We'll see. To do that, Republicans working with Obama will have to acknowledge that A) Obama is a bipartisan president, and that Obama is THE PRESIDENT. He's the guy in charge. And every time Republicans agree to work with him, they'd be admitting those two things in public constantly, whether in word or deed. I'm hoping they do, because it'll be good for the country, but I don't know if they do, because they're going to want to run for the White House in four years. I'm hoping they're willing to put their country before their party, and I'm hoping that Obama continues the bipartisan message he has used throughout the campaign.
I think the hatred was there from the beginning...I think it never changed due to the screw ups, but plenty of people were pissed complaining about the direction of the country, etc before he ever set foot in the white house.
And those people were correct. He fucked up monumentually and repeatedly.
And many people are not happy with the direction Obama will be taking this country, it's natural for them to be upset. People say that they have to wait and see him screw up first, but for people that disagree with the road he is even about to walk down don't need to see where it leads, they want him to take a different road.
All I'm saying is I understand why some people are happy and some people are pissed, and I don't think anyone needs to wait to say what they feel RIGHT now.
Awesome post. I'm totally with you.
"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." ~ Niels Bohr
I am giving him a chance, and not just 100 days or whatever. Like Mc Cain I will back him as president-and yes the last at least 4 years have been tough.
I hope and expect he will become more centrist.
While we are at it...
How about laying off the "Southern" bullshit-not on this thread but saw it on another. It is not reasonable to suggest that living below the Mason-Dixon line makes you a knuckle dragging racist homophobe who watches nascar and fucks his sister, now is it?
BTW I lived in the midwest ,and where I was well....needed help.Let's just say that it was four cities, and "they" lived on "the other side of the river"
I bought a hood for an old car from a friend of my asst mgr-and went to "the other side of the river" to get it. I actually heard about it from some employees and customers. ..but I do not label northerners as bigots.
Why? Bush didn't attempt to become more centrist. Just deal with the fact that an overwhelming majority of Americans voted for a 'liberal'.
Regarding the generalisations about the southern states. It has value. Of course people aren't talking in absolutes -sure there are plenty of informed people there-its just there are fuck loads more ignorant assholes there as well. Whether you want to look a social attitudes, human rights or understanding of global issues those regions have always been the most resistant and problematic throughout American History.
All you right wingers are hating already. Why don't you give him at least 100 days? Why start off with negative hate already?
Obviously the 8 years hasn't worked. I understand the hate during the campaign. But the election is now over. The country decided to go in a new direction. Why not wait to see what happens?
If things get worse, continue hating but Obama isn't even in office yet and so many of you are doom and gloom predictors.
Take a deep breath, chill out and see what happens. You don't know the future so relax and let it happen.
I really don't get the sentiment that the last 8 years hasn't worked. What exactly are you complaining about? The unprecendented proseperity, or the lack of a terrorist attack on this nation since '01 (after Clinton failed to dispose of Bin Laden not once but at least THREE TIMES?)
There's plenty of room to criticize W, we all can agree there, but it's not like y'all are living in poverty or anything, unless you made the choice yourself.
There's enough blame to go around for both parties over our present financial system. Things are not so swell right now. Regardless of who won, there is a sense of urgency by the folks to take back control of our country. No matter who won.
Quitcherbitchin', it's gonna be a long four years, it's not like McCain would be getting a pass from anyone right now. Why not join us in taking back control of our country, instead of blindly forfeiting yours to the next dictator? It's up to us, not them.
lefties are already making excuses for this guy. It's our job to be critical, all of us, so let's get it on!
And lefties have far more hate than righties, FACT. Wanna get us started there? get over it and move on. He's gonna get heat, and plenty 'o.
The negativity from the right about Obama is laughable! This country has gone into the toilet under their administration. We are more hated than ever by other countries...more reckless than ever with our money and we are fighting two wars...one bullshit and one half assed.
Then your party ran a hate mongering...fear mongering...divisive based campaign. Well guess what? We the people have spoken...LOUDLEY! We no longer want what your "old fashioned" broken party has to offer!
