People with NO RELIGION, educate me.



  • ConXConX Posts: 39
    - what do you think is your purpose in life?

    To live a fruitful life, a happy life, enjoy living, see and do wonderful things. Have children, raise them to the best of my ability etc. Oh and a religious person accusing me of having no purpose because I don't believe in their God is the height of ignorance.

    - what are your beliefs after you die?

    I really don't know, and NOBODY does. Perhaps our energy carries on, either naturally or by transcending and continuing?

    - do you believe in the evolution theory?

    Evolution is fact, Intelligent design is bollocks.

    - do you believe that this planet will still exist, billions of billions of years from now, unless something happens to it, e.g. struck by a meteor, or something?

    Yep, just like EVERY other planet in the solar system........

    - do you think down on religious people, thinking that they are merely blind followers of their religion, and that they have no concrete basis of their beliefs?

    I'd never look down on another person as an "inferior race" or anything like that. I do think people have idiotic views due to their religion at times (well a lot) though, people that believe Stem Cell research is wrong, for example. If you took the most Die hard Christian and gave him a disease that only Stem Cell research could cure, would he say "No, I'll just die thanks, Stem Cells are for sinners". I don't think so.

    - do you guys have fun when you mock God?


    - can i assume that you believe that you do not commit sin?

    I don't believe Sin exists. If everybody sins then why bitch about it?

    - do you believe that the world will be a better place if there were no RELIGION?

    Without ORGANISED religion, people would get on better and much less people would have died throughout history. (due to the absence of Inquisitions, Religious Wars and the like) There'd also be a lot less sheep in modern society.

    Oh and how many Priests would tell their followers about what Christians did in the Crusades? How many Priests would read the verses from Leviticus that say "If you disobey God, he will destroy you". Figure it out for yourselves.....
  • ConXConX Posts: 39
    (Deuteronomy 20:10-14)

    As you approach a town to attack it, first offer its people terms for peace. If they accept your terms and open the gates to you, then all the people inside will serve you in forced labor. But if they refuse to make peace and prepare to fight, you must attack the town. When the LORD your God hands it over to you, kill every man in the town. But you may keep for yourselves all the women, children, livestock, and other plunder. You may enjoy the spoils of your enemies that the LORD your God has given you.


    People believe this crap?
  • - what do you think is your purpose in life?
    I don't think I have a purpose in everyone else's life. I have purpose in my life - it is to live as long as possible, have as much fun, do as much, see everything I religious people have a purpose? I'm not being an ass - seriously.

    - what are your beliefs after you die?
    Cease to exist (hence the living life to it's fullest, seeing everything, etc)

    - do you believe in the evolution theory?
    Of course. Science 10,000,000,000
    Religion 0 (unless you count that grilled cheese sandwhich with the Virgin Mary on it)

    - do you believe that this planet will still exist, billions of billions of years from now, unless something happens to it, e.g. struck by a meteor, or something?
    100% Yes. I guess my argument for this would be arrogant humans - we all look at things like they MUST have a beginning or end. Well, that may just not be the case with this universe including out planet.

    - do you think down on religious people, thinking that they are merely blind followers of their religion, and that they have no concrete basis of their beliefs?
    No - not at all. I alway maintain that I - like everyone else regardless of what they believe - don't really KNOW anything. If someone really knew, this wouldn't be an eternally hot debate. It always will be because nobody knows.

    - do you guys have fun when you mock God?
    Sometimes when I'm drunk :D

    - can i assume that you believe that you do not commit sin?
    I believe in right in wrong - and I do believe that what is deemed as right/wrong/good/bad - atleast in the US - stemmed from Christianity. Sooooo, i wouldn't call it sin, but if you're talking about murder - rape - burglary - ripping off the poor - etc - i would believe these things to be wrong/bad...but as for living with a significant other or sex before marriage - hogwash! I'm a human being first.

    - do you believe that the world will be a better place if there were no RELIGION?
    Probably the hardest question to answer - I guess I would lean towards no. I really do believe that most evey war would be avoided. Thats almost fact. But still, people use religion as a crutch to get though their lives. And I can't help but think this is a good thing - even if I don't believe.

    The bottom line with this stuff belive in God and religion, is to believe in the supernatural. I'm sure some would disagree, but everything to me seems almost like a form of magic (I'm not being sarcastic)...I've seen nothing in my life to convince me that any of this stuff could occur. You know how when someone is alone at home - they may get scared? They may not go into the basement for fear of a ghost...i'm babbling, but...I LOVE to go into my basement when it's dark and no one is home. I WOULD LOVE to see a ghost...I want to. Then - and I really mean this - maybe I'd believe.

