Al-Qaida No. 2 clears up a few things.....

Al-Qaida was responsible for 9/11, Al-Qaida is still in Iraq, Al-Qaida does hate the west, and *gasp* its those damn americans who are responsible for global warming!!
CAIRO, Egypt - Osama bin Laden's chief deputy on Tuesday denied a theory that Israel carried out the Sept. 11 attacks and blamed Iran and Shiite Hezbollah for spreading the idea to discredit the Sunni al-Qaida's strike against the U.S.
The comments in a recording posted on an Islamic Web site reflected the increasing criticism by al-Qaida's No. 2 leader Ayman al-Zawahri against Iran. Al-Zawahri has accused Iran in recent messages of seeking to extend its power in the Middle East, particularly in Iraq and through its Hezbollah allies in Lebanon.
The authenticity of the two-hour audio recording could not be independently confirmed. But the voice sounded like past audiotapes from the terror leader, and the posting where it was found bore the logo of Al-Sahab, al-Qaida's official media arm.
It was the second of two messages answering questions that were posted to Islamic militant Web sites earlier this year.
One of the questioners asked about the theory that has circulated in the Middle East and elsewhere that Israel was behind the 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.
Al-Zawahri accused Hezbollah's Al-Manar television of starting the rumor.
"The purpose of this lie is clear — (to suggest) that there are no heroes among the Sunnis who can hurt America as no else did in history. Iranian media snapped up this lie and repeated it," he said.
"Iran's aim here is also clear — to cover up its involvement with America in invading the homes of Muslims in Afghanistan and Iraq," he said.
Iran cooperated with the United States in the 2001 U.S. assault on Afghanistan that toppled al-Qaida's allies, the Taliban.
Answering questions about Iraq in Tuesday's tape, al-Zawahri said the insurgent umbrella group led by al-Qaida, called the Islamic Nation of Iraq, is "the primary force opposing the Crusaders and challenging Iranian ambitions" in Iraq, he said, referring to the Americans.
As he often does in his messages, al-Zawahri denounced the "Crusader invasion" of Iraq, but in Tuesday's tape he paired it with a mention of "Iranian complicity" or "Iranian agents."
In the latest tape, al-Zawahri was also asked if the terror group had further plans to attack Western countries that participated in the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq and subsequent war.
"My answer is: Yes! We think that any country that has joined aggression on Muslims must be deterred," he replied.
In response to a question signed by the Japanese news agency Kyodo asking if Japan remains a target because it once had troops in Iraq, al-Zawahri said "Japan provided help under the banner of the crusader coalition ... therefore it participated in the Crusader campaign against the lands of Islam."
Japan deployed non-combat troops to southern Iraq in 2003 to carry out reconstruction work. It withdrew its troops from Iraq in 2006 and now conducts airlifts to help supply U.S.-led forces in that country.
Al-Zawahri spoke on a wide range of issues, even global warming, which he said reflected "how criminal, brutal and greedy the Western Crusader world is, with America at the top."
He predicted that global warming would "make the world more sympathetic to and understanding of the Muslims' jihad against the aggressor America."
Asked if there are any women in al-Qaida, the terror leader answered simply: "No." In a follow-up answer, he said: "There are no women in al-Qaida jihadi group, but the women of the mujahedeen are playing a heroic role in taking care of their houses and sons."
In several parts of Tuesday's audio message, Al-Zawahri claimed that the Taliban took over 95 percent of Afghanistan and is sweeping Pakistan as well.
"The Crusaders and their agents in Pakistan and Afghanistan are starting to fall," he said.
In another answer Tuesday, al-Zawahri said it was against Islamic religious law for any Muslim to live permanently in a Western country because in doing so they would "have permanent stay there under the laws of the infidels."
Al-Qaida's media arm, Al-Sahab, announced in December that al-Zawahri would take questions from the public posted on Islamic militant Web sites and would respond "as soon as possible." Queries were submitted on the main Islamist Web site until the cutoff date of Jan. 16.
