Religion + Politics



  • Brink wrote:
    If Bush's approval rating is any reflection on the minority you're speaking of, I think you have things backwards.
    I never pay attention to polls. If anyone called me in the evening to bother me on the phone, I would hang up on them. Only people upset about losing elections would take the time to sit through one. I will voice my opinion in november when it counts.
  • he still standshe still stands Posts: 2,835
    I never pay attention to polls. If anyone called me in the evening to bother me on the phone, I would hang up on them. Only people upset about losing elections would take the time to sit through one. I will voice my opinion in november when it counts.
    Okay, I think we are getting to the point where these rebuttals aren't even worth reading....
    Everything not forbidden is compulsory and eveything not compulsory is forbidden. You are free... free to do what the government says you can do.
  • ryan198 wrote:
    Just b/c hippiemom agrees with many of eddie's politics doesn't mean she takes her political cues from him, perhaps she has come to many similar conclusions. similarly how is eddie any different than rush, sean, anne, etc. they are performers too.
    Their field of expertise and occupation is political debate and opinion. They spend hours prepareing and educating their selves on the topic's they discuss.They have strong beliefs and opinions and are good at articulating them.
    I dont think Eddie did much research to proclaim Bush is a liar.
  • ryan198 wrote:
    i agree
  • he still standshe still stands Posts: 2,835
    I dont think Eddie did much research to proclaim Bush is a liar.
    Yeah because thats pretty clear...
    Everything not forbidden is compulsory and eveything not compulsory is forbidden. You are free... free to do what the government says you can do.
  • hippiemom wrote:
    Oh, the horror!!! Europe, ewww! They have less crime, they imprison a lower percentage of their population, they have lower poverty rates, everyone is guaranteed access to health care, higher education is available at a reasonable cost, they have more vacation days than we do, they have a fabulous public transportation system, their environments are cleaner ... sounds like a real hell-hole, I sure hope we don't turn into that.
    I remember how well the youth in france felt when chiraq proposed labor laws that gave employers the right to terminate recent hirees. the youth protested for fear they may have to perform. And lets not forget the riots over the well treated muslim community. I have seen enough eropean teeth to know I don't want socialized medicine. I have seen enough replayes of the prime ministers questions to know i don't want 6 month or longer waiting times for medical procedures. I have never seen european country crime stats to opine on that. As for trainsportation systems, I'll take my car any day over rideing with a bunch of B.O. smelling passengers any day. as for the environment, anytime i see Paris or london on T.V. it always looks dirty to me.
  • Yeah because thats pretty clear...
    Give one example. I did not have sexual relations with that woman. or the ten other who didn't let me cum on their blue dress.
  • El_KabongEl_Kabong Posts: 4,141
    Give one example. I did not have sexual relations with that woman. or the ten other who didn't let me cum on their blue dress.

    how about where he said the IAEA issued a report that said iraq was 6 months away from having a nuke, i don't know what more evidence we need.

    then the IAEA said they never issued a report saying that, and in fact their report said they had no evidence they have the capabality or have obtained the materials for a nuke program

    to which they said, oh we meant an older report

    to which the IAEA said noooo, we never said that in 91, either

    then they said oh yeah, we didn't mean the IAEA, we meant the IIST (who's report came out AFTER bush made the claim and said IF iraq obtained materials from foriegn sources it is POSSIBLE they could have a nuke in 6 months...kinda a biiiiig differnce between 91 and the future just as between IT'S POSSIBLE and THEY HAVE ONE)

    how about that?
    standin above the crowd
    he had a voice that was strong and loud and
    i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
    eager to identify with
    someone above the crowd
    someone who seemed to feel the same
    someone prepared to lead the way
  • hippiemomhippiemom Posts: 3,326
    Okay, I think we are getting to the point where these rebuttals aren't even worth reading....
    Yup ... pretty severe case of mental myopia going on here ....
    "Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity." ~ MLK, 1963
  • soulsingingsoulsinging Posts: 13,202
    If you think the drug-abuse, crime, illiteracy, high divorce rate and other problems with our country as evolution, my point is made.

