Should The Pope Be Killed?

Muslim extremist leader Anjem Choudary said during a protest outside Westminster Cathedral that those who insulted Islam would be "subject to capital punishment". The other day a nun was shot dead in Somalia by Islamic gunmen and churches came under attack in Palestine.
As well as signs attacking the Pope such as "Pope go to Hell", his followers outside the country's principal Roman Catholic church also waved slogans such as "Jesus is the slave of Allah".
What do you guys think? Should the Pope be killed for quoting a medieval emperor who said Mohammed was "evil and inhuman"? These Muslim extremist are in the same boat as KKK members and the "God hates Fags" group in my mind.
As well as signs attacking the Pope such as "Pope go to Hell", his followers outside the country's principal Roman Catholic church also waved slogans such as "Jesus is the slave of Allah".
What do you guys think? Should the Pope be killed for quoting a medieval emperor who said Mohammed was "evil and inhuman"? These Muslim extremist are in the same boat as KKK members and the "God hates Fags" group in my mind.
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What was his earlier stance? Open-minded tolerance of other religions?
that is all he did
he should not have as this was the obvious outcome
but they are not his words.
Hail, Hail!!!
I don't know, dude. I agree that not provoking crazy fucks is a good thing. The fact that said fucks are so crazy is problematic, though. The reaction to the Pope is a symptom of sick fuckery, not a cause.
That's a good question. I meant by my comment, that his remarks tonight were far less overt than his tirade against the Pope, outside Westminister Cathedral. He's good at shouting in the street, but put on the spot, he starts playing with semantics.
He was, reportedly, an acid-tripping, joint-smoking, cider-drinking medical student, at Southampton University. He liked to be called Andy. After conversion (or rebirth, or whatever), he'd appear on the talk radio circuit, spreading his opinions, but wasn't anywhere as extreme as he's become recently.
It's sort of like pissing on a hornet's nest... if you see some dude do it and get his ass and dick stung by a swarm of the crazy hornet fucks... "Don't Piss On Hornet's Nests" should be the lesson you take away from this observation, right?
I haven't gotten the full story of the Pope's remarks and the context they were given... possibly a better forum would have been in his face to face open discussion about religions with other Muslim and Jewish religious leaders.
Hail, Hail!!!
Why? That is the most ignorant statement i've ever read.
Yeah, because they were successful they deserve to die.
When to smile and just what to say
They say have your own fun...
Need vinyl, doggs.
You would rather listen to news sources which are owned and operated by the very rich, for the benefit for the very rich, watch television shows owned by the very rich for the benefit of the very rich, involve yourself in an education system that is run, benefits, and is increasingly owned by the very rich, then claim that I am ignorant. hmm...
old music:
These Muslims who are freaking out and speaking out in death threats, are blithering morons. They are ignorant fools of the worst kind.
Anjem Choudary is dumber than a doorknob on swinging doors.
This quote: " ........those who insulted Islam would be "subject to capital punishment". is by far the most barbaric, mindless and hateful comment I have ever seen. That quote says it all about the mentality of these freaks.
Words are words. It's unimaginable and dispicable that anyone thinks they have the right to kill someone else over some fuckin' words. Only ignorant arrogance and self-righteousness could think so.
I find it equally disgusting anyone should try to twist and spin this around and blame the moronic Pope for the ignorant actions of a group of people who are bigger morons than the Pope.
No, he should not.
The one's who should step down are the ignorant morons calling for his death and the death of anyone who insults Islam. They should be forced out of whatever position they fill, by the intelligent and peaceful Muslims of the world.
What a bunch of vile pieces of shit these people are. These fuckers insult anyone, everyone and everything, on a daily basis. But their ridiculous Islam religion is off limits? Fuck them!
Fuck Islam!
Fuck Muslims!
Fuck Mohammed!!
Mohammed was a pig fucker!
Oh my, look what I said. Goodness gracious.......I should be careful, they'll be blowing up my car:rolleyes:
You got that right.
Anyone remember Salmon Rushdie? A million dollar bounty placed on his head by Ayatollah Khomeni (a Shi'ite... as in the Shi'ites we are helping to gain control of Iraq, Shi'ites)... for the capital offense of...