Tuesday...November 4th was an incredible day in American history and World history!
Did you not see the celebrating going on Worldwide? Grant Park? in many cities across America? I have never seen anything like that in my 37 years on this earth. I have never felt that type of overwhelming emotion that I did as I attended an election party with both Republicans and Democrates (not a dry eye in the place).
This man is clearly a "people mover"...give him a chance. It's time to turn the page!
"Had my eyes peeled both wide open, and I got a glimpse...of my innocense, got back my inner sence, baby got it...still got it"
Why? Bush didn't attempt to become more centrist. Just deal with the fact that an overwhelming majority of Americans voted for a 'liberal'.
Regarding the generalisations about the southern states. It has value. Of course people aren't talking in absolutes -sure there are plenty of informed people there-its just there are fuck loads more ignorant assholes there as well. Whether you want to look a social attitudes, human rights or understanding of global issues those regions have always been the most resistant and problematic throughout American History.
this is so much crap I don't even know where to begin. I've been all over this country, and you're only barely trying to disguise yor leftie hate and ignorance.
New Yorkers and Californians are so "sophisticated" Paaalease, how smug and condescending.
The negativity from the right about Obama is laughable! This country has gone into the toilet under their administration. We are more hated than ever by other countries...more reckless than ever with our money and we are fighting two wars...one bullshit and one half assed.
Then your party ran a hate mongering...fear mongering...divisive based campaign. Well guess what? We the people have spoken...LOUDLEY! We no longer want what your "old fashioned" broken party has to offer!
Tuesday...November 4th was an incredible day in American history and World history!
Did you not see the celebrating going on Worldwide? Grant Park? in many cities across America? I have never seen anything like that in my 37 years on this earth. I have never felt that type of overwhelming emotion that I did as I attended an election party with both Republicans and Democrates (not a dry eye in the place).
This man is clearly a "people mover"...give him a chance. It's time to turn the page!
you live in a state that has almost bankrupt because of the failed policies of liberalism, and you still blame W. just ignorant.
I really can;t stand ppl from Jersey, Cali, Mass, telling us how the last admin. hasn't worked, when your bastions of liberalism are screwing you left and right.
Ok c'mon now...me thinks you are forgetting the extreme hate from the left for W and all things republican.
You seem to forget, I am sure because it was a long long time ago, but this country, or the liberals, didn't really start hammering against GW until he gave us all good reason to do so regarding the way he handled things in office.
The election is over. Sure, be unhappy if you want. But you'll need to get over that and go on with life.
If this is any consolation, the "worst president" bar has been buried so far deep in the ground by our current administration, that it will be virtually impossible for anyone to ever be as bad as GW. So, we've ALL got that going for us now.
You seem to forget, I am sure because it was a long long time ago, but this country, or the liberals, didn't really start hammering against GW until he gave us all good reason to do so regarding the way he handled things in office.
The election is over. Sure, be unhappy if you want. But you'll need to get over that and go on with life.
If this is any consolation, the "worst president" bar has been buried so far deep in the ground by our current administration, that it will be virtually impossible for anyone to ever be as bad as GW. So, we've ALL got that going for us now.
wrong, historians have W as about the 18th best president. Sorry, be a little more specific in your critcism, saying W was the W.O.A.T. is more than slitely stoopid.
I just think the "mandate term" is completely and utterly ridiculous. Win 66.6% and you can maybe entertain the idea of a mandate.
Obama's only mandate is he needs to work with both parties, if he doesn't, nothing will change, and he'll lose a lot of the votes he picked up in 2012...like mine.
Wow, you have already decided that you will not be voting for him in 4 years - when his administration hasn't even taken over the White House yet.
wrong, historians have W as about the 18th best president. Sorry, be a little more specific in your critcism, saying W was the W.O.A.T. is more than slitely stoopid.
Can you show some offical collective historian report that states this? And, what is W.O.A.T.?
And those people were correct. He fucked up monumentually and repeatedly.