    she didnt say evolution, she said they're growing pains.
  • soulsingingsoulsinging Posts: 13,202
    Their field of expertise and occupation is political debate and opinion. They spend hours prepareing and educating their selves on the topic's they discuss.They have strong beliefs and opinions and are good at articulating them.
    I dont think Eddie did much research to proclaim Bush is a liar.

    what do you think eddie was doing for most of the 3 years between the riot act tour and the new album? he has shit to do all day, so he reads up on this stuff. he's as well qualified as you are to be talking about this stuff. im quite sure he has more free time than you'll ever see in your life.
  • soulsingingsoulsinging Posts: 13,202
    Please explain to me how Boeing, Walmart, Cocoa-cola, ext. contributes to our social ill's. They provide jobs, and make or sell products.
    As far as academia is to blame, school policies like social promotion, political correctness, removal of corporal punishment, NEA oppisition to choice, which would encourage improvement through competition are some examples.
    Hollywood for pushing sex and violence and a total lack of any moral substance. The rap industry which has done more damage to inner-city problems than anything. The liberal media machine which despises what this country stands for and seeks to transform us into Europe.
    All the areas i just listed are operated by huge majority of people who consider themselves liberal.

    how about gm? closes it's flint production and makes flint, mich one of the most crime-addled cities in the US. why? so it can move those jobs overseas to save a bit of $ and get bigger CEO bonuses and payouts for stockholders... all at the expense of that factory worker. walmart... often the ONLY employer in rural areas becos it wipes out all small, privately owned businesses. turning middle class entrepeneurs into lower class greeters or unemployed folks soaking up that welfare you love to hate. also interesting... with the growth of walmart we see an astronomical rise crystal meth and other drug use in rural areas... strange isnt it?

    yes our school system is fucked and im all for introducing some competitiveness. but teachers are also underpaid... we're getting the dregs of society to teach our kids and wonder why they're not performing. attract intelligent creative folks to schools and that will change. but this we wont pay for. federal government will pay for a new building, more admin, or a new football complex, but higher wages for teachers is out of the question. as to corporal punishment... im guessing you are quite comfortable with the thought of me, a 24 year old man, bending your 16 yr old daughter over my desk to spank her? you REALLY want corporal punishment in our schools?

    as to the media, yes we're rapidly becoming desensitized to sex and violence. but how about instead of censoring and having the government raise our kids, mr conservative, how about we make sure parents are actually parenting their kids and watching what they're doing? why are they not? mostly becos one job will no longer raise a family. why? cos there are no jobs out there except cashier at walmart at a whopping $8 per hour for 35 hours a week and no benefits. in addition, kids are getting pregnant too young cos you wont tell them what a condom is or let them get birth control and cos their parents cant monitor them becos... again... the parents are both at work at separate fast food restaurants.
  • El_Kabong wrote:
    how about where he said the IAEA issued a report that said iraq was 6 months away from having a nuke, i don't know what more evidence we need.

    then the IAEA said they never issued a report saying that, and in fact their report said they had no evidence they have the capabality or have obtained the materials for a nuke program

    to which they said, oh we meant an older report

    to which the IAEA said noooo, we never said that in 91, either

    then they said oh yeah, we didn't mean the IAEA, we meant the IIST (who's report came out AFTER bush made the claim and said IF iraq obtained materials from foriegn sources it is POSSIBLE they could have a nuke in 6 months...kinda a biiiiig differnce between 91 and the future just as between IT'S POSSIBLE and THEY HAVE ONE)

    how about that?
    First of all, UMSCOM, the wmd inspectors, were kickied out of Iraq in 98. No monitors had been allowed back until 03, just before the invasion. No one in the world said Iraq had no weopons or violated 17 resolutions over 12 years, they disagreed with how to resolve the issue. Bush had to go on the best intelligence availiable which took into account their prior underestimation, sadaam's behavior and past history. Making claims which were presented to him by Intelligence gathered during his tenure as well as Clinton's is not lieing. At worst it's being misinformed.
    on the contrary, Bill full knowingly lied to the public and the grand jurry during the Paula Jones civil case. This goes straight to the man's character. The fact that many American's still love the man goes straight to the moral decay of society.
    If it was a one time incident or mistake I could respect it, but it was a pattern which streched 3 decades with several woman. The blue dress was his downfall.
    I am one of the biggest Pearl Jam fans ever. I grew up listening to Eddie and respected his musical genious. He has always been a huge supporter of a right to vote, but he must stop pushing his religious and political views on his listeners. He's becoming what he hates. A politician!! Eddie, let it be. Sing your songs and let others make up their own choice.