Writing a book.
Hail, Hail!!!
Of course the pope shouldn't be killed. And doesn't history tell us that muhammed was somewhat violent?
~Ron Burgundy
He taught that infidels or people who don't follow their interpretation of Islam word for word should be put to death.
Personally I could give a shit. The pope is a bigot IMO and so was Kuttup (sp?). I don't think the Pope should be killed, I don't think he should even be pope or such a thing should even exist.
The pope can worry about what his country "The Vatican" is doing and in the words of O'Reilly "just shut up" about what others are doing.
And I try to make this kind and clear
Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
Cuz I don't need boxes wrapped in strings
And desire and love and empty things
Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
Stop by:
I just want to be on record as saying that I don't think the Pope should be killed.
And I try to make this kind and clear
Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
Cuz I don't need boxes wrapped in strings
And desire and love and empty things
Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
Very true.
Go Cubs!
On this board we need more people like to come forward so we can stop wondering.
Too bad the pope doesn't do the same. Like increasing tolerance for homosexuality and abortion. Or just stop commenting on it, that would be nice too.
Step down ? for what ? The muslims have just proved him right. Theyre not happy with some words and resort straight to violence, fuck them.
Yeah I say kill them all too. Who needs medicine, food, energy, the ability to communicate, and all the other wonderful things that people have created through their businesses.
mate what is wrong with you because a hand full of musliims it still pales to what we have and still do to them i am an aussie and i just happen to have a couple of freands that are muslim thats that mean i should watch my back ? i dont think so they are just they same as us and just as upset about the current state of the world. dont deamonize them all because of the actions of a few!!!! who nows mate if you where bourn in there shoes you might have taken the same road!!!! the problem is we all think we are better then them but we are not!!!! yes thats right we are no better then enyone else!!!!!!!!! now it is one thing to say that but we have to learn how to act that way and maby there might be more understanding in the world. as for the pope he should not have said what he did , it would better if he steped down but i cant see him doing that . and he should not be killed there is allready to meany people dieing over stupid shit like this!!
I don't mean this is a personal attack on your choice of words. It seems to me that the intent of your statement was defamation of a religion. By using the phrase "the muslims" you are catagorizing the group and poisoning the cultural definition of the term. Essentially saying all muslims are like them.
A fellow I work with feels the same way. I've failed at persuading him otherwise. But consider this.
Terrorism has been happening for centuries. Since the dawn of civilization. Only in recent history have Terrorists been typically Arabic. This is also evident in movies of the era. They used to use Russians, Germans and Japanese as international terrorists in movies. All those movies about plane hijackings were probably Cuban. The republican power has shifted our understanding. Causing us to believe there is a centralized network of terrorist masterminds. Something you might see in a movie. But it's not, it's a bunch of small groups with passionate agendas that feel they need to resort to violence and justify it by their obscure interpretation of their religious text. With consideration for the political propaganda resident in their state. The Chinese don't even know what the Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 were. A search on google produces no results of the tank man or the protest at all. Three pages of families taking pictures at the square on vacation. We are in the middle of an information war. The internet is our only weapon. Thankfully unfiltered. I consider information not given by a state equally or more important.
I say to myself I'm not going to catagorize people into ethnicity, religion or anything else like that. I think all religion is corrupt, they all have political agendas they justify with faith. But faith doesn't mean anything to an atheist, that's my struggle. I can't live a life without god, because in concept god is all around me and influences me. So, I guess what I mean is. My life is drastically different than yours, our perspectives vastly different and someone who was born in Palestine, Syria, Iran, Lebanon, Israel, etc.. will have a supremely different life and perspective of the world than us. That's why tolerance is important. The pope criticized Canada for allowing abortion and homosexual marriage. Now he criticizes Islam at a critical point in world politics. Right now they are under the microscope and feeling the pressure aswell. This only serves to increase tension. We are reaching a point where I think we might have a world war if people don't relax. The western world is powerful but the eastern world is no slouch either.
Anyway, I'll stop now. Cheers.