But the problem lies in the fact that we live in a system that allows people like this guy to easily buy a gun and conceal it. So instead of a cussed out child, we have a dead one.
Which specific gun laws would you like to see implemented to keep this from happening?
"I'll use the magic word - let's just shut the fuck up, please." EV, 04/13/08
Unfortunately, the asshole has not been caught yet.
"Where there is sacrifice there is someone collecting the sacrificial offerings."-- Ayn Rand
"Some of my friends sit around every evening and they worry about the times ahead,
But everybody else is overwhelmed by indifference and the promise of an early bed..."-- Elvis Costello
Between this and this other thing, happening in the suburb of Columbus where we live, I feel entitled to laugh at people who tell me I should not move to Manhattan because it's no place to raise a child :rolleyes:
btw, remember the highway shooter in Columbus from a couple of years ago? The media didn't pick up on it, but he was a diagnosed schizophrenic with a regularly licensed gun.
... and the will to show I will always be better than before.
Anyone who is so in love with a material possession that they'd kill for it is seriously fucked in the head.
I've never understood the attachment some people have to their automobiles...much less any other material possession.
I work my ass off to pay for my car/truck house, etc. If I'm dropping a couple of thousand dollars a month (or a couple of hundred hours at work) on something, I'm going to have a little attachment to said object. When some fucker vandalizes something that I worked for, they better hope that I don't catch them. Shooting them is a just a little bit extreme, but a good ass-kicking is definately in order and I don't care how old they are. Kids who vandalize other peoples property know that they shouldn't vandalize somebody else's property and they also know that there could be consequences to their actions if they get caught. And now they know that sometimes people get shot over doing something stupid like egging a car.
1/12/1879, 4/8/1156, 2/6/1977, who gives a shit, ...
I work my ass off to pay for my car/truck house, etc. If I'm dropping a couple of thousand dollars a month (or a couple of hundred hours at work) on something, I'm going to have a little attachment to said object. When some fucker vandalizes something that I worked for, they better hope that I don't catch them. Shooting them is a just a little bit extreme, but a good ass-kicking is definately in order and I don't care how old they are. Kids who vandalize other peoples property know that they shouldn't vandalize somebody else's property and they also know that there could be consequences to their actions if they get caught. And now they know that sometimes people get shot over doing something stupid like egging a car.
Have you ever asked yourself why it is so important to work your life away for material posessions? Attach yourself to your time with your loved ones and maybe a little egg on your car won't drive you to violence.
If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
When I was 14 I was wandering around with a mate one night knocking on people's doors and running away. We thought it was great entertainment at the time.
One drunken guy came out of his house, chased us down the street, grabbed me by the scruff of the neck, verbally abused me for a while, and punched me in the head a couple of times. Almost knocked one of my teeth out. I was spitting blood for the rest of the night. Scared the shit out of me. Needless to say I never knocked on anymore doors.
Good thing he didn't have a gun.
It doesn't matter if you're male, female, or confused; black, white, brown, red, green, yellow; gay, lesbian; redneck cop, stoned; ugly; military style, doggy style; fat, rich or poor; vegetarian or cannibal; bum, hippie, virgin; famous or drunk-you're either an asshole or you're not!
Anyone who is so in love with a material possession that they'd kill for it is seriously fucked in the head.
I've never understood the attachment some people have to their automobiles...much less any other material possession.
I don't think it's about stealing a car per se. No one is dumb enough to die for a car. What it is is an attitude of 'hey, fucko, this is mine, and you can't just take what I have earned.' Still fucked, but I think the difference is important.
I work my ass off to pay for my car/truck house, etc. If I'm dropping a couple of thousand dollars a month (or a couple of hundred hours at work) on something, I'm going to have a little attachment to said object. When some fucker vandalizes something that I worked for, they better hope that I don't catch them. Shooting them is a just a little bit extreme, but a good ass-kicking is definately in order and I don't care how old they are. Kids who vandalize other peoples property know that they shouldn't vandalize somebody else's property and they also know that there could be consequences to their actions if they get caught. And now they know that sometimes people get shot over doing something stupid like egging a car.
What is more "stupid"? egging someone's car, or shooting someone for egging your car?
