only if you promise it has a tantalizing sexy voice over. if so, I'm in !
It's a BBC documentary so of course it has a sexy voice over.
Keep on rockin in the free world!!!!
The economy has polarized to the point where the wealthiest 10% now own 85% of the nation’s wealth. Never before have the bottom 90% been so highly indebted, so dependent on the wealthy.
Jeanie, you know I hold you on the same level as me. but the point is, trying to say this war is "illegal" is just dumb. immoral ? wrong ? bad mistake? yes.
Aaah! Here it is!! I've been trying to get back to this post all day!
First up, sorry for being a wee bit snippy last night jlew. Something about your post just struck a nerve, anyway, done now.
Back to the debate but only briefly because I've promised myself that I'm not going to get bogged down in the Train this week.
Ok so as far as I can see this war is immoral and wrong and a big mistake.
Yes, they did seemingly pursue and declare war on "legal" grounds but I don't think that all the facts presented where particularly truthful and quite possibly as time progresses we will find out the real truth and perhaps even discover that the ruling wasn't "legal". Of course we also may not. But I think things have a habit of becoming clearer as time progresses. Legal for now. Most likely. Legal historically? Quite possibly not. Only time will tell.
Aaah! Here it is!! I've been trying to get back to this post all day!
First up, sorry for being a wee bit snippy last night jlew. Something about your post just struck a nerve, anyway, done now.
Back to the debate but only briefly because I've promised myself that I'm not going to get bogged down in the Train this week.
Ok so as far as I can see this war is immoral and wrong and a big mistake.
Yes, they did seemingly pursue and declare war on "legal" grounds but I don't think that all the facts presented where particularly truthful and quite possibly as time progresses we will find out the real truth and perhaps even discover that the ruling wasn't "legal". Of course we also may not. But I think things have a habit of becoming clearer as time progresses. Legal for now. Most likely. Legal historically? Quite possibly not. Only time will tell.
haha no worries Jeanie, my posts usually strike a nerve with whomever I reply to. its a gift I guess. and I agree with your assessment regarding the war....come back tot he train anytime
haha no worries Jeanie, my posts usually strike a nerve with whomever I reply to. its a gift I guess. and I agree with your assessment regarding the war....come back tot he train anytime
hehe!! Yes it is a gift!!
Oh I guess I'll come back and play train sometime soon, perhaps when my skin is a little thicker and my nerves not so jangled.
But for everyones safety and sanity, including my own, think it might be smarter to play on the Trip this week.
Just wish we were further along on this war business, for the sake of the poor bastards that are in the war zone.
Moral law. Moral law is a system of guidelines for behavior. These guidelines may or may not be part of a religion, codified in written form, or legally enforceable. For some people moral law is synonymous with the commands of a divine being. For others, moral law is a set of universal rules that should apply to everyone.
That's nice but when you use terms such as "illegal", moral law really doesn't cut it.
It's a BBC documentary so of course it has a sexy voice over.
The economy has polarized to the point where the wealthiest 10% now own 85% of the nation’s wealth. Never before have the bottom 90% been so highly indebted, so dependent on the wealthy.
Aaah! Here it is!! I've been trying to get back to this post all day!
First up, sorry for being a wee bit snippy last night jlew. Something about your post just struck a nerve, anyway, done now.
Back to the debate but only briefly because I've promised myself that I'm not going to get bogged down in the Train this week.
Ok so as far as I can see this war is immoral and wrong and a big mistake.
Yes, they did seemingly pursue and declare war on "legal" grounds but I don't think that all the facts presented where particularly truthful and quite possibly as time progresses we will find out the real truth and perhaps even discover that the ruling wasn't "legal". Of course we also may not. But I think things have a habit of becoming clearer as time progresses. Legal for now. Most likely. Legal historically? Quite possibly not. Only time will tell.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
haha no worries Jeanie, my posts usually strike a nerve with whomever I reply to. its a gift I guess.
hehe!! Yes it is a gift!!
Oh I guess I'll come back and play train sometime soon, perhaps when my skin is a little thicker and my nerves not so jangled.
But for everyones safety and sanity, including my own, think it might be smarter to play on the Trip this week.
Just wish we were further along on this war business, for the sake of the poor bastards that are in the war zone.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
and would they be arrested and charged with the same exact thing? yes
So you think it's wrong to have laws that prevent people from blocking public streets?
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
no, I think we need laws preventing people from blocking the streets, for any reason.
-Greg Dulli
That's nice but when you use terms such as "illegal", moral law really doesn't cut it.