Is this by any chance a "vinminopol", or as I believe it was called in Finland: "Alko"? Those places rock. We have them in Norway too. Instead of giving up the state monopoly on these things, we have rather built a lot of them. And their selection is marvelous.
yes sir! Alko it is!
we have a lot of them too, around where I live we have three of them within a 20 or less minutes car drive away.
the selection is great. and, as I mentioned, the workers are professionals.
and usually very nice people too.
"Don't be faint-hearted, I have a solution! We shall go and commandeer some small craft, then drift at leisure until we happen upon another ideal place for our waterside supper with riparian entertainments."
cbs 60 minutes tv show had a thing on finland a few years ago
they said finns are very morose people
morose.? I think that's a common stereotype.. but also kinda true..
finnish people don't like to talk a lot. especially about personal things, don't ask me why. I have no problem with talking.
sadly we also ain't so kind and warm when it comes to strangers, hugging someone we barely know is very uncomfortable, unlike in Spain and so on.
that's funny though, because we have been washing together (sauna) naked for hundreds of years.
maybe the "main feeling" in Finland is kinda melancholy, maybe that's beacause of the long winter, dunno really.
it's hard to say wherther we're morose or not being a Finn myself.
I don't see us as morose people, but other people apparently do.
we like to keep things to ourselves but if you really get to know one of us, we can be pretty fun too!
I'd say that older people here still have that morose-thing going on, but luckily young people (like myself) are getting more free-spirited every day.
but I can be morose too. you can bet on that!
how do YOU folks see us Finns? morose, eh?
"Don't be faint-hearted, I have a solution! We shall go and commandeer some small craft, then drift at leisure until we happen upon another ideal place for our waterside supper with riparian entertainments."
okay, I asked around a little.
and because I had only my friends as sources of information, this isn't very accurate. but this is the best I can do for now.
apparently many many many years ago some Roman dude sailed around the world.
as he was sailing, he somehow ended up all the way here and found some people. he then named these people Finns.
afterwards (or during the sailing, dunno) this guy wrote a book. there he mentioned everything he had found on his wonderful journey.
and there it was, FINLAND mentioned for the first time ever!
naturally, he didn't call this place Finland and he mentioned this place like once, but still.
apparently the naming was in latin, Finn or something..
the rest is history.
I find this stuff fascinating so I did some of my own research. Yes, a roman dude (Tacticus) went exploring northern Europe and called your country "Fennia", and the name "Fenni" may have meant 'wanderer' but no one's sure. But he did say that the people living in Finland at the time (around 100AD) were in the hunter/gatherer nomadic stage. Apparently in old Norse, the word Fenni means "heavy snow" so that could be it too... the land of heavy snow.
Anyway, you probably know this, but before the scandinavian tribes invaded, the people living in what is now Norway, Sweden, Finland, the nearby parts of Russia and Estonia called themselves "Sami", and those who remain still call themselves that, so that's why you call your country "Suomi".
environment is very important to us Finns. we have a lot of forests and they're really important. many Finns make their living off of forests and wood.
also we have many lakes (Finland, the country of a thousand lakes).
protecting the nautre is really close to our hearts.
we even have schools that have these special "environment courses". protecting the environment is something the children are told about quite early on in school and kid's programmes.
we also recycle a lot.
umm, is that a good answer?
I can/will get back to this later?
I have a technical degree in forestry and i remember we heard a lot about environmental protection policies in most scandinavian countries during our we should use you guys as an example and an inspiration to define our laws and policies out here in KKKanada. I'm glad you can confirm the praises i've heard from my teachers and i salute you guys for that. God knows more countries should spend more money on environmental protection. Especially Canada which, despite the false myth that it is a country ever caring for the environment, has had a very poor record on that issue for some
time now. Even worse than the U.S., i think.... I just have to think of how we've been plundering the forests out here in Quebec for such a long time while at the same time being very lenient with our plantation policies and regulations.... No wonder we have to go further and further up north to collect the ressources every year.
And about Koivu...god...this guy has beome some kind of hero, here, since he battled and survived his cancer and came back to the game. And what i love about this guy is that no matter how tall or fearsome a player from another team will be, he's always gonna go at him and fight him in the corner for the puck and stuff. I tell you man...Koivu's a fearless little bastard...and he always gives everything he's got. Gotta love him, man.
