Explosions that happened before the WTC towers fell

rightonduderightondude Posts: 745
edited July 2006 in A Moving Train
Watch this video of the North tower before collapse. Listen for the explosions at (42 and 51 seconds). Watch the white smoke rise about 50 feet in the air through the buildings just around 44 seconds. Another explosion can clearly be heard the at 51 secs just as the tower starts to collapse.

Eyewitnesses reported an "earthquake" type rumbling and street level dust clouds before each tower fell. These were ignored by the 911 Commission because they said no video evidence was available. In 911 Eyewitness, you can listen to the massive explosions and watch a cloud of dust rise from the streets between two waterfront buildings well before the North Tower WTC 1 starts to fall.


Check this vid as well (short but informative)...

Post edited by Unknown User on


  • Eliot RosewaterEliot Rosewater Posts: 2,659
    Anyone that thinks the fire from the plane hitting the building caused that building to fall needs a straight jacket. I'm here with stoney poney and she confirmed this.
  • I thought it was common knowledge that the U.S. government was
    behind the whole thing.
  • the Architects!! they should be arrested and tried right away.

    when the buildings went up they said they could withstand a hit from a 707...LIARS!!!

    And the way they BOTH disenegrated from the top even though they were hit in the middle?! anyone who builds such shitty structures should be shot on site.

    I also think it was a huge error to use demolition explosives as structure supports. they had to think that was gonna come back and bite em in the ass at some point.

    I think we've all learned a valuable lesson in not cutting corners.
  • LizardLizard So Cal Posts: 12,091
    the Architects!! they should be arrested and tried right away.

    when the buildings went up they said they could withstand a hit from a 707...LIARS!!!

    And the way they BOTH disenegrated from the top even though they were hit in the middle?! anyone who builds such shitty structures should be shot on site.

    I also think it was a huge error to use demolition explosives as structure supports. they had to think that was gonna come back and bite em in the ass at some point.

    I think we've all learned a valuable lesson in not cutting corners.

    So I'll just lie down and wait for the dream
    Where I'm not ugly and you're lookin' at me
  • actually I was somewhat mistaken

    the first tower is hit closer to the top

    both towers do fall the same way after about the same amount of time

    the second is struck at the edge and most of the fuel explodes outside the building...

    then disenigrates from the top

    still an archetectural miracle in anyones book.
  • therovertherover Posts: 88
    First off, the buildings did survive the impact of the planes. Also, they were 767s, a slightly bigger and heavier plane.

    Secondly, if there were dust clouds rising from the street that would tell me that there were ground level explosions. Then why didn't they start falling at the bottom instead of at the point of impact. At least there would have been more of a lean at the top during collapse if support was cut at the bottom. I don't buy it.

  • "some people are gathering in large groups"...

    "...holding hands and praying"
    "...holding hands and praying"
    "...holding hands and praying"
    "...holding hands and praying"
    "...holding hands and praying"
    "...holding hands and praying"
    "...holding hands and praying"
    "...holding hands and praying"
    "...holding hands and praying"
    "...holding hands and praying"
    "...holding hands and praying"
    "...holding hands and praying"
    "...holding hands and praying"
    "...holding hands and praying"

    so what's that white stuff doing at the bottom of the building there?
    If I was to smile and I held out my hand
    If I opened it now would you not understand?
  • rightonduderightondude Posts: 745
    "some people are gathering in large groups"...

    so what's that white stuff doing at the bottom of the building there?

    Good Question. Why can explosions be heard prior to the tower collapsing? Extremely odd don't you think?

    All I know is that tower #7 was brought down by explosives. There's no question about it. You just can't deny it. So when did they have time to rig the building? No time at all. They had to have rigged it before 9/11.

    There's no other explanation. The building WAS demolished.

    watch: (see the series of explosions?)


  • 69charger69charger Posts: 1,045
    All I know is that tower #7 was brought down by explosives. There's no question about it. You just can't deny it. So when did they have time to rig the building? No time at all. They had to have rigged it before 9/11.

    There's no other explanation. The building WAS demolished.

    So why debate this stuff in here when your mind is already made up? Essentially you are just preaching.

    I guess that makes you a 9/11 Conspiracy Evangelist or something.
  • rightonduderightondude Posts: 745
    69charger wrote:
    So why debate this stuff in here when your mind is already made up? Essentially you are just preaching.

    I guess that makes you a 9/11 Conspiracy Evangelist or something.

    Perhaps. Perhaps your denial precludes your ability of objective observation. What do you see?
  • 69charger69charger Posts: 1,045
    What do you see?

    I see HUGE misunderstanding of simple physics on the part of conspiracy 'theorists'.

    I see a HUGE misunderstanding of the Scientific Method on the part of conspiracy 'theorists'.

    I see that, for some, it's more exciting to believe that strange lights in the sky are visiting aliens and not an airliner's landing lights. As astounding as the events of 9/11 were, it's even more astounding to suppose that the entire thing was falsified.

