5 years later and binLaden's still free

That's all I have to say.
I'm sick to death that finding binLaden has not been a priority of the U.S. gov't. If we're supposedly the most powerful nation in this world, we should have first and foremost captured him after 9/11.
I'm sick to death that finding binLaden has not been a priority of the U.S. gov't. If we're supposedly the most powerful nation in this world, we should have first and foremost captured him after 9/11.
Post edited by Unknown User on
With all due respect, I think that's BS. HE's responsible for 9/11, HE should be captured. If we could invade Iraq without being attacked first, we can invade some cave in Pakastan, Afganistan or wherever, and capture Osama.
1. To bring him to justice.
2. To make us safer.
#1 is great. Like any mass murder, he needs to be brought to justice.
#2 almost worries me though. Any captured/dead terrorist leader can be replaced immediately. I hope we do not get complacent if Bin Laden is captured. Because the world will not be one bit safer.
umm...so we "know" where is he is, but won't do anything about it...? interesting, care to expand on this...? Because if we "know" where he is, isn't bush failing in bringing him to justice...?
Seriously... as long as Bin Laden in on the run and we keep on giving Pakistan's leaders money and weapons... why should they capture him? As soon as they do... and turn him over to us... the money and weapons flow ends. If you were in their shoes... would you capture him and put an end to the gravy train?
Hail, Hail!!!
You sound like you hate the American 'Left' more than the terrorists.
Hail, Hail!!!
With the constant attacks in Iraq, the whole middle east area, and the bombing at the US Embassy in Syria, you really think he has no base of operations. This whole thing is over your head. He does need to be caught, but I don't believe the Saudis will allow Georgie Boy to finish the job
I'm halfway serious.
i cant wait to see the right wingers blame clinto for this one? or whatever bullshit they will conjure up to reassure them that Mr Bush is a warrior president that is almighty when it comes to their security
they can tell what kind of creamer is in my coffee using a satelite from hawaii, but they cant find a 6'5 arab with a dialysis machine? i call bullshit
Untill their will grows tired
That is one of the most hilarious things I've read in awhile!
Sad but true
Untill their will grows tired
I second your call for bullshit, and that post is priceless
Why is EVERYTHING politicized? Why is EVERYTHING broken down to moronic American politics?
It has nothing to do with the American 'Left' and everything to do with the ones 'looking for' Bin Laden. Pakistan is a Muslim nation... Pakistanis name their sons, Usama. The President of Pakistan may want to capture Bin Laden... maybe some of his gererals... but, do you seriously think the private who just named his first born son, Usama, is going to turn his ass in?
We are giving Pakistan's leadership money and weapons... the enemy of my enemy is my friend, right? Bin Laden was the enemy of the Soviet Union... Saddam Hussein was the enemy of Ayatollah Khomeini's Iran... maybe we need to LEARN something from past failures.
Hail, Hail!!!
Yeah, he's been punished enough. Now Bush doesn't have to mention him again until it's politically advantageous.
I think Osama Bin Laden could live in the biggest house in Saudi Arabia with a big red and white target surrounding it as a yard and they wouldn't let us touch him still, and the administration would agree.
And don't you think the Right would be psyched to having reeled him in during Dubbya's reign? They would have a great possibility of getting another Republican voted again in '08 if they pulled that one off...
You do have a point - I'm not suggesting the political tactics of either side leave me feeling cozy at night
Bin Laden is captured and it skyrockets Bush's image
You cannot deny this
This is going to happen in the next couple of years - captured or killed I believe and Bush will go down as the most hated president in history ( home and abroad) and as one of the most prolific war-time presidents in history(whether you like it or not)
Deal with it -
Untill their will grows tired
What do you mean by "prolific", that he waged the most war?
He did wage the war in Iraq, but the war in Afghanistan was reactionary by all definitions I can conjure up
But to answer you question, no. I believe if the capture / kill of Bin Laden took place during his term you would have to capture the following events and list them as follows -
After US is attacked on 9/11
Khalid Sheik Mohammed
Sadamm Hussein
Uday & Qusay
Osama Bin Laden
All either blown to pieces / overthrown / captured or killed
Yes , that would qualify the man as a prolific war-time president
Untill their will grows tired
are you saying bush is soley responsible for all of the above....?
I wonder if you blame him for 9/11...after all he was "in charge" on that day...would you agree...
or are we cherry-picking again...?
Fair Point - but a little dis-ingenious, I think
Of course I'm not saying he's solely responsible - If I were - I would also be saying he's responsible for NOT getting Bin Laden - but you know as well as I do that ultimatley all of the above will land in his legacy - that's what we were discussing ............if you forgot that - I suggest you backspace a few times
Untill their will grows tired
bill clinton is responsable for 9/11. he ignored the first attack; he ignored the warnings from those who told him another attack was inevitable and also how it might be carried out; and he ignored the threats from the attackers. if that doesn't lay the blame squarely on his shoulders; then no one is to blame. call it an act of God.
whom in the administration agreed??? maybe he's already captured and hidden away until towards the end of bushs term. maybe he's dead and frozen waiting until then. you know how the board likes conspiracies.
I think any sane person knows that Clinton's weak-ass foreign policy left a big plate of unfinished-business for Bush to clean up
Untill their will grows tired
counting you that makes 2 sane people on the board!!!
lol....well at least I've got company
Untill their will grows tired
I guess that means that George H.W. Bush is responsible for the first attack on the World Trade Center in early 1993.
I don't remember Clinton ignoring that first attack. The people responsible are in prison for life as far as I know. That's where Bin Laden should be but Bush2 just let him go free, just like he let the Bin Laden family fly out of the country when the second WTC attack happened.