People with NO RELIGION, educate me.

if you don't believe in life after death, if you don't believe in God, then what are your beliefs?
- what do you think is your purpose in life?
- what are your beliefs after you die?
- do you believe in the evolution theory?
- do you believe that this planet will still exist, billions of billions of years from now, unless something happens to it, e.g. struck by a meteor, or something?
- do you think down on religious people, thinking that they are merely blind followers of their religion, and that they have no concrete basis of their beliefs?
- do you guys have fun when you mock God?
- can i assume that you believe that you do not commit sin?
- do you believe that the world will be a better place if there were no RELIGION?
i just want to know what's on your minds?
- what do you think is your purpose in life?
- what are your beliefs after you die?
- do you believe in the evolution theory?
- do you believe that this planet will still exist, billions of billions of years from now, unless something happens to it, e.g. struck by a meteor, or something?
- do you think down on religious people, thinking that they are merely blind followers of their religion, and that they have no concrete basis of their beliefs?
- do you guys have fun when you mock God?
- can i assume that you believe that you do not commit sin?
- do you believe that the world will be a better place if there were no RELIGION?
i just want to know what's on your minds?

"The Day of Redemption is at hand! Repent, and thou shall be saved..." - A. Ventura
"I always tell the truth. Even when I lie" - T. Montana
"Yeah i know... sounds stupid." Aldrin said.
#18 INC forever
"I always tell the truth. Even when I lie" - T. Montana
"Yeah i know... sounds stupid." Aldrin said.
#18 INC forever
Post edited by Unknown User on
perhaps there is a god i dunno, but the world would be a hell of a lot better without organized religon...
but only if there is faith in good, to speak will not have the will to hypnotize. Only to speak.
...we're all on our own. trust what you feel not what you hear.
unfortunatley many have been customly brain wired by crazy parents far to young for them to comprehend humanity from a clean slate.
i am mine.
my family made sure i was clean minded to make my own decisions.
thank god.
Also, here is a quote from "Happy New Year" by Todd Snider. This sums up my views on religion.
i dont know what we're doing here
you don't "KNOW" what were doing here
now christians dont walk out on me just yet
you know whose name im yelling as im clutching my chest
the one my dad told me to and his told him to
and i probably pray as much or more than you do
believe? shit, every word i sing
but believing and knowing, those are two different things
and if your trying to change the way a strangers life will have to go
i believe this is where i wanna stick to what i know
which is nothing you know, nothing for sure so
just chill til the next episode
now back to the lecture at hand
seems like my neighbor wants to kill what he cant understand
i say we cant just kill what we dont understand
but i turn on my tv and see that oh yes we can
we can and we have since then dawn of man
for countless gods whose only real seeming plan
was to see to it that clinging to life was our fate
and you gotta admit that lifes pretty great
can we deny that its killing us?
Are you like a relative of "Voltron," or something?
Seriously though, those are good questions you ask. And while I don't have time to answer them (and I believe in... something. Dunno what, but I'm still working on that), if this is the kind of thing you're interested in exploring, there are two amazing writers whose work I think you would enjoy.
One is Richard Bach. He's best known for the book Jonathan Livingston Seagull, but the one I think you'd dig most is called, "Illusions: The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah." It deals with religion, faith, belief in the world and the universe in a really kind of... enpowering way. It makes you look at the world (and religion, and it's history) entirely differently.
And it's only, like, eight dollars or something. And it's short! You can read it in an afternoon (read it while listening to Yield - a GREAT way to spend the day), but - as cliche as this sounds - it will last with you a lifetime.
The other writer is Kurt Vonnegut. Maybe he's a little too obvious, but he doesn't believe in God (he's a Humanist, if I remember right), and his views on the world are just right on point. Funny as fuck, too.
He's got a pretty somber article in this week's Rolling Stone, in fact.
Anyways, best of luck in your quest
- what are your beliefs after you die? I don't claim to know what happens. I do, however, love surprises, and this should be a good one.
- do you believe in the evolution theory? Based on my own limited understanding, I think it makes infinitely more sense than biblical creation myths, which are quite obviously stolen from earlier pagan beliefs.
- do you believe that this planet will still exist, billions of billions of years from now, unless something happens to it, e.g. struck by a meteor, or something? Sorry, left my crystal ball at the office, I have no idea.
- do you think down on religious people, thinking that they are merely blind followers of their religion, and that they have no concrete basis of their beliefs? I have a great deal of respect for some people of faith, and no respect at all for others. It hinges mainly on how much respect those people have for people who disagree with them. Many of the people I most admire (Martin Luther King Jr., Mahatma Ghandi, Nelson Mandela, to name just a few) are people of faith, and I admire and respect what they've accomplished.
