A Question for War Supporters

I have an honest question to ask anyone who supports the US led occupation of Iraq, especially thouse who do believe we need to "stay the course".
Given that the situation has deteriorated so badly and that the US military is now stretched so thin, why would you not enlist your services? What speaks against your doing so if you support these actions and want to see "good" prevail?
Given that the situation has deteriorated so badly and that the US military is now stretched so thin, why would you not enlist your services? What speaks against your doing so if you support these actions and want to see "good" prevail?
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Post edited by Unknown User on
It already has - the only difference being that Sadaam had power, whereas the present incumbents haven't got a fucking clue. Anaylsts agree that the situation in Iraq today is worse than it was under Sadaam regarding violence and torture.
With all of your un-biased infinite knowledge and wisdom - why don't you address the above point: That leaving Iraq would just create an oportunity for terrorist and Islamic extremist to gain control and resources of a nation-state, and use that as a platform to strengthen their ranks and launch more attacks against the west. Can you answer that please?
Your point is sheer hypothesis. All I'll say on the matter is: Your Government created the mess. Now deal with it.
I never said that they should enlist. I only want to know why they would not want to enlist. If you feel that it is necessary and/or possible to win this war, I'm just curious as to why people would choose to stay on the sidelines while others risk their lives for the cause.
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That's a fantastic answer. Here's a follow-up for you. Why would Iraq NOT become a safe-haven and base for terrorist if we left? What indicates that terrorist and Islamic extremist would not want to be in Iraq if we left? As people like to point out, they weren't there until we showed up. If we left, do you think they would to? Do you think they have no interest in the future of that country?
It's not just sheer hypothesis when it is a stated goal of the extremists. It also seems pretty easy for you to ignore the alignment and sacrifices of your own citizens.
1998 Seattle 7-21
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You seem to not understand that you are fighting a popular uprising. Sure, there are factions there fighting amongst themselves. Ultimately though, Americans are not wanted in Iraq. You can pretend that you are fighting Al Queda there if you like. You can even pretend that every Iraqi that fights the American occupation is a terrorist. The fact is, you need to get out. If your worried about them building nuclear weapons when you leave then use your satellites to spy on them. The same ones that Colin Powell used before the invasion to convince the public that a lorry was a weapon of mass destruction and a threat to America. You make it sound like obtaining a nuclear weapon is as simple as buying a colt 45 at your local hardware store.
I think we should get out and let them have a civil war. Not before stealing their oil though so i can fill up my big SUV...
it just amazes me how people from other countries seem to know exactly what is going on in America.
absolutely no democracy to speak of? wow those are bold words.
I'm not ignoring the alignment of Tony Balir and a couple of others within the British Goverment with the Bush Administration. I understand perfectly well that Blair has reduced this country to a poodle of the U.S. However, the power, and influence lays on your side of the pond. Hence my aiming the brunt of my criticism westwards.
It's called education. Try it sometime.
We already HAD something like this happen - it was called the Vietnam war. And it didn't do much to solve the corruption in our Government. An speaking of Gov'ts that need complete overhauls, how's the Queen these days? I'm sure I don't have to remind you about Tony Blair's involvement in supporting the war in Iraq and the blood on your Gov't hands. It's pointless to insult eachother's respective countries - Iraq is a mess and needs to be fixed. Do you have any suggestions besides anarchy to fix it? THAT would be a good thread. This one is pointless.
Probably because of the same reason you don't go to Iraq to fight against us.
I don't think anybody is prentending that we are fighting Al Qaida in Iraq. I'm pretty sure that is really happening. I also don't think anybody is prentending that every Iraqi who fights the American occupation is a terrorist either.
Who said anything about nuclear weapons? Is that your best attempt to answer my questions? You're a detriment to your own side my friend.
That is a good thing...
they are doing that already even as we are there. all we are doing is providing more boots on the ground and some level of security. they are fighting each other. is a sunni saying....Look at that damn american, I'm gonna go blow up a shiite!
leaving today would send the country into further turmoil. thats a bad thing. there have to be timelines set based on goals set and accomplished
Even if that leads to another regime the likes of Mullah controlled Iran, Sharia law of Saudi Arabia, another dictator like Mubarak, Assad or Saddam, a puppet state of Iran like lebanon or the former Taliban regime in Afghanistan? Would that be acceptable to you if that happened?
The fact of the matter is this... Everybody has interest in Iraq, not just the U.S. Iran wants to influence the direction of the country and so do Islamic fundamentalist. What TRUE Iraqi citizens want will not happen unless order is restored, becuase they are too fragmented and hold little military power to determine their own destiny. For better or worse, the U.S. represents the interest of all freedom-loving, democratic nations of the world. We have been the only group out of all the different factions in Iraq that has tried to create peace, hold elections so the voice of Iraqi's could be heard and realized. Why is it that WE are the ones who need to leave and forfeit our influence? Should we be so niave as to think that if the U.S. would give up our interest that so would Iran, Syria and other Islamic fundamentalist?
DeLukin did.
you said it alot better then I did. i'm not awake yet. long night last night.
IMO, your kids and all of our kids are less safer because of the war in the first place. We have alienated and made more enemies now than we had when Saddam was in power. Though I disagree with the war, I am happy Saddam is no longer in power, I just hope America can clean up their mess.
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Well thought out and stated my friend, that is why three members of my family have contributed.
1998 Seattle 7-21
2000 Seattle 11-06
2003 Seattle Benaroya 10-22
2005 Gorge 9-1
2006 Gorge 7-23
No they are not.. they are resisting the government we designed for them and our presence.
Why do you think that our imposed government is what they want.. We have chosen a side to protect. Obviously they are not happy with it.
the conclusion that they are stupid and violent is designed to cover up the fact that we created this mess.
I would be happy if we left. There already is an Iran and all the other groups you mention. If Iraq becomes a threat - we have ways of dealing with it.
as of now, all we are doing is maintaining and contributing to violence and division.
we can agree to disagree.
i thought the fight was with terrorists streaming into the regions to try to stop the american machine and our wonderful way of life because they hate us for our freedom...or, was that last month? or, last year? or, was that a rationale for war?
from my window to yours
that was last year. or maybe 6 months. whenever we killed the leader, el queda in iraq seemed to be less of a threat.
Wow, that sounds like some pretty sound logic... "There are already countries who threaten Democracy and the Western way of life, so what's the difference if Iraq becomes one too?"
What are our ways of dealing with these countries who threaten us? The U.N. sure isn't going to do anything, if history has been any guide. Other countries aren't going to help the United States bear the burden of protecting democracy and free-market economies, even thought they have enjoyed freedom and prospered finanically thanks to our sacrifices.
We struck a deal with North Korea, and they just turned around and blackmailed us by continuing their nuclear program. The U.N. is proving totally inept at trying to persuade Iran from not developing nuclear weapons.
They couldn't do anything about Saddam violating 17 of their resolutions.
Please tell me what our "options" are? Looks to me like we only have bad choices and worse choices in dealing with these countries. If you know of something I don't, please enlighten me!