Actually i'd have a question about your country...since this thread is about that, after all... beautiful are women in Finland?
"Never again will we be men
if our eyes empty themselves of their memory"
Literal translation of a few lines from one of my favourite poems by Gaston Miron
I find this stuff fascinating so I did some of my own research. Yes, a roman dude (Tacticus) went exploring northern Europe and called your country "Fennia", and the name "Fenni" may have meant 'wanderer' but no one's sure. But he did say that the people living in Finland at the time (around 100AD) were in the hunter/gatherer nomadic stage. Apparently in old Norse, the word Fenni means "heavy snow" so that could be it too... the land of heavy snow.
Anyway, you probably know this, but before the scandinavian tribes invaded, the people living in what is now Norway, Sweden, Finland, the nearby parts of Russia and Estonia called themselves "Sami", and those who remain still call themselves that, so that's why you call your country "Suomi".
thank you for the link.
it is interesting, even for me. even when I know something about these things, I can ALWAYS learn more.
and, nice of you to find this fascinating.
and, thanks for the confirmation.
"Don't be faint-hearted, I have a solution! We shall go and commandeer some small craft, then drift at leisure until we happen upon another ideal place for our waterside supper with riparian entertainments."
I have a technical degree in forestry and i remember we heard a lot about environmental protection policies in most scandinavian countries during our we should use you guys as an example and an inspiration to define our laws and policies out here in KKKanada. I'm glad you can confirm the praises i've heard from my teachers and i salute you guys for that. God knows more countries should spend more money on environmental protection. Especially Canada which, despite the false myth that it is a country ever caring for the environment, has had a very poor record on that issue for some
time now. Even worse than the U.S., i think.... I just have to think of how we've been plundering the forests out here in Quebec for such a long time while at the same time being very lenient with our plantation policies and regulations.... No wonder we have to go further and further up north to collect the ressources every year.
And about Koivu...god...this guy has beome some kind of hero, here, since he battled and survived his cancer and came back to the game. And what i love about this guy is that no matter how tall or fearsome a player from another team will be, he's always gonna go at him and fight him in the corner for the puck and stuff. I tell you man...Koivu's a fearless little bastard...and he always gives everything he's got. Gotta love him, man.
Actually i'd have a question about your country...since this thread is about that, after all... beautiful are women in Finland?
I agree with you on those environmental things. and glad I could help you, in a way.
I'm gonna get back to your question as soon as possible, but I'll mention a little something about Koivu.
I didin't know (how foolish of me.) that his fight against cancer was known globally, so I didn't mention it earlier.
but yeah, he's a real hero.
a good hockey player and all that. he's great!
"Don't be faint-hearted, I have a solution! We shall go and commandeer some small craft, then drift at leisure until we happen upon another ideal place for our waterside supper with riparian entertainments."
I guess right now we're consentrating on the Formula hero(es).
we have the mumbling Kimi Räikkönen (whatever he speaks is incomprehensible!) and the almighty Mika Häkkinen.. I personally think they're both quite lame.
the Finnish athletes aren't doing good now. worldwide.
actually, they do quite suck, don't they? :(
I wish we could stop Selänne and Koivu from aging!
i wouldn't be worried. kipprusof is a freak, tommo ruutu is an all-star in waiting, pitkanen is well on his way, and god help us all when kari lehtonen matures a bit, with a decent defence infront of him he would be unbeatable
if you love somebody, set them free. if somebody loves you, don't fuck up
i wouldn't be worried. kipprusof is a freak, tommo ruutu is an all-star in waiting, pitkanen is well on his way, and god help us all when kari lehtonen matures a bit, with a decent defence infront of him he would be unbeatable
thanks for the couraging.!
"Don't be faint-hearted, I have a solution! We shall go and commandeer some small craft, then drift at leisure until we happen upon another ideal place for our waterside supper with riparian entertainments."
Actually i'd have a question about your country...since this thread is about that, after all... beautiful are women in Finland?
as a female myself I don't know if I'm the right person to defien how beautiful finnish women are.. but as I am proud of my country, I'm of course gonna say that VERY BEAUTIFUL!
we do have some supermodels though (I guess), Saimi Nousiainen and Ninja Sarasalo, and some people (non-finnish people ) have said that Finland has the most beautiful women if the world.
