Jesus Christ, Why are all the Christians Tryin to convince me to have babies?

I just don't want to have fucking kids! When did that become such a problem. A chick i work with is a complete wackadoo jesus types and pretty much is doing what her "god" tells her NOT to do. Judging me and thinking that i'm denying what should be done?
"Be fruitful, and multiply"
I wonder if God knew that when he said that and then in 2008, There were going to be MILLIONS of homeless orphans. Yet we should make five a couple families to serve a "lord"
I'm not biting. Call me a cynical selfish asshole but i just don't want to bring a child into a world as it is. Not to mention i personally just don't find the idea of childbirth as something i'd like to experience as a woman. Not because there is something less womanly about me. I actually practically raised my little brothers so perhaps my instincts were sufficed. It was cool. They have turned out awesome
Ok but back to my point of this post..
Do you feel that other religions and people in general put in your head that your suppose to do certain things? For no other reason than , thats how its always been? Just curious if anyone deals with religious/social/political events that effect them in a personal manner. Not here to offend anyones religion. This is just a certain instance i am referring to. If you are offended, i apologize but i cant really deny my own opinion. That'd be a shrew move.
"Be fruitful, and multiply"
I wonder if God knew that when he said that and then in 2008, There were going to be MILLIONS of homeless orphans. Yet we should make five a couple families to serve a "lord"
I'm not biting. Call me a cynical selfish asshole but i just don't want to bring a child into a world as it is. Not to mention i personally just don't find the idea of childbirth as something i'd like to experience as a woman. Not because there is something less womanly about me. I actually practically raised my little brothers so perhaps my instincts were sufficed. It was cool. They have turned out awesome

Ok but back to my point of this post..
Do you feel that other religions and people in general put in your head that your suppose to do certain things? For no other reason than , thats how its always been? Just curious if anyone deals with religious/social/political events that effect them in a personal manner. Not here to offend anyones religion. This is just a certain instance i am referring to. If you are offended, i apologize but i cant really deny my own opinion. That'd be a shrew move.
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As for religions trying to make me make choices I don't to make, I can't really say I've been affected by that personally.
I'm around a lot of Christians and none of them EVER are trying to convince others to have babies (other than the kind already growing in the womb).
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
see, do they think i'm sitting at home thinking to myself "oh thats the doorbell.. i hope its 2 nice guys in suits trying to get me into a religion i've never fucking heard of"
if i want to join a religious group I'LL go to one of their churches... are numbers that down they have to press gang people into it?
Of course they do - many religions require their adherents to promote that religion and/or the behavior of that religion, with the ultimate goal being that everyone believes in their religion. Some people who believe fervently in something simply can't keep quiet. You just have to tune it out if its not something you want to do or believe in.
Ignore people who you feel are telling you to have children - there is no shame or bad in not wanting kids - as you point out the world is certainly well populated at this point.
R.i.p. My Dad - May 28, 2007
R.i.p. Black Tail (cat) - Sept. 20, 2008
I've been trying to figure that out for quite some time. I have known and have been saying since I was about 15 or 16 that I do not want to have kids.
What is most annoying when you tell people that is that they act like they don't believe you and then say I'll change my mind eventually. Uh, no I won't.
I've never had them say it had anything to do with religion though.
If you believed something to be true that would affect peoples' lives for eternity, wouldn't you want to tell them about it?
Just politely decline talking to them. I'm sorry you lost 10 minutes of your precious time.
I have not. Must be a New York thing.
THANK YOU. Every time a fellow Christian gets appalled at my decision not to have kids and tells me to "be fruitful and multiply", I point out a couple of things:
1. Jesus and Paul never had kids, and there are several people mentioned in the Bible whose marital/children status was unknown.
2. "Be fruitful and multiply" was only said twice: to Adam and Eve, then Noah and his family. In both cases, those people were the only people on the planet. In a planet with a population of 6.5 billion and counting, I don't think everybody needs to be having 5+ kids.
Your uterus is their playground and my penis is weighing heavily on their minds.
It's important for big, bloated bags of wind to tell everyone else what to do and what not to do with our body parts.
Or answer the door while cleaning a handgun...
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no i'd keep it a secret so it'd be all mine.