Imagine how you will be treated in prison when you tell the con's that you shot a 14 year old kid for egging your car. There are few people in prison who take kindly to those who have hurt women or children. They are often the first people in population who are targeted for rape, or the shank. It's part of the prison-world hierarchy. child killers and rapists are the lowest of the low in prison. The only way around it is if you're a serial killer...and even that didn't save Dahmer. He was beaten to death with the handle of a broom. Not an easy thing to do to someone...certainly a slow, painful death.
If you get infuriated to the point that you think taking the life of a child is a reasonable response to getting egg on your car, you REALLY ought to be in therapy. Anyone with so little control of their own emotions has no business with either a gun OR a car.
Whats interesting to me is that some people don't see a 14 year old child as more valuable than a car. If they were in charge, this would be reasonable justice for egg throwing.
There really are no moral absolutes. Just annoying laws to protect ourselves and our families.
Have you ever asked yourself why it is so important to work your life away for material posessions? Attach yourself to your time with your loved ones and maybe a little egg on your car won't drive you to violence.
I love what I do at work, so I don't consider it working my life away. This is not about the damage to the material possessions that gets me mad about the stupid things that people do, it's the lack of respect. A 14 year old kid knows that he/she should not vandalize other peoples property. If you decide to vandalize, then you take the chance that you are going to do it to the wrong person and pay a heavy toll. If those kids weren't so stupid to decide that egging people would be fun, the one kid would still be alive today. I just hope that the other kids get prosecuted for their crime as well as the shooter. I'm just thinking back: if my dad ever found out that I egged someone's car when I was 14, I probably would have wished that I was shot trying to get away. Repect for other peoples property is huge where I come from.
1/12/1879, 4/8/1156, 2/6/1977, who gives a shit, ...
If those kids weren't so stupid to decide that egging people would be fun, the one kid would still be alive today.
I find this to be a disturbing comment. This sentence glosses over that the shooter is accountable for a dead-adolescent. And it then almost or does imply it's the kids fault someone was killed.
"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." ~ Niels Bohr
Interesting thing is, we don't know as of yet if the gun used was a legal gun. Also, the fact the SUV was abandoned makes me suspect the SUV may have been stolen.
An abandoned SUV doesn't necessarily mean I'm correct about it possibily being stolen, but it seems to indicate that. Or maybe the driver does own the SUV and they abandoned the SUV, figuring they'd report it stolen, after the fact. Which of course is a ridiculous notion and will do them no good, whatsoever.
I'm betting the gun was illegal and the SUV was stolen.
Regardless, shooting kids for throwing eggs is dispicable. And to answer newagehippie's question (which seems to be presented in sarcasm), no, a paintball gun is not acceptable. Paintball guns could very well cause some severe bodily damage, and if a shot hits the wrong spot on the body; it could end up killing a 14 year old kid.
In my opinion an acceptable response would have been for them to chase the kids down, call the cops and have the parents come and get them.
Once the parents and police have finished their business, I'd have a discussion with the parents of the kids and see if we could conjure up and plan for those kids to wash my SUV, by hand, the very next day.
That alone should be more than enough to discourage them from throwing eggs, ever again.
I love what I do at work, so I don't consider it working my life away. This is not about the damage to the material possessions that gets me mad about the stupid things that people do, it's the lack of respect. A 14 year old kid knows that he/she should not vandalize other peoples property. If you decide to vandalize, then you take the chance that you are going to do it to the wrong person and pay a heavy toll. If those kids weren't so stupid to decide that egging people would be fun, the one kid would still be alive today. I just hope that the other kids get prosecuted for their crime as well as the shooter. I'm just thinking back: if my dad ever found out that I egged someone's car when I was 14, I probably would have wished that I was shot trying to get away. Repect for other peoples property is huge where I come from.
Of course, you are supposed to respect other's property but no one in their wildest dreams would have expected to be shot at because of it and nor should they. The kids should have been punished by his parents.
And good lord, are you serious about prosecuting a kid for throwing an egg? Like our justice system doesn't have anything better to do. Geez.
If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
I love what I do at work, so I don't consider it working my life away. This is not about the damage to the material possessions that gets me mad about the stupid things that people do, it's the lack of respect. A 14 year old kid knows that he/she should not vandalize other peoples property. If you decide to vandalize, then you take the chance that you are going to do it to the wrong person and pay a heavy toll. If those kids weren't so stupid to decide that egging people would be fun, the one kid would still be alive today. I just hope that the other kids get prosecuted for their crime as well as the shooter. I'm just thinking back: if my dad ever found out that I egged someone's car when I was 14, I probably would have wished that I was shot trying to get away. Repect for other peoples property is huge where I come from.
