The Double Standard

How stupid is the world???
Hezbollah intentionally targets civillians and population centers with their rocket attacks.
Israel has the ability to flatten all of southern Lebanon, literally! Yet they try to limit civillian casualties with the use of strict rules of warefare and precision bombs. They fight an enemy who hides among civillians and uses them as sheilds against attacks.
The world applies a double standard to the two groups. Do people not see this double standard? Can somebody explain this to me?
Hezbollah intentionally targets civillians and population centers with their rocket attacks.
Israel has the ability to flatten all of southern Lebanon, literally! Yet they try to limit civillian casualties with the use of strict rules of warefare and precision bombs. They fight an enemy who hides among civillians and uses them as sheilds against attacks.
The world applies a double standard to the two groups. Do people not see this double standard? Can somebody explain this to me?
Post edited by Unknown User on
Shouldn't US Immigration officers be held to a different standard that some renegade 'minutemen" group?
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
Maybe the world should arm Hezbollah with tanks and planes and laser guided missiles so they can 'accurrately attack' Israel's military facilities and infrastructure insted of lobbing dumb bombs that fall anywhere.
Would that make you happy?
Hail, Hail!!!
It seems obvious what the situation is with Hezbullah, Lebenon and Israel.
Yet many ignore the obvious and dig and reach for distorted and twisted so-called facts.
I mean, we just had someone expose themselves for the rascist they really are, by calling a Jewish MT member (from Israel) a "Pig".:(:( We all know where the term "Pig" for Jewish people originates from and it's dispicable place in that culture. It's no secret.
This is a sad situation.
um....I had no idea the term you mentioned was "racist"...I'm serious...I'm not saying it's ok to call anyone a "pig"...however, I honestly had no idea it has a racist meaning...
as for twisting facts....I recall a interview I saw in the Today show a while back, a fella defending bush said "the facts aren't right"....
It is. Disgustingly so. It's on the same level as calling a black person a nigger.
Bush and this Administration have lied about so much crap, I can't even imagine what that is refering to.
So you are saying that Hezbollah does not have to limit collateral damage, but Israel does?
I hear you, but i don't understand the purpose of two sets of rules. If killing civillians is wrong in your view, Hezbollah should be held to the exact same degree of accountablility as israel. Should they not?
It's the soft bigotry of low expectations.
and this means what...?
I understand your point, and agree to a certain extent. But this is an example of compasion and decency by Isreal, and I think people should acknowledge that.
What this equates to is Israel giving its sworn enemy a chance to negotiate a peace, some sort of agreement. They are giving Hezbollah a chance to exist.
Israel is capable of totally eliminating Hezbollah militarily. The reason Hezbollah has political support is because they take advantage of Israel's leaniency and exploit it as their strength. When in reality, that is false.
Isreal slaps Hezbollah and Hamas on the wrist every time they do something bad. But if Isreal back-handed these groups across the room when they stepped out of line, then eventually their support would cease because people don't want to get back-handed.
Why do you think millions of people "decided" they didn't want to believe in Nazism after 1945? Is it because they would face death if they tried to continue that movement, or is it because after war forced them to face the reality of their ideology - they decided that it was wrong?
Either way, they both exemplify that good things can come at the point of a gun.
Nazi Germany is not even comparble to present day terrorism....two totally different situations.....and therefore must be handeled differently....
Actually, it goes a bit further than Israel just being "nice" to Hezbollah. Israel and the US/Britain have too much to lose by waging an all-out campaign against Islamic Fundamentalist.
I think we could win, but we keep holding out - waiting for the other side to change.
It's when we feel like we have nothing to lose, that is when the gloves will come off.
It's the same "sleeping giant" analogy. If we get hit hard enough by these Islamic terrorist, we will come at them with everything we have.
No. It is not compassionate to drop leaflets followed by bombs. It is compassionate to not drop bombs.
It should be recognized that Israel does take steps to avoid civilian casualties. But that should not be celebrated simply because their enemies do not do this.
Such "chances" are not Israel's right to "give". Israel holds no ownership of the existence of Hezbollah, Lebanon, or anyone else.
I agree with you here. It's a wise tactic and much of the world falls victim to it.
Disagree here. Suicidal, desperate people aren't really scared of backhanding.
Ummm...I think you have it backwards. You might try asking if they believed it in the first place.
Nothing good comes at the point of a gun. To suggest that violence is good when it ends violence is a very troubling statement.
Israel has every right to decide on the existence of Hezbollah so long as it launches attacks on Israel and is sworn to Israel's destruction. As for Lebanon, Israel has every right to attack it so long as it aids, abets, harbors and fails to disarm Hezbollah.
Really? Does Hezbollah have the opposite right then for everytime Israel kills one of its members or one of the citizens it represents?
Really? Does Lebanon have the opposite right then for everytime Israel aids, abets, harbors and fails to disarm the IDF?
More moral equivalence at its finest. I expected no less from the moving train.
its much easier for us to rationalize suffering based on "right" and "wrong" ... it is much harder to look ourselves in the mirror when see what role we played in someone's death ...
The moral depravity on this board is astounding.
So why don't you try answering the question?
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
The guy really needs to have a nice grilled cheese sandwich... really.
Hail, Hail!!!
and perhaps a warm bowl of tomato soup.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Yes!! It is moral equivalence. A very sharp eye. Now, can you tell me how the morality, in reality, is unequivalent?
Yeah.. nothing like a nice grilled cheese sandwich and the hot bowl of tomato soup to knock the edge off a festering hatred and wanton desire for the complete anihilation of a large number of people.
Hail, Hail!!!
I always knew my grandmother was onto something.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
because it is much easier to make drama statements and act like you are somehow superior in thought and being ...
No thanks. Been there, done that too many times on this board. No matter what the facts are, you and others on this moral equivalency kick can't get it through your heads that there is a very conspicuous distinction between a sovereign state's right to defend itself from barbaric acts of terrorism against its civilians (read: Israel) and a group that is sworn to destroy that sovereign state by intentionally targeting its civilians (read: Hezbollah, Hamas, etc., etc.).
Says the leftist elitist.
Never once have I seen you lay out a system of morality that differentiates Israelis from Hezbollah. Every claim you make in support of Israel may simply be turned around.
There is a difference. It's a difference of scale. And in the context of morality, scale is superfluous.
What does that mean? How is scale superfluous?
care to provide examples of my elitism??