CAIRO, Egypt - Osama bin Laden's chief deputy on Tuesday denied a theory that Israel carried out the Sept. 11 attacks and blamed Iran and Shiite Hezbollah for spreading the idea to discredit the Sunni al-Qaida's strike against the U.S.
The comments in a recording posted on an Islamic Web site reflected the increasing criticism by al-Qaida's No. 2 leader Ayman al-Zawahri against Iran. Al-Zawahri has accused Iran in recent messages of seeking to extend its power in the Middle East, particularly in Iraq and through its Hezbollah allies in Lebanon.
The authenticity of the two-hour audio recording could not be independently confirmed. But the voice sounded like past audiotapes from the terror leader, and the posting where it was found bore the logo of Al-Sahab, al-Qaida's official media arm.
It was the second of two messages answering questions that were posted to Islamic militant Web sites earlier this year.
One of the questioners asked about the theory that has circulated in the Middle East and elsewhere that Israel was behind the 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.
Al-Zawahri accused Hezbollah's Al-Manar television of starting the rumor.
"The purpose of this lie is clear — (to suggest) that there are no heroes among the Sunnis who can hurt America as no else did in history. Iranian media snapped up this lie and repeated it," he said.
"Iran's aim here is also clear — to cover up its involvement with America in invading the homes of Muslims in Afghanistan and Iraq," he said.
Iran cooperated with the United States in the 2001 U.S. assault on Afghanistan that toppled al-Qaida's allies, the Taliban.
Answering questions about Iraq in Tuesday's tape, al-Zawahri said the insurgent umbrella group led by al-Qaida, called the Islamic Nation of Iraq, is "the primary force opposing the Crusaders and challenging Iranian ambitions" in Iraq, he said, referring to the Americans.
As he often does in his messages, al-Zawahri denounced the "Crusader invasion" of Iraq, but in Tuesday's tape he paired it with a mention of "Iranian complicity" or "Iranian agents."
In the latest tape, al-Zawahri was also asked if the terror group had further plans to attack Western countries that participated in the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq and subsequent war.
"My answer is: Yes! We think that any country that has joined aggression on Muslims must be deterred," he replied.
In response to a question signed by the Japanese news agency Kyodo asking if Japan remains a target because it once had troops in Iraq, al-Zawahri said "Japan provided help under the banner of the crusader coalition ... therefore it participated in the Crusader campaign against the lands of Islam."
Japan deployed non-combat troops to southern Iraq in 2003 to carry out reconstruction work. It withdrew its troops from Iraq in 2006 and now conducts airlifts to help supply U.S.-led forces in that country.
Al-Zawahri spoke on a wide range of issues, even global warming, which he said reflected "how criminal, brutal and greedy the Western Crusader world is, with America at the top."
He predicted that global warming would "make the world more sympathetic to and understanding of the Muslims' jihad against the aggressor America."
Asked if there are any women in al-Qaida, the terror leader answered simply: "No." In a follow-up answer, he said: "There are no women in al-Qaida jihadi group, but the women of the mujahedeen are playing a heroic role in taking care of their houses and sons."
In several parts of Tuesday's audio message, Al-Zawahri claimed that the Taliban took over 95 percent of Afghanistan and is sweeping Pakistan as well.
"The Crusaders and their agents in Pakistan and Afghanistan are starting to fall," he said.
In another answer Tuesday, al-Zawahri said it was against Islamic religious law for any Muslim to live permanently in a Western country because in doing so they would "have permanent stay there under the laws of the infidels."
Al-Qaida's media arm, Al-Sahab, announced in December that al-Zawahri would take questions from the public posted on Islamic militant Web sites and would respond "as soon as possible." Queries were submitted on the main Islamist Web site until the cutoff date of Jan. 16.
Post edited by Unknown User on
Well according to the 2007 National Intelligence Estimate, Al Qaida makes up only about 15% of the insurgency in Iraq. They are far from being our greatest opponent in Iraq.
I know this. but they are still there. but they are there because we are there, I get that. but if we leave will they leave? I'm not so sure.
Probably not but that is a problem for the Iraqi military and security forces, not us.
