A cry for the oppressed, murdered, and attacked peoples of the world.
Nothing more, nothing less.
You're having a huge effect. Keep up the good work. You represent your people well. Dont lose hope, its not all for nothing. Chin up dannyboy. There will always be an underdog to root for.
This was posted by someone on here that hail hails from the heartland (Kansas City). Is this really what most Christians think?
Radical Islam has driven away the truth of Jesus Christ and the Bible from these people, and instead replaced it with a satanically inspired fanaticism that has led these people in the wrong direction, both morally and spiritually. That's why they will never find peace, financial prosperity, or food or shelter that is adequate. Satan's ulitmate goal is the destruction of Israel, to prevent the coming of Christ, and he uses these radical Islamists through his guile and influence to do his bidding. And yes, I just said that…and I really believe it and mean it. All you have to do is look at the nations who believe in God and the Bible, and then compare them to the nations who follow these ideals of Islam, and then compare the two to see who God has allowed to prosper, and who he has allowed to suffer via their faith.
I'm not much of a religious fella but no Christians that I know feel this way. This guy gives mainstream Christians a bad name much like a Pat Robertson does. Kinda pathetic and scary at the same time.
For a fact, the middle east was quite advanced in culture when Europe was in the dark ages.
But since then, an argument could be made that the middle east has gone down hill in culture.
I don't know what that means, but I would consider if historically Islam has reaped little rewards for the middle east.
HOB 10.05.2005, E Rutherford 06.03.2006, The Gorge 07.22.2006, Lolla 08.05.2007, West Palm 06.11.2008, Tampa 06.12.2008, Columbia 06.16.2008, EV Memphis 06.20.2009, New Orleans 05.01.2010, Kansas City 05.03.2010
For a fact, the middle east was quite advanced in culture when Europe was in the dark ages.
But since then, an argument could be made that the middle east has gone down hill in culture.
I don't know what that means, but I would consider if historically Islam has reaped little rewards for the middle east.
I guess that means you buy into the Satan theory, that is your right. So we have two votes for this theory and numerous votes against. Interesting so far.
War is Peace
Freedom is Slavery
Ignorance is Strength
I guess that means you buy into the Satan theory, that is your right. So we have two votes for this theory and numerous votes against. Interesting so far.
I guess we know who works for the ADL then.
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
For a fact, the middle east was quite advanced in culture when Europe was in the dark ages.
But since then, an argument could be made that the middle east has gone down hill in culture.
I don't know what that means, but I would consider if historically Islam has reaped little rewards for the middle east.
The excessive heat, and all that greedy oil laying under their feet. It plagues them.
I think their environment has become more harsh (barren) throughout
time over there, as well, and their populations have increased in the meantime.
I dare say the equation over there could very well be experienced more internationally than present if our envinonmental conditions continue to worsen. But then I'd have to factor that the US gov't is sprinkling weapons over mother earth like candy...
Ever noticed what has happened to all the family value type TV shows that were the norm in the 50's in the just the past 50 years? Look at American culture in the 50's - even up to 20 years ago - quite beautiful and innocent really. Try to wonder what happened to factor in so quickly the condition we are in now in the United States.
Presidency? Technology? drugged out hippie parents bringing up lousy kids?
All of the above? The contrast is absolutely terrifying in comparison...never ceases to amaze me what has gone so terribly wrong in such a short period of time.
doesn't the qur'an predate jesus and the bible? so wouldn't ya think many of the islamic were muslim long before christianity even existed? how can you 'turn one away' from jesus, if you believed in something entirely else in the first place? bizarre. so yea, i give the vast majority of christians far more credit than that, so i highly doubt many believe that, at all.
It's actually Judaism that doesn't believe Christ was the Messiah. It was Judaism that crucified Christ.
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
doesn't the qur'an predate jesus and the bible? so wouldn't ya think many of the islamic were muslim long before christianity even existed? how can you 'turn one away' from jesus, if you believed in something entirely else in the first place? bizarre. so yea, i give the vast majority of christians far more credit than that, so i highly doubt many believe that, at all.
Oh nice one. Cut down the tree at the roots but expect it to still be there and grow. I like that. I even knew that, but somehow needed to see it in front of me to actually realize it. Whoa, how odd is that? I dare say there are lots more like me.
Perhaps I am programmed by too many terror alerts and bombings in the news...
Originally Posted by BackCircleSpin
Islam being an insturment of Satan is a somewhat correct statement.
How so, young sir? Upon what do you base that statement?
Oh and welcome to the Moving Train...