I guess finnish women have have that sort of nordic beauty, dunno.
come visit and see for yourself!!
"Don't be faint-hearted, I have a solution! We shall go and commandeer some small craft, then drift at leisure until we happen upon another ideal place for our waterside supper with riparian entertainments."
How many "endless" days are there, if any in a year in Finland? Where the sun is up for all day. Or any all dark days?
Why is there a sterotype of Finns who don't like to go into the corners in hockey?
What does the symbol on the Suomi hockey shirts stand for?
Have you ever been to North America? And if so, how does it compare to Finland?
Does everybody have blond hair?
Are there really 1000 lakes or are there more or less? Are they all fresh water lakes?
Are the Swedes your number one nemesis when it comes to sport?
Have you ever seen Santa Claus?
Is it true that you keep reindeer as pets instead of cats and dogs?
What is the name of your national anthem?
there's only one "endless" day per year. in midsummer (dunno if you people celebrate it..) the sun doesn't set on one night.
there are no all dark days in the south but in the northest north of Lapland there are.
a stereotype of Finns who don't like to go into corners on hockey? is there one?
I don't know that much about hockey...
anyone else have a theory?
you mean the lion-symbol on the hockey shirts?
well, it's a lion ( ) and it's our national symbol.
I've never been to North America so I don't know..
but out of curiosity, compare in what way? climatically?
not everyone has blond hair. I do , but not everyone.
blond hair is common though but becoming more rare all the time. it's kinda disappearing, can't remember why.. (btw. not because people colour their hair. )
the most common hair colour in Finland is probably some dull brown. you know, like a sand road.. or ashy blond.. anyway, the colour usually fades during summer because of the sun so there are more blond people in Finland during summertime. (my hair does it too.)
and what's more. finnish hair is usually quite thin. sort of brittle. during the time movies were still b/w finnish women had full dtrong hair.. I don't know what the hell happened since those times! or maybe the movies just lie..
all of our lakes are fresh water lakes.
"the land of a thousand lakes".. as far as I remember there are less than 1000 lakes here.. but 1000 just sounds better than something like 749. and the number of the lakes depends on the definition of a lake, what a puddle needs to be called a lake, you know. (depth etc.)
maybe not a thousand but still very many lakes!!
the Swedes truly are a nemesis! they've always been and will most likely always be. especially in hockey, the losses against Sweden are the most bitter ones. the battle in hockey is dead serious!
I'm mot sure how the Swedes think about us Finns.. but our bitterness probably comes from all the years under Sweden's control.
come to think of it, this feud is actually quite rediculous.. basically, I have nothing against Sweden or its people. sometimes some kind of battle spirit just takes control of me.
in conclusion, Swedes are a nemesis (in sports) but Swedish is still another one of Finland's two official languages. I've been studying it since I was 13 because I've had to. but I don't mind, it's not that hard..
I have seen Santa Claus many times.
but I dunno if I've ever seen the "real thing", you know.
I've never seen SC in Lapland. actually, I've never been in Lapland.
reindeer as pets? no. that would be quite difficult, they aren't the smallest of animals, you know.
we have cats and dogs as pets. and hamsters and rabbits and so on, but no reindeer. being accurate, I don't know, someone might have a pet reindeer somewhere.. but it's not common.
people do raise reindeer though, like cows or sheep. for food and wool..
reindeer is also a good "horse", pulling sleighs and all that. some people (in Lapland) get their living off of reindeer.
our national anthem is called Maamme-laulu. or just Maamme.. umm, how could I translate it.. something like Our Land. that's as official as I can translate it.
"Don't be faint-hearted, I have a solution! We shall go and commandeer some small craft, then drift at leisure until we happen upon another ideal place for our waterside supper with riparian entertainments."