    I see a group of people with intellectual inferiority complexes. People wanting to be seen as smarter than they really are. People wanting to be 'in the know', 'on the inside'. People regurgitiating information without understanding it.

    Lastly, I see a group of people who need to move out of thier parent's basements and get a life.

    Does that answer your question?
  • rightonduderightondude Posts: 745
    69charger wrote:
    I see HUGE misunderstanding of simple physics on the part of conspiracy 'theorists'.

    I see a HUGE misunderstanding of the Scientific Method on the part of conspiracy 'theorists'.

    I see that, for some, it's more exciting to believe that strange lights in the sky are visiting aliens and not an airliner's landing lights. As astounding as the events of 9/11 were, it's even more astounding to suppose that the entire thing was falsified.

    I see a group of people with intellectual inferiority complexes. People wanting to be seen as smarter than they really are. People wanting to be 'in the know', 'on the inside'. People regurgitiating information without understanding it.

    Lastly, I see a group of people who need to move out of thier parent's basements and get a life.

    Does that answer your question?

    Oh. Ok.

    thx :D
  • sourdoughsourdough Posts: 579
    I've heard that fire was able to spread throughout the buildings because burning gas shot down the elevator shafts which may have been the reason for explosions in other parts of the building and before the buildings fell.
  • therovertherover Posts: 88

    Fakest video I have ever seen. The windows on the building don't even break during the fall and the smoke cloud barely moves.
  • PaperPlatesPaperPlates Posts: 1,745
    LMAO at the editting done here, to enhance sounds wanted to be heard. You guys are either stupid, desparate, or bored. Either way, its amusing to us here on planet earth. Thanks for the laugh.
    Why go home

  • bootlegger10bootlegger10 Posts: 16,106
    Conspiracy theories are formed based on what you want to believe. Basically, people didn't want to believe that terrorists did this. They wanted to believe that Bush did, because they are blinded by hate for him and his administration. Sickening.
  • 69charger wrote:
    I see HUGE misunderstanding of simple physics on the part of conspiracy 'theorists'.

    I see a HUGE misunderstanding of the Scientific Method on the part of conspiracy 'theorists'.

    I see that, for some, it's more exciting to believe that strange lights in the sky are visiting aliens and not an airliner's landing lights. As astounding as the events of 9/11 were, it's even more astounding to suppose that the entire thing was falsified.

    I see a group of people with intellectual inferiority complexes. People wanting to be seen as smarter than they really are. People wanting to be 'in the know', 'on the inside'. People regurgitiating information without understanding it.

    Lastly, I see a group of people who need to move out of thier parent's basements and get a life.

    Does that answer your question?

    so all of you sheep, fall on your knees before the king of the liars!

    simple equasion:
    motive+opporotunity+resources+relative on the inside+LONG history of lying and deception=doubt

    after all they've been allowed to do and all the money they've made on the suffering of others, I think if they had engineered 911 it's merely a footnote at this point.
  • rightonduderightondude Posts: 745
    therover wrote:
    Fakest video I have ever seen. The windows on the building don't even break during the fall and the smoke cloud barely moves.

    Oh really? Post the vids you are talking about I would like to see them
  • bootlegger10bootlegger10 Posts: 16,106
    so all of you sheep, fall on your knees before the king of the liars!

    simple equasion:
    motive+opporotunity+resources+relative on the inside+LONG history of lying and deception=doubt

    after all they've been allowed to do and all the money they've made on the suffering of others, I think if they had engineered 911 it's merely a footnote at this point.

    A secret like 911 wouldn't be able to be kept today. Especially when an administration is so hated. The information of something this large in scale would have had to get out by now. There is no documentation that I have seen that proves a conspiracy. All there is is lame videos and claims by so-called experts that have been debunked by other so-called experts.
  • rightonduderightondude Posts: 745
    LMAO at the editting done here, to enhance sounds wanted to be heard. You guys are either stupid, desparate, or bored. Either way, its amusing to us here on planet earth. Thanks for the laugh.

    Coming from the guy who's just posted like 30 new threads in a row....

    Bwaawhaaaa....what an ass flapper!!!
  • And then there are people who want to believe that their govt could not have possibly done that. It scares them too much.

    By the way, I'm not telling you where I stand. What's the point?
  • therovertherover Posts: 88
    Oh really? Post the vids you are talking about I would like to see them

    Check my post that you quoted. Its your video. Look at the face of the building. Nothing changes during the entire clip. Even the little puffs on the right side at the top don't even move!
  • rightonduderightondude Posts: 745
    69charger wrote:
    I see HUGE misunderstanding of simple physics on the part of conspiracy 'theorists'.

    I see a HUGE misunderstanding of the Scientific Method on the part of conspiracy 'theorists'.

