i think your wrong. the thread was to say good bye to a friend. someone turned the thread dumb talking about bloody potatoes. or is it potatoes? who cares what some people call their potatoes? their called different things all over the world. just eat the bloody thing. it doesn't need a name anyway. you're not going to call it.
I always found the American spirit to be rather fascinating. But scary at the same time. I should post a disclaimer every time I talk about America; THIS IS NOT INTENDED TO BE ANTI-AMERICAN. Just to clarify. We don't have Canadian Fries anywhere in Canada. Well, not that I know of. As I'm sure you don't in Australia either. For whatever reason though, in America you have American Fries. The nationalism is just incredible. Freedom Fries. But not only that, many many things are prefixed American. It's All American. It's amazing. Fascinating.
Even in Canada. I know an American household when I see it. They hang Canadian and American flags. I don't personally know any Canadians that hang flags. I'm pretty sure the majority of flag-hangers are from other countries. See a lot of Brazilian and Italian flags and stuff too. You only really see the Canadian flag at schools, courthouses and parliament buildings. My dad used to have a small Canadian flag on his house, but he couldn't be bothered with it, so he took it down.
But it's not that Canadians aren't proud of their country. I think it's just, we don't go out of our way to prove it. We don't have this mindset that we need to "support our country". All of that troops supporting and political sides crap doesn't really exist here in the same magnitude. We don't have the media like the USA either though. Most of what I see if I watch TV is American. So, I think the media has a way of changing people. I think it's a sort of propaganda and I think some organizations, like CNN or FOX, operate as a political entity. I'm afraid when the nationalism and propaganda are combined, you get a really dangerous mixture.
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
first; i think that someone that needs to argue about fries needs to get a life.
i was learning french many years back and the teacher was insulted that they WERE called french fries. he said "the french don't make fries".
the first time i was in a resturant and asked if i wanted french or american fries was in 1974; a week after getting my license at a place on milwaukee road in wheeling illinois. that's where i was told the difference. i remember clearly because that was our hang out after that until i was out of high school. i also remember my first date when i was asked by a waiter if i wanted french fries or steak fries. the difference is steak fries are cut much thicker and are rectangular. i've seen them called freedom fries at a stand at the lake county (IL) fair. every year they were freedom fries. i distinctly remember this because i asked the guy if they're called freedom fries because he doesn't have to peel them. he got pissed and refused service to me. i attended the lake county fair from 1979 to 1988.
any other questions?
im not arguing, im curious. this is all news to me. i was under the impression they were all called french fries and congress made up the name freedom fries and started calling their french fries that as some sort of junior high finger to the french for not backing us in iraq and to whip up patriotic fervor. i didnt know there was any underlying logic to the name choices.
then again, it's still as stupid and juvenille as i thought originally i suppose.
im not arguing, im curious. this is all news to me. i was under the impression they were all called french fries and congress made up the name freedom fries and started calling their french fries that as some sort of junior high finger to the french for not backing us in iraq and to whip up patriotic fervor. i didnt know there was any underlying logic to the name choices.
then again, it's still as stupid and juvenille as i thought originally i suppose.
i just thought someone grew up calling them freedom fries and ended up in congress. others thought it was original and that's what they called them. like the first time you heard the word dude. all of a sudden every one was saying dude.
...... lettterman is to stupid say something that good
Phew! So good to hear someone else thinks so mets!! I simply cannot understand why we have to suffer him here on Oz tv and his only saving grace is PJ is often on. Although you gotta sit up all bloody night and watch the whole show just to make sure you press record at the right time!! :eek:
im not arguing, im curious. this is all news to me. i was under the impression they were all called french fries and congress made up the name freedom fries and started calling their french fries that as some sort of junior high finger to the french for not backing us in iraq and to whip up patriotic fervor. i didnt know there was any underlying logic to the name choices.
then again, it's still as stupid and juvenille as i thought originally i suppose.
