i noticed this too. he says we should forgive criminals. the chief motivation being becos he felt his crimes were justified. he committed a horrible crime and had to leave town, but got even and had revenge on everyone he wanted before he left. how understanding and compassionate is that?
and he still seems to feel like the victim.
That's an excellent point and that is what he said. But I don't think he was excusing or justifying his revenge before he left town. Rather just giving an accurate account of what he did and what he felt.
nor would you know the actual effects of the jails you rail so strongly against. cos you skipped town being too cowardly to accept the consequences of your actions.
If you read what I said as a whole, instead of picking and choosing what you want to focus on; you'd know I did not say you felt no remorse. I simply said that it almost seems that way from your posts. I even made sure to say that that I wasn't saying that I think you definitely felt no remorse.
" No offense, but it almost seems like you have shown no remorse for your crimes and violence; only anger and frustration because you expect and want everyone else to be understanding and compasionate of your situation (not saying that's definitely the case, only that it seems that way from your posts)"
My previous post was not in any shape or form meant as an attack on you, an insult or an offense. It was simply me expanding on the concept of understanding and compassion to both sides.
Cool, my bad. It seemed like you missed the part where I said I felt remorse.
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
No, I mean, have you ever had the shit kicked out of you every day of your life growing up? Have you ever been totally rejected from society for as long as you've been alive? Have you ever suffered brain damage?
I can tell you that no, I haven't experienced this type of thing, to the extent you have.
But I could tell you about my childhood from the ages 3-17 and it's not exactly a "Leave it To Beaver" childhood. Including two concussions in that time frame, and two more concussions as an adult, when I played recreational hockey .
Not to mention that I had to fight just about every tough-guy kids and even every semi-tough guy kids in my school, from 3rd grade to 7th grade; or else they would have beaten the crap out of me every single day. I got my ass punched so many times, I lost count.
The only reason it came to an end, is because I started winning more fights than I lost. And even when I lost, I had a knack for severely injuring my opponents (broken-noses, jaws, knocking out teeth, busting lips wide open, black eyes, bit tounges from upper-cuts...etc). I gained a reputation of severely hurting people even in a loss. By mid-year in 7th grade, even the toughest kids....who could hammer my ass, would not fight me because they weren't willing to come away with a win, but take a bloody beating in the process. Not something I'm proud of. I'm certainly not. But imagine the beatings I took in four and a half years, before I was able to change the tide.
I can tell you that no, I haven't experienced this type of thing, to the extent you have.
But I could tell you about my childhood from the ages 3-17 and it's not exactly a "Leave it To Beaver" childhood. Including two concussions in that time frame, and two more concussions as an adult, when I played recreational hockey .
Not to mention that I had to fight just about every tough-guy kids and even every t semi-tough guy kids in my school, from 3rd grade to 7th grade; or else they would have beaten the crap out of me every single day.
Concusions suck.
I think getting hit by the truck caused my body to over-compensate or something. People would beat me in the head repeatedly with steel-toed boots and I would not lose consciousness. I went to the hospital a few times afterwards but checked out just fine.
Getting hit sucks ass man. I won't tolerate it anymore. If someone tries to hit me, then I have to protect myself.
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
it said this was during or after he got kicked out of high school. that puts it into adulthood.
Soulsinging, I'm curious, should it matter if I served the time if I learned from it anyway?
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
it said this was during or after he got kicked out of high school. that puts it into adulthood.
Maybe I misunderstood something or you guys were talking about something else..a lot going on here:o
In the response to me where he spoke about speaking revenge and when I asked he said it was twelve years ago. So if he is twenty five I just figured he was thirteen at the time. I could be wrong about what you guys were talking about so just continue on.
Maybe I misunderstood something or you guys were talking about something else..a lot going on here:o
In the response to me where he spoke about speaking revenge and when I asked he said it was twelve years ago. So if he is twenty five I just figured he was thirteen at the time. I could be wrong about what you guys were talking about so just continue on.
We were talking about the same thing, I was 13 at the time. I think he is suggesting that when I was kicked out of high-school I should have been considered an adult. I think he beats his kids.
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
We were talking about the same thing, I was 13 at the time. I think he is suggesting that when I was kicked out of high-school I should have been considered an adult. I think he beats his kids.
Where the fuck did you grow up??? You were brain damaged and people beat you?? People don't just recover from brain damage and people don't just walk away from steel toes to the head either. I mean really and truly.
