Bring them the fuck home

my2handsmy2hands Posts: 17,117
edited March 2008 in A Moving Train
while the maggots in Washington play politics and postion for the 08' election, our friends and family are in the line of fire being killed and injured. while they speak about "victory" and "winning" thumping their cowardly chests our fellow americans are targets in a foreign land. i have had 2 friends in the guard called up recently and they will be on the ground in Iraq within weeks, ripped from their families and homes by uncle sam for this bullshit war. i can only hope they stay safe and make it home unharmed. our freedom is not at risk, our country is not at risk, or lives are not at risk, only are families and friends in Iraq are at risk.

what is so wrong with bringing home our family and friends safely?
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • know1know1 Posts: 6,794
    my2hands wrote:
    while the maggots in Washington play politics and postion for the 08' election, our friends and family are in the line of fire being killed and injured. while they speak about "victory" and "winning" thumping their cowardly chests our fellow americans are targets in a foreign land. i have had 2 friends in the guard called up recently and they will be on the ground in Iraq within weeks, ripped from their families and homes by uncle sam for this bullshit war. i can only hope they stay safe and make it home unharmed. our freedom is not at risk, our country is not at risk, or lives are not at risk, only are families and friends in Iraq are at risk.

    what is so wrong with bringing home our family and friends safely?

    I understand some of the emotion and I share your opposition of war, but I wonder if you would support disbanding the military altogether. After all, the nature of being in the military means that you will be in harm's way sometimes. If we just kept them home and safe, there'd be no need for a military.

    (Plus, you should have strongly encouraged them not to join)
    The only people we should try to get even with...
    ...are those who've helped us.

    Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
  • musicismylife78musicismylife78 Posts: 6,116
    to the original poster: I wholeheartedly agree. There hasnt been ONE SECOND since the war started that the troops and the war havent been in my mind.

    I cannot imagine what families are going through, who have soldiers fighting in iraq.

    I too am sick of politicians in washington acting like they give a crap what happens to the soldiers or the the iraqis as well.

    What gets me is: we have a war president, who is unbelieveably unpopular, most wars, save Vietnam, presidents are popular. This one isnt.

    The war is unbelieveably unpopular here in the u.s. and abroud the anger must be really mindblowing.

    You have an american public that disgrees with Bush and the war.

    Yet you have Democrats, the so called opposition party, in fact being the "agree" party. Did you see how they arent going to fight bush on the timetable issue? And how about the fact they refuse to cut off the funds for the war? They know talking to Bush aint gonna do a damn thing, and defunding the war is the only solution to end it, but they continue to send Bush blank checks.

    Everyone on here knows I am headed to a commune in mid june. While I am in love with nature and the outdoors and working on a farm, and just that whole lifestyle, quite frankly, the war itself is one of the main reasons I am going.

    For me at least, things in the world are just so unbelieveably messed up, that one of the most radical things to do, would be to just drop out. To refuse to participate, refuse to get a 9 to 5 job, etc... Refuse to go along with the crap that is going on.

    What gets me is the fact Democrats are so tied into the war, they are afraid to question Bush on it. Because lets face it, when the trials start and we start prosecuting those who lied to us about the war, investigating the halliburton deals etc... democrats are damn right to be afraid, because they did all the things Bush and his cronies did.

    I maintain my stated belief: there is a special place in hell for those people who send children off to die in war. I can hardly think of worse things
  • musicismylife78musicismylife78 Posts: 6,116
    know1 wrote:
    I understand some of the emotion and I share your opposition of war, but I wonder if you would support disbanding the military altogether. After all, the nature of being in the military means that you will be in harm's way sometimes. If we just kept them home and safe, there'd be no need for a military.

    (Plus, you should have strongly encouraged them not to join)

    i disagree. The war shouldnt have even been started. The troops have no reason, and shouldnt have been there in the first place. The whole war is wrong. Under that logic, they wouldnt be there at all, if they werent called up.
  • decides2dreamdecides2dream Posts: 14,977
    i disagree. The war shouldnt have even been started. The troops have no reason, and shouldnt have been there in the first place. The whole war is wrong. Under that logic, they wouldnt be there at all, if they werent called up.

    all true. however, what good does that do us today? what do you or anyone suggest each of us do to 'have the troops come home NOW'..........? posting these messages over and over, right here....ain't gonna do it. so in all seriousness, i ask all who continually start these threads....what should we do...what are you doing...what CAN realistically be done?
    Stay with me...
    Let's just breathe...

    I am myself like you somehow

  • musicismylife78musicismylife78 Posts: 6,116
    Well, for one, as I said before, maybe you didnt read my other posts. But I continually call for the congress to pull funding of the war. Secondly, I have maintained, that Democrats should refuse to vote for any other Democrats who is not antiwar, they should only vote for those who want to pull troops out immediately and will not send troops to iran and north korea.

    Third, we can give money to candidates who are antiwar, and refuse to give money to candidates who are prowar.