SS there was a big bruhaha here in Oz about them being called Freedom Fries a few years ago now. I think it was when the French were nuclear testing in the pacific. We stopped calling them French Fries then in protest and began calling them Freedom Fries. French fries are actually called pomme frits in France anyway aren't they?
i just thought someone grew up calling them freedom fries and ended up in congress. others thought it was original and that's what they called them. like the first time you heard the word dude. all of a sudden every one was saying dude.
it might have been a combination of both. but i do recall that shortly after france said firmly there was no way they'd support action in iraq, congress immediately passed a resolution altering the name of french fries to freedom fries in the capitol building cafeteria. it was, to me, the most colossally stupid and immature thing i've ever heard of the us government doing.
SS there was a big bruhaha here in Oz about them being called Freedom Fries a few years ago now. I think it was when the French were nuclear testing in the pacific. We stopped calling them French Fries then in protest and began calling them Freedom Fries. French fries are actually called pomme frits in France anyway aren't they?
no clue. why would i care what the french call anything?
i think your wrong. the thread was to say good bye to a friend. someone turned the thread dumb talking about bloody potatoes. or is it potatoes? who cares what some people call their potatoes? their called different things all over the world. just eat the bloody thing. it doesn't need a name anyway. you're not going to call it.
I always found the American spirit to be rather fascinating. But scary at the same time. I should post a disclaimer every time I talk about America; THIS IS NOT INTENDED TO BE ANTI-AMERICAN. Just to clarify. We don't have Canadian Fries anywhere in Canada. Well, not that I know of. As I'm sure you don't in Australia either. For whatever reason though, in America you have American Fries. The nationalism is just incredible. Freedom Fries. But not only that, many many things are prefixed American. It's All American. It's amazing. Fascinating.
Even in Canada. I know an American household when I see it. They hang Canadian and American flags. I don't personally know any Canadians that hang flags. I'm pretty sure the majority of flag-hangers are from other countries. See a lot of Brazilian and Italian flags and stuff too. You only really see the Canadian flag at schools, courthouses and parliament buildings. My dad used to have a small Canadian flag on his house, but he couldn't be bothered with it, so he took it down.
But it's not that Canadians aren't proud of their country. I think it's just, we don't go out of our way to prove it. We don't have this mindset that we need to "support our country". All of that troops supporting and political sides crap doesn't really exist here in the same magnitude. We don't have the media like the USA either though. Most of what I see if I watch TV is American. So, I think the media has a way of changing people. I think it's a sort of propaganda and I think some organizations, like CNN or FOX, operate as a political entity. I'm afraid when the nationalism and propaganda are combined, you get a really dangerous mixture.
I agree with you again Ahnimus. Two little anecdotes that I will mention though, we have had a complete storm of Nationalism and flag waving go on here of late, ever since the Cronulla Race Riots there has been a whole lot of Australian flag waving go on. People are putting them up everywhere and even as recent as the Big Day Out there was a storm in a teacup about people wearing the flag to BDO!! So it's all happening here when it comes to the flag!! AND the other Ahnimus which I'd love clarification on is, there's a chain of restaurants here called The Pancake Parlour and they have a dish called Canadian Pancakes. Which is fluffy buttermilk pancakes served with Canadian Bacon (?) fried banana or pineapple, eggs and maple syrup. I always look at it on the menu and wonder if I should order it! Any truth to it being Cananadian?
I agree with you again Ahnimus. Two little anecdotes that I will mention though, we have had a complete storm of Nationalism and flag waving go on here of late, ever since the Cronulla Race Riots there has been a whole lot of Australian flag waving go on. People are putting them up everywhere and even as recent as the Big Day Out there was a storm in a teacup about people wearing the flag to BDO!! So it's all happening here when it comes to the flag!! AND the other Ahnimus which I'd love clarification on is, there's a chain of restaurants here called The Pancake Parlour and they have a dish called Canadian Pancakes. Which is fluffy buttermilk pancakes served with Canadian Bacon (?) fried banana or pineapple, eggs and maple syrup. I always look at it on the menu and wonder if I should order it! Any truth to it being Cananadian?
