Why so much hatred for Bill O'Reilly?

jlew24asujlew24asu Posts: 10,118
edited November 2006 in A Moving Train
I think to most of the liberals here the answer is obvious. you dont like him, solely becuase he works for Fox News. thats great. He has the top rated show in America, all us dummies americans is just stupids I guess. I dont always watch his show but I do read his articles and one of his books. He is defientely not as far right as Hannity or Colter. Why do people think he is sucks so bad?

here is his column from yesterday... While I dont really agree 100% with him, I can see where he is coming from. Looks like he is just trying to protect children from watching disgusting movies..........

On this Halloween, the No. 1 movie in the USA is "Saw III," a sadistic slasher flick designed solely so its audience can enjoy graphic depictions of human suffering.

Now I'm a libertarian when it comes to censorship, so I don't like it. I fully support freedom in the marketplace. You alone should decide what you want to consume. But I will say this, sadistic movies are bad for everyone. They are a disgraceful exhibition and the companies that finance them are harming individuals in the country.

There is nothing worthwhile about seeing graphic displays of unspeakable violence. And if you enjoy that, you might want to find out why to protect yourself and others.

Cannibalism, dismemberment and all the other garbage that is featured weekly in the multiplex is worse than gangster rap or dirty movies, far worse. Young children are buying tickets to see PG films and then sneaking into the sadism displays. Young adults are craving more and more barbaric images, all in the name of entertainment.

On the "Oprah" show, she told me that freedom means slasher flicks should be available and Oprah is correct. But freedom also means Americans have the right to condemn these movies and hold the companies who supply them accountable.

The turning point for ancient Rome arrived when the population turned from building their society to consuming whatever the government would give them, including sadistic displays of brutal death in the Coliseum.

In modern America, the culture is definitely on the decline. Just ask any public school teacher how kids behave these days, as opposed to even 10 years ago. Standards of behavior are collapsing everywhere and the media is leading the way.

Vile gangster rappers have hurt millions of at-risk children. And now we have a movie industry that can't make these sadistic films fast enough. Of course, they all hide behind freedom, but that rationalization is hollow. Those who push base entertainment are villains, no question. All of us need to wise up and jump into the culture war when the No. 1 movie in the country revels in close-upshot of limbs being sawed off, there is a problem.

Enough is enough with this dehumanizing trash. It is wrong, it is evil and it demeans America — period.
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • I'm pretty sure him being such a damn hypocrite, a rude host, and blatant partisan blow hard has a lot to do with someone whose moto of his show is, "The No Spin Zone", on a network that is "Fair and Balanced".
  • normnorm Posts: 31,146
    For me, I don't care if he's conservative, liberal or Klingon - the guy is a arrogant asshole prick who thinks he shit don't smell!! It took every fiber of my being to watch Letterman bitch slap him.

    But that's just me:)
  • jlew24asujlew24asu Posts: 10,118
    cutback wrote:
    For me, I don't care if he's conservative, liberal or Klingon - the guy is a arrogant asshole prick who thinks he shit don't smell!! It took every fiber of my being to watch Letterman bitch slap him.

    But that's just me:)

    how about confident
  • ByrnzieByrnzie Posts: 21,037
    jlew24asu wrote:
    Enough is enough with this dehumanizing trash. It is wrong, it is evil and it demeans America — period.

    You could say the same about the nightly news footage of the carnage in Iraq.
  • jlew24asu wrote:
    how about confident

    Everyones confident when in their head everything they say is 100% correct, and whoever is talking and you talk to everyone who disagrees with you like their a bumbling moron.
  • its pretty obvious the guy is a asshole.
  • O'Reilly doesn't bother me. But, the same can't be said for that douchebag Hannity.
  • jlew24asujlew24asu Posts: 10,118
    I'm pretty sure him being such a damn hypocrite, a rude host, and blatant partisan blow hard has a lot to do with someone whose moto of his show is, "The No Spin Zone", on a network that is "Fair and Balanced".

    hypocrite? ok sure sometimes. a rude host? I mean come on, you cant be all nice when you are debated very serious issues, sometimes the truth hurts. blatant partisan blow hard? you can say that about any host in his line of work.
  • normnorm Posts: 31,146
    jlew24asu wrote:
    how about confident
    Ah, come on man. I read your posts, you're smarter than that. You can't see through his bullshit?
  • PJPOWERPJPOWER Posts: 6,499
    I'm gonna go with arrogant as well........everyone cast your vote! lol
  • jlew24asujlew24asu Posts: 10,118
    its pretty obvious the guy is a asshole.

    exactly that type of comments I expected from someone like yourself. thanks for sharing
  • i've always thought that t.v. influences people more than is said.