    Eddie went so overboard on the "VH1 Storytellers" that many of my friends said that he had lost his mind. I used to respect Eddie but he has gone to far. I guess disappointment is the best word for it.
  • flywallyflyflywallyfly Posts: 1,453
    as for the environment, anytime i see Paris or london on T.V. it always looks dirty to me.

    Quote of the day. Thanks for the laugh !!
  • soulsingingsoulsinging Posts: 13,202
    First of all, UMSCOM, the wmd inspectors, were kickied out of Iraq in 98. No monitors had been allowed back until 03, just before the invasion. No one in the world said Iraq had no weopons or violated 17 resolutions over 12 years, they disagreed with how to resolve the issue. Bush had to go on the best intelligence availiable which took into account their prior underestimation, sadaam's behavior and past history. Making claims which were presented to him by Intelligence gathered during his tenure as well as Clinton's is not lieing. At worst it's being misinformed.
    on the contrary, Bill full knowingly lied to the public and the grand jurry during the Paula Jones civil case. This goes straight to the man's character. The fact that many American's still love the man goes straight to the moral decay of society.
    If it was a one time incident or mistake I could respect it, but it was a pattern which streched 3 decades with several woman. The blue dress was his downfall.

    yes, clinton was a womanizer. everyone in america knew it and didnt care becos they could tell he was a smart guy and thought he was doing a pretty decent job as president. sure, he cut a fine line in his paula jones testimony, but he lied, like any man would, to keep his private life private. i dotn condone his behavior, but it's his life and that business is between him and hillary. what he did with monica has no bearing on the paula jones case and should never have been admitted into court.

    even if bush was misinformed... how long was it between bush announcing saddam was a threat and invading iraq? 6 months? if you're making the momentous decision to invade another country unprovoked... you CANNOT be misinformed. you've got to be fucking positive and have more than 5 year old intel to back it up. this isnt the kind of thing you can say "oops, we were wrong, sorry!" as we're finding out right now. you make damn sure and 6 months is way too brief to rush headlong into a war with no long term strategy.
  • how about gm? closes it's flint production and makes flint, mich one of the most crime-addled cities in the US. why? so it can move those jobs overseas to save a bit of $ and get bigger CEO bonuses and payouts for stockholders... all at the expense of that factory worker. walmart... often the ONLY employer in rural areas becos it wipes out all small, privately owned businesses. turning middle class entrepeneurs into lower class greeters or unemployed folks soaking up that welfare you love to hate. also interesting... with the growth of walmart we see an astronomical rise crystal meth and other drug use in rural areas... strange isnt it?

    yes our school system is fucked and im all for introducing some competitiveness. but teachers are also underpaid... we're getting the dregs of society to teach our kids and wonder why they're not performing. attract intelligent creative folks to schools and that will change. but this we wont pay for. federal government will pay for a new building, more admin, or a new football complex, but higher wages for teachers is out of the question. as to corporal punishment... im guessing you are quite comfortable with the thought of me, a 24 year old man, bending your 16 yr old daughter over my desk to spank her? you REALLY want corporal punishment in our schools?