    Fourth, we can start organizing in our own communities. In Eugene, its often called Berkeley North. Its a place associated with hippies. Yet we have protests sporadically at best. Once every six months an antiwar protest occurs.
    To be frank, any protest at all is good, but lets face

    Additionally the protests need to be more militant. I am all for peace, and nonviolence, but lets face it, standing on a corner with signs doesnt get attention anymore, and people dont care anymore. I applaud those who do protest, but come on people. New tactics need to come to the fore. So I am suggesting we all, in our own communities, start an antiwar and peace organization, and start organizing protests, and have them, not once every year, but once a week, twice a week etc...

    Tactics like nonviolent civil disobedience need to be started. Going to your local military recruitment center and protesting, and refusing to leave and just sitting down. Going to your local government and disrupting proceedings, blocking hallways, refusing to leave. Just stand in the doorway. Nonviolent, but it sure as hell is going to get a reaction. Going into vital centers of operation, places that need to operate for a city to function, universities, banks, stores etc... all should be the target of protesters. If you had 100 activists and 5 each went to the local branches of the bank, and just stood in the doorway or disrupted things. Or College students, disrupted classes and blocked hallways, took over the College Presidents office etc...

    The war needs to end. Its just a question of how soon we want it to end. If we do nothing, or do what we have been doing, the troops stay in iraq and afghanistan til 2009 or possibly later if Hilary or other prowar candidates win in the next election. Or we can resist, and refuse to endure a one single additional death in iraq. Its our choice.

    Look to the student protestors in Paris in 68 who nearly overthrew the government there, or American students during the 60's, they may not have ended the war, but by 1970, Nixon sure as hell wasnt going to draft more troops, for the simple reason that he couldnt guarantee domestic stability and comfort. He has said that, and so did his administration.

    Voting for Gore or Kerry or Edwards or Obama isnt going to end the war. Lets face it.

    Rarely does social change come from the top. it must be demanded by us, the people.

    The war is touching all of our lives. I refuse to even read the paper for fear of the headlines. And I have met many others who feel the same, that its just so overwelming that the only thing to do is to tune out.

    I was degraded and yelled at and cursed at and called names, by many people, even by members of my family for my vote of Nader in 2004. The reason I did it was he was the ONLY candidate who was willing to end the war.

    Now in 2007, he along with a precious few, are the lone spokespeople in politics who are willing to put their jobs and neck on the line to do the will of the people.

    Anyone who has read any history of the sixties can pick up an increasing anger on the part of americans and students during that era. It started with flowers in the hair and psychedelic tunes and peace and love, but by 1970 and 71, you had people literally going insane.

    You see that now, murders and people flying off the handle is on the increase.

    The war has to end, and will end. How fast are you willing to end the war?
  • El_KabongEl_Kabong Posts: 4,141
    my2hands wrote:
    while the maggots in Washington play politics and postion for the 08' election, our friends and family are in the line of fire being killed and injured. while they speak about "victory" and "winning" thumping their cowardly chests our fellow americans are targets in a foreign land. i have had 2 friends in the guard called up recently and they will be on the ground in Iraq within weeks, ripped from their families and homes by uncle sam for this bullshit war. i can only hope they stay safe and make it home unharmed. our freedom is not at risk, our country is not at risk, or lives are not at risk, only are families and friends in Iraq are at risk.

    what is so wrong with bringing home our family and friends safely?

    b/c it would have to admit the were wrong? i dunno

    i'm sorry for your friends and their families

    what the fuck are they fighting for other than protection of certain no bid contracts and for control of the spice (as was laid out in the wolfowitz doctrine in the 90's and pnac's paper in 00)...

    the troops want to come home, even oliver north says it! like 3/4 of iraqis want us to leave...democracy? ha
    standin above the crowd
    he had a voice that was strong and loud and
    i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
    eager to identify with
    someone above the crowd
    someone who seemed to feel the same
    someone prepared to lead the way
  • bootlegger10bootlegger10 Posts: 16,095
    Everyone on here knows I am headed to a commune in mid june. While I am in love with nature and the outdoors and working on a farm, and just that whole lifestyle, quite frankly, the war itself is one of the main reasons I am going.

    What a hypocrite. I am seriously laughing at the idiocy of your thought process. I care about the troops so much that I am going to join a commune to forget about them. Get a work ethic hippy. Way to contribute to society. Run away, run away, run away. You are weak.
  • LikeAnOceanLikeAnOcean Posts: 7,718
    What a hypocrite. I am seriously laughing at the idiocy of your thought process. I care about the troops so much that I am going to join a commune to forget about them. Get a work ethic hippy. Way to contribute to society. Run away, run away, run away. You are weak.
    I don't know if his post is more humorous or your response... are you Chet from Weird Science???
  • RushlimboRushlimbo Posts: 832
    my2hands wrote:
    while the maggots in Washington play politics and postion for the 08' election, our friends and family are in the line of fire being killed and injured. while they speak about "victory" and "winning" thumping their cowardly chests our fellow americans are targets in a foreign land. i have had 2 friends in the guard called up recently and they will be on the ground in Iraq within weeks, ripped from their families and homes by uncle sam for this bullshit war. i can only hope they stay safe and make it home unharmed. our freedom is not at risk, our country is not at risk, or lives are not at risk, only are families and friends in Iraq are at risk.

    what is so wrong with bringing home our family and friends safely?