I didn't read your thread, cos Finland has never interested me......(notwithstanding the recent Guardian articles which I read)......I am just not interested in might be mutual ? Finland doesn't exist in my Waltanschauung, and I'm not really convinced that I'm missing very much......if you were from Ethiopia, Burma, the Democratic Republic of Congo or Zaire, or, at a stretch, Norway, then it might pique my interest, but right, I officially have no interest in Finland.......or Estonia for that matter
....they're asking me to prove why I should be allowed to stay with my baby in Australia, because I'm mentally ill......and they think I should leave......
fuk this double post shit........ten characters in search of a mod
....they're asking me to prove why I should be allowed to stay with my baby in Australia, because I'm mentally ill......and they think I should leave......
in college, ISN, i worked with this guy from finland, he was hot, damn those tennis players!! they were all better than us; therefore, our school rocked the small collegiate circuit, and damnit fucking a, they could write better too. so could those kids from kurkistand, i mean i can't even spell kurkistand now and i taught one of these kids!
yeah, I've met Fins too......I had a Finnish boyfriend in Florida when I was 15, and he was double-jointed, he used to twist himself up to fit into an Adidas bag......I had a very morose Finnish flatmate in London......but to tell you the truth, and this is from my heart, I couldn't give a flying fuck about Finland......maybe it's me.......but guess what.......I just don't can pimp your country as much as you want (and yes, I read the recent Guardian articles extolling the virtues of your country, and I read Cryptonomicon by Neal Stephenson......and I'm sure it's really great etc......I just don't care)......if you want me to give an opinion about Norway, Sweden or Denmark (Holland, Belgium, Litchenstein, Andorra, France, Germany etc)......I just seems that Finland is such a non-entity, and I'm not really sure why we have a whole thread in devoted to Finland......I'm thinking I better get out of this thread, cos I seriously don't care.........
....they're asking me to prove why I should be allowed to stay with my baby in Australia, because I'm mentally ill......and they think I should leave......
now that you are here, I might actually take an interest in Finland......Pearly you're so confusing.......on the one hand you're very martial.......but then you relent......according to some personal barometre, and then you're all sweetness.......I guess I fall for it every a sukker......okay Finland, bring it on!!!!!
....they're asking me to prove why I should be allowed to stay with my baby in Australia, because I'm mentally ill......and they think I should leave......
I didn't read your thread, cos Finland has never interested me......(notwithstanding the recent Guardian articles which I read)......I am just not interested in might be mutual ? Finland doesn't exist in my Waltanschauung, and I'm not really convinced that I'm missing very much......if you were from Ethiopia, Burma, the Democratic Republic of Congo or Zaire, or, at a stretch, Norway, then it might pique my interest, but right, I officially have no interest in Finland.......or Estonia for that matter
I don't wanna start a fight and don't want to disrespect you but why would you post anything if you aren't interested at all?
to be honest, Kinsasha didn't belong to my worldview earlier because I knew nothing of it. now, I want to learn more. I want to learn more about the world all the time and broaden my view of the world like that. that's why I dug up what Wikipedia has to tell about Kinsasha..
goddammit, I lost my thought!
I can't say that I'm offended, you didn't diss my country but I don't still understand your point..
I understand if you've got absolutely nothing to ask about Finland, that's fine. I created this thread for several reasons, for example for fun (fun for me and to anyone interested) and because I know there are a lot of beliefs about Finland that are not true. just wanted to make things clearer.
this thread isn't ment to be taken seriously and I'm not trying to make Finland something it isn't. I'm not trying to make you into Finns.
but for now, I have nothing more to say. if you don't want to ask, don't ask. if you don't want to read the thread, don't read it. if you don't care, don't think I don't care.
"Don't be faint-hearted, I have a solution! We shall go and commandeer some small craft, then drift at leisure until we happen upon another ideal place for our waterside supper with riparian entertainments."
yeah, I guess Finland is more important to you than it is to me......I'm only being honest, and if you want to set yourself up with this big Finland thread, you can only expect me to let you asked, so I'm telling you......Finland means nothing to is probably one of the most boring countries I've ever heard about........if you want a thread on Finland, then you have to accept all opinions.......cos, mate, it's really kind of well ya know, naff.......that you want people to get excited about your country.......well, I am very conscious of the fact that Finland means absolutely nothing to me.......and even less than I realise.......if you want to start a whole thread about a country.......pardon me for telling you it's a complete waste of time, and a major exercise in vanity......I love Andorra......why don't you start a thread about Andorra? or Portugal for example......good've got to have a major province missing if you expect people to get excited about Finland......jus cos you're Finnish.....yawn
....they're asking me to prove why I should be allowed to stay with my baby in Australia, because I'm mentally ill......and they think I should leave......