- do you guys have fun when you mock God? I gotta be honest ... sometimes yes. Personally, I think it's all fairy tales.
- can i assume that you believe that you do not commit sin? Define sin. I don't accept the concept.
- do you believe that the world will be a better place if there were no RELIGION? Tough one ... overall, I'd have to say yes.
Some of my purposes include: To provide for my family, to enjoy myself, to better my community.
All we are is dust in the wind
I don't need to. I've seen plenty of evidence to support it. Evidence which doesn't require me to suspend disbelief and rely on the supernatural for an explanation.
Sin? If I subscribed to that model, then yes, I'm a sinner.
After my husband became a so called "born" again Christian, He's been acting worse than the so called no religion man. I always considered myself a Christian until my husband changed that. I no longer believe in Jesus and I also doubt God as in the biblical terms.
how bad did it get in my home? I have been slapped, thrown around, spit at, yelled and cursed beyond the norm. Then he will go off to church and act like a righteous proper man. A man that is not a man. Yes, I am still married to him but I am not planning my entire life living with him. It's been horrible living with this so called Christian.
I am not sure anymore what I believe in. Considering I am a highly educated woman (law degree) I still feel STUPID in not leaving this marriage earlier.
Sorry, I hope I have not hijacked this thread by venting. But it is my only outlet.
1) Live a life I can be proud of by making myself better through learning and teaching as well doing my part to take care of the world and people around me. Raise children to do the same.
2) After we die, we die. Our bodies return to the earth and our atoms continue to be shared with each living and unliving thing throughout eternity. We will all be reincarnated in one way or another but we become part of the earth again. This really isn't a belief as much as a fact.
3) Evolution exists. How people refute obvious evidence is beyond me.
4) This planet will outlive us all. We can damage it but we cannot kill it.
5) No I do not look down on religious folks except those who follow any dogma like sheep. I have many religious friends and they have my deepest respect.
6) I don't believe in "sin" but I do believe in right and wrong.
7) Yeah, I do actually enjoy making fun of religious folks. I bug my friends all the time, but they make fun of my heathenous ways too.
7) If atheists and the secular world would pick up the slack in terms of humanitarian and social programs, than yes, I would love to see a world without religion. Religious groups operate the majority of soup kitchens, food banks and many shelters, although many people also die by the name of religion so its a tough one.
I don't think you, I or anybody else is truly qualified to answer that one.
I don't believe or disbelieve anything. Its a wait and see approach.
Evolution. The religion of the 20th Century. Personally, I couldn't care less about evolution.
Well, you would expect something to exist until it doesn't. If nothing happens to the planet, why wouldn't it still exist?
In my experience, it is the other way around. Most of my religious friends think that I'm blinded by ignorance. They accuse me of being blind to God, suggesting that if I don't adopt thinking similar to theirs, I am condemned to damnation. I respect their right to believe as much.
Do you have fun mocking athiests or agnostics? I DON'T mock God, or those who choose to warship him. I simply don't feel qualified to make sweeping statements about others, or the universe as a whole.
Sin as defined by who? Muslims, Christians, Buddists, Jews, or any other faith?
I have a moral compass, if that's what your getting at, but it goes deeper than simply following a religious doctrine. One doesn't simply pull their sense of right and wrong from a 2000 year old text. Tolerance and respect are universally understood, even if people choose to adhere to such behavior.
I believe that the world would be a better place if people were more accepting of the opinions and ideas of others. Just because I don't see eye- to-eye with you, doesn't mean I disrespect your beliefs or opinions. Many people try and define things as being black or white. Your either "with us or against us". Its this kind of thinking that I can't stomach.
-Live a life I'm proud of and maybe one day have children...
-I just die.
-Billions of years from now, the Sun will expand into a Red Star and consume the earth.
-I don't think down on them. I don't really even care if they have a religion because it's none of my business.
-no I don't mock god or make fun of people who believe in god.
-I don't believe in sin, just right and wrong.
-I think the world would be a better place without organized religion.
OK. I'm not religious so I'm going to try to answer these as nicely as possible.
- Though I do not find any reason to follow a religious dogma, I do sense that humans are spiritual beings. My spirit feels a need to feel good, to do good things for myself and for others - so that's my purpose in life.
- I have no idea what happens to our spirits (souls, if you want to call them that) when our bodies die, but I have a feeling our spirits do not die with them.
- Evolution is a proven occurance. Scientific theory is not the same as "I have a theory about what the Bush administration is up to".