    Thanks, that was fun.
    Those undecided,........ Needn't have faith to be free
    And those misguided, There was a plan for them to be
    Now you got both sides Claiming killing in Gods name
    But God is nowhere,..... To be found, conveniently

    What goes on?
  • AraineaArainea Posts: 58
    yotan18 wrote:
    it was great to get the replies from you guys. can i add a small question? are you really contented with what you have and believe right now? well, i guess is that my thread asked this to people with no religion... but to those who have, what are your replies?

    Spiritually, I am a student of Jesus...but NOT the neo-con, consumer-branded Jesus! I'm contented with what I believe, but I'm bummed out by the wholesale purchase of Jesus' name by the Republican Party. No offense to any Republicans here, of course...but I think Jesus was a radical, not a conservative! I know most people here don't share my beliefs and that's fine...but please know that there are many, many followers of Jesus who believe in His message of LOVE and utterly oppose war and violence.

    By the way, I'm impressed that this thread has remained fairly respectful. Not a typical 10c thread at all! ;-)
  • catefrancescatefrances Posts: 29,003
    yotan18 wrote:
    i asked this thread, because i want to know why one opt to be an atheist.

    personally, i did not CHOOSE to be an atheist. for me there was no alternative.
    hear my name
    take a good look
    this could be the day
    hold my hand
    lie beside me
    i just need to say
  • Arainea wrote:
    Spiritually, I am a student of Jesus...but NOT the neo-con, consumer-branded Jesus! I'm contented with what I believe, but I'm bummed out by the wholesale purchase of Jesus' name by the Republican Party. No offense to any Republicans here, of course...but I think Jesus was a radical, not a conservative! I know most people here don't share my beliefs and that's fine...but please know that there are many, many followers of Jesus who believe in His message of LOVE and utterly oppose war and violence.

    By the way, I'm impressed that this thread has remained fairly respectful. Not a typical 10c thread at all! ;-)

    I totally agree about Jesus being a radical... But so are the founders of other religions: Gautama Buddha, Muhhamad, Confucius... They seemed to have formulated rather radical ideas in their time (some of these ideas are still radical now) because they wanted to cope (or fight against) the present inequality or oppression that they experienced in their time and place.

    This means, to me, that in their purest sense, all religions have good intentions. It's the hard-core fundamentalists who create a heirarchy out of the believers of these religions (this mostly happens in the adolesence of the religion). Fundamentalism, I think, springs from selfish motives. I mean, why would they (the fundamentalists) create a black-and-white picture of everything if they really, really want to protect and populate their flock?

    Whether you're an atheist, Catholic, Muslim, Buddhist, agnostic or Rizalista, selfish motives will always turn an originally useful belief to a useless one...
  • - what do you think is your purpose in life?
    It's hard to say. I don't beleive that we have a purpose. If we weren't created by a god of some kind, then we're not here for a specific reason.

    - what are your beliefs after you die?
    I don't think anythings going to happen, i'll just lie in the ground.

    - do you believe in the evolution theory?
    It makes the most sense, so yes.

    - do you believe that this planet will still exist, billions of billions of years from now, unless something happens to it, e.g. struck by a meteor, or something?
    Not with humans on it. The planet will become so overpopulated that there won't be enough resources for us to survive. In a billion years, it'll probably get sucked into the sun.

    - do you think down on religious people, thinking that they are merely blind followers of their religion, and that they have no concrete basis of their beliefs?
    If it's their belief, then I have no problem with it. I don't really look down on anybody just for believing different things than me. However, I do look down on fundamentalists such as this woman.

    - do you guys have fun when you mock God?
    I don't mock God, since i'm not even sure of his/her existence.

    - can i assume that you believe that you do not commit sin?
    I'm sure that a lot of the stuff I've done is sin according to the bible, but i've never done anything drastic.

    - do you believe that the world will be a better place if there were no RELIGION?
    I used to think so, but not so much anymore. For the most part religion works well, but it's usually the intolerant minority that people take notice of.
    "Death ain't the same without you, dear"
  • even flow?even flow? Posts: 8,066
    yotan18 wrote:
    if you don't believe in life after death, if you don't believe in God, then what are your beliefs?