    i get so pissed when i see sexually explicit scenes on primetime.

    i couldn't believe the shit they showed on playmakers and niptuck.

    people should have to pay extra to watch shit like that, and it should never be allowed for kids to see it.

    as for bill o'reilley, i think he is fake. i agree with some things he says, especially about being stern and conservative with kids and family values.

    the break up of the family has lead to more catastrophe than any other thing in america.

    but shit like the war, and support of bush,... whatever man, he's a douche bag.

    i think the come back of the family and censoring what our kids see are on the top of the list of saving this world.
    you're a real hooker. im gonna slap you in public.
    ~Ron Burgundy
  • jlew24asujlew24asu Posts: 10,118
    Byrnzie wrote:
    You could say the same about the nightly news footage of the carnage in Iraq.

    thats not my quote
  • jlew24asujlew24asu Posts: 10,118
    cutback wrote:
    Ah, come on man. I read your posts, you're smarter than that. You can't see through his bullshit?

    how about his article today? doesnt seem like a bunch of BS.
  • normnorm Posts: 31,146
    jlew24asu wrote:
    how about his article today? doesnt seem like a bunch of BS.
    No, but I have to look at the source. If you had wrote that I would have said "right-on". But I believe you would have written it better without the hyperbole and righteous anger.
  • jlew24asujlew24asu Posts: 10,118
    as for bill o'reilley, i think he is fake. i agree with some things he says, especially about being stern and conservative with kids and family values.

    the break up of the family has lead to more catastrophe than any other thing in america.


    ok so he's not so bad.
  • jlew24asu wrote:
    exactly that type of comments I expected from someone like yourself. thanks for sharing

    well what else do you want me to say?! what word would you use to describe someone who is that arrogant and never admits that he is wrong. I sorry if one word isnt enough for you. Politics aside I just never liked arrogant people and you can find those types on either side of the political spectrum.
  • does anyone have anything to say about the movie issue jlew presented?
    you're a real hooker. im gonna slap you in public.
    ~Ron Burgundy
  • dharma69dharma69 Posts: 1,275
    I think Bill O'Reilly is one of the best that the news arena has to offer.

    Why? Because when I watch and listen to his program, I feel like I'm getting reason as opposed to bias. Most of his opinions, in my eyes, come from the angle of being reasonable. Freedom, yes; patriotism, yes; religion, yes; politics, yes...he's all for these things and more but he tempers our pursuits with boundaries that usually are in the interest of doing less harm, common decency or seeking justice for a wrong.

    Now that's not to say that I'm 100% behind every word that comes out of his mouth because I'm not. I think that I basically agree with his opinions perhaps 75% of the time. At times I've thought him blowing an issue totally out of proportion. At times I've thought him not seeing the big picture. At times I've thought him to be an ass. Sometimes he leans Left, sometimes he leans Right. I think there's a word for that and it's called Moderate.

    One of the things that I like the most about him is that when he asks a question he simply wants an answer....just like I do. I don't want to listen to a body wiggle around a question for 3 minutes with every word that s/he can extract from their mental thesaurus when a simple "yes" or "no" would suffice.
    I'm sure plenty here will disagree but I have more respect (and tolerance) for O'Reilly than any other newsperson that I can think of.
    "I'm here to see Pearl Jam."- Bono

    ...signed...the token black Pearl Jam fan.

  • O'Reilly is harmless. He's just the poster child for Fox News and gets a lot of animosity from the left who really hate the fact that his show was the most watched "news" program for a long time (it might still be for all I know).

    He's certainly no worse than Hannity or Franken or Olbermann any of the other talking head op-ed'ers.
  • qwerty1qwerty1 Posts: 142
    Falafel boy is an entertainer, not a factual newsman or even a columnist.
    And you should only take him as an entertainer.
    This sidewalk is for regular walking, not for fancy walking!
  • jlew24asujlew24asu Posts: 10,118
    does anyone have anything to say about the movie issue jlew presented?

    actually O'Reilly presented it. I dont really think its as bad as O'Reilly says althought I think he is just looking out for the better. I saw "Saw III" last night and its very disgusting. kids under 13 should not see it.
  • Because he is a ignorant jackass who either 1) Does not base what he says on his own research, therfore jumps to conclusions or 2) realizes what he says is in fact bullshit but chooses to use it regardless because it suits his needs.