    as to the media, yes we're rapidly becoming desensitized to sex and violence. but how about instead of censoring and having the government raise our kids, mr conservative, how about we make sure parents are actually parenting their kids and watching what they're doing? why are they not? mostly becos one job will no longer raise a family. why? cos there are no jobs out there except cashier at walmart at a whopping $8 per hour for 35 hours a week and no benefits. in addition, kids are getting pregnant too young cos you wont tell them what a condom is or let them get birth control and cos their parents cant monitor them becos... again... the parents are both at work at separate fast food restaurants.
    First off, the reason why Meth labs are seen in rural areas is because the process has a potent smell, which is hard to hide in a city.
    Second, the big-3 automakers have been saddled with some of the crasiest pension and benifit liabilities the union's could stick them with. Before a chryselor car is even started, there is a 3,000 cost to GM just to pay the promised benefits. As for outsourcing, Toyota, and honda have insourced thousands of good paying jobs here. Every honda and toyota sold here is built here by Americans. The same with the Airline industry. The union-made costs have bankrupted these airlines while Jetblue and SW and flourishing. They are both non-union corps. which offer competetive salaryies and Employee stock packages. It's funny, when give the employee a share of the rock, they seem to work harder and more productive. Where as defined benifit plans which pay according to time served not production.
    As for wal-mart where do you think those people would be working otherwise. I'm sure wal-mart employs many PHD or MBA's. Instead of the few locAl stores employing 3 or 4 people making the same pay charging higher prices and giving no medical or other benifits, walmart hires a hundred.
    As for teachers being underpaid, on average they make $40,000 a year, much higher in some larger cities. They work 9 months a year, with many paid holiday's.
  • cornnifercornnifer Posts: 2,130
    mca47 wrote:

    I've said it many times in the past and I'll say it again...
    Organized religion has been the biggest downfall of man.

    I've said it many times in the past and I'll say it again...

    That's about a boneheaded comment.
    "When all your friends and sedatives mean well but make it worse... better find yourself a place to level out."
  • mca47mca47 Posts: 13,307
    cornnifer wrote:
    I've said it many times in the past and I'll say it again...

    That's about a boneheaded comment.

    Why is that?
    I don't know of anything else that has led to more human deaths, suffering, and misinformation since the dawn of time.
  • cornnifercornnifer Posts: 2,130
    mca47 wrote:
    Why is that?
    I don't know of anything else that has led to more human deaths, suffering, and misinformation since the dawn of time.

    Unless you want to discuss, for example, the brutal regime of Pol Pot, or other examples of completely nonreligious motivations for historical savagery everytime you or someone else raises this topic, why don't we move on. Besides sick people pervert all kinds of otherwise perfectly good ideas, religion notwithstanding, to promote their own sick agendas. As a Christian, I am no fan of "Religion" per se, but its stupid to blame a system of faith for perpetrations of evil. Its even stupider to blame religion for ALL of history's stains.

    Edit: Even more stupid :D
    "When all your friends and sedatives mean well but make it worse... better find yourself a place to level out."
  • he still standshe still stands Posts: 2,835
    cornnifer wrote:
    Unless you want to discuss, for example, the brutal regime of Pol Pot, or other examples of completely nonreligious motivations for historical savagery everytime you or someone else raises this topic, why don't we move on. Besides sick people pervert all kinds of otherwise perfectly good ideas, religion notwithstanding, to promote their own sick agendas. As a Christian, I am no fan of "Religion" per se, but its stupid to blame a system of faith for perpetrations of evil. Its even stupider to blame religion for ALL of history's stains.

    Edit: Even more stupid :D

    Its undeniable that wars are fought for what people PERCEIVE as religious reasons, but I think you are correct by implying that religion isn't the ACTUAL reason the war is fought. Wars are not fought for religious reasons; they are fought for money, land, and power. Religion and patriotism may be the rationales given to the public (both local and foreign), but the reality has to do with more concrete human needs. Nonetheless, many times religion is in the end why people are brainwashed into thinking the war is justified. It is easy to make people believe whatever you want them to believe.... especially if your beliefs have religious undertones. Hence one of the reasons for my strong conviction that church and state should not mix.
    Everything not forbidden is compulsory and eveything not compulsory is forbidden. You are free... free to do what the government says you can do.
  • angelicaangelica Posts: 6,038
    And to add, when people abuse religion, that is about people abusing religion. It's not that religion and it's practises are inherently bad. Religion does not advocate killing, persecution, power abuse, etc--quite the contrary! Unfortunately, when spiritual truths are misconstrued into advocating separation and hatred, from the religious leaders on down, that is about distortion and human error.

