Our Religious Nuts Versus Theirs

For those that think all zealots are equal, please take a look at this youtube clip.
This is fucking crazy, but it's a far cry from trying to kill infedels. This is something specific to Islam. Sure, ultra right-wing Christians kill abortion doctors becuase they "sin". But I'm not sure I've ever heard of an instance of a Christian killing someone else for not believing.
This is an epidimic in the Islamic world. Please discuss.
This is fucking crazy, but it's a far cry from trying to kill infedels. This is something specific to Islam. Sure, ultra right-wing Christians kill abortion doctors becuase they "sin". But I'm not sure I've ever heard of an instance of a Christian killing someone else for not believing.
This is an epidimic in the Islamic world. Please discuss.
Post edited by Unknown User on
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The Radical, militant wing of Christianity is the Ku Klux Klan.... the radical wing of Islam is al Qaeda.
Therefore, al Qaeda is to islam as the K.K.K. is to Christianity.
I think the point you are trying to make is that mainstream Christianity rejects the K.K.K.... but, the same cannot be said for mainstream Muslims.
Am I right?
Hail, Hail!!!
You are right. Radical Islam is much, much more prevalent than radical Christians, which begs the question: What if Islam is just a violent religion?
And seriously, what do radical Christians do? I don't know when the last time an abortion clinic was blown up (meaning that it is very, very, very rare)? I don't think anyone gets killed for preaching a faith other than Christianity. Oh no, they express verbally that they are against homosexuality and abortion. If you think the wars in Iraq are Christian wars, than make up your mind for your reasons, because I thought it was all about oil and imperialism. So, in my opinion I think comparing radical Christians (who are more defined by their thoughts than actions) to radical Muslims (who are more defined by their actions) is trivial.
yeah, that's why there are videos of republicans cutting off heads of people
Actually... I believe they have been just driven deeper undergound. I think it is hard for racists views to change to tolerance... and much easier to keep your mouth shut and blend in with the crowd. and I find it hard to believe that racists change their views because other people disapprove of them.
Hail, Hail!!!
Hopefully they go underground and don't take their kids with them.
Part of it is the time i think... It just seems like Islam is behind Christianity... with things like the crusades and witch trials and even the genocide of Native Americans to and extent, Christian fundamentalists (and governments using Christianity for it's own imperialistic purposes) have had more than their share of violence over the centuries... We often make the exaggerated comparison of people in the middle east living in the stone age in regards to their economy, technology and quality of life, maybe their use of religion for violence is as far behind as everything else in terms of evolving. Hopefully with time it gets better.
Globalization is the solution for so much... once younger generations of these oppressed countries openly see or experience how other cultures live, they will grow up empowered with knowledge that previous generations didn't/don't have.
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
There's a difference between the Abortion Bomber quacks and the Klansmen that quote Biblical passages about not mixing of blood, Jews killing Jesus and other loony interpretations. The Klan claims to be a militant wing of Christianity... the Abortion bomber is just a psycho using Christianity to justify his violence against a practice he deems as immoral.
But, the bottom line is.. most Christians will speak out and truely condemn the killing of doctors and the bombing of clinics. But can the same be said for the majority of Muslims? What is their reaction when a car bomb kills people?
Hail, Hail!!!
Western media (VERY powerful, pervasive) has turned this into a war between western democracy vs Arab fundamentalism. Could be. Or maybe its just a simple matter of conquest-given context from a historical perspective this view is much more likey.
People believe what they choose to believe.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
We have a saying around here: "There are none so righteous as the reformed."
I have been in some crazy Christian churches (like Evangelist, Baptist, Dutch Reform) and I will say, without hesitating, that they are fucking crazy. They were relentless in preying upon the fears of children (saying things like you go to hell if you don't give your life to Jesus by saying the words out loud in front of everybody). They really put the fun in fundamentalism.
Catholics just follow some old rituals, but most don't really believe in them anymore - money is the catholic church's main concern these days.
Other more moderate Christian churches are ok in that they don't preach craziness on a regular basis, but there is still an underlying uneasiness I have about telling kids that they will go to hell if they don't follow Jesus. It's absurd.
Well, it's not so simple. You have to break it down.
Just because there are much mroe prevalent extremists in the Middle East this time does not mean the religion itself is a violent religion, regardless of any half ass translation of the Quran someone pulls out. But considering the fact that they're an oppressed people at this time, and are always turning to religion, it's different. Honestly, how many self-proclaimed Catholics these days actually, and I mean ACTUALLY, take their religion to heart like most Muslims do (it IS the fastest growing religion after all).
Now considering everything going on in the Muslim world, the muslims are probably angry enough and (the ones who are fighting atleast) not powerful enough to the point where they turn for any means of rebellion. EVERYONE has fought like this (guerilla warfare). so the muslims are probably not completely satisfied with killing "civilians" and "innocents" but to them now, it's a rebellion and that's what they turn to. it's seen as a victory if they fight.
besides, i mean look at hezbollah who actually avoided trying to hurt civilians in july 2006, while the israelis (sorry for bringing em up, but someone would do it sooner or later) actually killed 1000+.
there are "extremists" everywhere. Jewish extremists that you guys don't hear about on the news. And, in the past, the Christians would travel around the world ruthlessly killing people, which was much worse than anything the muslims do these days. Just because the muslims are the target of the media and westernization doesn't mean they are a violent people.
then there are other churches who believe in deeper and spiritual things rather than silly mundayne things like the kind of clothes you wear, the music you listen to, your political affiliation or scaring kids into christian beliefs. believe me there are churches who are completely aware of other churches mistakes. these are churches who sincerely follow the bible and don't try to force-feed anybody into it. they simply believe that the focus is to restore the soul.
and giving a green light or vote to drop bombs on people is what, more civil?
And how is this any different from the belief of UFOs, intelligent life on other planets and the possibility that we have been visited by them, for thousands and thousands of years? I'll tell you.
The latter is much more plausible and there seems to be some significant scientific proof of their existence.
why yes it is
Ours are all talk and no walk.
Theirs are the opposite.
Don't forget the Skinheads.
Either way, I agree that other more sever examples don't excuse anything, it's simply a red herring. A very common political tactic that has resulted in many deaths.
Is religion neurotic? I don't think so. Personally I'm more inclined to the theory of memetics. Daniel C Dennett does a lot of writing on this subject.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Yes, most muslims will condemn violence.
Well I sure feel better knowing that "our" religious nuts will only kill others for sinning, and not for not believing...
wow, do you even try to use your mind anymore?
you're like a follower of the Party, just like in 1984. The type of person that the government would love because you eat up anything they spit out at you.
you are a fool