Gas Prices

Does anyone else find it astonishing that the price of gas has plummeted right before a mid-term election?
When prices skyrocketed and people started to seriously call for alternative fuels, then all of a sudden production goes up and price comes back down.
This is total bullshit. Fuck our corrupt ass government officials and corporate bigwigs who are fucking our country, environment and ultimately the world.
I don't think I'm going to vote anymore becuase it doesn't matter who you elect these days, they owe somebody big time for putting up the hundreds of millions it takes to win office.
Let's change the political system - we need more than one party and campaign finance reform in the worst way!!!!!!! Fuck! KLJASDHIA&S%(Df67y
When prices skyrocketed and people started to seriously call for alternative fuels, then all of a sudden production goes up and price comes back down.
This is total bullshit. Fuck our corrupt ass government officials and corporate bigwigs who are fucking our country, environment and ultimately the world.
I don't think I'm going to vote anymore becuase it doesn't matter who you elect these days, they owe somebody big time for putting up the hundreds of millions it takes to win office.
Let's change the political system - we need more than one party and campaign finance reform in the worst way!!!!!!! Fuck! KLJASDHIA&S%(Df67y
Post edited by Unknown User on
try taking an economics class. you might, might not, learn alot. and no you are the only one who finds it astonishing
I'm complaining about two things...
1) It seems brutally obvious that levers can be pulled to manipulate price. The Saudis know they need the Republicans in office and so they ratchet up their production to pull the price back down. The world is a much, much more volitale place now than it was a year ago. Iraq is teetering and Iran is pretty much told the world to kiss off.
2) Yes, lower gas prices mean the lemmings in our country will shut up about wanting ethanol and hydrogen fuels. In essence, we'll keep on choking ourselves on carbon dioxide and sending hundreds of billions of dollars to people who want to undermine the United States and ultimately democracy in the world. We couldn't be more stupid.
your smarter then that. the price of oil is a freely traded commodity. the price is set in the trading pits of new york and london. and supply is controlled by OPEC. the only way the governement could bring the price down is if it released a bunch from its reserve. the price might, big might, drop very litttle. I do this stuff for a living, I know a little bit about it.
I, too, am curious about the sudden drop in the price of gas...there was a interesting thread here a couple of weeks ago pertaining to this subject..
the usual "supply and demand" folks chimed in, but no one could address the fact the same excuses to raise prices are happening (iran saber-rattling, unrest in nigera, irak) and yet the price goes down...
suddenly there is a huge supply....yes, the "summer driving season" is over..but what does that really mean...? people are still driving, holidays are coming up, and guess what, people are going to be driving....the roads are still busy, in fact they are busier with all the parents driving kids to school...
I predicted a in that thread a couple of weeks ago, gas would be below 2 bucks by november 1....I bet I'm right....
Just a few months ago, it was being blamed on Exxon's price gouging. Oil may have fallen to $59 a barrel but looking at it in this way is very American centered. This price falling is a good thing even for the research into alternative fuels since every alternative fuel that has been looked at takes oil to produce at this point. Higher gas prices cause low income families hardships in more than the one family car that they can afford. Complaining about the price drop is frivolous.
I have taken Economics you smart ass. When supply goes up, price comes down. The price set in trading pits has been artificially inflated due to volitile world events that threaten supply. It's estimated that speculation alone has raised the price of oil in recent months around $20 per barrel.
Recent world events should suggest that the price would increase, yet they are falling. Why are they falling? It is becuase OPEC, namely the Saudis have increased the shit out of their production. Why would they do this? There are two reasons.
1) They know if they keep production low and prices high, the demand for their commidity will be in jeopardy by consumers who want alternative fuels.
2) They need a Republican administration that de facto protects them and their interest while starting wars with their enemies.
wow thats a bold statment. price will be 2 dollars by November. guess what genius oil prices go down in the winter. this subject makes me more angry becuase you people have no idea what you are talking about.
the government has no control over the price of oil. its a freely traded commodity. and supply is mostly controlled by OPEC. USA is not part of OPEC. some might not have known that either.
take a look at the price of oil over time. it goes down in NOVEMBER. yes, even in a non-election year. shocking isnt it?
stop blaming every goddamn thing on the government
I don't buy it...all the usual excuses are in place, the ones I've mentioned, yet the prices go down..
