I'm Going To Hire Illegal Aliens!!!

Yay!!! I can't wait. This weekend I'm moving to the other side of the Valley of Sun. I'm going to head over to Home Depot Saturday morning and hire two, maybe even three illegals from Mexico.
My wife is worried that I'm going to get in trouble with the "law." So to assuage her fear I worked up a little plan if I get caught (cause Sheriff Joe is cracking down like a mofo here in PHX).
So if I get caught, I'll offer to write the State of Arizona a $20 check so they get their cut of the work. Cause that is what this is all about right? The state not getting paid when there is exchange of currency?!?!
I'm sure the "law" at that point will say something like, "this is about hiring illegals instead of Americans!" At that point, I'll ask the "law" if he/she can find one legal American in front of that Home Depot to help me move my shit for $12 an hour. Un fucking likely.
These questions will probably just piss off the "law" because his/her little pea brain can't come up with a retort. At which point I'll be sent to Tent City and wear pink underpants. (I didn't tell this part of the story to the wife).
So if I'm not around next week, wish me and my butthole good luck.
My wife is worried that I'm going to get in trouble with the "law." So to assuage her fear I worked up a little plan if I get caught (cause Sheriff Joe is cracking down like a mofo here in PHX).
So if I get caught, I'll offer to write the State of Arizona a $20 check so they get their cut of the work. Cause that is what this is all about right? The state not getting paid when there is exchange of currency?!?!
I'm sure the "law" at that point will say something like, "this is about hiring illegals instead of Americans!" At that point, I'll ask the "law" if he/she can find one legal American in front of that Home Depot to help me move my shit for $12 an hour. Un fucking likely.
These questions will probably just piss off the "law" because his/her little pea brain can't come up with a retort. At which point I'll be sent to Tent City and wear pink underpants. (I didn't tell this part of the story to the wife).
So if I'm not around next week, wish me and my butthole good luck.
Everything not forbidden is compulsory and eveything not compulsory is forbidden. You are free... free to do what the government says you can do.
Post edited by Unknown User on
I get 4 illegals for that....
You may be overpaying
I hope you end up losing your job someday to an illegal. Gee another hater of Americans and America.
That line is such a joke...
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
LOL... I don't think an illegal could get hired to do my job. You don't see many illegal immigrants doing consultant work in financial services...
Seriously though... if you're job is so ridiculously easy and requires absolutely no skills so than even an illegal alien could do it... you are the biggest loser this side of the fucking Mississippi.
I don't hate America, but why show preference to Americans just because they are Americans? It's pure prejudice if you do.
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
Yeah I know... but I love my Mexican brothers and sisters. I can afford it... they need it to feed baby's mouths. It is the right thing to do to pay them fairly for the work.
I would love to see some illegal alien try to do my job. I didn't go through 4 years of college and art school for nothing.
When you hire illegal aliens from a planet other than earth, then let me know.
Then I'll be impressed.
are you saying you'd like to do this work...? when can you start..?
there has to be some level of sovereignty no?
Why dont you go help him move?
Nah. I think people are people. I don't want to judge them differently if they are so-called "Americans" or not.
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
Lol -- so do the job that you are going to hire illegals for yourself then. Although I guess it would be tough to count all your money with no fingers.
As long as you treat them with dignity and respect, I say more power to you!
But I would like to point out that just because someone doesn't have papers doesn't mean s/he doesn't have skills.
"You're job?" Haha, ok. Do want you need to do but there are plenty of Americans and legal immigrants to do the work. Personally I wouldn't hire criminals to work on my properties but you do what you have to. Keep lowering the standards in the country and making it tougher for the working man to feed his family. You are the one of the enemies of the middle class.
I'm sure there are plenty of high school kids looking for some gas money if you look. Of course it is easy to take the lazy way out and come on here pounding your chest while defying the law. Count me in as impressed. :rolleyes:
Another enemy of the middle class chimes in.
You're one of the enemies of equality.
^Before I get attacked for that last line, I should mention that I'm not being serious. I'm just saying that referring to these guys as 'enemies of the middle class' is as ridiculous as me referring to you as that.
Go ahead and make some off handed comment on my properties if it makes you feel better. Are you a communist? Should I just give away things because I have success?
I work with an idiot who thinks that nobody should make the money that Exxon/Mobil makes, yet he doesn't understand simple economics of supply and demand. Should they sell something for less when they know people will pay more?
Equality? That is laughable. Are you saying some criminal fence jumper should have the same things that I do?
So hard working americans cant be criminals? What a great bunch those americans.
-Enoch Powell
My friend here is correct: equality doesn't mean you give people freebies when they haven't earned them. That's called charity, and the government isn't in that business - charities are.
What's wrong with having a preference for your own people? Why do we have to have this multiculturalist BS shoved down our throats about how illegals are people just like us - OF COURSE they are people, I just don't want them stealing our jobs!
-Enoch Powell
$600. Minimum. 3 quotes. Suck dick.
don't you think it's 'simple economics' that it's better for a business to hire 'illegal aliens' for a cheaper price than they would have to hire 'regular Americans'?
Lol... yeah you'd think. Just moved out here 5 months ago into a rental while we were looking for a place to buy... still don't know many people.
And why is it that everyone on here is so quick to judge?
The hatred, fear, and ignorance on this board is going to drive me to the AET!!! At least over there no one takes themselves or their (baseless) opinions too seriously.