  • jlew24asu wrote:
    actually O'Reilly presented it. I dont really think its as bad as O'Reilly says althought I think he is just looking out for the better. I saw "Saw III" last night and its very disgusting. kids under 13 should not see it.

    i haven't seen his comments, but i bet id agree with them. t.v. in particular just disgusts me. reality tv and explicitly graphic shows especially,...

    you have to go overboard to make people realize anything important these days. once you have their attention, rationalize it and make a change.

    i watched saw I for the first time last night with my girlfriend. it was pretty good, but im 23 years old. i wouldn't let my kids watch it if i had kids.

    just imagine how crazy the results would be if for one day people set aside their desire to be entertained and spent the same amount of time usually spent watching t.v. (don't know the stats, but i bet it's ridiculous) on something constructive.

    it would be amazing.
    you're a real hooker. im gonna slap you in public.
    ~Ron Burgundy
  • jlew24asu wrote:
    actually O'Reilly presented it. I dont really think its as bad as O'Reilly says althought I think he is just looking out for the better. I saw "Saw III" last night and its very disgusting. kids under 13 should not see it.

    I'll agree that kids under 13 should not be going to see it. That's why it's rated 'R'. If a 13 year old gets into that movie it's not the movie makers fault. It's the parents and the theatre. When I tried to get tickets for house of 1000 corpes (16 or 17 at the time) they said I could not purchase tickets unless my parent not only bought the tickets but also walked into the movie with me.

    bad for everybody? How so? I watched the first two saws and am planning to see the third. Guess what...haven't killed anyone yet nor do I want to. Most people are mature enough to make their own decisions when it comes to choosing their choice of entertainment.
    jlew24asu wrote:
    I think to most of the liberals here the answer is obvious. you dont like him, solely becuase he works for Fox News. thats great. He has the top rated show in America, all us dummies americans is just stupids I guess. I dont always watch his show but I do read his articles and one of his books. He is defientely not as far right as Hannity or Colter. Why do people think he is sucks so bad?

    here is his column from yesterday... While I dont really agree 100% with him, I can see where he is coming from. Looks like he is just trying to protect children from watching disgusting movies..........

    On this Halloween, the No. 1 movie in the USA is "Saw III," a sadistic slasher flick designed solely so its audience can enjoy graphic depictions of human suffering.

    Now I'm a libertarian when it comes to censorship, so I don't like it. I fully support freedom in the marketplace. You alone should decide what you want to consume. But I will say this, sadistic movies are bad for everyone. They are a disgraceful exhibition and the companies that finance them are harming individuals in the country.

    There is nothing worthwhile about seeing graphic displays of unspeakable violence. And if you enjoy that, you might want to find out why to protect yourself and others.

    Cannibalism, dismemberment and all the other garbage that is featured weekly in the multiplex is worse than gangster rap or dirty movies, far worse. Young children are buying tickets to see PG films and then sneaking into the sadism displays. Young adults are craving more and more barbaric images, all in the name of entertainment.

    On the "Oprah" show, she told me that freedom means slasher flicks should be available and Oprah is correct. But freedom also means Americans have the right to condemn these movies and hold the companies who supply them accountable.

    The turning point for ancient Rome arrived when the population turned from building their society to consuming whatever the government would give them, including sadistic displays of brutal death in the Coliseum.

    In modern America, the culture is definitely on the decline. Just ask any public school teacher how kids behave these days, as opposed to even 10 years ago. Standards of behavior are collapsing everywhere and the media is leading the way.

    Vile gangster rappers have hurt millions of at-risk children. And now we have a movie industry that can't make these sadistic films fast enough. Of course, they all hide behind freedom, but that rationalization is hollow. Those who push base entertainment are villains, no question. All of us need to wise up and jump into the culture war when the No. 1 movie in the country revels in close-upshot of limbs being sawed off, there is a problem.

    Enough is enough with this dehumanizing trash. It is wrong, it is evil and it demeans America — period.

    He has the top-rated show in America....Creed had #1 albums.......don't trust the masses!
  • jlew24asujlew24asu Posts: 10,118
    Because he is a ignorant jackass who either 1) Does not base what he says on his own research, therfore jumps to conclusions or 2) realizes what he says is in fact bullshit but chooses to use it regardless because it suits his needs.

    sounds like many from AMT.
  • jlew24asu wrote:
    sounds like many from AMT.

    Well we weren't talking about them.

  • Most people are mature enough to make their own decisions when it comes to choosing their choice of entertainment.

    notice how you said, "Most",...

    why do you think people copycat crimes? they get influenced.

    one crime against humanity legitimately influenced by violent entertainment should reroute the influence in general.

    they are making movies about terrorists. and people are going to buy it! you have got to be kidding me. you have to draw a hard line, and that is why i would agree that it is a problem for everyone.
    you're a real hooker. im gonna slap you in public.
    ~Ron Burgundy
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