It's common sense actually. Christianity is based around Christ, and the teachings of the Bible. The Bible teaches that belief in Jesus is the only way into Heaven. Therefore, since Islam only claims Jesus is a prophet, and not God, then yes, Satan would use Islam to make people doubt Jesus.
This is a very simple concept that it seems many of you in this thread don't understand.
I think all of you should worry a little less about books that were written 2000 years ago. People are killing each other over this shit. Fucking text books in US schools are worthless after 10 years...I'm pretty sure the Bible, Koran (Q'uran, Qu'ran, whatever), and Dyanetics are just a little obsolete too.
Bottom line is this: If you are looking for a belief/religion/sect to find happiness in this word, fine. But if one of those things asks/dictates you hurt another for your own well being...well then you need to fuck off. You do not hurt another to make yourself feel better.
I think all of you should worry a little less about books that were written 2000 years ago. People are killing each other over this shit. Fucking text books in US schools are worthless after 10 years...I'm pretty sure the Bible, Koran (Q'uran, Qu'ran, whatever), and Dyanetics are just a little obsolete too.
Bottom line is this: If you are looking for a belief/religion/sect to find happiness in this word, fine. But if one of those things asks/dictates you hurt another for your own well being...well then you need to fuck off. You do not hurt another to make yourself feel better.
The Bible never says to hurt another human being. How is the Bible obsolete? What about it makes it obsolete? The fact that you don't believe it? Was Jesus all of a sudden not crucified? Isn't that a fact? Now, did Moses not part the Red Sea all of a sudden? If you say no, then prove it to me. If you can't prove it, then you can't say the Bible is obsolete. You can believe it is. But you can't know it is.
Now, did Moses not part the Red Sea all of a sudden? If you say no, then prove it to me. If you can't prove it, then you can't say the Bible is obsolete. You can believe it is. But you can't know it is.
How did Moses part the Red Sea?
A tyrant must put on the appearance of uncommon devotion to religion. Subjects
are less apprehensive of illegal treatment from a ruler whom they consider
god-fearing and pious: Aristotle
In what respect? Doesn't Judaism predate Christianity by a thousand years?
And arent they more followers of Islam in the world than Christians? ANd I mean practising, day in day out?
If so, what of the Chinese? A billion and a half people who follow no religion, are they wrong?
Hinduism? Or the Sikhs? Are they all wrong? If so, in what way, exactly?
A tyrant must put on the appearance of uncommon devotion to religion. Subjects
are less apprehensive of illegal treatment from a ruler whom they consider
god-fearing and pious: Aristotle
It's common sense actually. Christianity is based around Christ, and the teachings of the Bible. The Bible teaches that belief in Jesus is the only way into Heaven. Therefore, since Islam only claims Jesus is a prophet, and not God, then yes, Satan would use Islam to make people doubt Jesus.
This is a very simple concept that it seems many of you in this thread don't understand.
Yes, I agree, i think we are to simple to accpet this simple view of a simple world.
Tell me again, who, or what, is Satan?
A tyrant must put on the appearance of uncommon devotion to religion. Subjects
are less apprehensive of illegal treatment from a ruler whom they consider
god-fearing and pious: Aristotle
doesn't the qur'an predate jesus and the bible? so wouldn't ya think many of the islamic were muslim long before christianity even existed? how can you 'turn one away' from jesus, if you believed in something entirely else in the first place? bizarre. so yea, i give the vast majority of christians far more credit than that, so i highly doubt many believe that, at all.
The Qu'ran dates from 650 656 ad, 1400 years ago, after the prophet Muhammad broke away and founded Islam.
A tyrant must put on the appearance of uncommon devotion to religion. Subjects
are less apprehensive of illegal treatment from a ruler whom they consider
god-fearing and pious: Aristotle
Yes, I agree, i think we are to simple to accpet this simple view of a simple world.
Tell me again, who, or what, is Satan?
See, there really is no point here. If you don't believe in Christianity, then I could see how you don't believe in the devil. I'm just saying, if you believe in Christianity, then anything that goes against Christianity, would be of the devil. Obviously, you aren't a Christian, and don't believe Satan exists. So, there's our difference.
Could you elaborate? Just interested in the science of the operation, that's all.
A tyrant must put on the appearance of uncommon devotion to religion. Subjects
are less apprehensive of illegal treatment from a ruler whom they consider
god-fearing and pious: Aristotle
See, there really is no point here. If you don't believe in Christianity, then I could see how you don't believe in the devil. I'm just saying, if you believe in Christianity, then anything that goes against Christianity, would be of the devil. Obviously, you aren't a Christian, and don't believe Satan exists. So, there's our difference.
There's always a point. Never give up. You're nearly there.