I contend setting prices of almost anything is subjective and can be manipulated...
you obviously have no idea how markets work.
We are moving towards winter blend gasoline. It is cheaper to refine, due to less stringent environmental regulations. This isn't the first time gas prices have taken a dip during fall. Expect prices to increase when summer approachs as they switch back to summer blends.
This guy gives a pretty good explanation
Funny how people seem to actually be upset that gas prices are falling. Makes no sense to me.
its amazing isnt it? the LAWS of supply and demand mean nothing also. its bush and the republicans. that cannot be any other explaination.
Yeah... there would be.
Do you remember when Clinton was President? People complained... about Waco, TX., about Monica Lewinski, about Wag The Dog, about InterNet Bubbles. It's just that you were probably doing the complaining... and rightly so... on some issues.
Please, don't tell me that the Conservative Republicans sat there in silence from 1992 to 2000.
Hail, Hail!!!
They've never done anything like illegally bomb and attack a country say like Kosovo or lie under in a Congretional hearing.
Now Republicans are tricky bastards. They can control things they have no control over, all the while headed by the stupidest person to ever exist. Now there's a party you can't trust.
when it hits you, you feel to pain.
So brutalize me with music.”
~ Bob Marley
Yes I remember all of that, I wasn't really complaining about it though. I was a little young to really know what the hell was going on. No I wont tell you that Republicans were sitting there in silence, I'm sure they weren't and rightfully so. But I'm not talking about all of that. I was only talking about the topic of this thread, gas prices falling.
I'm unsure as to where I stated I was upset with falling gas prices...what I'm upset about is the high gas prices, often justified with the same excuses...
but, hey, if you are happy with paying 2 and 3 dollar a gallon prices, that's cool with me...I just happen to think there are "other" factors at play...
Ha,ha! You forgot to put the A-bomb and Vietnam under the Dems as well.
I'd rather pay 2 or 3 dollars then the 4 dollars everyone was screaming was soon to come. What other factors are you refering to. Thanks.
My bad... I thought you said, "If the dems were in control and prices were falling, which they would because it has nothing to do with elections, would they be blaming the dems? I doubt it."
Personally... I think Republicans and Democrats are two side of the same cum soaked joy rag.
Hail, Hail!!!
Interesting take on our two party system. Yes that is what I said, I'm not sure why you are having such a hard time understanding it.
What? I thought you meant that if there was a Democratic Administration in office... and the same conditions existed... which they would because the economy and the Administration have nothing to do with each other... that NCFan would not be blaming the Democrats about the irratic price of gasoline.
I don't know if he would. If the same sleaziness and lies and misinformation were equal... I'm guessing, yeah... NCFan would still be pissed off.
Same as I often wonder what the FOX News casts and the stay the course Conservatives would be saying if Iraq was Al Gore's War. Would Sean Hannity, Bill O'Rielly, JSand and the other Bush/War supporters feel the same way they do today? Or would they be pissed off that Al Gore stood on the deck of the U.S.S. Abraham Lincoln and declared combat operations have ceased in 2003 and 2,700 U.S. servicemen came home in boxes?
I don't know for sure... but, I have my hunches.
Hail, Hail!!!
Lower gas prices = slower move towards alternative fuels
Slower move towards alternative fuels = more polution for our planet and more money in the hands of foriegn governments that wish to check the influence of the United States.
Money in the hands of these governments = subsidies for their respective citizens.
Subisdies = happier citizens
Happier citizens = stronger grip on power for respective regimes
stronger grip on power = slower move towards democracy in countries like Iran, Saudi Arabia, etc... and more funding for Hezbollah, Hamas, etc.
If George Bush was serious about fighting terror, he would raise the price of oil to spur development of alternative fuels and he would cease tarrifs on Brazillian produced sugar cane ethanol imports.
The sooner we quit handing billions of dollars anually to these countries = the quicker their oil-dependant and non-diversified economies will slow.
Their economies slowing = less subsidies for their citizens.
Less subsidies = equals civil unrest
Civil unrest = improved likelyhood of regime change
i filled up for 1.91/g the other day.
I predict it will be cold in Minnesota in January. I bet I'm right.