Hey that's right. You got me there, Canadian Bacon. Not sure about the pancakes though. I've never heard of Canadian Pancakes. The syrup we just call Maple Syrup.
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
Oh come on!!! Creme brulee? Chocolate Mousse? Gattauex? You should care ss!! The french are amazing!!!
Pommes de frittes
That's what I thought they were. In German they call them "Pommes de Frittes" because it's what they french call them. The German are good with just using the original name for things. Yay Germany!
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
Phew! So good to hear someone else thinks so mets!! I simply cannot understand why we have to suffer him here on Oz tv and his only saving grace is PJ is often on. Although you gotta sit up all bloody night and watch the whole show just to make sure you press record at the right time!! :eek:
i thinks hes just an ass for not being anti-war about iraq from the start, unlike him stewart has always been vocal bout the iraq war and stwearts jokes are more funnier
Ron: I just don't feel like going out tonight
Sammi: Wanna just break up?
Hey that's right. You got me there, Canadian Bacon. Not sure about the pancakes though. I've never heard of Canadian Pancakes. The syrup we just call Maple Syrup.
Yeah, but the idea of it is to have the eggs, pancakes, bacon and whichever fritter, the whole lot, covered in the maple syrup??? :eek: I mean do you guys do that there?
And what's the difference between Canadian bacon and other bacon?
Mmmmm Maple syrup!! Now that's a yummy national dish of yours right?
i thinks hes just an ass for not being anti-war about iraq from the start, unlike him stewart has always been vocal bout the iraq war and stwearts jokes are more funnier
Yeah, well I've always found him to be pretty stupid and low brow so I'm not surprised he hasn't made a stand on the war. I just find it amazing that the only time PJ ever turns up on TV here is on David Letterman. I mean what's with that?
Where'd I get ya Ahn? Was it the French thing? Don't worry, they have had plenty of reasons to ban you and they didn't. Your not going anywhere. And that's fine by me : )
I always found the American spirit to be rather fascinating. But scary at the same time. I should post a disclaimer every time I talk about America; THIS IS NOT INTENDED TO BE ANTI-AMERICAN. Just to clarify. We don't have Canadian Fries anywhere in Canada. Well, not that I know of. As I'm sure you don't in Australia either. For whatever reason though, in America you have American Fries. The nationalism is just incredible. Freedom Fries. But not only that, many many things are prefixed American. It's All American. It's amazing. Fascinating.
Even in Canada. I know an American household when I see it. They hang Canadian and American flags. I don't personally know any Canadians that hang flags. I'm pretty sure the majority of flag-hangers are from other countries. See a lot of Brazilian and Italian flags and stuff too. You only really see the Canadian flag at schools, courthouses and parliament buildings. My dad used to have a small Canadian flag on his house, but he couldn't be bothered with it, so he took it down.
But it's not that Canadians aren't proud of their country. I think it's just, we don't go out of our way to prove it. We don't have this mindset that we need to "support our country". All of that troops supporting and political sides crap doesn't really exist here in the same magnitude. We don't have the media like the USA either though. Most of what I see if I watch TV is American. So, I think the media has a way of changing people. I think it's a sort of propaganda and I think some organizations, like CNN or FOX, operate as a political entity. I'm afraid when the nationalism and propaganda are combined, you get a really dangerous mixture.
first gulf war in 91 canadians and so many were so gung ho for war -it mademe sick
I've heard of some red-neck restaurants boycotting anything associated with the french therefore "freedom fries" and also Canadian boycotts as well which led to "Freedom Bacon". Lame.
I hope Beligium doesn't fuck with us. I couldn't say Freedom Waffles with a straight face.