my bellybutton's just fine thank you. it's spelled napa btw.
why is "how's your bellybutton?" the only thing you've learned? but I guess Finnish actually is a quite difficult language to learn..
well, I think I shouldn't really swear here, so..
you should be proud of your heritage! we all should be proud of our heritage, no matter where we live.
you know when Finland's independence day is? *pop quiz*
make that trip! in fact I think all of you should come to Finland, I welcome you! BLB too? great, the more the merrier.
i never learned more finnish because we all spoke english i guess?!?
yeah, I guess Finland is more important to you than it is to me......I'm only being honest, and if you want to set yourself up with this big Finland thread, you can only expect me to let you asked, so I'm telling you......Finland means nothing to is probably one of the most boring countries I've ever heard about........if you want a thread on Finland, then you have to accept all opinions.......cos, mate, it's really kind of well ya know, naff.......that you want people to get excited about your country.......well, I am very conscious of the fact that Finland means absolutely nothing to me.......and even less than I realise.......if you want to start a whole thread about a country.......pardon me for telling you it's a complete waste of time, and a major exercise in vanity......I love Andorra......why don't you start a thread about Andorra? or Portugal for example......good've got to have a major province missing if you expect people to get excited about Finland......jus cos you're Finnish.....yawn
I'm sorry but now I'm getting a little pissed off.
I understand that you don't care. I just don't need it to be rubbed all over my face, okay?
don't waste your time reading this thread and posting comments when your uncaring is that big. and if I want to waste my time on this thread, please let me.
btw. why won't YOU start a thread about Andorra?
if people don't get exited about Finland then they won't. but now it seems other people have at least a little interest and that's nice.
and now I know where you stand. and you know where I stand.
so I guess this conversation is over.?
"Don't be faint-hearted, I have a solution! We shall go and commandeer some small craft, then drift at leisure until we happen upon another ideal place for our waterside supper with riparian entertainments."
i never learned more finnish because we all spoke english i guess?!?
dec 17th of course!! according to google
haha. maybe. but didn't your nana teach you more?
dec 17th?! what the hell? December 6th!
you should check wikipedia...
well you only got some 9 days wrong.
"Don't be faint-hearted, I have a solution! We shall go and commandeer some small craft, then drift at leisure until we happen upon another ideal place for our waterside supper with riparian entertainments."
I've never been to North America so I don't know..
but out of curiosity, compare in what way? climatically?
I was just wondering about the lay of the land, the way people treated you, weather, the money for goods and such. But since you haven't been here to compare, then it dosen't really matter.
What is the name of the "endless" day? We don't have a day like that where I live.
What is the main fish that the people eat from the lakes?
What is the name of the leader of the country? President, Prime Minister, etc.
How often do you vote for your government leader(s)?
I think this is a very informative thread.
What is your favourite "Finnish" cousine and what goes into making it?
I'm sorry but now I'm getting a little pissed off.
I understand that you don't care. I just don't need it to be rubbed all over my face, okay?
don't waste your time reading this thread and posting comments when your uncaring is that big. and if I want to waste my time on this thread, please let me.
btw. why won't YOU start a thread about Andorra?
if people don't get exited about Finland then they won't. but now it seems other people have at least a little interest and that's nice.
and now I know where you stand. and you know where I stand.
so I guess this conversation is over.?
I like this thread! I didn't know a single thing about Finland before, and now I do. My sis-in-law spent a week there a while back and loved it, sounds like a lovely country.
Ignore the negativity ... who even knows where she got the idea that anyone cares what she thinks of a thread topic, or anything else for that matter :rolleyes:
"Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity." ~ MLK, 1963
i spent a couple of months living in stockholm, sweden, and i was lucky enough to make a day trip to helsinki. it is one of the most beautiful cities in the world!
i found the people to be much more friendly and open to conversation than the swedes (a broad generalization - sorry to any swedes)
the women in finland are also my opinion more beautiful than the swedes. there is not much variety in sweden, a lot of people are blond. the women in iceland are also incredibly beautiful....but back to finland...i wish i could have spent more than a day there. i visited a huge market by the ferry terminal, the art museum, the huge church with the massive pipe organ inside (i can't remember the name of it), and some coffee shops. the only negative thing i could say about finland is that the beer was not very good, but i am from canada, so i have high expectations!
thanks for starting the thread. i love finland, and am always interested in learning about other countries.