I've tried that... they persevere. I thought the idea was to find religion.. not have it sold to me like some guy who comes round with the latest Hoover product.
my time is precious... i figure i've got so many years on this planet... the less of that time dealing with delusional Utah preachers the better...
its my belief people can survive underwater if they breathe through their noses in a certain manner. this will mean life can be sustained in underwater cities.
now that sounds a bit far fetched doesnt it? ok compare that to burnin bushes, talking snakes, parting of seas, women turning into pillars of salt, virgin births, having god as a dad, turning water into wine, walking on water, resurrection and it actually looks quite tame.
i'm going next door with a pamphlet on breathing in water
I'm not sure who coined the phrase. All I know is that I don't agree with it. I exist to convince people to stop their goddamn breeding.
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Judgmental people suck. Is that judgmental of me?
Oh man, that's a classic!
great stuff!
So true, yet so funny.
E.V. Milwaukee-08
Chicago 1 & 2-09
Alpine Valley 1 & 2-11
St. Paul-14
St. Paul 1 & 2 - 23
You have no idea how many examples I have seen of deception, by so-called Christian faithful. Not regarding this particular subject matter, but many others.
The hypocricy is outrageous.
I completely agree. I grew up in TN. My family was overbearingly Baptist, and I was educated only in Baptist schools. They can't accept that I want nothing to do with their religion (or any other) now. I get so disgusted by their hypocrisy and their irrational logic for condemning anyone who isn't like them.
E.V. Milwaukee-08
Chicago 1 & 2-09
Alpine Valley 1 & 2-11
St. Paul-14
St. Paul 1 & 2 - 23
yeah, but see...if you're sitting around and there's a religion you've never heard of, how else would you get introduced to it? they're actually doing most of the legwork for you by coming to your door. all you have to do is decide if you want to give it a shot or not. i used to get upset about religions going door to door. who wants to get caught up in that? but over the past couple years, i've just accepted it. the door to door visitations, that is. if a group comes to my door and asks me if i'd like some literature on their religion i tell them no thanks, i already belong to a religion, and if i ever converted, my grandmother would rise from the dead and haunt me for the rest of my life. that usually gets a chuckle and a comment that's something like "ok, i understand. have a nice day."
if you think about it, they're not trying to hurt you. they're just excited about something in their life and want to share it with other people. put it this way (and i know the two don't compare at all, but just go with it for the sake of the conversation) : have you ever talked to someone about pearl jam and had them say either they've never heard of them or they thought they broke up years ago? did you offer to burn them a cd to listen to? it's basically the same thing. you want to share something with other people that brings you happiness.
anyway, just thought i'd throw that out there. i'm not trying to convince you to listen to these people, but maybe let you see it in a different way.
I would love to tell some of these people that I actually CAN'T have kids, but thanks for reminding that when my husband dies I'll be alone (yes, someone said that to me). But then I'd be just as bad as them.
Whatever you are, be a good one --Lincoln
Thats just awful... wish people would just mind their own :(
Oh, so we can kidnap and then brainwash them and add them to our army and then at armageddon, we can burn all the non believers and eat their flesh.
C'mon. I don't care if you have kids or not. Who tells you that the Christians want you to have kids?
The Bible saying "Be fruitful and multiply" meant that you are to live your life in peace and confidence and bear fruit. That means maybe having kids or it simply means being "fruitful" as in living a life bearng good things, not poisoning all who come in contact with you. And multiply then would mean that you are a living example of the peace of God and maybe people want to know your secret.
Together we will float like angels.........
In the moment that you left the room, the album started skipping, goodbye to beauty shared with the ones that you love.........
A person's relationship with God or gods or the Divine is a personal relationship, not something that should be "sold." Of course they aren't trying to hurt anyone but what makes me sick is when people proselytize their beliefs in an unsolicited manner. I have to deal with thousands of advertisements in my face everyday... do I really need another advertisement asking for my money disguised as an offer of eternal bliss?
And it is not "basically the same thing" as recommending a band. If the band sucks... I'll tell the guy I think so... and it is okay (I wouldn't be a dick about it of course). I don't feel like I can say, "no thanks, your God sucks." It apparently isn't socially acceptable.
and of course you just can't say "no thanks" and leave it at that, huh? you have to throw in "your god sucks".
but whatever. if that's the way you want to deal with people, so be it. i don't see a problem with being nicer to someone, even if it's a person peddling a religion at my front door.
Did you miss what they wrote? They were saying they didn't think it was socially acceptable to say it, and wouldn't, even though they wanted to. They were not going to say 'your god sucks' to a person.
R.i.p. My Dad - May 28, 2007
R.i.p. Black Tail (cat) - Sept. 20, 2008