That's what I thought they were. In German they call them "Pommes de Frittes" because it's what they french call them. The German are good with just using the original name for things. Yay Germany!
They are wonderful with French names. At one time though werent they trying really hard to rename France GERMANY?
So I hear you haven't been playing nice with one of my friends?
And strange I should find you here all on your own because I just got a massive email of blonde jokes!! :D
Apparently. I was hoping the rumors of your friends demise were untrue. I swear I did not do anything to the poor guy...At least, nothing more than I usually do. He just says some of the silliest things, I cant help myself. I mean who says "Yay Germany"? BTW I found the lost French thread. Man, did he go off! I was totally messin with his kyber ya know? He took it all serious and now weve lost him...me sad...
and what about these blonde jokes. your not slandering blonde people are ya? could get ya banned ya know. maybe im blonde and am very offended people would make jokes about my blondness.
bear with me here...i've been awake for 3 days and have taken a few xanxa to try n sleep....
i've raed all these pages of posts and i got confused around page 5. all i can figure out is that ahnimus may be banned n while he may annoy people most don't want him gone but if he does get the big b...he gets a free order of his choice of freedom or french fries and maybe a blonde as a parting gift. right?
bear with me here...i've been awake for 3 days and have taken a few xanxa to try n sleep....
i've raed all these pages of posts and i got confused around page 5. all i can figure out is that ahnimus may be banned n while he may annoy people most don't want him gone but if he does get the big b...he gets a free order of his choice of freedom or french fries and maybe a blonde as a parting gift. right?
You got it. I believe he may also get some Freedom Bacon as well.
and what about these blonde jokes. your not slandering blonde people are ya? could get ya banned ya know. maybe im blonde and am very offended people would make jokes about my blondness.
What about a half french/half american blonde person? How to you think they would feel?
all posts by ©gue_barium are protected under US copyright law and are not to be reproduced, exchanged or sold
except by express written permission of ©gue_barium, the author.
i think your wrong. the thread was to say good bye to a friend. someone turned the thread dumb talking about bloody potatoes. or is it potatoes? who cares what some people call their potatoes? their called different things all over the world. just eat the bloody thing. it doesn't need a name anyway. you're not going to call it.
That's interesting.
I always found the American spirit to be rather fascinating. But scary at the same time. I should post a disclaimer every time I talk about America; THIS IS NOT INTENDED TO BE ANTI-AMERICAN. Just to clarify. We don't have Canadian Fries anywhere in Canada. Well, not that I know of. As I'm sure you don't in Australia either. For whatever reason though, in America you have American Fries. The nationalism is just incredible. Freedom Fries. But not only that, many many things are prefixed American. It's All American. It's amazing. Fascinating.
Even in Canada. I know an American household when I see it. They hang Canadian and American flags. I don't personally know any Canadians that hang flags. I'm pretty sure the majority of flag-hangers are from other countries. See a lot of Brazilian and Italian flags and stuff too. You only really see the Canadian flag at schools, courthouses and parliament buildings. My dad used to have a small Canadian flag on his house, but he couldn't be bothered with it, so he took it down.
But it's not that Canadians aren't proud of their country. I think it's just, we don't go out of our way to prove it. We don't have this mindset that we need to "support our country". All of that troops supporting and political sides crap doesn't really exist here in the same magnitude. We don't have the media like the USA either though. Most of what I see if I watch TV is American. So, I think the media has a way of changing people. I think it's a sort of propaganda and I think some organizations, like CNN or FOX, operate as a political entity. I'm afraid when the nationalism and propaganda are combined, you get a really dangerous mixture.
im not arguing, im curious. this is all news to me. i was under the impression they were all called french fries and congress made up the name freedom fries and started calling their french fries that as some sort of junior high finger to the french for not backing us in iraq and to whip up patriotic fervor. i didnt know there was any underlying logic to the name choices.
then again, it's still as stupid and juvenille as i thought originally i suppose.
i just thought someone grew up calling them freedom fries and ended up in congress. others thought it was original and that's what they called them. like the first time you heard the word dude. all of a sudden every one was saying dude.