I was just wondering about the lay of the land, the way people treated you, weather, the money for goods and such. But since you haven't been here to compare, then it dosen't really matter.
What is the name of the "endless" day? We don't have a day like that where I live.
What is the main fish that the people eat from the lakes?
What is the name of the leader of the country? President, Prime Minister, etc.
How often do you vote for your government leader(s)?
I think this is a very informative thread.
What is your favourite "Finnish" cousine and what goes into making it?
technically, we do have the "endless day" canada at least. not in toronto, but they would experience it in the northwest territories.
compared to canada, scandinavian countires would be considered expensive in terms of cost of goods, and cost of living, especially in sweden.
the finnish people are really wonderful people, i met quite a few when i was in sweden, and i got along better with them than many swedes. it's tough to get conversation out of some swedes!
canada and scandinavia in general could be considered similar in terms of landscape. i was there in the winter so i very much felt like i was at home, but the sun rising at 10 am and going down at 3 pm was hard to get used to.
...just trying to answer a couple of your questions as a canadian who has been to finland for a day!...
I too am enjoying this thread. Always good to hear about another country. Finland, plus all northern or cool weather countries are places I would love to visit. (Don't like the heat!) Finland sounds like a definate visit. Where else would you recommend visiting if we did a trip?
"I'd rather be with an animal." "Those that can be trusted can change their mind." "The in between is mine." "If I don't lose control, explore and not explode, a preternatural other plane with the power to maintain." "Yeh this is living." "Life is what you make it."
yes sir! Alko it is!
we have a lot of them too, around where I live we have three of them within a 20 or less minutes car drive away.
the selection is great. and, as I mentioned, the workers are professionals.
and usually very nice people too.
they said finns are very morose people
morose.? I think that's a common stereotype.. but also kinda true..
finnish people don't like to talk a lot. especially about personal things, don't ask me why.
sadly we also ain't so kind and warm when it comes to strangers, hugging someone we barely know is very uncomfortable, unlike in Spain and so on.
that's funny though, because we have been washing together (sauna) naked for hundreds of years.
maybe the "main feeling" in Finland is kinda melancholy, maybe that's beacause of the long winter, dunno really.
it's hard to say wherther we're morose or not being a Finn myself.
I don't see us as morose people, but other people apparently do.
we like to keep things to ourselves but if you really get to know one of us, we can be pretty fun too!
I'd say that older people here still have that morose-thing going on, but luckily young people (like myself) are getting more free-spirited every day.
but I can be morose too. you can bet on that!
how do YOU folks see us Finns? morose, eh?
I find this stuff fascinating so I did some of my own research. Yes, a roman dude (Tacticus) went exploring northern Europe and called your country "Fennia", and the name "Fenni" may have meant 'wanderer' but no one's sure. But he did say that the people living in Finland at the time (around 100AD) were in the hunter/gatherer nomadic stage. Apparently in old Norse, the word Fenni means "heavy snow" so that could be it too... the land of heavy snow.
Anyway, you probably know this, but before the scandinavian tribes invaded, the people living in what is now Norway, Sweden, Finland, the nearby parts of Russia and Estonia called themselves "Sami", and those who remain still call themselves that, so that's why you call your country "Suomi".
This is pretty interesting:
Why is there a sterotype of Finns who don't like to go into the corners in hockey?
What does the symbol on the Suomi hockey shirts stand for?
Have you ever been to North America? And if so, how does it compare to Finland?
Does everybody have blond hair?
Are there really 1000 lakes or are there more or less? Are they all fresh water lakes?
Are the Swedes your number one nemesis when it comes to sport?
Have you ever seen Santa Claus?
Is it true that you keep reindeer as pets instead of cats and dogs?
What is the name of your national anthem?