It is all so elusive...
I mean you paint your self as Jeffery Dahmer like and I find it hard to believe that one day should My Dahmer have lived and not been in prison that he would have had a total reversal of what kind of person he was based on nothing more than dancing with a hottie and a same miracle rewiring of his brain circuits.
I guess basically I can't get past this all happening at thirteen.
We have something else in common. But again, on a lesser degree than what you experienced.
By 5th grade, every time I had to fight to defend myself and as soon as the kid hurt me with a shot; I would snap and completely blackout. During the blackout I would go into a fit of rage and pulverize the opponent. Hence the many injuries they suffered fighting me. I never remembered anything after the shot that hurt me. I was completely blank on memory. But all the kids would talk about it and tell me what I had done to the other kid, during that fit of rage. Kids became afraid of fighting me.....slowly but surely.
Those blackout episodes scared the shit out of me. I would come out of it with my heart beating like a jackhammer, and my whole body shaking. My legs would get shakey, wobbely and weak for about 20 minutes and then my whole body would slowly subside and slow down to normal. It was some really strange and scarey shit.
It only happened one more time from high school to the age of 26, when some guy who was well over six feet ( I'm only 5' 8" ) jumped me from behind and sucker-punched me. Same result. I fucked him up and he had to go the hospital with a big gash over his eye, that was gushing blood. My best friend was there and I had told him about how I would blackout and go into a fit of rage during fights, when I was a kid.
He even said it was scarey seeing me snap like that. He couldn't believe I hammered that big guy. Apparently sometime during the fight I somehow pushed this guy up against the side wall of a building and literally and completely piushed him up and off the ground (with his back up against the wall), then let him down a resumed punching him in a fury. I don't remember any of that. Last thing I remember was him jumping on me from behind and landingc a punch around to my face.
Hasn't happened since then. I'm getting up there in the years now, so fighting is something I want to do. Only in self-defense, if all other options are expended.
Where the fuck did you grow up??? You were brain damaged and people beat you?? People don't just recover from brain damage and people don't just walk away from steel toes to the head either. I mean really and truly.
Powell River. B.C.
It is all so elusive...
I mean you paint your self as Jeffery Dahmer like and I find it hard to believe that one day should My Dahmer have lived and not been in prison that he would have had a total reversal of what kind of person he was based on nothing more than dancing with a hottie and a same miracle rewiring of his brain circuits.
I guess basically I can't get past this all happening at thirteen.
Jeffrey Dahmer was beyond fixing by the time he was caught. He said so himself and I believe him.
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
We were talking about the same thing, I was 13 at the time. I think he is suggesting that when I was kicked out of high-school I should have been considered an adult. I think he beats his kids.
so lemme get this straight. at 7 you're in a coma and brain damaged. you miraculously emerge and have serious problems at school. yet somehow, you get to high school before age 13, where everyone hates you. then you beat someone to near death and skip town at 13 after getting back at everyone who made fun of you? you went from kindergarten to high school 5-6 years?
yeah, something doesn't wash here.
oh, i dont have kids. not yet. but i think the boss at the daycare i used to work at would say im going to make an excellent parent. im sure i can do better than a dad who has no emotion and tells his kids they shouldn't believe in crap like love or feelings and refuses to be affectionate with them. yeah, they wont grow up damaged at ALL.
Soulsinging, I'm curious, should it matter if I served the time if I learned from it anyway?
maybe, maybe not. but it does kinda take away your ability to claim to know how awful jail is for people and how it makes them worse. you'd have no idea. you've never been. all you know is you were scared shitless of going. so scared you immediately skipped town and turned your life around. sounds like it's working to me. it deterred you.
Jeffrey Dahmer was beyond fixing by the time he was caught. He said so himself and I believe him.
Well I think should I ever make it to BC I will just skip over Powell River since it seems to have such random violent tendencies.
I wasn't really clear I just used Jeffrey Dahmer as an example as I said Jeffery Dahmer like. I mean you had all these psychopathic leanings but yet somehow they just all went away, that girl must have been one helluva a dancer.
maybe, maybe not. but it does kinda take away your ability to claim to know how awful jail is for people and how it makes them worse. you'd have no idea. you've never been. all you know is you were scared shitless of going. so scared you immediately skipped town and turned your life around. sounds like it's working to me. it deterred you.