I agree. but I think its our responsibly to train and equip them. that hasn't happened yet
His words hardly mean a damn thing to me, when he's attempting (claiming) to speaking truths.
It has happened, The problem is that these troops and security personal we train are loyal to their sectarian sect and not to the central government.
I don't know if your read the Iraq Study Report that was published a couple of years ago. In the report it stated that somewhere around 15% of all Iraqi recruits simply disappear after they are trained and receive their equipment. Another high percentage refuse to fight against militias or insurgent groups based on their sectarian allegience.
We went in there and fucked their country up so I do believe that we had the responsibility to try to fix it. We did our best, but now the rest is up to them and they do not seem to want to put aside their religious difference in order to unify and improve their country.
There is no longer a military solution to this problem. So why is our military still there. This is a political/religious problem and you can't force a people to overcome that by force feeding them our definition of Democracy at gun point.
for the most part I completely agree. and this is where I do not see eye to eye with mccain.
so ignore and disregard what he says? doesn't seem like an intelligent thing to do.
What happened to those thousands of Iraqi troops that Rumsfeld took credit for training?
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
who the fuck knows. the US has been sugar coating the strength of the Iraq armed forces since the beginning.
well they maybe bolted and are probably putting all that training to use by killing US and coalition troops.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
Our government does just that. How many times have we heard, from both parties, that they hate us and attacked us because of our freedoms. It is complete and utter bullshit. The terrorist our telling us why they attack us, our intelligence experts (like Robert Baer and Michael Scheuer) are telling us why they attack us and the politicians continue to ignore them and feed us the bullshit line of them hating our freedoms.
I disagree. I think they do hate our freedoms. not enough to be the sole reason to attack us, but the hatred is there. just look at the "laws" of extreme Islam. they are completely opposite of freedom. especially the treatment of women.
just look at what he said in the interview...
al-Zawahri said it was against Islamic religious law for any Muslim to live permanently in a Western country because in doing so they would "have permanent stay there under the laws of the infidels."
naděje umírá poslední
lol of course you do. do you think al-qaida really gives a flying fuck about global warming?
I agree that their laws (extremist muslim laws) are the opposite of freedom, but they didn't attack the US because they "hate" your freedoms. Not at all.
Al-Qaeda has told us why they attacked, Michael Scheuer (ex-CIA bin Laden expert) wrote a book on why they attacked us and hate us. Even bin Laden said he was write and that Americans should read his book if they want to understand why they attacked the US.
naděje umírá poslední
I agree its not a reason. but its a factor in their reasoning to attack us. at the highest levels of extreme Islam, its taught to kill non-believers.
I have no idea what Al-Qaeda's stance is on global warming. And I don't care. I said I agreed with that statement to a certain extent.
naděje umírá poslední
of course they do... it's freakin' hot in those caves as it is.
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
I agree with that. All I'm saying is Bush & co are liars and deliberately presented the whole "they hate our freedoms" as a reason why they attacked the US. Because they couldn't say: "They attacked us because of our presence in the Middle East. Now, let's go invade Afghanistan and Iraq!"
naděje umírá poslední
frankly I didn't need a reason as to "why" they attacked us on 9/11. they did. Now, lets go invade afgah. good enough for me. as for Iraq, ugh. different story.
but yes, I do know the main reason for being attacked is our presence in Saudi Arabia and our support of Israel......and they hate our way of life
I know, I was just being an ass. sorry
It's cool, man.
We're all asses sometimes
naděje umírá poslední
Bin Laden has specifically listed all his grievances towards the west and not one of them is that we are a democratic free country.
They may not like or agree with the way we live our lives but that is not why they attacked us.
you are aware thats a completely... COMPLETELY bogus poll right?
It's not a poll. It's an intel report. It's not the only one either. Most intel reports, from several different agencies, state that Al Qaida backed fighters make up a minority of the insurgency. You can believe the report or not but don't confuse it with some type of poll.
I guess this makes them eco-terrorists.
Hehe...I think it just makes them ridiculous. I'll give them credit though - blowing yourself up is certainly a net positive in terms of reducing carbon emissions.
A good way to reduce your carbon footprint.