You know it. I truly wish I could say now, or even 4 or so years ago that all of our fears were unfounded. But, unfortunately, GW far surpassed our worst fears.
I really don't get the sentiment that the last 8 years hasn't worked. What exactly are you complaining about? The unprecendented proseperity, or the lack of a terrorist attack on this nation since '01 (after Clinton failed to dispose of Bin Laden not once but at least THREE TIMES?)
There's plenty of room to criticize W, we all can agree there, but it's not like y'all are living in poverty or anything, unless you made the choice yourself.
There's enough blame to go around for both parties over our present financial system. Things are not so swell right now. Regardless of who won, there is a sense of urgency by the folks to take back control of our country. No matter who won.
Quitcherbitchin', it's gonna be a long four years, it's not like McCain would be getting a pass from anyone right now. Why not join us in taking back control of our country, instead of blindly forfeiting yours to the next dictator? It's up to us, not them.
lefties are already making excuses for this guy. It's our job to be critical, all of us, so let's get it on!
And lefties have far more hate than righties, FACT. Wanna get us started there? get over it and move on. He's gonna get heat, and plenty 'o.
This is so much crap I don't even know where to begin.
you live in a state that has almost bankrupt because of the failed policies of liberalism, and you still blame W. just ignorant.
I really can;t stand ppl from Jersey, Cali, Mass, telling us how the last admin. hasn't worked, when your bastions of liberalism are screwing you left and right.
Oh...you must be talking about our Liberal Governor Arnold Scharzenegger(R)...who has decided that Indian gaming is more impotant than our educational system.
He has completely hacked our educational budget. SAD!
"Had my eyes peeled both wide open, and I got a glimpse...of my innocense, got back my inner sence, baby got it...still got it"
Ok c'mon now...me thinks you are forgetting the extreme hate from the left for W and all things republican.
The fact is, when the party you agree with is not in power, you end up not being happy and you end up being negative towards the "other guy"...hell, you just spent 8 years being that way, you'd think you'd remember.
and people complaining about the "booing" at the mccain concession speech...this is common at ALL concession speeches. i'm not saying it's classy, but if you're gonna throw stones...
politics bring out the best in people. (as seen on this message board and especially during this glorious election season. )
Oh...you must be talking about our Liberal Governor Arnold Scharzenegger(R)...who has decided that Indian gaming is more impotant than our educational system.
He has completly hacked our educational budget. SAD!
You don't remeber Grey Davis (Dem), you know, the guy who f-ed so bad that he was actually recalled mid-term? I still don't know exactly how bad you have to screw the pooch to get broken off like that. That's just hilarious.
How about the fact that the state house and congress are, and have been, controlled by Dems?
Arnold's performance has been lackluster lately, for sure, but I think you're missing the big picture and ignoring some very recent history.
I grew up in Cali, Dems have been fucking up that state for years.
I voted for McCain. He lost. Now it is time to see how President elect Obama will do. I hope he does a great job. I think it sucks for people to be trashing him before he's done anything as President.
who's hating? everyone i know, myself included, wish nothing but the best for obama. we all hope he turns out to be the best president ever. why wouldn't we want him to succeed? why would we want the leader of our country to fail? that makes no sense. and as far as giving him 100 days or 1 year....no, i'll give him his first term. when the '12 election rolls around, i'll evaluate and decide who gets my vote...just like any other year.
You don't remeber Grey Davis (Dem), you know, the guy who f-ed so bad that he was actually recalled mid-term? I still don't know exactly how bad you have to screw the pooch to get broken off like that. That's just hilarious.
How about the fact that the state house and congress are, and have been, controlled by Dems?
Arnold's performance has been lackluster lately, for sure, but I think you're missing the big picture and ignoring some very recent history.
I grew up in Cali, Dems have been fucking up that state for years.
Of course I remember Davis...he did some good things...including in the educational field. He really fucked up with the electricity crisis...and Californians were pissed and needed a "fall guy". He may or may not have deserved it...but that's an argument for another day.
