are going to consider musicians Miles Davis should be toward the top of that list. By far above Eddie Vedder. Also another musician i would consider above those you listed would be Woody Guthrie.
I agree that on second thought Miles Davis should have been in my list. I'm also thinking maybe Jack London too.
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
Wilfred Brimley
Andrew Jackson
Kirk Cameron
William Henry Harrison
Dale Earnhardt, Jr.
Robert Alphonso Taft
Chris Daughtry
Bob Hope
L Ron Hubbard
John D Rockefeller
James K Polk
Tucker Carlson
Dr. Phil
Brigham Young
Bob Uecker
The Burger King
Dick Armey
and of course
Barbara Bush
Ok, I'll compromise with you. JJ is on this list if WEB is too.
Thanks. High five back at ya!
Where's your list then? I'm waiting!
Looks like I'm not alone.
I'll think about who I think are the 20 greatest Americans.
naděje umírá poslední
Jim Henson
Martha Jane Canary - Calamity Jane
Tennessee Williams
Amelia Earhart
Alexander Graham Bell
Thomas Eddison
Ansel Adams
Harper Lee
Paul Newman
Mae West
Paul Robson
Solomon Guggenheim
That'll do for now. I'll add the rest later. Need more think time!
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
You've got me all wrong man, all wrong. This is me popping down the shops for some milk and a loaf a bread...
I'm going to put Jasper Newton (Jack) Daniel on my list!
Byrnzie, I always pictured you more like this
naděje umírá poslední
Yeah, how could we forget Jim? I mean he's had the most amazing influence on people all around the world for 30+ years!
Would this be Jack Daniel the maker of the bourbon or am I completely stuffing that up Collin?
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
Exactly, I still love watching the Muppet Show.
Indeed the maker of the old No. 7; Jack Daniel's.
naděje umírá poslední
Ooh!! Actually thanks for that Collin!!
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
If so why not include some great American artists? I mean Eddie Vedder is a fantastic lyricist/campaigner/singer/songwriter but with all due respect, is he really up there with people like John Coltrane, Miles Davis or Hendrix. Or writers such as Ernst Hemingway, T.S. Eliot, Plath, John Steinbeck. Or visual artists such as Jason Pollack.
Hemingway wouldn't make my top 20. I don't regard him as a great artist. Miles Davis and John Coltrane maybe. Sure. I'm just not a fan of Jazz really. John Steinbeck? Nah. Not my cup of tea. Still, some interesting names you've listed there.
You look NOTHING like a militant.
Save the word man, save the world.
*Malcolm X told his supporters to never trust a liberal.
*Johnny Cash was deeply religious and, with the exception of being someone who supported the weak and destitute, was "socially conservative."
*Hunter S. Thompson, in relation to his rabid gun facination, once said, "I think George Washington owned guns. I've never seen any contradiction with that. I'm not a liberal, by the way. I think that's what's wrong with liberals. I believe I have every right to have guns. I just bought another huge weapon. A lot of people shouldn't own guns. I should. I have a safety record. Guns are a lot of fun out here."
*Purple Hawk obviously doesn't know much about the people on Byrnzie's list.
By the way, good choices Byrnzie.
Richard P. Feynman
Robert Goddard
Orville/Wilbur Wright
Jackie Cochran
George Washington
Thomas Jefferson
Clarence Darrow
Ben Franklin
Thomas Edison
Norman Borlaug
—Dorothy Parker
*Maria Mitchell (an excerpt from wikipedia) She became the first woman member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 1848 and of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in 1850. She later worked at the U.S. Nautical Almanac Office, calculating tables of positions of Venus, and traveled in Europe with Nathaniel Hawthorne and his family.
She became professor of astronomy at Vassar College in 1865, the first person (male or female) appointed to the faculty. She was also named as Director of the Vassar College Observatory. After teaching there for some time, she learned that despite her reputation and experience, her salary was less than that of many younger male professors. She insisted on a salary increase, and got it.
*Walt Whitman
*Henry David Thoreau
*MLK and Booker T Washington (I like the non-violent, 'lead by example' approach of these two)
*Susan B Anthony
*Thomas Edison
*Wright brothers
*Andrew Carnegie (for his passion of philanthropy)
*Alexander Graham Bell
So many, I'm sure I'll have more later.
but the illusion of knowledge.
~Daniel Boorstin
Only a life lived for others is worth living.
~Albert Einstein
anyway, why are people slagging off the starter of the thread just for posting his opinions? don't reply if you don't like it.
It was a good list anyway.
I did not get a chance to read the entire thread but surely if you are going to consider musicians Miles Davis should be toward the top of that list. By far above Eddie Vedder. Also another musician i would consider above those you listed would be Woody Guthrie.
Charlotte 03
Asheville 04
Atlanta 12
Greenville 16, Columbia 16
Seattle 18
Nashville 22
Ohana Festival 24 x2
its just his opinion. I certainly do not agree with his list, but thats fine. feel free to make your own so he and the rest of us can rip that apart too.
David Ortiz
My Dad
My Mom
Ed Vedder
Flavor Flav
Chris Farley
Atticus Finch
Arthur Ashe
George Washington
Flannel Shirt
Hehehe. Nicely done.
Freedom is Slavery
Ignorance is Strength
I just can't look at Flavor Flav again in the same way after that ridiculous real life dating show he just made.
I agree that on second thought Miles Davis should have been in my list. I'm also thinking maybe Jack London too.
Hail, Hail!!!
Andrew Jackson
Kirk Cameron
William Henry Harrison
Dale Earnhardt, Jr.
Robert Alphonso Taft
Chris Daughtry
Bob Hope
L Ron Hubbard
John D Rockefeller
James K Polk
Tucker Carlson
Dr. Phil
Brigham Young
Bob Uecker
The Burger King
Dick Armey
and of course
Barbara Bush