    - what do you think is your purpose in life?
    - what are your beliefs after you die?
    - do you believe in the evolution theory?
    - do you believe that this planet will still exist, billions of billions of years from now, unless something happens to it, e.g. struck by a meteor, or something?
    - do you think down on religious people, thinking that they are merely blind followers of their religion, and that they have no concrete basis of their beliefs?
    - do you guys have fun when you mock God?
    - can i assume that you believe that you do not commit sin?
    - do you believe that the world will be a better place if there were no RELIGION?

    i just want to know what's on your minds? :)

    Catholic schools until grade 11. So it is not like I didn't get it tossed at me while growing up. It did help me form my opinions that I hold now:

    1. We are just here doing time just like every other animal on the planet. My purpose (being the highest on the totem pole, sic) is to try and make sure everything stays in balance. Kind of doing gods job for it as it has screwed up bad and dosen't seem to want to fix it.

    2. When you die? You are dead! Why worry about it? Seriously, the people who dwell on it sure don't want it to happen. Maybe they can explain it better. Everybody wants a piece of Jesus and god but they sure aren't in any hurry to die. Strange don't you think?

    3. Evolution is continually happening. And not even somebody who is deep in religion with an open mind can deny that.

    4. This planet will be here until something that I nor anybody can explain may happen to it. A meteor will not be the demise of the planet. And neither will man. Back to evolution then, eh. ;)

    5. I wouldn't think down. But I have an opinion on them. Being raised on it, I think I can knock it a little more than somebody who hasn't. Sure there are blind sheep out there. I mean, when you don't question anything, you sure aren't any kind of leader.

    6. I have fun mocking anything. God dosen't escape that. Just look at the state of the world. Still can't mock god?

    7. I am not married and have been with the same beautiful lady for 16 years. Sin in some eyes and living the perfect life to others. And it wouldn't be out of my realm to kill somebody if they broke into my house or I felt my family threatened. So yeah, I do and will sin.

    8. A better place if there was no religion? Hmmmmmm, people would still find something or somebody to raise higher then them as it seems to be a human thing to do. Don't ask me why, but just look around. Check out the way people fawn over Eddie or the latest jock or the latest movie star.
    You've changed your place in this world!
  • momofglynnmomofglynn Posts: 849
    BeBe wrote:
    Here's my ideology:

    After my husband became a so called "born" again Christian, He's been acting worse than the so called no religion man. I always considered myself a Christian until my husband changed that. I no longer believe in Jesus and I also doubt God as in the biblical terms.

    how bad did it get in my home? I have been slapped, thrown around, spit at, yelled and cursed beyond the norm. Then he will go off to church and act like a righteous proper man. A man that is not a man. Yes, I am still married to him but I am not planning my entire life living with him. It's been horrible living with this so called Christian.

    I am not sure anymore what I believe in. Considering I am a highly educated woman (law degree) I still feel STUPID in not leaving this marriage earlier.

    Sorry, I hope I have not hijacked this thread by venting. But it is my only outlet.

    I hope you get out and soon....What comes around goes around....he will have his day. Be proud, hold your head up and walk away knowing you are doing what's best for you. You deserve to be loved, cherished and happy. good luck and be safe.
    Let's Go Red Sox!
  • Jeremy1012Jeremy1012 Posts: 7,170
    yotan18 wrote:
    if you don't believe in life after death, if you don't believe in God, then what are your beliefs?

    - what do you think is your purpose in life?
    - what are your beliefs after you die?
    - do you believe in the evolution theory?
    - do you believe that this planet will still exist, billions of billions of years from now, unless something happens to it, e.g. struck by a meteor, or something?
    - do you think down on religious people, thinking that they are merely blind followers of their religion, and that they have no concrete basis of their beliefs?
    - do you guys have fun when you mock God?
    - can i assume that you believe that you do not commit sin?
    - do you believe that the world will be a better place if there were no RELIGION?

    i just want to know what's on your minds? :)

    1) My purpose in life is to live it as I see fit, doing good by myself and others until I die when hopefully I will be reincarnated. (yes I believe in the afterlife)

    2) I believe, since we all came from the same matter, and that matter and energy are essentially the same thing, and that energy cannot be created or destroyed, that we have to go somewhere. Since our bodies return to the soil, I assume that our "souls" (however you define it) cannot just disappear and therefore pass into other lifeforms.

    3) Yes I believe in the evolution theory. while I hate those who take science as fact just because its science, I have never found any reason to dispute evolution. I HAVE found many reasons to dispute christianity and other organised monotheistic religions.