As Wikipedia explains:
In science, a theory is a proposed description, explanation, or model of the manner of interaction of a set of natural phenomena, capable of predicting future occurrences or observations of the same kind, and capable of being tested through experiment or otherwise falsified through empirical observation. It follows from this that for scientists "theory" and "fact" do not necessarily stand in opposition.
You don't have to believe in the theory of evolution. In fact, if you reject it, you are just plain ignorant of reality. However, it is true that knowledge of the origin of the human species is incomplete. Yes, we have found extinct human sub-species - something the Bible doesn't mention - but there are many links between ape and human that are missing. Still, the genetic similarity between chimpanzees and humans are profound enough to suggest there is a common ancestry.
- I'm sure this planet will bite the dust somehow at some point in time.
- Yes. Sorry, but I do. But I also do understand that very intelligent people can be religious.
- I mock the idea of God. And yes, sometimes its fun. Monty Python and the Holy Grail is particularly fun.
- I don't believe in the biblical sense of sin, but I think acts that cause misery deserve to be held in contempt and steps should be taken to prevent people from committing them. I think people should work together and learn from trial and error to figure out how to prevent "sin" - and they may also find out that not all "sins" deserved to be called "sins".
- I think the world would be MUCH better off without religion. I doubt it'll ever happen, though...
first of all, forgive me for giving advice you aren't asking for, but, get away from this man sooner than later.
Now, please allow me to say that, without ever having met this man, i would guess that the faith he professes is not real. Faith, when it is sincere, changers a man's heart for the better. This obviously hasn't happened. i can only specuate that his professed faith is some kind of facade. If i'm wrong about this, please try to understand that his despicable, loathsome behavior is IN SPITE OF faith, not at all BECAUSE of it.
Next, if your lost faith is for some other reasons, that is for you to decide, and i am not one to push faith on someone. That is not my gig or my intent. i will say, however, that if there was in fact faith in you before, do not let this man steal it from you.
Finally, i hope you don't mind, but, i'm praying for you.
God bless.
If you truly havn't figured it out yet, you apparently don't pay real close attention to this forum. Many of them live for it. Nothing gives them more pleasure. I think it makes some orgasm.
Yea, and he is so righteous and loving, that if you don't worship him you go to hell.
First of all, I don't believe or disbelieve.
- what do you think is your purpose in life? The "real" purpose? Have no idea. "My" purpose is to be as good a person as I can be and contribute to the world as best I can.
- what are your beliefs after you die? Not sure, definitely not hell though.
- do you believe in the evolution theory? More than creation.
- do you believe that this planet will still exist, billions of billions of years from now, unless something happens to it, e.g. struck by a meteor, or something? Not the way humans are treating it.
- do you think down on religious people, thinking that they are merely blind followers of their religion, and that they have no concrete basis of their beliefs? No, I feel sorry for them sometimes, depends on the person.
- do you guys have fun when you mock God? No.
- can i assume that you believe that you do not commit sin? No. I try not to though.
- do you believe that the world will be a better place if there were no RELIGION? Organized, yes.
You know..your post brought me to tears..You are right..Somehow I feel my husband was bought to my home and to my two sons by the devil himself. I have suffered so much the past two years that I can write a book and give it to his church and let them see that he is no great guy. The church tells him that since he is human..he can sin..and that's where the problem is.
Last Sunday after he was teaching the youth music group, he came home, started cussing me out because I changed the thermostat from 77 up to 79..My gosh all HELL broke loose! I had cut the grass, done all the housework and all he did was watch Dr Who in between church services.
I know it's wrong to be mad at God. But why on earth did he put this man in my life????????
I am in the process of divorce (I only hope he never spies on me on these boards) but the process takes longer because he is no longer here legally in this country. So immigration has to take precedence over the family court. If he ever gets will save my sanity or life..
Thanks for your post..I really mean it..
Now, I'm not really an athiest, but I am a spiritual person. I think there's something more than this and some explanation that our minds can't grasp, but I'm serioulsy not gonna sit on a cloud for eternity in heavon. Atleast not in the state I am now has a breathing human..
Am I making sense?
When your human senses shut down to sleep, 8 hours passes in an instant (unless you dream). When you die 8 billion years will pass like nothing. We are in an event now and I think we should make the best of it. I'm sure there's a good explanation for it all.
I really don't mean to be mean here... but:
Apopheny - A connection made where none previously existed. God - An invention made when none previously existed.
I realize you're not "blaming" God - but you might be putting too much emphasis on Gods' involvement. To an athiest, it would seem God had nothing at all to do with the problems you face with your husband. Those problems are direct actions of your husband, he's responsible, and must be held accountable for all abuses.
