Hugo Chavez

Pretty funny, eh? "The Devil was here yesterday, I can still smell the sulfur in the air." He was trying to be funny and it is. And strangely accurate. Bush is The Devil.
"Feel it rising, yeah next stop falling!"
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Post edited by Unknown User on
dude, no he's not, Chenney is.
Can you see me now
I am myself
Like you somehow
I'll ride the wave
Where it takes me
I'll hold the pain
Release me
If you hate this country, what it stands for, our President, and defend a pig like Chavez, an idiot like Chavez, and more of a devil than Bush can ever be, Fidel...why do you remain here in the U.S.? Why not move to Venezuela where everything is peachy keen? Where you can live under the ideals of a man you so respect?
Why not move to Cuba? Share in the Revolutionary beliefs and enjoy that communist regime you so admire?
Please someone reply without using the customary..."You soo stupid" or "What the hell you talkin' bout?" or the always common "well, ,just because".
Of those of you who are always dissing this "Imperialistic" country, why don;t you just leave?
we don't hate our country, we love our country and we believe it's worth fighting for and unlike the current administation can withstand a little criticism. In my view the "I'd rather have a nazi state" types like you are the ones that hate America. You are enemies of freedom because you stand behind "leadership" that seek to limit freedoms.
Just because I am ashamed of my countries leadership and the Braindead sheeplike following that seems to follow it doesn't mean It can't be the great nation it was pre January 2001.
why don't you go to iraq? Apparently the type of democracy you want exists there.
Now explain why you think I would be classified as someone who prefers a "Nazi state"? I don't quite understand what you mean? Yes, I voted for Bush and consider myself a Republican, but I do not agree with all of Bush's policies.
How do I support leadership that limits freedoms? When I am dead set against Castro's and Chavez' leaderships? Explain that one. Because I have supported my president, I do not believe in freedom? Man and here I was thinking I would get an answer to my original question.
If you can compare Bush's policies to that of Hugo Chavez and Fidel Castro and honestly say that Bush is the worst of the three evils, you have serious issues. I will not be able to convince you to change your thought because obviously, you support dictators. If you love this country, no matter how much you hate Bush, there is no excuse to defen Chavez and all the disrespectful, rude remarks he made on our soil about our President.
But now again, I present the question. Why don't you leave and live in Venezuela or Cuba?
Protest is Patriotism
Now please someone answer the question! If you support Chavez or Fidel why don't you leave this country and go live in Venezuela or Cuba?
You support george w. bush
You support someone who supports Illegal wiretaps and holding people without charge or trial.
I didn't. That wasn't the root of your bullshit question. I believe the question was "why don't you shut the fuck up and support your corrupt government or leave?" At least that was the question I was answering
What America used to stand for is worth fighting for. Now I've answered it. I'm sorry you don't find the answer satisfactory.
"I hate my president, he's an ignorant fool. This country is a bully to the rest of the world. All we care about is putting our foot down the poor nation's of the worlds' throats. There is limited freedom in the U.S. Go Chavez, you said it. You are so smart, Hugo! Love ya!
Ok now, let me contradict myself. I love the U.S. I love this country. I think this country is wonderful, I can make money. I can go to concerts, protests, travel, and talk shit whenever I want. I can make a better life for myself. And yeah, I can also call my president the Devil and still live to talk more crap tomorrow.
Oh but wait, I forgot. I hate imperialists! I hate Bush. Go Chavez, Go Fidel! "
So you dont think the US is imperialistic?
You can disagree with this God for saken President all you want. That is not at all what I am saying if you took a moment to think before you type.
What I don't understand is that until you have lived in a country like Venezuela or Cuba, you cannot begin to have the intelligence to speak about lack of freedoms. Wiretapping? Holy shit! Unbelievable! How about indoctrination, having neighbors who spy on your every stinkin word you say and don't just use it as a tool to monitor you, but instead use it to have the gov't arrest you and worse execute you.
What I am saying is that this country has a lot of errors to correct, and our President has made too many mistakes now to correct. But you cannot defend a dictator like Chavez and then in the next breath, say that you love this country. It is senseless.
I bet you have lived in the U.S. all of your life? Am I right? Stupidcorporatewhore?
It's not a matter of whether or not I think this country is imperialistic.
It has been the same country even before Bush. We are living in different times, but even before this President, this country had their nose in other nation's business. That is undeniable.
My question stemmed from the fact that there are millions of people who reap the benefits of living in this country, imperialistic or not, and yet spend every second damning it. It is one thing to critisize and protest, fine. What gets me is defending dictators from other countries and taking their side. You are living here, in the U.S.
Chavez was democratically elected 6 times, he is not a dictator.
Yes he was democratically elected, once. Now speak to Venezuelans who have lived and breathed his government, and they will disagree with you about the rest. He has "fixed" 5 elections and will contibue to "fix" elections.
Now, Bush was democratically elected twice. But I am willing to say that you may not think so, right?
Well his first election was very questionable, dont you think?
This is the source of the problem. You are giving him the inch. Don't be suprised when he takes a mile. I'll let you say it again in your own words....
I feel that if we say the president is unilateral it's only a matter of time.
I didn't. please show me where I did.
I do
I have lived in a US colony my entire life.
No shit ... Kudos to everyone who is keeping the intellectual quality of the posts so high.
Don't be foolish ...
Seriously. There were a bunch of links posted in the other Chavez threads.
Oh sorry I forgot, you have all the answeres.
Well, are you here to actually learn something or not?
I never said that I had all the answers.
Look theres alot that has been written about Chavez. I cannot possibly make any conclusions on his goverment. A lot of people lost alot of money because of him so they will do evrything to descredit him. That means that i have to questions certain articles. Also there are many sources that back Chavez and I also question them. There are too many interest around this character making it very difficult for me too judge him. Maybe if I lived in Venezuela I might hve a better idea of the situation.
Bush IS NOT responsible for what is good in this country....this whole "dont like it then leave" mentality is very childish. The great thing about this country is that if you dont like what's going on you dont have to leave, you can do something about it, and DISCUSS it.
Agreed ... But unfavorable comparisons to places like Venezuela just invite the "love it or leave it" kind of response. It is easy to forget that Bush, for all his faults, has not succeeded in making the U.S. as politically or personally restrictive as countries governed by people like Chavez. Is Chavez allowed to criticize? Of course ... But that doesn't obscure the fact that he's still a dangerous man hiding behind a Socialist facade, and the fact that Bush is not a dictator, because the system won't permit it.
10. Concludes tense negotiations by dramatically asking, "Deal or no deal?"
9. Said Bush left behind smell of sulphur, when the smell is actually Old Spice and Milwaukee's Best
8. Opens every speech with a rousing, "Meeeeoooow!"
7. On flight over, watched all of Larry the Cable Guy movie
6. Son-of-a-bitch is eating tainted spinach like it's M&Ms
5. Told Geico he wasn't interested in saving 15% on car insurance
4. Despite security warnings, brought hair gel with him on airplane
3. 20-minute speech attacking Bush -- 30-minute speech praising Ventriloquist Week on the Late Show
2. Referred to his home country only as "Funkytown"
1. For some reason, called Bush the devil instead of Cheney
That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
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Since when? Who said this, besides liberals trying to rationalize their actions?