Like Obama or not, how can you not be bothered by this?

Really folks. Even if you support him.
He goes to hear a racist Reverend speak bad about our country for 20 years!! 20 Years! Then uses him as a personal advisor.
What kind of person who runs for president, attends a weekly meeting with a person who bashes America?
You don't find that disturbing?
You want a person like that as the President of the United States?
Really think about this people. Don't be so quick to respond in a angry way.
It just does not add up does it?
He goes to hear a racist Reverend speak bad about our country for 20 years!! 20 Years! Then uses him as a personal advisor.
What kind of person who runs for president, attends a weekly meeting with a person who bashes America?
You don't find that disturbing?
You want a person like that as the President of the United States?
Really think about this people. Don't be so quick to respond in a angry way.
It just does not add up does it?
Get em a Body Bag Yeeeeeaaaaa!
Sweep the Leg Johnny.
Sweep the Leg Johnny.
Post edited by Unknown User on
This pastor dude... an asshole? Yup... a third degree black belt in assholiness. Is he going to have a lot of influence in an Obama Presidency? I don't know. Does Pat Robertson advise George W. Bush? And is THAT a good thing?
The thing about Obama. Where does he really stand on Iraq? National Healthcare? Illegal Immigration? China? The Environment?
We should be worried more about what HE says... not his pastor.
And seriously... how many Americans listen to what their pastor says? Apparently, God grades on attendance... not the lesson plans.
Hail, Hail!!!
Well shit, anytime we try bringing up his stance on the issues nobody wanted to talk. Or the reply is just that he is not perfect but he's the best out there. I even started a thread to discuss the issues solely. Dropped like a fly.
No one is perfect. And no, he is not the best candidate out there, imo.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
I know.
I cannot believe it is 2008 in America and we still give a-holes like this guy (an Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson) air time. The same goes for other opportunist assholes like Ann Coulter and Gloria Allred... who are all... media whores.
Next time any of these assholes have something to say at a press conference... how about no one show up? Do America a big favor... ignore these money grubbing camera hogs.
Hail, Hail!!!
and yet here is another thread about this nonsense....please, someone find a quote, a speech, a youtube clip, any evidence the obama has repeated anything his preacher has said.....then i'll get my panties in a bunch....:rolleyes:
Hey, Sweetie...
Sorry... I took some time off the train to mix it up out on the Porch. Mostly during all that Ed solo ticket getting frenzy and bitching about servers and seniority and... well, stupid shit. And i admit.. it's fun. But, it's kind of like being in a Mosh pit at a Rage show.. except everyone else is 5 years old or younger. It sometimes feels like I'm kicking a puppy.
But, YES. Obama is charismatic and a great speaker... but, the substance of his words... where are the issues? The reason why your post dropped off was probavly because... no one knows.
So, once again... come November, it'll be a choice between crap or shit... well, more like crap or same old shit. No body is going to save our apathetic, yet loves to bitch asses, right? That's because we ARE apathetic and love to bitch. THAT is why we get the quality of politician we call 'Our Leaders'.
And did I mention? It's nice to have you back.
Hail, Hail!!!
Hey Cosmo
You're a braver person than I....those guys on the porch can take such seriousness and care in perfecting their career as know-it-all smartasses.
And you're right...that's exactly why we get shitty elected officials. There's no accountability and people are afraid to stand behind someone offering an alternative..a new direction. We must love the smell of shit or else we've become so accustomed to it, it stopped bothering us. I say we wash ALL the shit off, we'll be fine without it and smell much better after it's gone.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Whatever happens with his presidential bid, and I do wish him well although I do support the competition a bit more, I am grateful to him for starting a national conversation about racial resentments. I think it's something we've all tended to sweep under the rug hoping it would heal itself there. Maybe some talk therapy would be the better way to go, however.
i in no way want to turn this into a religious debate as i don't participate in those here any longer. Its only to add a point of reference. i do attend church regularly. The church i've attended for fifteen years is predominately white. i will say, however, and the significance of this will be lost on most here as they do not understand Christianity, it was in a Black church, the largest in my city, that i accepted Christ. i remember the day vividly. My wife and i were obviously visitors. We were the only white folks in the spot. We sat in the back and had people from the very front row walk back, warmly shake our hands and welcome us there telling us there was always a spot for us. The sermon, though animated and emphatic, was not a series of racially charged rhetoric. i'm rambling now. The point is simply that without some point of reference, one should not pretend to know what goes on in weekly church services. i'm quite sure the majority of reverend Wrights sermons were much more pallateable than what you see in these soundbyted clips.