Yes...we have both Senate seats (Boxer and Feinstien) but I just wanted to make sure we were on the same page as far as the main player in California.
"Had my eyes peeled both wide open, and I got a glimpse...of my innocense, got back my inner sence, baby got it...still got it"
Of course I remember Davis...he did some good things...including in the educational field. He really fucked up with the electricity crisis...and Californians were pissed and needed a "fall guy". He may or may not have deserved it...but that's an argument for another day.
Yes...we have both Senate seats (Boxer and Feinstien) but I just wanted to make sure we were on the same page as far as the main player in California.
the main player is the senate, you're blaming the coach because the players on the field can't get the job done. Certainly worth SOME merit, but perspective.
Ok c'mon now...me thinks you are forgetting the extreme hate from the left for W and all things republican.
The fact is, when the party you agree with is not in power, you end up not being happy and you end up being negative towards the "other guy"...hell, you just spent 8 years being that way, you'd think you'd remember.
That is not entirely true.
In 2000, there was the squabble over the Florida debacle... and the politicians were in a huff... but the average citizen who voted for Gore wasn't.
And yeah... in 2004, there was extreme hatred because we have had 4 years of Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Ashcroft and Rice as proof.
Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
Hail, Hail!!!
the main player is the senate, you're blaming the coach because the players on the field can't get the job done. Certainly worth SOME merit, but perspective.
And Davis had far more problems than power.
It's all very arguable of course. At least we can have an healthy and intelligent conversation instead of mud slinging and name calling.
I could say that Pete Wilson benefited greatly budget wise by the dot com boom in the 90's and not so much because of his own wisdom.
I don't think it's realistic to expect anybody to run a flawless term.
"Had my eyes peeled both wide open, and I got a glimpse...of my innocense, got back my inner sence, baby got it...still got it"
We'll see. To do that, Republicans working with Obama will have to acknowledge that A) Obama is a bipartisan president, and
And those people were correct. He fucked up monumentually and repeatedly.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
I hope and expect he will become more centrist.
While we are at it...
How about laying off the "Southern" bullshit-not on this thread but saw it on another. It is not reasonable to suggest that living below the Mason-Dixon line makes you a knuckle dragging racist homophobe who watches nascar and fucks his sister, now is it?
BTW I lived in the midwest ,and where I was well....needed help.Let's just say that it was four cities, and "they" lived on "the other side of the river"
I bought a hood for an old car from a friend of my asst mgr-and went to "the other side of the river" to get it. I actually heard about it from some employees and customers. ..but I do not label northerners as bigots.
Why? Bush didn't attempt to become more centrist. Just deal with the fact that an overwhelming majority of Americans voted for a 'liberal'.
Regarding the generalisations about the southern states. It has value. Of course people aren't talking in absolutes -sure there are plenty of informed people there-its just there are fuck loads more ignorant assholes there as well. Whether you want to look a social attitudes, human rights or understanding of global issues those regions have always been the most resistant and problematic throughout American History.
I really don't get the sentiment that the last 8 years hasn't worked. What exactly are you complaining about? The unprecendented proseperity, or the lack of a terrorist attack on this nation since '01 (after Clinton failed to dispose of Bin Laden not once but at least THREE TIMES?)
There's plenty of room to criticize W, we all can agree there, but it's not like y'all are living in poverty or anything, unless you made the choice yourself.
There's enough blame to go around for both parties over our present financial system. Things are not so swell right now. Regardless of who won, there is a sense of urgency by the folks to take back control of our country. No matter who won.
Quitcherbitchin', it's gonna be a long four years, it's not like McCain would be getting a pass from anyone right now. Why not join us in taking back control of our country, instead of blindly forfeiting yours to the next dictator? It's up to us, not them.
lefties are already making excuses for this guy. It's our job to be critical, all of us, so let's get it on!
And lefties have far more hate than righties, FACT. Wanna get us started there? get over it and move on. He's gonna get heat, and plenty 'o.