It didn't deter me from committing the crime. Just from sticking around and that's only because I thought they were figuring me out. I spent a couple of months in Maples in Burnaby. It wasn't much fun, it was next door to YDC and it wasn't much different. It was like a little taste of YDC.
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
Well I think should I ever make it to BC I will just skip over Powell River since it seems to have such random violent tendencies.
I wasn't really clear I just used Jeffrey Dahmer as an example as I said Jeffery Dahmer like. I mean you had all these psychopathic leanings but yet somehow they just all went away, that girl must have been one helluva a dancer.
I don't know what kind of a dancer she was. It wasn't really her so much as it was everyone.
In Powell River I had no extended family, in Orillia I have almost 100 family members that all accepted me as I am, knowing what I had done. The girl was just a part of it, she was actually a really stupid slut, but it didn't matter at the time and I never had sex with her.
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
so lemme get this straight. at 7 you're in a coma and brain damaged. you miraculously emerge and have serious problems at school. yet somehow, you get to high school before age 13, where everyone hates you. then you beat someone to near death and skip town at 13 after getting back at everyone who made fun of you? you went from kindergarten to high school 5-6 years?
It didn't deter me from committing the crime. Just from sticking around and that's only because I thought they were figuring me out. I spent a couple of months in Maples in Burnaby. It wasn't much fun, it was next door to YDC and it wasn't much different. It was like a little taste of YDC.
exactly. you were afraid they'd send you to jail. so you moved and changed. cos you were scared of jail. it didnt deter you the first time, but it sure made you not do it again. what was this, some ingenius corleone style hit where you wiped out every gangsta who kicked your ass?
I don't know what kind of a dancer she was. It wasn't really her so much as it was everyone.
In Powell River I had no extended family, in Orillia I have almost 100 family members that all accepted me as I am, knowing what I had done. The girl was just a part of it, she was actually a really stupid slut, but it didn't matter at the time and I never had sex with her.
A really stupid slut? That sounds like a label. I thought you didn't like labels but if that is what makes you feel better so you don't have to understand her by all means go ahead. Or maybe it was just Ahnimus of yesterday that didn't like labels or revenge but today is a brand new day and what the hell???!!
A really stupid slut? That sounds like a label. I thought you didn't like labels but if that is what makes you feel better so you don't have to understand her by all means go ahead. Or maybe it was just Ahnimus of yesterday that didn't like labels or revenge but today is a brand new day and what the hell???!!
women dont count. you only saw the half of it in that rape thread. you shoulda seen the hatred he expressed towards all women in the old domestic violence thread. granted, i was very bitter over a breakup for a long time (still am) but he made me look like a feminist even when at my worse.
women dont count. you only saw the half of it in that rape thread. you shoulda seen the hatred he expressed towards all women in the old domestic violence thread. granted, i was very bitter over a breakup for a long time (still am) but he made me look like a feminist even when at my worse.
My mistake. Here I was thinking women were people too :rolleyes:
I don't know what kind of a dancer she was. It wasn't really her so much as it was everyone.
In Powell River I had no extended family, in Orillia I have almost 100 family members that all accepted me as I am, knowing what I had done. The girl was just a part of it, she was actually a really stupid slut, but it didn't matter at the time and I never had sex with her.
Now I know this story of yours is bullshit!!
One, your sensitivities are very selective. You preach understanding and compassion for violent criminals, but you call a woman, who in your story represents a vague, yet essential turning point and drastic change in your life and behavior; a Stupid Slut?:rolleyes::rolleyes:
Two, anyone who has a large family and a lot of relatives knows beyond a doubt that family and relatives can't agree on anything! But you attempt to have us believe one hundred relatives agreed to be understanding and accept you "for who you are" ? NEVER! NOT A SNOWBALLS CHANCE IN HELL!!!!!
I didn't beat the shit out of anyone before I left. I got others to do it, I hooked up with a real mean crowd, heroin addicts and shit. Guys with no desire to live.
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
A really stupid slut? That sounds like a label. I thought you didn't like labels but if that is what makes you feel better so you don't have to understand her by all means go ahead. Or maybe it was just Ahnimus of yesterday that didn't like labels or revenge but today is a brand new day and what the hell???!!
wow, reading into it too much I think. She was a stupid slut, as in she didn't put much thought into things and she was easy. Sorry, for using discriptive words. She was the most beautiful girl I've ever seen.