Despite your attempts to validate your position that shooting kids for throwing eggs is a reasonable and acceptable response; you are without a doubt completely out of your mind. Your argument is feeble, at best.
I'm completely with you on the underlying theme that many kids these days have zero respect for other people's property and zero respect for other people, in general. Even kids their own age and younger. There's this lack of responsibility and accountability not only in the youth of today, but in a lot of adults, also.
But shooting kids for what is essentially a harmless, albeit messy prank, is absurd. There are other approaches, methods and options to dealing with this sort of thing, other than shooting and killing them.
But the real solution for problematic kids lies in the hands and laps of the parents. Parents have to do a better job!
But don't kid yourself, kids always have and always will be involved in silly pranks and doing stupid shit. They're kids. That's what most of them do.
The difference-maker is how parents deal with, communicate, discipline, and follow up their kids, after they get caught doing stupid shit. That's the important component in all of this.
Adults (especially parents) need to teach their kids the value of respect and consequences
Adults should first be responsible. What respectable adult carries a gun (readily available and loaded) in a car and shoots a kid out of petty anger?
What an example.....
Adults should first be responsible. What respectable adult carries a gun (readily available and loaded) in a car and shoots a kid out of petty anger?
What an example.....
And obviously his parents did a shitty job themselves. Where's the fuss about his parents?
If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
I work my ass off to pay for my car/truck house, etc. If I'm dropping a couple of thousand dollars a month (or a couple of hundred hours at work) on something, I'm going to have a little attachment to said object. When some fucker vandalizes something that I worked for, they better hope that I don't catch them. Shooting them is a just a little bit extreme, but a good ass-kicking is definately in order and I don't care how old they are. Kids who vandalize other peoples property know that they shouldn't vandalize somebody else's property and they also know that there could be consequences to their actions if they get caught. And now they know that sometimes people get shot over doing something stupid like egging a car.
My neighbour (14) vandalized my dad's car, my dad's brand new car. You know what my dad did? Instead of giving the kid a good ass-kicking (which would not solve anything) he talked to the kids parents and they made him do chores for my dad until he paid of the cost of the damage, that way kids learn about respect and the value of certain things, they learn what it's like to work for something etc. Beating someone doesn't teach kids anything at all, it certainly doesn't teach them about respect.
My neighbour (14) vandalized my dad's car, my dad's brand new car. You know what my dad did? Instead of giving the kid a good ass-kicking (which would not solve anything) he talked to the kids parents and they made him do chores for my dad until he paid of the cost of the damage, that way kids learn about respect and the value of certain things, they learn what it's like to work for something etc. Beating someone doesn't teach kids anything at all, it certainly doesn't teach them about respect.
I agree. And also, I've heard that when you "beat" or in other ways assault kids to "teach them", it actually doesn't teach them, because they think the beating "evens the score". They think the debt has been paid. And therefore, they learn nothing. They don't even feel guilt, etc., because they are "paid up" in their minds.
"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." ~ Niels Bohr
And good lord, are you serious about prosecuting a kid for throwing an egg? Like our justice system doesn't have anything better to do. Geez.
This is actually harmful thinking. It is the erosion of the seemingly "trivial" matters that have spread the problems of detachment to the major crimes.
These are gateway crimes, and it has been proven time and time again, that the earlier someone is shown the error of their ways. or that society is diapproving the more compliant they become in later life.
My neighbour (14) vandalized my dad's car, my dad's brand new car. You know what my dad did? Instead of giving the kid a good ass-kicking (which would not solve anything) he talked to the kids parents and they made him do chores for my dad until he paid of the cost of the damage, that way kids learn about respect and the value of certain things, they learn what it's like to work for something etc. Beating someone doesn't teach kids anything at all, it certainly doesn't teach them about respect.
but, as far as a good beating not teaching a child a lesson...that all depends on the child.
Apparently you have never been hit with an egg. It's infuriating. The problems isn't that the guy got pissed off enough to shoot the kid; the problem was that he had a gun at his disposal with which he could shoot the kid. That said, anyone who fucks with somebody else's automobile should be shot. I fucking hate that.
no car is worth someone's life. and anyone who feels that way should be neutered. it's pathetic how many guys get a hard on for their cars. you'd think they had a vagina the way some guys act.