I have a technical degree in forestry and i remember we heard a lot about environmental protection policies in most scandinavian countries during our we should use you guys as an example and an inspiration to define our laws and policies out here in KKKanada. I'm glad you can confirm the praises i've heard from my teachers and i salute you guys for that. God knows more countries should spend more money on environmental protection. Especially Canada which, despite the false myth that it is a country ever caring for the environment, has had a very poor record on that issue for some
time now. Even worse than the U.S., i think.... I just have to think of how we've been plundering the forests out here in Quebec for such a long time while at the same time being very lenient with our plantation policies and regulations.... No wonder we have to go further and further up north to collect the ressources every year.
And about Koivu...god...this guy has beome some kind of hero, here, since he battled and survived his cancer and came back to the game. And what i love about this guy is that no matter how tall or fearsome a player from another team will be, he's always gonna go at him and fight him in the corner for the puck and stuff. I tell you man...Koivu's a fearless little bastard...and he always gives everything he's got. Gotta love him, man.
Actually i'd have a question about your country...since this thread is about that, after all... beautiful are women in Finland?
if our eyes empty themselves of their memory"
Literal translation of a few lines from one of my favourite poems by Gaston Miron
thank you for the link.
it is interesting, even for me. even when I know something about these things, I can ALWAYS learn more.
and, nice of you to find this fascinating.
and, thanks for the confirmation.
I agree with you on those environmental things. and glad I could help you, in a way.
I'm gonna get back to your question as soon as possible, but I'll mention a little something about Koivu.
I didin't know (how foolish of me.) that his fight against cancer was known globally, so I didn't mention it earlier.
but yeah, he's a real hero.
a good hockey player and all that. he's great!
i wouldn't be worried. kipprusof is a freak, tommo ruutu is an all-star in waiting, pitkanen is well on his way, and god help us all when kari lehtonen matures a bit, with a decent defence infront of him he would be unbeatable
thanks for the couraging.!
as a female myself I don't know if I'm the right person to defien how beautiful finnish women are..
we do have some supermodels though (I guess), Saimi Nousiainen and Ninja Sarasalo, and some people (non-finnish people
I guess finnish women have have that sort of nordic beauty, dunno.
come visit and see for yourself!!
there's only one "endless" day per year. in midsummer (dunno if you people celebrate it..) the sun doesn't set on one night.
there are no all dark days in the south but in the northest north of Lapland there are.
a stereotype of Finns who don't like to go into corners on hockey? is there one?
I don't know that much about hockey...
anyone else have a theory?
you mean the lion-symbol on the hockey shirts?
well, it's a lion (
I've never been to North America so I don't know..
but out of curiosity, compare in what way? climatically?
not everyone has blond hair. I do
blond hair is common though but becoming more rare all the time. it's kinda disappearing, can't remember why.. (btw. not because people colour their hair.
the most common hair colour in Finland is probably some dull brown. you know, like a sand road.. or ashy blond.. anyway, the colour usually fades during summer because of the sun so there are more blond people in Finland during summertime.
and what's more. finnish hair is usually quite thin. sort of brittle. during the time movies were still b/w finnish women had full dtrong hair.. I don't know what the hell happened since those times! or maybe the movies just lie..
all of our lakes are fresh water lakes.
"the land of a thousand lakes".. as far as I remember there are less than 1000 lakes here.. but 1000 just sounds better than something like 749.
maybe not a thousand but still very many lakes!!
the Swedes truly are a nemesis! they've always been and will most likely always be. especially in hockey, the losses against Sweden are the most bitter ones. the battle in hockey is dead serious!
I'm mot sure how the Swedes think about us Finns.. but our bitterness probably comes from all the years under Sweden's control.
come to think of it, this feud is actually quite rediculous..
in conclusion, Swedes are a nemesis (in sports) but Swedish is still another one of Finland's two official languages. I've been studying it since I was 13 because I've had to. but I don't mind, it's not that hard..
I have seen Santa Claus many times.
but I dunno if I've ever seen the "real thing", you know.
I've never seen SC in Lapland. actually, I've never been in Lapland.
reindeer as pets? no. that would be quite difficult, they aren't the smallest of animals, you know.
we have cats and dogs as pets. and hamsters and rabbits and so on, but no reindeer. being accurate, I don't know, someone might have a pet reindeer somewhere.. but it's not common.
people do raise reindeer though, like cows or sheep. for food and wool..
reindeer is also a good "horse", pulling sleighs and all that.
our national anthem is called Maamme-laulu. or just Maamme.. umm, how could I translate it.. something like Our Land. that's as official as I can translate it.
what else can i say, you are such a handful.
and you make me do this
weird little thing all the time.
have a great day XXXXX!
well, that's a first......
good luck.....
cos I'm a curse.....
and I drive a hearse.....
etc etc......
now that you are here, I might actually take an interest in Finland......Pearly you're so confusing.......on the one hand you're very martial.......but then you relent......according to some personal barometre, and then you're all sweetness.......I guess I fall for it every a sukker......okay Finland, bring it on!!!!!
