The right to bear arms

Maybe people should undergo Psychiatric analysis before being allowed to purchase any form of firearm and maybe even be made to demonstrate that they have secure storage facilities, now my little knowledge of American gun laws barely gives me the right to even comment, but as a human who watched the latest college killings unfold with a tear in my eye i do have the right to be concerned about the safety of mine and other peoples children.
To break down borders and realise that we are one species and then the true patriotism comes from pride and love of the human race, not from the tribes of which we currently are divided, open your eyes your mind will see! - ME
To break down borders and realise that we are one species and then the true patriotism comes from pride and love of the human race, not from the tribes of which we currently are divided, open your eyes your mind will see! - ME
Post edited by Unknown User on
i find it VERY hard to relate to the idea that anyone can just buy a gun.
cars reference is very true. the difficulty i had getting a full license!
how many public shootings do there have to be before the rules change?
Driving a car is a privelege whereas owning a gun is a basic right ensured by the constitution.
-Enoch Powell
If one person had a gun in that Virginia Tech building, they could have shot the perp. He killed himself immediately when he discovered that people with guns (i.e. the late arriving police who have no responsibility to protect you individually) were entering the building.
When you criminalize guns, only criminals will have guns.
-Enoch Powell
Taking three steps back......
Owning a gun is not a step back. It's a step forward.
-Enoch Powell
Step forward to what?
(This coming from a guy who owns a rifle to hunt)
The policy of concealed weapons is absurd....
hehehe. Gun ownership is doing wonders for protection in Baghdad. Everyone has an AK-47 and yet no one is safe.
Freedom is Slavery
Ignorance is Strength
Thats how we do it Canada...and guess what I can own a gun easy...I take a course, free registration, finito done I got my is that scary??
No, states that adopted "right to carry" laws experienced a 7%-8% drop in crime the following year, on average.
When criminals think that potential victims might have a concealed weapon, they are less likely to attempt the crime. Criminals will ALWAYS BE ABLE TO FIND GUNS. This is why citizens MUST be armed. Citizens must also be armed to defend against tyrannical governments.
-Enoch Powell
That's not true. Only the insurgents have AK-47s. Worse, they don't fucking know how to operate the weapon.
Insurgents can intimidate families in Baghdad because the families don't own weapons - Saddam made sure of that.
The vast majority of weapon owners are law abiding citizens and only 2% of lawfully purchased guns are used in a crime.
-Enoch Powell
-Enoch Powell
Freedom is Slavery
Ignorance is Strength
I believe the world would be a better place without guns.
It makes intuitive sense that allowing a whole bunch of artillary/firepower walking around the street with people of varying levels of rationality could be potentially harmful.
I am also not a fan of the second ammendment. Because, as CorpWhore said, it makes gun ownership a basic right, when I would prefer to see it be a privalege (plus it makes some think that Ammendment #2 assures them the ability to have ANY weapon whether an AK-47, a tank or a missle silo in their yard).
That's why I was pretty much dragged kicking and screaming to the truth. But the truth is that there has never been a shread of evidence that gun control has been beneficial in terms of crime prevention. Further, statistics have shown zero to 10 (or something) prevent drops in crime in places that allow carrying and no place has ever had violent crime rise after installing such a rule. Yeah, I'd rather treat guns like cars and instill some sense that they should not be treated cavalierly, but other than that, you cannot prove to me that allowing gun carrying creates danger. C'mon anti-gun folks (of which I am one), show the evidence that says that the gun lovers are wrong. You won't find it. Next time someone thinks to victimize me on the street (I don't actually live in this fear, cuz I don't watch local news), I will not be armed, but they may fear that I may be and leave me alone.
illinois has a FOID card that all legal gun owners are supposed to have
old data
You beat me to the punch, ya prick ya!
You are venturing into waters that you have absolutely no understanding of. Guns are good - people are bad. Simply saying I'm wrong won't cut it, bimbo.
People who oppose gun rights also oppose individual liberty because they oppose the means by which we defend our liberty. How can you support my right to speak if you don't think I can defend it with violent opposition? The revolutionary war occurred because the colonists were armed.
"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity."
-Sigmund Freud
-Enoch Powell
A favorite quote of mine!
Gun control is a feel-good approach to looking at the world and looking down at those people who do own guns.
They like to stereotype the typical gun owner as a gaunt flannel wearer who beats his wife and gets drunk every night.
Interestingly a sizable percentage of gun owners are women who want to protect themselves in unsafe neighborhoods. It's a crime to tell those women that they can't have a concealed weapon because "they can't be trusted" while politicians who wish to outlaw guns are daily protected by armed guards.
-Enoch Powell
I'm all for gun ownership nimrod. I just stated you are wrong about only insurgents having AK's in Baghdad. Try to add comprehension to your reading skills.
Freedom is Slavery
Ignorance is Strength
It's difficult to comprehend statements that were never written down.
-Enoch Powell
Read post #16 Einstein.
Freedom is Slavery
Ignorance is Strength
Or it can be a start to achieve what we should all look forward : a gun free society. Anyone know why in a country with gun control there is no need to defend yourself against someone armed with a gun?
The right to bear arms was more applicable when you needed them to kill off any natives on the know, the folks you stole the land from?
"Wrong" does not constitute an argument.
-Enoch Powell
that shouldn't stop at gun purchaces. a psyciatric evaluation should be done for drivers licenses and redone every time the license is renewed. this should include a screen to see if the licensee is prone to alcoholism. since graduating high school 32 years ago; i've lost at least 50 close classmates due to drunk drivers. i didn't realize it until i got my school alumni directory 2 months ago and saw the list of the deceased alumni.
when you come to the table with an open mind; you DO have a right to comment. the problem i see is that everyone has some degree of mental illness. i've never heard of anyone walking into a shrinks office and being sent home because they're perfect. so an acceptable level of mental illness must be established.
next; the problem isn't with guns bought legally most of the time. there hasn't been a crime committed with a legal "machine" gun since 1934. (per the FBI); yet thousands pour accross the border illegally daily. i had the chance to buy a fully automatic FAL (swedish maybe?) which was legally brought into the country but the importer missed changing the sear to make it semi automatic.
the gun control act of 1968 created a black market for guns and that's when guns started flooding the streets of america. everyone wants something they're not suppose to have. the same thing happened with the drug control act of 1937.
my concealed weapons permit expires every 5 years and i must take a class; qualify at the range; and submit my fingerprints to the FBI for a background check to renew it.