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
women dont count. you only saw the half of it in that rape thread. you shoulda seen the hatred he expressed towards all women in the old domestic violence thread. granted, i was very bitter over a breakup for a long time (still am) but he made me look like a feminist even when at my worse.
I don't hate women, I was proving a point that women abuse men just as much as men abuse women. You could say everyone else hates men then, if that's your logic.
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
I didn't beat the shit out of anyone before I left. I got others to do it, I hooked up with a real mean crowd, heroin addicts and shit. Guys with no desire to live.
you were in a coma. i assume you couldnt go to school until you got out of it. so what's your school story? or do you need time to make that part up don corleone?
That's an excellent point and that is what he said. But I don't think he was excusing or justifying his revenge before he left town. Rather just giving an accurate account of what he did and what he felt.
Well he was only thirteen at the time, ss.
Cool, my bad. It seemed like you missed the part where I said I felt remorse.
I can tell you that no, I haven't experienced this type of thing, to the extent you have.
But I could tell you about my childhood from the ages 3-17 and it's not exactly a "Leave it To Beaver" childhood. Including two concussions in that time frame, and two more concussions as an adult, when I played recreational hockey .
Not to mention that I had to fight just about every tough-guy kids and even every semi-tough guy kids in my school, from 3rd grade to 7th grade; or else they would have beaten the crap out of me every single day. I got my ass punched so many times, I lost count.
The only reason it came to an end, is because I started winning more fights than I lost. And even when I lost, I had a knack for severely injuring my opponents (broken-noses, jaws, knocking out teeth, busting lips wide open, black eyes, bit tounges from upper-cuts...etc). I gained a reputation of severely hurting people even in a loss. By mid-year in 7th grade, even the toughest kids....who could hammer my ass, would not fight me because they weren't willing to come away with a win, but take a bloody beating in the process. Not something I'm proud of. I'm certainly not. But imagine the beatings I took in four and a half years, before I was able to change the tide.
it said this was during or after he got kicked out of high school. that puts it into adulthood.
Concusions suck.
I think getting hit by the truck caused my body to over-compensate or something. People would beat me in the head repeatedly with steel-toed boots and I would not lose consciousness. I went to the hospital a few times afterwards but checked out just fine.
Getting hit sucks ass man. I won't tolerate it anymore. If someone tries to hit me, then I have to protect myself.
Soulsinging, I'm curious, should it matter if I served the time if I learned from it anyway?
Maybe I misunderstood something or you guys were talking about something else..a lot going on here:o
In the response to me where he spoke about speaking revenge and when I asked he said it was twelve years ago. So if he is twenty five I just figured he was thirteen at the time. I could be wrong about what you guys were talking about so just continue on.
We were talking about the same thing, I was 13 at the time. I think he is suggesting that when I was kicked out of high-school I should have been considered an adult. I think he beats his kids.
Where the fuck did you grow up??? You were brain damaged and people beat you?? People don't just recover from brain damage and people don't just walk away from steel toes to the head either. I mean really and truly.
It is all so elusive...
I mean you paint your self as Jeffery Dahmer like and I find it hard to believe that one day should My Dahmer have lived and not been in prison that he would have had a total reversal of what kind of person he was based on nothing more than dancing with a hottie and a same miracle rewiring of his brain circuits.
I guess basically I can't get past this all happening at thirteen.
By 5th grade, every time I had to fight to defend myself and as soon as the kid hurt me with a shot; I would snap and completely blackout. During the blackout I would go into a fit of rage and pulverize the opponent. Hence the many injuries they suffered fighting me. I never remembered anything after the shot that hurt me. I was completely blank on memory. But all the kids would talk about it and tell me what I had done to the other kid, during that fit of rage. Kids became afraid of fighting me.....slowly but surely.
Those blackout episodes scared the shit out of me. I would come out of it with my heart beating like a jackhammer, and my whole body shaking. My legs would get shakey, wobbely and weak for about 20 minutes and then my whole body would slowly subside and slow down to normal. It was some really strange and scarey shit.
It only happened one more time from high school to the age of 26, when some guy who was well over six feet ( I'm only 5' 8" ) jumped me from behind and sucker-punched me. Same result. I fucked him up and he had to go the hospital with a big gash over his eye, that was gushing blood. My best friend was there and I had told him about how I would blackout and go into a fit of rage during fights, when I was a kid.
