Ever notice that Bill Clinton was labeled an extreme liberal. Then in 2000 Gore was the most liberal candidate for president only to have Kerry take the title in 04 and now Obama hold the title of the most liberal person to run for President. It just seems that every four years the right labels the Democratic candidate as the most liberal. Kerry was pretty liberal but Obama is definitely more Centrist.
yeah ... it seems to be part and parcel of the right wing playbook 101 ... this is like a draw play in football ... basic play calling:
* call oponent liberal or extremely left
* cite raising taxes and spending
* tie socialist/hippie comment in somewhere
And you do, Mr. Holier Than Thou? I live in this world, too, you know. Anyway, why don't you "enlighten me" on what extreme left really is, then? Just so we're on the same page.
And I didn't say Democrats, I said Obama. Big difference there. The majority of Democrats are not nearly as far left as Obama.
* universal health care
* access to education
* social programs for the poor and/or underpriveledged
* measures to protect the environment
* public transportation
* foreign policy based on humanitarian needs not war-profiteering
* basically, the principle that policies are based on the "we" and not the "me" ... policies that believe that we are better as a whole vs as individuals ...
you may think obama is in step with all this but none of his programs would come close to those enacted in somewhat leftist countries like iceland or norway ...
Ever notice that Bill Clinton was labeled an extreme liberal.
I don't feel Clinton is very liberal at all. He's almost moderate in some of what he believes (except healthcare, and some other things). If I had to choose between Clinton and Obama, I'd choose Clinton in a heartbeat.
I feel Obama really is the most liberal presidential candidate ever. Clinton, Gore, and Kerry don't compare (although Kerry is close).
I pledge to you a government that will not only work well, but wisely, its ability to act tempered by prudence, and its willingness to do good, balanced by the knowledge that government is never more dangerous than when our desire to have it help us blinds us to its great power to harm us.
you may think obama is in step with all this but none of his programs would come close to those enacted in somewhat leftist countries like iceland or norway ...
Of course not, he'd never get elected that way. He just presents them in more appealing and less extreme ways. I still don't agree with him. Going fully socialist in one swoop wouldn't get him elected, it has to be done slowly.
I pledge to you a government that will not only work well, but wisely, its ability to act tempered by prudence, and its willingness to do good, balanced by the knowledge that government is never more dangerous than when our desire to have it help us blinds us to its great power to harm us.
I don't feel Clinton is very liberal at all. He's almost moderate in some of what he believes (except healthcare, and some other things). If I had to choose between Clinton and Obama, I'd choose Clinton in a heartbeat.
I feel Obama really is the most liberal presidential candidate ever. Clinton, Gore, and Kerry don't compare (although Kerry is close).
Clinton is definitely far from liberal but the right labeled him a liberal because for some reason liberal is the new boogey man. As far as I can tell Obama is not that liberal. You want to see a real left wing liberal look at Bernie Sanders from Vermont. Put him next to Obama and Obama starts looking like Ron Paul.
"When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads." - Ron Paul
Clinton is definitely far from liberal but the right labeled him a liberal because for some reason liberal is the new boogey man. As far as I can tell Obama is not that liberal. You want to see a real left wing liberal look at Bernie Sanders from Vermont. Put him next to Obama and Obama starts looking like Ron Paul.
Because Obama wants to get elected!! He can't come right out and be liberal, he has to appeal to moderates. He doesn't seem overly liberal because he doesn't want to be seen as overly liberal, and neither do his media buddies. My view is that Obama will become extremely liberal again once he's in office, especially considering he'll have a Democratic Congress.
On that note, it's important to remember that Clinton had a Republican Congress under him, so he couldn't necessarily do all he wanted to do. I still would take him over Obama in a heartbeat, even though I don't agree with some of his policies.
I pledge to you a government that will not only work well, but wisely, its ability to act tempered by prudence, and its willingness to do good, balanced by the knowledge that government is never more dangerous than when our desire to have it help us blinds us to its great power to harm us.
Because Obama wants to get elected!! He can't come right out and be liberal, he has to appeal to moderates. He doesn't seem overly liberal because he doesn't want to be seen as overly liberal, and neither do his media buddies. My view is that Obama will become extremely liberal again once he's in office, especially considering he'll have a Democratic Congress.
On that note, it's important to remember that Clinton had a Republican Congress under him, so he couldn't necessarily do all he wanted to do. I still would take him over Obama in a heartbeat, even though I don't agree with some of his policies.
I'm not basing my opinion on what he says but on his record and if you look at his record he tends to be more moderate. On the economy he tends to favor a Chicago School of Economics (Milton Friedman) ideology and that is far from liberal. He is a bit hawkish and, maybe not to the extent of Bush or McCain, does support an interventionist foreign policy. On social issue he does lean left but even he does not agree with marriage for same sex couples.
"When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads." - Ron Paul
Complete war WOW that is a bit harsh. What did liberals do that deserves such wrath?
yeah ... it seems to be part and parcel of the right wing playbook 101 ... this is like a draw play in football ... basic play calling:
* call oponent liberal or extremely left
* cite raising taxes and spending
* tie socialist/hippie comment in somewhere
* universal health care
* access to education
* social programs for the poor and/or underpriveledged
* measures to protect the environment
* public transportation
* foreign policy based on humanitarian needs not war-profiteering
* basically, the principle that policies are based on the "we" and not the "me" ... policies that believe that we are better as a whole vs as individuals ...
you may think obama is in step with all this but none of his programs would come close to those enacted in somewhat leftist countries like iceland or norway ...
I don't feel Clinton is very liberal at all. He's almost moderate in some of what he believes (except healthcare, and some other things). If I had to choose between Clinton and Obama, I'd choose Clinton in a heartbeat.
I feel Obama really is the most liberal presidential candidate ever. Clinton, Gore, and Kerry don't compare (although Kerry is close).
Of course not, he'd never get elected that way. He just presents them in more appealing and less extreme ways. I still don't agree with him. Going fully socialist in one swoop wouldn't get him elected, it has to be done slowly.
Clinton is definitely far from liberal but the right labeled him a liberal because for some reason liberal is the new boogey man. As far as I can tell Obama is not that liberal. You want to see a real left wing liberal look at Bernie Sanders from Vermont. Put him next to Obama and Obama starts looking like Ron Paul.
Because Obama wants to get elected!! He can't come right out and be liberal, he has to appeal to moderates. He doesn't seem overly liberal because he doesn't want to be seen as overly liberal, and neither do his media buddies. My view is that Obama will become extremely liberal again once he's in office, especially considering he'll have a Democratic Congress.
On that note, it's important to remember that Clinton had a Republican Congress under him, so he couldn't necessarily do all he wanted to do. I still would take him over Obama in a heartbeat, even though I don't agree with some of his policies.
I'm not basing my opinion on what he says but on his record and if you look at his record he tends to be more moderate. On the economy he tends to favor a Chicago School of Economics (Milton Friedman) ideology and that is far from liberal. He is a bit hawkish and, maybe not to the extent of Bush or McCain, does support an interventionist foreign policy. On social issue he does lean left but even he does not agree with marriage for same sex couples.