    I see that, for some, it's more exciting to believe that strange lights in the sky are visiting aliens and not an airliner's landing lights. As astounding as the events of 9/11 were, it's even more astounding to suppose that the entire thing was falsified.

    I see a group of people with intellectual inferiority complexes. People wanting to be seen as smarter than they really are. People wanting to be 'in the know', 'on the inside'. People regurgitiating information without understanding it.

    Lastly, I see a group of people who need to move out of thier parent's basements and get a life.

    Does that answer your question?

    No you flaming asspuppet, it didn't. But it was nice gay rant though just the same. Do you own a dildo secretly but for yourself?

    What did you see in the video dingwhapper?

  • rightonduderightondude Posts: 745
    therover wrote:
    Check my post that you quoted. Its your video. Look at the face of the building. Nothing changes during the entire clip. Even the little puffs on the right side at the top don't even move!

    Dumbass show a clip of what you mean instead of blubbering about it... How's it supposed to look? mr I know what it looks like?
  • bootlegger10bootlegger10 Posts: 16,106
    Dumbass show a clip of what you mean instead of blubbering about it... How's it supposed to look? my I know what it looks like?

    I believe he is referring to the videos that you posted in this thread. At least that is what common sense leads me to believe. I guess if I was intending to insult him before reading what he said, then I may have read it differently like you did.
  • rightonduderightondude Posts: 745
    I believe he is referring to the videos that you posted in this thread. At least that is what common sense leads me to believe. I guess if I was intending to insult him before reading what he said, then I may have read it differently like you did.

    I know what he means, I read what was written thanks. They aren't doctored videos and images. Let's see if by combining intelligence we can discover something. Hey there's a freaking notion!
  • momofglynnmomofglynn Posts: 849
    No you flaming asspuppet, it didn't. But it was nice gay rant though just the same. Do you own a dildo secretly but for yourself?

    What did you see in the video dingwhapper?


    When it comes to the insults, it doesn't make me think your opinion is any more credible. Usually when someone starts talking in terms as you are, it's like a smoke cloud, maybe the reader will laugh about the insults and think less of the silly, unfounded, crock of shit that you are trying to pass off as the truth.

    You know I hate Bush just as much as the next guy. And I do not lack the ability to think that maybe it is possible for a government to organize such an event. But how the trade towers went down is from the incredible amount of heat. They just took off from Boston, so we are talking full tanks of gas. They are buildings made by man, they are not unbreakable. My god, people died. People jumped out of buildings just thinking that was the better way to go. And you think the US government actually did this?
    Let's Go Red Sox!
  • bootlegger10bootlegger10 Posts: 16,106
    momofglynn wrote:
    When it comes to the insults, it doesn't make me think your opinion is any more credible. Usually when someone starts talking in terms as you are, it's like a smoke cloud, maybe the reader will laugh about the insults and think less of the silly, unfounded, crock of shit that you are trying to pass off as the truth.

    You know I hate Bush just as much as the next guy. And I do not lack the ability to think that maybe it is possible for a government to organize such an event. But how the trade towers went down is from the incredible amount of heat. They just took off from Boston, so we are talking full tanks of gas. They are buildings made by man, they are not unbreakable. My god, people died. People jumped out of buildings just thinking that was the better way to go. And you think the US government actually did this?

    I like your signature. Nice to see that not all Boston Red Sox fans have an inferiority complex when it comes to the Yankees. It is possible to root for your team, and not hate the other! If Manny can do it, then I think it is possible for the Yankee and Red Sox fans to do it too.
  • 69charger69charger Posts: 1,045
    Let's see if by combining intelligence we can discover something. Hey there's a freaking notion!
    All I know is that tower #7 was brought down by explosives. There's no question about it. You just can't deny it. So when did they have time to rig the building? No time at all. They had to have rigged it before 9/11.

    There's no other explanation. The building WAS demolished.

    You are the Jerry Fallwell of conspiracy 'theorists'. You are just trying to convert people. Your mind is already made up. There is no room for discussion.
  • rightonduderightondude Posts: 745
    momofglynn wrote:
    When it comes to the insults, it doesn't make me think your opinion is any more credible. Usually when someone starts talking in terms as you are, it's like a smoke cloud, maybe the reader will laugh about the insults and think less of the silly, unfounded, crock of shit that you are trying to pass off as the truth.

    You know I hate Bush just as much as the next guy. And I do not lack the ability to think that maybe it is possible for a government to organize such an event. But how the trade towers went down is from the incredible amount of heat. They just took off from Boston, so we are talking full tanks of gas. They are buildings made by man, they are not unbreakable. My god, people died. People jumped out of buildings just thinking that was the better way to go. And you think the US government actually did this?

    Sigh...don't be a kid, see past the insults. I have a low tolerance for slow people. So what? I'm being honest.

    What's hilarious is all the people that tell me it's all a crock of shit and completely unfounded. That's the real conspiracy. :D
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