    I don't think throwing the baby (religion) out with the filthy bathwater(human distortion and tainting of religion) does anyone any good. I think, rather, it perpetuates falsehood, and lack of real problem solving.
    "The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." ~ Niels Bohr

    Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
  • El_KabongEl_Kabong Posts: 4,141
    First of all, UMSCOM, the wmd inspectors, were kickied out of Iraq in 98. No monitors had been allowed back until 03, just before the invasion. No one in the world said Iraq had no weopons or violated 17 resolutions over 12 years, they disagreed with how to resolve the issue. Bush had to go on the best intelligence availiable which took into account their prior underestimation, sadaam's behavior and past history. Making claims which were presented to him by Intelligence gathered during his tenure as well as Clinton's is not lieing. At worst it's being misinformed.
    on the contrary, Bill full knowingly lied to the public and the grand jurry during the Paula Jones civil case. This goes straight to the man's character. The fact that many American's still love the man goes straight to the moral decay of society.
    If it was a one time incident or mistake I could respect it, but it was a pattern which streched 3 decades with several woman. The blue dress was his downfall.

    you realize you didn't even come close to answering my question, right?? and what does clinton and a blue dress have to do w/ what i say?

    i'll try to go slower this time...

    bush says the iaea just came out of the iaea that saddam was 6 months away from having a nuke and ended the statement w/ "I don't know what more evidence we need"

    the iaea says they didn't issue such a report

    the white house press secretary says 'opps, we meant the iaea's 1991 report'

    the iaea says noooooo, we didnt issue a report like that in 91, either

    the white house press secretary says ohhh that's right, it wasn't the iaea, it was the iist and their report came out AFTER bush made that claim.

    problem is even the iist's report doesn't say they ARE 6 months away from having a nuke, what it says is IF they obtained ALL the material needed for a program from foreign sources then the COULD have a nuke in 6 months.

    it's not just about 'faulty, old intel', nice justification ya got there. do you really not see the word play there?

    a report came out saying they were 6 months away from having a nuke

    that is definite, that is saying in 6 months they WILL HAVE A NUKE

    this futurisitc report bush cited said IT WAS POSSIBLE IF they obtained the material.

    so saying they ARE about to have one, and don't know what more evidence we need is completely different from if they did this, this, this, this and that it's POSSIBLE they could have build a nuke in 6 months

    stop trying to weasel around it, they are conflicting statements and lies, it's not being misinformed, it's knowingly twisting things to sound more dire than they are to sway public opinion in favor of a war.

    i don't know what more evidence we need.... please!

    and if it's just being misinformed from old intel....what about the stuff the cia took out of speeches but got put right back in? like the niger claim...the CIA sent the white house, speech writers and NSC multiple memos saying the niger claim was false, tenet even made a phone call to them about it...and later they claimed 'it slipped their minds'! so if you believe that you also have to believe they are totally incompitent to let multiple memos and a phone call 'slip their minds'
    standin above the crowd
    he had a voice that was strong and loud and
    i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
    eager to identify with
    someone above the crowd
    someone who seemed to feel the same
    someone prepared to lead the way
  • cornnifercornnifer Posts: 2,130
    on the contrary, Bill full knowingly lied to the public and the grand jurry during the Paula Jones civil case. This goes straight to the man's character. The fact that many American's still love the man goes straight to the moral decay of society.
    If it was a one time incident or mistake I could respect it, but it was a pattern which streched 3 decades with several woman. The blue dress was his downfall.

    And because of some sperm stains on a dress, thosands of Americans died and continue to die, not to mention countless iraqi civilians including women and children. Right? I definitely see the significance of your point.
    Seesh... Double sheesh.
    "When all your friends and sedatives mean well but make it worse... better find yourself a place to level out."
  • merlynmerlyn Posts: 179
    it's all bollocks
    champagne for my real friends & i'm a real pain for my sham friends.. ;)
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