Bible Literacy



  • ForestBrainForestBrain Posts: 460
    ^ A person who protests abortion is not a bad person, lol. Doesn't matter if they are a Christian or don't believe there is a god.
    Just...don't judge a person based on ONE thing about them. It isn't right.
    A good example to me and Ahnimus...or however you spell his name.
    Now, the first few posts of his that I read gave me the impression that he was the type of person that I cannot stand at all. I don't really like him that much, but it isn't my life's goal to prove him wrong or call him names. I don't know him. He posts on a message board for Pete's I am not going to assume things about him and judge him. I don't even do that with my sisters, who I am extremely close to. You just don't know the motives behind what people do until you get to know them, and even then, you are not in their head.
    IMO, before arguing with a person, or protesting that person, you should try to talk to them and understand them a little bit before labeling them.
    When life gives you lemons, throw them at somebody.
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