    4) No... billion and billions of years is pushing it. The Sun is already half way through its lifetime. it will die and in its red supergiant stage it will swallow the solar system and we will return from whence we came.

    5) I do not tar all religious people with the same brush. If someone feels the need for religion in their life and they do not try to force it on me or look down on ME in any way then I have no grievance with them. I DO find it disturbing that only 4% of the world are atheists though, because without wanting to sound like I'm the one who knows he is right, by my beliefs that means that 96% of the earth's population are following something that has no foundation in truth.

    6) I don't mock God. Given that I have no belief in a biblical god, I have no reason to mock "him". I don't mock things that I believe do not exist. I'll admit that sometimes I mock christian ideas etc but only when they are so ridiculous that letting them slide feels like a betrayal to my own feelings of morality. For example, televangelists are the scum of the earth in my opinion. They are goddamn brainwashing money-grabbing people-using assholes who will soon find out whether what they have been preaching is true. If they have been right, I sure as hell hope they burn in hell.

    7) Hell no. I commit sins but I don't feel guilty to some "divine" entity. I feel guilty if I hurt someone because I have a sense of morality. Now don't give me any bullshit about that morality having come from conventions in society that derive from religion. All I know is, I've never personally, nor have I ever heard of an atheist strapping a bomb to themselves and killing innocent people in the name of atheism. It doesn't happen. Look at the world around you and tell me that almost all the world's problems don't stem from religion?

    8) See above.

    Thanks you.
    "I remember one night at Muzdalifa with nothing but the sky overhead, I lay awake amid sleeping Muslim brothers and I learned that pilgrims from every land — every colour, and class, and rank; high officials and the beggar alike — all snored in the same language"
  • toastertoaster Posts: 152
    yotan18 wrote:
    - what do you think is your purpose in life?
    Honestly, I don't think I have a specific purpose in life. I'm here as a resault of the evolution, and yes, us humans are more advanced than animals, but I don't think a god created me so that I could serve him or her in anyway nor do I believe that I am here to make life good for people around me. Although I try to do my best for other people around me, I have a hard time to believe that I was created merely for this purpose.
    yotan18 wrote:
    - what are your beliefs after you die?
    I don't know until I get there. Maybe I'll have a splendid time in heaven for non-believers or I'll rot in the mud somewhere. Whn it happens, it happens. Why fear what you don't know?
    yotan18 wrote:
    - do you believe in the evolution theory?
    Yes, I do. I believe that all living creatures has evolved and evolves to fit better into their natural environment.
    yotan18 wrote:
    - do you believe that this planet will still exist, billions of billions of years from now, unless something happens to it, e.g. struck by a meteor, or something?
    yes, why wouldn't it?
    yotan18 wrote:
    - do you think down on religious people, thinking that they are merely blind followers of their religion, and that they have no concrete basis of their beliefs?
    no, I don't think down on religious people. I think down of people who cannot respect that I don't believe in anything and tries to change my views to what they think is right. I don't try to make them non-religious, why try to make me religious?
    yotan18 wrote:
    - do you guys have fun when you mock God?
    it's no more fun than when i'm mocking my friends or some guy on tv.
    yotan18 wrote:
    - can i assume that you believe that you do not commit sin?
    i don't commit "sin", but I do things wrong and things I regret. that's too bad, but I'm constantly learning how to do things better, and no one's perfect. I just don't have any God i canblame or apologize to for my misbehaviour.
    yotan18 wrote:
    - do you believe that the world will be a better place if there were no RELIGION?
    To some part yes, but I think religion is great for those who feel it can help them. I believe religion has been misused in many ways of certain leaders so they can gether people around their own views, but religion without leaders misabusing it - go ahead.
  • BeBe wrote:
    Here's my ideology:

    After my husband became a so called "born" again Christian, He's been acting worse than the so called no religion man. I always considered myself a Christian until my husband changed that. I no longer believe in Jesus and I also doubt God as in the biblical terms.

    how bad did it get in my home? I have been slapped, thrown around, spit at, yelled and cursed beyond the norm. Then he will go off to church and act like a righteous proper man. A man that is not a man. Yes, I am still married to him but I am not planning my entire life living with him. It's been horrible living with this so called Christian.

    I am not sure anymore what I believe in. Considering I am a highly educated woman (law degree) I still feel STUPID in not leaving this marriage earlier.