Apopheny - or "belief" - might not make those abuses go away, there's no proof that either his or your own beliefs will alter his actions. In fact it might be more dangerous to pray for something to happen to solve this grievous abuse of your innocence. It might be more dangerous to believe in God.
Trust your instincts, survival - rendered with sympathy and solidarity. Know you husband is acting under the control of a sort-of-quasi fascism, his mind in not his own when it is so negatively altered by whatever doctrine that he may be a part of - so he does deserve some sympathy to get him out of that daze of "faith."
And you must know what's best for you, you've got to have the solidarity and personal resolution to get yourself out of that mess.
Personally, I have/give no tolerance for the progress of abuse. I wouldn't let my own dad hit my mom, or my brothers and sisters when I was young - when I was something like 6 years old, apparently, according to my parents - my dad would go on drunken fits and go through the house hitting, throwing, and screaming every person in the household - after years of having quite enough of his shit, I began to follow him through the house after he had knocked me out of the way, and would try to forcefully block him from getting to my other family members, blocking the hallways and kicking him... somehow from a very young age I learned to NEVER let the "Man" get you down.
I guess I just want to help, so that's all that, ^ was...
2. I am just dead, thankfully!!!
3. Evolution makes sense and we have seen it when old bones have been discovered.
4. This planet will go on unless hit by something OR us little ameabas destroy it in all our selfishness to try and live forever. That is why we really need to get a better grip on our own mortality and while here live and let live...but preserve for the ones after us.
5. I think the idea of a higher power helps many people cope in this crazy world. I think some people need it. I am agnostic, because I cannot prove that there is not a higher power, and there may be one, so I cannot feel I know more about this than someone religious.
6. I hope I don't "mock" God.
7. I know the difference between right and wrong. I think we all have our own "rules' we live by too. I do fall outside of my rules and what I think is right and wrong sometimes.
I think a religious person may call that sin.
8. Again, I think some people NEED religion. I think it is a double edged sword, but I think the world is better with it than it would be without. I just wish that many of these organized religions would teach things better so that this world would be better because of religion and not have religion the cause of so much bad.
and BeBe, get away from that jackass. You and your kids deserve better.
Yeah, George Carlin IS God.
Good - George Carlin is good!
it is hard to think and accept that we are just living one day at a time, then, upon death, everything is left behind. maybe this is the thinking of people who only believe in proven "so-called facts". people who don't accept what they don't understand.
i was nice to hear your feelings and thoughts.
peace and love to all.
"I always tell the truth. Even when I lie" - T. Montana
"Yeah i know... sounds stupid." Aldrin said.
#18 INC forever
Without death - with no after-life... EVERYTHING IS AT HAND.
If there is no death, and life is all - then that makes this life infinitely more important, infinitely more precious!
I am in a sense, very anti-religion, because I am anti-after-life... I consider the availability of a second chance for all the terrible lies and crimes many commit to be the most decadent invention of mankind, an after-life... another life lost, well right now that concept is not forgotten, it is unforgivable to prefer after-life over life... unacceptable. That's why I'm an atheist mostly, I have a definite grudge with the concept of after-life.
Because I too want peace and love for all, on this side of heaven. I want, (haha) infinity now.
good or rather great reply. at least you really know your stand. however, contrary to your belief, i believe in the after life. that is why i started this thread. because generally, people who don't believe in religion don't believe in the after life.
i believe that life is precious, because whatever you did in this world, will follow you to the next. thus, you must use whatever precious time you have to do better things.
it is good that you perceive it that way. others who also don't believe in religion feels that they must DO any possible thing (right or wrong) while living, because when they die, everything is lost.
"I always tell the truth. Even when I lie" - T. Montana
"Yeah i know... sounds stupid." Aldrin said.
#18 INC forever
when i die, that will be it. i will live on in the memories of my loved ones. there is no afterlife. we came from the earth and we shall return to the earth.
it's not so much believing in the theory of evolution as seeing the beginnings of it in the adaptations made by animals to better suit their environment.
i have no idea how long this planet will last.
i have no real time for religious people. i wonder what it is they are looking for and why they do not think that they can find it within themselves. are they seeking validation for their existence? and by definition, faith requires no proof and therefore is seen by some as having no concrete base. but then again there are those who question why we seek religious explanations in the same way we do scientific answers. how can we apply scientific methods and ways of thinking to something so out of the realm of science.
if and when i mock God i do so as i would anything else.
what is a sin?
i believe the world would be a better place if there were no war and if there was more respect. i believe the world would be a better place if those people who use their religion to justify immoral acts no longer existed.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say