So if I regularly attended a church or even a black church, then I would better understand how white people are fucking over black people?
I'm not being a smartass. I seriously wasn't understanding the point you were trying to make here.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
This time around, most people were again caught asleep at the wheel grasping for direction...
here unfortunately....
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
One word........ Wolfowitz, he has advised almost all the presidents for the last 20 years and has had his hand in every war or political conflict.....
I would prefer an angry Reverend over him....
People all over listen to priests for 20+ years who say the right thing but act like sex crazy monsters
and bush was better than hitler, i still wouldn't want either to be my leader. shit is still shit.
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
Why didn't the hate mongering and ignorant comments of Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson bother people over the years, but all of a sudden a connection to a minister with radical views make someone unfit to be president?
to All Democrats:
Mike Gravel is the ONLY candidate that can debate John McCain.. this is not opinion..
the democrats are throwing another election.
i cant stress this enough.
there is no argument!
but yet im sure you all will think of something ridiculous to why it is you think Mike Gravel doesnt have the best chance against what is looking like a gift wrapped presidency for John McCain
dont be foolish... No one has WON anything YET.
i dont think the term radical views should be used here. putting your entire race of people against the white man is stupidity and foolishness and will get you killed.
Wind Power as the Energy of the future in this country is a radical view... meanwhile it continues to get bigger and bigger.... weird huh?
No, that isn't what i was saying at all. What you would have a better understanding of are the dynamics, diversity, and actual goings on inside churches, white or black, across the country instead of watching a couple minute and a half youtube videos and concluding that jeremiah wright has spent evrey minute of every sermon on every sunday morning saying "kill whitey". As far as white folks "fucking over black folks", all you would have needed to do is pay attention to basic U.S history. Trust me, Obama is much more relaxed about it than even little ol', white me.
Obama Sux
PEARL JAM~San Antonio, TX. 4~5~03
INCUBUS~Houston, TX. 1~19~07
INCUBUS~Denver, CO. 2~8~07
Lollapalooza~Chicago, IL. 8~5~07
INCUBUS~Austin, TX. 9~3~07
Bonnaroo~Manchester, TN 6~14~08
Who says it didn't bother anyone? Problem is, none of these guys were ever considered the "spiritual adviser" or "mentor" to the president. They were kooks on the fringe. Now, the kooks have apparently entered the mainstream.
for the least they could possibly do
He's a friend of the family!!!! I hope your friends know how you stand.
I mean, FUCK! I went to church when I was a kid...I didn't believe in a damn word my pastor was talking about (I don't like organized religion) but have tremendous respect for him because despite his irrational beliefs...he is a great guy.
Non-issue!!! Get the fuck over it people!
You guys seem to shy away from talking about the real issues.
And if this story was about Hillary, you'd be drooling all over it.
I don't think it's a huge issue, either but I do think there are points here worth discussing...again, not vote changing points per se but something to think about just the same.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Hilary, Obama...whatever! I don't give a shit! I'm just sick of the "media" beating to death something so fuckin' trivial as to what a guy who knows Obama said 5 years ago.
If my brother became a rampant racist...does that mean I'm going to disown him because I don't agree with him...or because I'm running for political office?
Do you go to listen to your brother give guidance weekly? Or would you speak up and say that what he said was wrong and distance yourself from his rantings?
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Well, if he made these comments 3 times in 15 years and I wasn't there...then maybe I'd still hang out and hear what my brother had to say.