    Sorry, I hope I have not hijacked this thread by venting. But it is my only outlet.

    oh please leave this idiot please a.s.a.p.!!! nobody deserves that kind of life! People with demented minds would do anything in excuse of their religion... C'mon change your life & dump that so-called Christian!!! ... I hope you left him by now...
    En mi vida,
    el oscuro me mantiene
    cuando yo te vi
    en la lluvia me prometiste tu sangre

    Estrella de la mañana
    Samael te persigo a ti
    y si me quedo sin alas
    ademas me muero por ti
  • yotan18 wrote:
    if you don't believe in life after death, if you don't believe in God, then what are your beliefs?

    - what do you think is your purpose in life?

    I really don't know...but most of the time I think that I'm here just as a moving part of the nature & that my purpose here is that of a single part of billions of parts that make this world. Oh and while I'm here I wanna see what gives... and do no harm to any other being.

    - what are your beliefs after you die?

    i presume i'm going to become a passive part of this universe, maybe some kind of energy...or I(that is my molecules) will continue in other (rather small :-) organisms which will use it for their own lifes - anyway it would circle arround 4ever. about my consciousness; well where was it before the moment of our creation?! Our mind are just playin' molecules (i don't know how to explain it; molecules=sth maybe far more complexed than we know it)

    - do you believe in the evolution theory?

    Why wouldn't I believe!? The question is who doesn't? After all the evolution is a fact with bunch of examples to prove it.

    - do you believe that this planet will still exist, billions of billions of years from now, unless something happens to it, e.g. struck by a meteor, or something?

    i think that our planet will exist billions of billions of years from now until one point of time when the universe we know, will collapse and disintegrate in small pieces which in time would create the whole different new universe and with it, it would create life...the end would create the beginning, the beginning would create the and and so on...Basically i do believe in a perfect circle...that is in a circling process of all existence.

    - do you think down on religious people, thinking that they are merely blind followers of their religion, and that they have no concrete basis of their beliefs?

    No!!! I think that every human being should have some sort of his/hers own religion containing God, different forms of divine or not(like mine for example).
    Well, do i have concrete basis of my beliefs? The thing is we are always questioning ourselves, constantly wondering, at least most of us, I hope.

    - do you guys have fun when you mock God?

    Why would I mock God?!: I'm questioning Him/Her but I'm not mocking to any god...Why do you presume that if i am an atheist I must be mocking to (your)god...that's only your prejudice.

    - can i assume that you believe that you do not commit sin?

    There's no sins, there's only wright and wrong... and my ''moral law'' inside me
    is functioning just fine, thank you 4 asking...

    - do you believe that the world will be a better place if there were no RELIGION?

    I think that the world without religion simply could not exist. However, the religion is not there as a means to kill each other, it's concept is sth quite different- it is LOVE in all its forms, unfortunately many people forgot that concept and replaced it with HATE...
    En mi vida,
    el oscuro me mantiene
    cuando yo te vi
    en la lluvia me prometiste tu sangre

    Estrella de la mañana
    Samael te persigo a ti
    y si me quedo sin alas
    ademas me muero por ti
  • aNiMaLaNiMaL Posts: 7,117
    yotan18 wrote:
    if you don't believe in life after death, if you don't believe in God, then what are your beliefs?
    To be a good person, kind to your neighbors, friends, and family.
    yotan18 wrote:
    - what do you think is your purpose in life?
    To help people.
    yotan18 wrote:
    - what are your beliefs after you die?
    You cease to exist and your body decomposes.
    yotan18 wrote:
    - do you believe in the evolution theory
    More than the Creation story.
    yotan18 wrote:
    - do you believe that this planet will still exist, billions of billions of years from now, unless something happens to it, e.g. struck by a meteor, or something?
    yotan18 wrote:
    - do you think down on religious people, thinking that they are merely blind followers of their religion, and that they have no concrete basis of their beliefs?
    Not necessarily; I understand that religion today is like Greek mythology of the past in that it is a way to explain the unknown. And we as humans are afraid of the unknown. So, giving people something to “believe” in, with a side of answers to the unknown questions, gives people comfort and inner peace. If that’s what works for you, and you can turn a blind eye to science and rational thinking; then that’s cool.
    yotan18 wrote:
    - do you guys have fun when you mock God?
    For me to admit yes or no would be to admit there is a God. What I think you are referring to is people mocking the idea of God.
    yotan18 wrote:
    - can i assume that you believe that you do not commit sin?
    Are you asking if I have broken the law? Sin……hmmm, seems like a made up religious label.
    yotan18 wrote:
    - do you believe that the world will be a better place if there were no RELIGION?
    Hmm, not a bad question. I’m not sure the answer…because like I already said, I think some people really need to have these perceived answers in their life, and much like Greek mythology did back in the day, modern organized religion does today.
  • Brisk.Brisk. Posts: 11,567
    yotan18 wrote:
    if you don't believe in life after death, if you don't believe in God, then what are your beliefs?