Phew! So good to hear someone else thinks so mets!! I simply cannot understand why we have to suffer him here on Oz tv and his only saving grace is PJ is often on. Although you gotta sit up all bloody night and watch the whole show just to make sure you press record at the right time!! :eek:
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
SS there was a big bruhaha here in Oz about them being called Freedom Fries a few years ago now. I think it was when the French were nuclear testing in the pacific. We stopped calling them French Fries then in protest and began calling them Freedom Fries. French fries are actually called pomme frits in France anyway aren't they?
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
it might have been a combination of both. but i do recall that shortly after france said firmly there was no way they'd support action in iraq, congress immediately passed a resolution altering the name of french fries to freedom fries in the capitol building cafeteria. it was, to me, the most colossally stupid and immature thing i've ever heard of the us government doing.
no clue. why would i care what the french call anything?
Potatoes are another way of saying Dan Quayle.
all posts by ©gue_barium are protected under US copyright law and are not to be reproduced, exchanged or sold
except by express written permission of ©gue_barium, the author.
I agree with you again Ahnimus. Two little anecdotes that I will mention though, we have had a complete storm of Nationalism and flag waving go on here of late, ever since the Cronulla Race Riots there has been a whole lot of Australian flag waving go on. People are putting them up everywhere and even as recent as the Big Day Out there was a storm in a teacup about people wearing the flag to BDO!! So it's all happening here when it comes to the flag!! AND the other Ahnimus which I'd love clarification on is, there's a chain of restaurants here called The Pancake Parlour and they have a dish called Canadian Pancakes. Which is fluffy buttermilk pancakes served with Canadian Bacon (?) fried banana or pineapple, eggs and maple syrup. I always look at it on the menu and wonder if I should order it!
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
Oh come on!!!
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
Hey that's right. You got me there, Canadian Bacon. Not sure about the pancakes though. I've never heard of Canadian Pancakes. The syrup we just call Maple Syrup.
Pommes de frittes
That's what I thought they were. In German they call them "Pommes de Frittes" because it's what they french call them. The German are good with just using the original name for things. Yay Germany!
Sammi: Wanna just break up?
amazing at SURRENDERING!!! hahhahahahaha!
i dont like any of those desserts though, in all honesty
Yeah, but the idea of it is to have the eggs, pancakes, bacon and whichever fritter, the whole lot, covered in the maple syrup??? :eek: I mean do you guys do that there?
And what's the difference between Canadian bacon and other bacon?
Mmmmm Maple syrup!!
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
Yeah, well I've always found him to be pretty stupid and low brow so I'm not surprised he hasn't made a stand on the war. I just find it amazing that the only time PJ ever turns up on TV here is on David Letterman. I mean what's with that?
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
first gulf war in 91 canadians and so many were so gung ho for war -it mademe sick
I hope Beligium doesn't fuck with us. I couldn't say Freedom Waffles with a straight face.
They are wonderful with French names. At one time though werent they trying really hard to rename France GERMANY?
So I hear you haven't been playing nice with one of my friends?
And strange I should find you here all on your own because I just got a massive email of blonde jokes!!
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
Apparently. I was hoping the rumors of your friends demise were untrue. I swear I did not do anything to the poor guy...At least, nothing more than I usually do. He just says some of the silliest things, I cant help myself. I mean who says "Yay Germany"? BTW I found the lost French thread. Man, did he go off! I was totally messin with his kyber ya know? He took it all serious and now weve lost him...me sad...
i've raed all these pages of posts and i got confused around page 5. all i can figure out is that ahnimus may be banned n while he may annoy people most don't want him gone but if he does get the big b...he gets a free order of his choice of freedom or french fries and maybe a blonde as a parting gift. right?
Theres always a way back.
What about a half french/half american blonde person? How to you think they would feel?