I don't wanna start a fight and don't want to disrespect you but why would you post anything if you aren't interested at all?
to be honest, Kinsasha didn't belong to my worldview earlier because I knew nothing of it. now, I want to learn more. I want to learn more about the world all the time and broaden my view of the world like that. that's why I dug up what Wikipedia has to tell about Kinsasha..
goddammit, I lost my thought!
I can't say that I'm offended, you didn't diss my country but I don't still understand your point..
I understand if you've got absolutely nothing to ask about Finland, that's fine. I created this thread for several reasons, for example for fun (fun for me and to anyone interested) and because I know there are a lot of beliefs about Finland that are not true. just wanted to make things clearer.
this thread isn't ment to be taken seriously and I'm not trying to make Finland something it isn't. I'm not trying to make you into Finns.
but for now, I have nothing more to say. if you don't want to ask, don't ask. if you don't want to read the thread, don't read it. if you don't care, don't think I don't care.
i never learned more finnish because we all spoke english i guess?!?
dec 17th of course!! according to google
I'm sorry but now I'm getting a little pissed off.
I understand that you don't care. I just don't need it to be rubbed all over my face, okay?
don't waste your time reading this thread and posting comments when your uncaring is that big. and if I want to waste my time on this thread, please let me.
btw. why won't YOU start a thread about Andorra?
if people don't get exited about Finland then they won't. but now it seems other people have at least a little interest and that's nice.
and now I know where you stand. and you know where I stand.
so I guess this conversation is over.?
dec 17th?! what the hell? December 6th!
you should check wikipedia...
well you only got some 9 days wrong.
I was just wondering about the lay of the land, the way people treated you, weather, the money for goods and such. But since you haven't been here to compare, then it dosen't really matter.
What is the name of the "endless" day? We don't have a day like that where I live.
What is the main fish that the people eat from the lakes?
What is the name of the leader of the country? President, Prime Minister, etc.
How often do you vote for your government leader(s)?
I think this is a very informative thread.
What is your favourite "Finnish" cousine and what goes into making it?
Ignore the negativity ... who even knows where she got the idea that anyone cares what she thinks of a thread topic, or anything else for that matter :rolleyes:
do you have the explaination?
also what language do the lapps/sami speak ?? are they (the lapps) the same people as the aleuts of alaska ??
Take my hand, my child of love
Come step inside my tears
Swim the magic ocean,
I've been crying all these years
i found the people to be much more friendly and open to conversation than the swedes (a broad generalization - sorry to any swedes)
the women in finland are also my opinion more beautiful than the swedes. there is not much variety in sweden, a lot of people are blond. the women in iceland are also incredibly beautiful....but back to finland...i wish i could have spent more than a day there. i visited a huge market by the ferry terminal, the art museum, the huge church with the massive pipe organ inside (i can't remember the name of it), and some coffee shops. the only negative thing i could say about finland is that the beer was not very good, but i am from canada, so i have high expectations!
thanks for starting the thread. i love finland, and am always interested in learning about other countries.
technically, we do have the "endless day" canada at least. not in toronto, but they would experience it in the northwest territories.
compared to canada, scandinavian countires would be considered expensive in terms of cost of goods, and cost of living, especially in sweden.
the finnish people are really wonderful people, i met quite a few when i was in sweden, and i got along better with them than many swedes. it's tough to get conversation out of some swedes!
canada and scandinavia in general could be considered similar in terms of landscape. i was there in the winter so i very much felt like i was at home, but the sun rising at 10 am and going down at 3 pm was hard to get used to.
...just trying to answer a couple of your questions as a canadian who has been to finland for a day!...
no one is voting here, except for el, he's thinking about it, me, i'm thinking about moving
sell me on your country, mine's already sold.