    - what do you think is your purpose in life?
    - what are your beliefs after you die?
    - do you believe in the evolution theory?
    - do you believe that this planet will still exist, billions of billions of years from now, unless something happens to it, e.g. struck by a meteor, or something?
    - do you think down on religious people, thinking that they are merely blind followers of their religion, and that they have no concrete basis of their beliefs?
    - do you guys have fun when you mock God?
    - can i assume that you believe that you do not commit sin?
    - do you believe that the world will be a better place if there were no RELIGION?

    i just want to know what's on your minds? :)

    I believe in 1-2 billion years the sun will grow so huge and it will engulf us. Or in 5 Billion years another galaxy called andromeda will collide with us. at the centre of every galaxy is a black hole. These two black holes willl join together and we will either be sucked into it or thrown out to the other side of the universe. I have watched many documentaries and yeh it seems realistic.
  • yotan18 wrote:
    if you don't believe in life after death, if you don't believe in God, then what are your beliefs?

    - what do you think is your purpose in life?
    - what are your beliefs after you die?
    - do you believe in the evolution theory?
    - do you believe that this planet will still exist, billions of billions of years from now, unless something happens to it, e.g. struck by a meteor, or something?
    - do you think down on religious people, thinking that they are merely blind followers of their religion, and that they have no concrete basis of their beliefs?
    - do you guys have fun when you mock God?
    - can i assume that you believe that you do not commit sin?
    - do you believe that the world will be a better place if there were no RELIGION?

    I'm a recovering Catholic with fundamentalist Christian in-laws.

    1) My purpose in life is to make the world a better place for the other people who live here.

    2) I don't know what happens after I die, but I hope I get to see my Dad again.

    3) Evolution isn't a theory. It has empirical evidence to support it -- new strains of flu that are resistant to vaccines; anti-bacterial soaps making it harder to kill germs. In fact, one of the things that has turned me against religion is its rejection of science and reason. (I guess, in some ways, Reason is my religion.)

    4) Our sun will burn out and consume all the planets, including Pluto (which will always be a planet to me).

    5) I don't look down on religious people -- just the hypocrites and liars.

    6) I never mock God. I *do* mock the hypocrites and liars among his "followers."

    7) I believe that sin is purposely (and recklessly) hurting other people. Like IM'ing lurid emails to 16 year old pages. Like making the rich richer at the expense of the poor. Like invading Iraq, killing our troops and innocent people, without any good reason.

    8) Sadly, yes, I think the world would be better off without religion. Religion is responsible for so much of the world's violence and intolerance and hatred.
    "Things will just get better and better even though it
    doesn't feel that way right now. That's the hopeful
    idea . . . Hope didn't get much applause . . .
    Hope! Hope is the underdog!"

    -- EV, Live at the Showbox
  • brain of cbrain of c Posts: 5,213
    - what do you think is your purpose in life?'s a joke.
    - what are your beliefs after you die?.......i'm planning on rotting away.
    - do you believe in the evolution theory?...another joke.
    - do you believe that this planet will still exist, billions of billions of years from now, unless something happens to it, e.g. struck by a meteor, or something?..yes
    - do you think down on religious people, thinking that they are merely blind followers of their religion, and that they have no concrete basis of their beliefs?, i just think they're nutbags.
    - do you guys have fun when you mock God?...i never mock god. she's never mocked me.
    - can i assume that you believe that you do not commit sin?...gotta sin to win.
    - do you believe that the world will be a better place if there were no RELIGION.......well, there would be a lot less war.......
  • catefrancescatefrances Posts: 29,003
    I imagine the purpose of this thread is to catch a better understanding of atheism and its contents... so that's why I have such a long winded response.

    And I've one final addition - Since atheists in general are by far the minority. I've noticed you have to have a pretty phenomenal sense of humor to put up with atheism and maybe even encourage it.

    i am an atheist and believe me i have zero sense of humour when it comes to religion.
    if people want to waste their time thinking about a non existent God and how he is going to save them cause they deserve saving, then go right ahead but DO NOT try to convince me of something that i will NEVER be convinced of.
    hear my name
    take a good look
    this could be the day
    hold my hand
    lie beside me
    i just need to say
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