Canadian School Shooting

Watching it on Skynews now.I have to say everytime I hear about something like this it makes me really depressed.As I'm sure it does with everyone else.,,30000-1233878,00.html,,30000-1233878,00.html
It may be the devil or it may be the Lord
But you're gonna have to serve somebody.
But you're gonna have to serve somebody.
Post edited by Unknown User on
what a crock. every canadian on this board has told us that THERE ARE NO HANDGUNS IN CANADA. so how did he turn the gun on himself?
Making light of this situation. your awesome.
i'm not making light. you must be new here. the canadians are very clear that america should ban guns so the US would be free from crime like them; and how much more civilized they are.
i am mearly pointing out to them an instance where handguns do exist in canada and a law will not eradicate them.
We are hardly free from crime and no clear thinking Canuck would claim we are more civilized than America.
unbelievable. how about you not give a shit what a few message pit canadians said and have some compassion for the victims of this horrible crime that took place
so you are new here. welcome. i'm sorry if i insulted you or seemed insensative to the issue. that wasn't my goal. i just point out handgun crime in canada after being told by so many that there are no handguns in canada.
i didn't mean any disrespect.
The families of those who have been affected are in my thoughts.
Another habit says its long overdue
Another habit like an unwanted friend
I'm so happy with my righteous self
How's that sit with people?
He/She will never find one...what has been discussed and argued in the past is the accessability and requirements to get a hand-gun in the USA compared to Canada...where in the latter it is much more difficult (legally) to own and possess a one has ever said we have no hand-guns in this country.....
However, back to the original post, very tragic to hear these types of stories, regardless of their location. Kids should never have to deal with this type of madness while attending school, a complete shame.
i can name names but thats not allowed here. i don't save mindless posts and urls in a folder in case i need them in the future. they know who they are and i made my point to them.
But you're gonna have to serve somebody.
I don't want you to name names....leave it out of the quote if you want. Search "hand gun Canada" and see if you can find one. I highly doubt it. RIC summed it up.
jsand - if there were friends of the Canadian government making oodles of money off of this, I’d be willing to look at anything you put before me to try and prove it. But there are no benefits for anyone in this situation, so your cheapshot regarding 9/11 is disrespectful to both situations.
It is certainly disrespectful, but that's what happens when I get bombarded with this conspiracy theory nonsense on a daily basis about an event that I lived through and deeply affected me. It was a cheap shot, and I do apologize to those I offended. Just trying to make some people taste their own bitter medicine.
Way to rise above. When I want to get away from conspiracy theories I turn off my tv and computer.
i apologised for my insensative approach earlier but i wanted to point out that laws are only for the law abiding. one of the remarks made to me was "leave your guns at the border because there are no handguns in canada". that was one of the nicer remarks. the thread got ugly and i was challenged to prove handgun violence in canada. this was my chance and i took it. the two main offenders know who they are and we'll leave it at that.
I just came here to make sure my Montreal PJ friends were ok...came to the wrong place.
Give the liberal vs. conservative a rest would ya?
Nothing worse than when people go right ahead and spin a tragic incident to formulate (poorly I might add) conclusions to their petty political debates.
19 people were shot in mid-day by a fucking lunatic with a gun in their cafeteria. Students, between the age of 16 and 20.
This sort of thing doesn't happen often in Canada, and when it does, it hits hard. It's a fucking travesty.
Worse will be the political spin brought on by the incident. People should focus more on how many lives were changed today than post Columbine, 911 hysteria.
I completely agree with you, but I'm afraid this thread got sidetracked as backlash against a handfull of Canadians on this board who turn any tragedy, anywhere in the world, into an anti-US thread. It happens all too often on the board. Hopefully they will see this thread and recognize how bad a thread becomes when that happens. Sorry it happened here.
condolences to her family, and to those of the 8 others in critical condition.
fucked up day.
Also, as I was reading through the thread, "Glorified G" came on the radio station that I am listening to. Quite a coincidence.
Whatever...I stopped even bothering coming here. Any post about a Canadian topic has some dufus saying something stupid and vise versa, and these posts hijack whatever "intelligent" debate was trying to take place. Sad that people can't be an example by not stooping to what they hate..."if you hate something don't you do it too"...maybe before teaching Canadians on this board their little lesson, asking if they were even ok could have been a start.
Yeah, fight fire with fire. Always a brilliant idea. I think since some dude raped my sister, I'll rape HIS sister. That'll teach him.
You got to remember who the true victims are in this...Not some poor kid who got shot, but some poor person who gets bombarded with consipracy theories..