Then your party ran a hate mongering...fear mongering...divisive based campaign. Well guess what? We the people have spoken...LOUDLEY! We no longer want what your "old fashioned" broken party has to offer!
Tuesday...November 4th was an incredible day in American history and World history!
Did you not see the celebrating going on Worldwide? Grant Park? in many cities across America? I have never seen anything like that in my 37 years on this earth. I have never felt that type of overwhelming emotion that I did as I attended an election party with both Republicans and Democrates (not a dry eye in the place).
This man is clearly a "people mover"...give him a chance. It's time to turn the page!
this is so much crap I don't even know where to begin. I've been all over this country, and you're only barely trying to disguise yor leftie hate and ignorance.
New Yorkers and Californians are so "sophisticated" Paaalease, how smug and condescending.
you live in a state that has almost bankrupt because of the failed policies of liberalism, and you still blame W. just ignorant.
I really can;t stand ppl from Jersey, Cali, Mass, telling us how the last admin. hasn't worked, when your bastions of liberalism are screwing you left and right.
The election is over. Sure, be unhappy if you want. But you'll need to get over that and go on with life.
If this is any consolation, the "worst president" bar has been buried so far deep in the ground by our current administration, that it will be virtually impossible for anyone to ever be as bad as GW. So, we've ALL got that going for us now.
wrong, historians have W as about the 18th best president. Sorry, be a little more specific in your critcism, saying W was the W.O.A.T. is more than slitely stoopid.
Settle down.
That’s a step in the right direction.
Oh...you must be talking about our Liberal Governor Arnold Scharzenegger(R)...who has decided that Indian gaming is more impotant than our educational system.
He has completely hacked our educational budget. SAD!
and people complaining about the "booing" at the mccain concession speech...this is common at ALL concession speeches. i'm not saying it's classy, but if you're gonna throw stones...
politics bring out the best in people. (as seen on this message board and especially during this glorious election season.
I have my problems with Bush and here they are:
1. The NAU and the SPP (but then again, Clinton was the one who enacted NAFTA)
2. The handling of Iraq, probably didn't need an all out war, and the handling thereof had been pretty miserable until the surge (McCain)
3. He hasn't been especially kind to small farmers
4. His willingness to expand the powers of the presidency
I voted for Kerry in '04 largely on these basis.
But all the lefties here are acting like their life is ruined because of W, and that's just rediculous. Care to debate that?
You don't remeber Grey Davis (Dem), you know, the guy who f-ed so bad that he was actually recalled mid-term? I still don't know exactly how bad you have to screw the pooch to get broken off like that. That's just hilarious.
How about the fact that the state house and congress are, and have been, controlled by Dems?
Arnold's performance has been lackluster lately, for sure, but I think you're missing the big picture and ignoring some very recent history.
I grew up in Cali, Dems have been fucking up that state for years.
thanks for correcting me there, in a hurry to get it out there.
Good show.
go ahead, I got you.
Yeah, your thoughtful analysis of his presidency matters WAY more.
Of course I remember Davis...he did some good things...including in the educational field. He really fucked up with the electricity crisis...and Californians were pissed and needed a "fall guy". He may or may not have deserved it...but that's an argument for another day.
Yes...we have both Senate seats (Boxer and Feinstien) but I just wanted to make sure we were on the same page as far as the main player in California.
the main player is the senate, you're blaming the coach because the players on the field can't get the job done. Certainly worth SOME merit, but perspective.
And Davis had far more problems than power.
That is not entirely true.
In 2000, there was the squabble over the Florida debacle... and the politicians were in a huff... but the average citizen who voted for Gore wasn't.
And yeah... in 2004, there was extreme hatred because we have had 4 years of Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Ashcroft and Rice as proof.
Hail, Hail!!!
It's all very arguable of course. At least we can have an healthy and intelligent conversation instead of mud slinging and name calling.
I could say that Pete Wilson benefited greatly budget wise by the dot com boom in the 90's and not so much because of his own wisdom.
I don't think it's realistic to expect anybody to run a flawless term.