He even said it was scarey seeing me snap like that. He couldn't believe I hammered that big guy. Apparently sometime during the fight I somehow pushed this guy up against the side wall of a building and literally and completely piushed him up and off the ground (with his back up against the wall), then let him down a resumed punching him in a fury. I don't remember any of that. Last thing I remember was him jumping on me from behind and landingc a punch around to my face.
Hasn't happened since then. I'm getting up there in the years now, so fighting is something I want to do. Only in self-defense, if all other options are expended.
Powell River. B.C.
Jeffrey Dahmer was beyond fixing by the time he was caught. He said so himself and I believe him.
so lemme get this straight. at 7 you're in a coma and brain damaged. you miraculously emerge and have serious problems at school. yet somehow, you get to high school before age 13, where everyone hates you. then you beat someone to near death and skip town at 13 after getting back at everyone who made fun of you? you went from kindergarten to high school 5-6 years?
yeah, something doesn't wash here.
oh, i dont have kids. not yet. but i think the boss at the daycare i used to work at would say im going to make an excellent parent. im sure i can do better than a dad who has no emotion and tells his kids they shouldn't believe in crap like love or feelings and refuses to be affectionate with them. yeah, they wont grow up damaged at ALL.
maybe, maybe not. but it does kinda take away your ability to claim to know how awful jail is for people and how it makes them worse. you'd have no idea. you've never been. all you know is you were scared shitless of going. so scared you immediately skipped town and turned your life around. sounds like it's working to me. it deterred you.
Well I think should I ever make it to BC I will just skip over Powell River since it seems to have such random violent tendencies.
I wasn't really clear I just used Jeffrey Dahmer as an example as I said Jeffery Dahmer like. I mean you had all these psychopathic leanings but yet somehow they just all went away, that girl must have been one helluva a dancer.
It didn't deter me from committing the crime. Just from sticking around and that's only because I thought they were figuring me out. I spent a couple of months in Maples in Burnaby. It wasn't much fun, it was next door to YDC and it wasn't much different. It was like a little taste of YDC.
I don't know what kind of a dancer she was. It wasn't really her so much as it was everyone.
In Powell River I had no extended family, in Orillia I have almost 100 family members that all accepted me as I am, knowing what I had done. The girl was just a part of it, she was actually a really stupid slut, but it didn't matter at the time and I never had sex with her.
hmmm... no reply to this eh?
exactly. you were afraid they'd send you to jail. so you moved and changed. cos you were scared of jail. it didnt deter you the first time, but it sure made you not do it again. what was this, some ingenius corleone style hit where you wiped out every gangsta who kicked your ass?
A really stupid slut? That sounds like a label. I thought you didn't like labels but if that is what makes you feel better so you don't have to understand her by all means go ahead. Or maybe it was just Ahnimus of yesterday that didn't like labels or revenge but today is a brand new day and what the hell???!!
He just skips over the hard ones
women dont count. you only saw the half of it in that rape thread. you shoulda seen the hatred he expressed towards all women in the old domestic violence thread. granted, i was very bitter over a breakup for a long time (still am) but he made me look like a feminist even when at my worse.
My mistake. Here I was thinking women were people too :rolleyes:
Does this mean I don't have to pay taxes anymore
Now I know this story of yours is bullshit!!
One, your sensitivities are very selective. You preach understanding and compassion for violent criminals, but you call a woman, who in your story represents a vague, yet essential turning point and drastic change in your life and behavior; a Stupid Slut?:rolleyes::rolleyes:
Two, anyone who has a large family and a lot of relatives knows beyond a doubt that family and relatives can't agree on anything! But you attempt to have us believe one hundred relatives agreed to be understanding and accept you "for who you are" ? NEVER! NOT A SNOWBALLS CHANCE IN HELL!!!!!
I call bullshit!
I didn't say I started school at 7, lol.
I didn't beat the shit out of anyone before I left. I got others to do it, I hooked up with a real mean crowd, heroin addicts and shit. Guys with no desire to live.
wow, reading into it too much I think. She was a stupid slut, as in she didn't put much thought into things and she was easy. Sorry, for using discriptive words. She was the most beautiful girl I've ever seen.
I don't hate women, I was proving a point that women abuse men just as much as men abuse women. You could say everyone else hates men then, if that's your logic.
It's not bullshit.
you were in a coma. i assume you couldnt go to school until you got out of it. so what's your school story? or do you need time to make that part up don corleone?