Show me where i can find this thing you call the devil, where I can see it, where I can touch it, maybe talk to it, and then i can perhaps understand the world in which you live.
The one where human beings have no free will, are nothing but pawns for made up cartoon characters.
What makes your god superior to that of the majority of the worlds population who believe in a different god, or none at all?
am i destined for the fires of hell because I believe in free will, and humanity, and not these idols you hold up?
A tyrant must put on the appearance of uncommon devotion to religion. Subjects
are less apprehensive of illegal treatment from a ruler whom they consider
god-fearing and pious: Aristotle
Could you elaborate? Just interested in the science of the operation, that's all.
Simple, if God exists, which I do believe, then He parted the Red Sea. So, just like I can't prove it scientifically, you can't prove God doesn't exist. So, we're stuck I guess.
There's always a point. Never give up. You're nearly there.
Show me where i can find this thing you call the devil, where I can see it, where I can touch it, maybe talk to it, and then i can perhaps understand the world in which you live.
The one where human beings have no free will, are nothing but pawns for made up cartoon characters.
What makes your god superior to that of the majority of the worlds population who believe in a different god, or none at all?
am i destined for the fires of hell because I believe in free will, and humanity, and not these idols you hold up?
This is ridiculous. Either you do, or don't believe in Christianity. I believe it is superior because that is what the Bible says. I believe Satan exists because it says so in the Bible, and I see a lot evil in this world. So, obviously you aren't a Christian. I am. Have a great day.
Simple, if God exists, which I do believe, then He parted the Red Sea. So, just like I can't prove it scientifically, you can't prove God doesn't exist. So, we're stuck I guess.
Err, no. That's not how this works.
IF you were arrested for a crime, is the onus upon those who arrested you to prove the crime, or you to prove that you did nothing?
God does not exist. There. So go ahead, and refute that with evidence to the contrary. It's really easy. If you believe so deeply.
A tyrant must put on the appearance of uncommon devotion to religion. Subjects
are less apprehensive of illegal treatment from a ruler whom they consider
god-fearing and pious: Aristotle
This is ridiculous. Either you do, or don't believe in Christianity. I believe it is superior because that is what the Bible says. I believe Satan exists because it says so in the Bible, and I see a lot evil in this world. So, obviously you aren't a Christian. I am. Have a great day.
Which part of 'The Bible'?
A tyrant must put on the appearance of uncommon devotion to religion. Subjects
are less apprehensive of illegal treatment from a ruler whom they consider
god-fearing and pious: Aristotle
i dont mean to call him out, but i do have a question for our original KC poster... is his fiance a very devout evangelical? cos ive noticed that he used to be pretty even-keeled. ever since he got engaged his evangelical zeal seems to have increased tenfold and he's much more vocal about it. ive just noticed this a lot, people who are lukewarm, or even devout, about their religion suddenly become missionaries once they meet a gal who considers religion to be very important
You're having a huge effect. Keep up the good work. You represent your people well. Dont lose hope, its not all for nothing. Chin up dannyboy. There will always be an underdog to root for.
Really? hmmm.. Since when is the institution of government now considered society?
btw, I don't drink that processed garbage...
Its all the other processed garbage you ingest that has you sick.
That's not only hilarious, but utterly rediculous. All in the same silkscreened carbonated aluminium can.
Insulting? So you feel insulted for attacking me in the first place?
That's a shame. How about: Do onto others as you would have them do to you?
Try not to forget that notion next time you want to acheive electrical savings of some sort...
I'm not much of a religious fella but no Christians that I know feel this way. This guy gives mainstream Christians a bad name much like a Pat Robertson does. Kinda pathetic and scary at the same time.
For a fact, the middle east was quite advanced in culture when Europe was in the dark ages.
But since then, an argument could be made that the middle east has gone down hill in culture.
I don't know what that means, but I would consider if historically Islam has reaped little rewards for the middle east.
I guess that means you buy into the Satan theory, that is your right. So we have two votes for this theory and numerous votes against. Interesting so far.
Freedom is Slavery
Ignorance is Strength
I guess we know who works for the ADL then.
The excessive heat, and all that greedy oil laying under their feet. It plagues them.
I think their environment has become more harsh (barren) throughout
time over there, as well, and their populations have increased in the meantime.
I dare say the equation over there could very well be experienced more internationally than present if our envinonmental conditions continue to worsen. But then I'd have to factor that the US gov't is sprinkling weapons over mother earth like candy...
Ever noticed what has happened to all the family value type TV shows that were the norm in the 50's in the just the past 50 years? Look at American culture in the 50's - even up to 20 years ago - quite beautiful and innocent really. Try to wonder what happened to factor in so quickly the condition we are in now in the United States.