Am I the only person who egged people as a kid? Not only did I do it, but I did it two different times! One, my siblings and I took dozens of eggs and threw them out a bedroom window at cars that we overlooked on the highway. And two, a friend and I, on devils night, rang teacher's doorbells, ran to hide, then pelted them with eggs when they answered! (oh, we also soaped screened windows) Okay, maybe I was the world's worst and most psychotic teenager in the world! I doubt it, though.
Still, some of you seem to have completely blocked the inner child!
Children don't live out perpetual respect and rules! They are kids! That's why we don't let them drive, vote or make other important decisions on their own behalf. They are not small adults!
actually no. my buddy and i prefered sneaking into churches and messing with their microphones, eating cake out of the fridge in the basement, or stealing church wine.
Which specific gun laws would you like to see implemented to keep this from happening?
How about no guns, at all.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Did this guy have a concealed carry permit? I didn't see that.
What is the general trend in crime after a city or state passes laws allowing concealed carry? (Hint: I know the answer, just seeing if you do).
If it were possible, I agree that this would be the ultimate solution. Unfortunately I've never heard of a way to get there.
Unfortunately, the asshole has not been caught yet.
"Some of my friends sit around every evening and they worry about the times ahead,
But everybody else is overwhelmed by indifference and the promise of an early bed..."-- Elvis Costello
Between this and this other thing, happening in the suburb of Columbus where we live, I feel entitled to laugh at people who tell me I should not move to Manhattan because it's no place to raise a child :rolleyes:
btw, remember the highway shooter in Columbus from a couple of years ago? The media didn't pick up on it, but he was a diagnosed schizophrenic with a regularly licensed gun.
I've never understood the attachment some people have to their automobiles...much less any other material possession.
old music: http://www.myspace.com/slowloader
I work my ass off to pay for my car/truck house, etc. If I'm dropping a couple of thousand dollars a month (or a couple of hundred hours at work) on something, I'm going to have a little attachment to said object. When some fucker vandalizes something that I worked for, they better hope that I don't catch them. Shooting them is a just a little bit extreme, but a good ass-kicking is definately in order and I don't care how old they are. Kids who vandalize other peoples property know that they shouldn't vandalize somebody else's property and they also know that there could be consequences to their actions if they get caught. And now they know that sometimes people get shot over doing something stupid like egging a car.
Have you ever asked yourself why it is so important to work your life away for material posessions? Attach yourself to your time with your loved ones and maybe a little egg on your car won't drive you to violence.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
would it have been acceptable if it were a paintball gun???
Keep your eyes open, eventually something will happen....
One drunken guy came out of his house, chased us down the street, grabbed me by the scruff of the neck, verbally abused me for a while, and punched me in the head a couple of times. Almost knocked one of my teeth out. I was spitting blood for the rest of the night. Scared the shit out of me. Needless to say I never knocked on anymore doors.
Good thing he didn't have a gun.
-C Addison
What about an egg for an egg?
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
I don't think it's about stealing a car per se. No one is dumb enough to die for a car. What it is is an attitude of 'hey, fucko, this is mine, and you can't just take what I have earned.' Still fucked, but I think the difference is important.
What is more "stupid"? egging someone's car, or shooting someone for egging your car?
Imagine how you will be treated in prison when you tell the con's that you shot a 14 year old kid for egging your car. There are few people in prison who take kindly to those who have hurt women or children. They are often the first people in population who are targeted for rape, or the shank. It's part of the prison-world hierarchy. child killers and rapists are the lowest of the low in prison. The only way around it is if you're a serial killer...and even that didn't save Dahmer. He was beaten to death with the handle of a broom. Not an easy thing to do to someone...certainly a slow, painful death.
old music: http://www.myspace.com/slowloader
Whats interesting to me is that some people don't see a 14 year old child as more valuable than a car. If they were in charge, this would be reasonable justice for egg throwing.
There really are no moral absolutes. Just annoying laws to protect ourselves and our families.
I love what I do at work, so I don't consider it working my life away. This is not about the damage to the material possessions that gets me mad about the stupid things that people do, it's the lack of respect. A 14 year old kid knows that he/she should not vandalize other peoples property. If you decide to vandalize, then you take the chance that you are going to do it to the wrong person and pay a heavy toll. If those kids weren't so stupid to decide that egging people would be fun, the one kid would still be alive today. I just hope that the other kids get prosecuted for their crime as well as the shooter. I'm just thinking back: if my dad ever found out that I egged someone's car when I was 14, I probably would have wished that I was shot trying to get away. Repect for other peoples property is huge where I come from.