Presidency? Technology? drugged out hippie parents bringing up lousy kids?
All of the above? The contrast is absolutely terrifying in comparison...never ceases to amaze me what has gone so terribly wrong in such a short period of time.
Food for thought I guess...
Yeah the ADL seems to have a raging hard-on for this site...
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
Oh nice one. Cut down the tree at the roots but expect it to still be there and grow. I like that. I even knew that, but somehow needed to see it in front of me to actually realize it. Whoa, how odd is that? I dare say there are lots more like me.
Perhaps I am programmed by too many terror alerts and bombings in the news...
me thinks I am....
It's common sense actually. Christianity is based around Christ, and the teachings of the Bible. The Bible teaches that belief in Jesus is the only way into Heaven. Therefore, since Islam only claims Jesus is a prophet, and not God, then yes, Satan would use Islam to make people doubt Jesus.
This is a very simple concept that it seems many of you in this thread don't understand.
Yep, Judaism and Islam are both wrong.
Bottom line is this: If you are looking for a belief/religion/sect to find happiness in this word, fine. But if one of those things asks/dictates you hurt another for your own well being...well then you need to fuck off. You do not hurt another to make yourself feel better.
The Bible never says to hurt another human being. How is the Bible obsolete? What about it makes it obsolete? The fact that you don't believe it? Was Jesus all of a sudden not crucified? Isn't that a fact? Now, did Moses not part the Red Sea all of a sudden? If you say no, then prove it to me. If you can't prove it, then you can't say the Bible is obsolete. You can believe it is. But you can't know it is.
How did Moses part the Red Sea?
are less apprehensive of illegal treatment from a ruler whom they consider
god-fearing and pious: Aristotle
Viva Zapatista!
In what respect? Doesn't Judaism predate Christianity by a thousand years?
And arent they more followers of Islam in the world than Christians? ANd I mean practising, day in day out?
If so, what of the Chinese? A billion and a half people who follow no religion, are they wrong?
Hinduism? Or the Sikhs? Are they all wrong? If so, in what way, exactly?
are less apprehensive of illegal treatment from a ruler whom they consider
god-fearing and pious: Aristotle
Viva Zapatista!
Yes, I agree, i think we are to simple to accpet this simple view of a simple world.
Tell me again, who, or what, is Satan?
are less apprehensive of illegal treatment from a ruler whom they consider
god-fearing and pious: Aristotle
Viva Zapatista!
The Qu'ran dates from 650 656 ad, 1400 years ago, after the prophet Muhammad broke away and founded Islam.
are less apprehensive of illegal treatment from a ruler whom they consider
god-fearing and pious: Aristotle
Viva Zapatista!
See, there really is no point here. If you don't believe in Christianity, then I could see how you don't believe in the devil. I'm just saying, if you believe in Christianity, then anything that goes against Christianity, would be of the devil. Obviously, you aren't a Christian, and don't believe Satan exists. So, there's our difference.
With God's help.
Could you elaborate? Just interested in the science of the operation, that's all.
are less apprehensive of illegal treatment from a ruler whom they consider
god-fearing and pious: Aristotle
Viva Zapatista!
There's always a point. Never give up. You're nearly there.
Show me where i can find this thing you call the devil, where I can see it, where I can touch it, maybe talk to it, and then i can perhaps understand the world in which you live.
The one where human beings have no free will, are nothing but pawns for made up cartoon characters.
What makes your god superior to that of the majority of the worlds population who believe in a different god, or none at all?
am i destined for the fires of hell because I believe in free will, and humanity, and not these idols you hold up?
are less apprehensive of illegal treatment from a ruler whom they consider
god-fearing and pious: Aristotle
Viva Zapatista!
Simple, if God exists, which I do believe, then He parted the Red Sea. So, just like I can't prove it scientifically, you can't prove God doesn't exist. So, we're stuck I guess.
This is ridiculous. Either you do, or don't believe in Christianity. I believe it is superior because that is what the Bible says. I believe Satan exists because it says so in the Bible, and I see a lot evil in this world. So, obviously you aren't a Christian. I am. Have a great day.
Err, no. That's not how this works.
IF you were arrested for a crime, is the onus upon those who arrested you to prove the crime, or you to prove that you did nothing?
God does not exist. There. So go ahead, and refute that with evidence to the contrary. It's really easy. If you believe so deeply.
are less apprehensive of illegal treatment from a ruler whom they consider
god-fearing and pious: Aristotle
Viva Zapatista!
Which part of 'The Bible'?
are less apprehensive of illegal treatment from a ruler whom they consider
god-fearing and pious: Aristotle
Viva Zapatista!