I find this to be a disturbing comment. This sentence glosses over that the shooter is accountable for a dead-adolescent. And it then almost or does imply it's the kids fault someone was killed.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
An abandoned SUV doesn't necessarily mean I'm correct about it possibily being stolen, but it seems to indicate that. Or maybe the driver does own the SUV and they abandoned the SUV, figuring they'd report it stolen, after the fact. Which of course is a ridiculous notion and will do them no good, whatsoever.
I'm betting the gun was illegal and the SUV was stolen.
Regardless, shooting kids for throwing eggs is dispicable. And to answer newagehippie's question (which seems to be presented in sarcasm), no, a paintball gun is not acceptable. Paintball guns could very well cause some severe bodily damage, and if a shot hits the wrong spot on the body; it could end up killing a 14 year old kid.
In my opinion an acceptable response would have been for them to chase the kids down, call the cops and have the parents come and get them.
Once the parents and police have finished their business, I'd have a discussion with the parents of the kids and see if we could conjure up and plan for those kids to wash my SUV, by hand, the very next day.
That alone should be more than enough to discourage them from throwing eggs, ever again.
Of course, you are supposed to respect other's property but no one in their wildest dreams would have expected to be shot at because of it and nor should they. The kids should have been punished by his parents.
And good lord, are you serious about prosecuting a kid for throwing an egg? Like our justice system doesn't have anything better to do. Geez.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Despite your attempts to validate your position that shooting kids for throwing eggs is a reasonable and acceptable response; you are without a doubt completely out of your mind. Your argument is feeble, at best.
I'm completely with you on the underlying theme that many kids these days have zero respect for other people's property and zero respect for other people, in general. Even kids their own age and younger. There's this lack of responsibility and accountability not only in the youth of today, but in a lot of adults, also.
But shooting kids for what is essentially a harmless, albeit messy prank, is absurd. There are other approaches, methods and options to dealing with this sort of thing, other than shooting and killing them.
But the real solution for problematic kids lies in the hands and laps of the parents. Parents have to do a better job!
But don't kid yourself, kids always have and always will be involved in silly pranks and doing stupid shit. They're kids. That's what most of them do.
The difference-maker is how parents deal with, communicate, discipline, and follow up their kids, after they get caught doing stupid shit. That's the important component in all of this.
Adults should first be responsible. What respectable adult carries a gun (readily available and loaded) in a car and shoots a kid out of petty anger?
What an example.....
And obviously his parents did a shitty job themselves. Where's the fuss about his parents?
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Is it known if it was an adult driving the car and shooting from the car?
Have they found the shooter, yet?
My neighbour (14) vandalized my dad's car, my dad's brand new car. You know what my dad did? Instead of giving the kid a good ass-kicking (which would not solve anything) he talked to the kids parents and they made him do chores for my dad until he paid of the cost of the damage, that way kids learn about respect and the value of certain things, they learn what it's like to work for something etc. Beating someone doesn't teach kids anything at all, it certainly doesn't teach them about respect.
naděje umírá poslední
I agree. And also, I've heard that when you "beat" or in other ways assault kids to "teach them", it actually doesn't teach them, because they think the beating "evens the score". They think the debt has been paid. And therefore, they learn nothing. They don't even feel guilt, etc., because they are "paid up" in their minds.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
This is actually harmful thinking. It is the erosion of the seemingly "trivial" matters that have spread the problems of detachment to the major crimes.
These are gateway crimes, and it has been proven time and time again, that the earlier someone is shown the error of their ways. or that society is diapproving the more compliant they become in later life.
yes, the kid should not have been shot, but that same kid should not be throwing eggs at cars...
I wonder, if the egg thowing kid would have caused an accident leading to someone getting hurt or killed, who he be getting a pass...
but, as far as a good beating not teaching a child a lesson...that all depends on the child.
from my window to yours
no car is worth someone's life. and anyone who feels that way should be neutered. it's pathetic how many guys get a hard on for their cars. you'd think they had a vagina the way some guys act.
actually no. my buddy and i prefered sneaking into churches and messing with their microphones, eating cake out of the fridge in the basement, or stealing church wine.