    Classless and disgusting. What about these "maggots" families and friends?
    War is Peace
    Freedom is Slavery
    Ignorance is Strength
  • What a hypocrite. I am seriously laughing at the idiocy of your thought process. I care about the troops so much that I am going to join a commune to forget about them. Get a work ethic hippy. Way to contribute to society. Run away, run away, run away. You are weak.

    Careful, your rays of sunshine are beaming out again.
    If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.

    Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
    -Oscar Wilde
  • my2handsmy2hands Posts: 17,117
    Rushlimbo wrote:
    Classless and disgusting.
    coming from a guy with that signature the term "classless" doesnt hold much weight
    What about these "maggots" families and friends?
    if your speaking about the maggots in Washington you can count their friends and family in iraq on one hand, so fuck em. they continue to profit from and politicize this disgusting situation while average joe and jane are on the ground risking life and limb for bullshit, while iraqi civilians are in the sights of a scope
  • musicismylife78musicismylife78 Posts: 6,116
    What a hypocrite. I am seriously laughing at the idiocy of your thought process. I care about the troops so much that I am going to join a commune to forget about them. Get a work ethic hippy. Way to contribute to society. Run away, run away, run away. You are weak.

    what an ignorant idiot!

    Its not like we are going to be sitting around all day doing drugs or something. Its an established commune, one of the most famous, been aorund since the 60's. Members are expected to fill a work hour quota.
  • kenny olavkenny olav Posts: 3,319
    who is listening to "bring them home"? clearly the current congress is not.

    i think the call should go out to the troops themselves. they have the power to bring themselves home. and we should be vocal in supporting them. we should tell every military solider who wants to quit this shit that they should feel no obligation to obey their officers, that they should obey only their own consciences. we should give comfort to every solider who goes AWOL. freedom is not a one way street. they fight for our freedom. let us fight for theirs.
  • my2handsmy2hands Posts: 17,117
    all true. however, what good does that do us today?
    knowledge of the history of a problem can sometimes help in finding a solution
    what do you or anyone suggest each of us do to 'have the troops come home NOW'..........? posting these messages over and over, right here....ain't gonna do it. so in all seriousness, i ask all who continually start these threads....what should we do...what are you doing...what CAN realistically be done?

    1. dont pay your federal taxes
    2. communicate
    3. organize, or join organizations with similar ideals
    4. learn, read, and educate yourself
    5. vote
    6. protest
    7. state your opinion openly, you never know who you may sway
    8. teach peace and practice peace
    9. dont invest in the military industrial complex
    10. understand that you cannot stop it alone, and dont question what others are doing for the cause, just make sure you are playing your part

    and of course ther are many more things. just a few i prefer, feel free to add any suggestions
  • LikeAnOceanLikeAnOcean Posts: 7,718
    my2hands wrote:
    knowledge of the history of a problem can sometimes help in finding a solution

    1. dont pay your federal taxes
    2. communicate
    3. organize, or join organizations with similar ideals
    4. learn, read, and educate yourself
    5. vote
    6. protest
    7. state your opinion openly, you never know who you may sway
    8. teach peace and practice peace
    9. dont invest in the military industrial complex
    10. understand that you cannot stop it alone, and dont question what others are doing for the cause, just make sure you are playing your part

    and of course ther are many more things. just a few i prefer, feel free to add any suggestions
    Have you not paid your federal taxes this year?
  • RushlimboRushlimbo Posts: 832
    my2hands wrote:
    coming from a guy with that signature the term "classless" doesnt hold much weight if your speaking about the maggots in Washington you can count their friends and family in iraq on one hand, so fuck em. they continue to profit from and politicize this disgusting situation while average joe and jane are on the ground risking life and limb for bullshit, while iraqi civilians are in the sights of a scope

    Why is it OK for you to refer to people like this but somehow it is classless and disgusting when i and others refered negatively towards Falwell. Hypocrite. HYPOCRITE.
    War is Peace
    Freedom is Slavery
    Ignorance is Strength
  • my2handsmy2hands Posts: 17,117
    Have you not paid your federal taxes this year?
  • my2handsmy2hands Posts: 17,117
    Rushlimbo wrote:
    Why is it OK for you to refer to people like this but somehow it is classless and disgusting when i and others refered negatively towards Falwell. Hypocrite. HYPOCRITE.

    first off fallwell died, he has children, friends, and family mourning his loss regardless of his ideals. i believe there is a difference when dealing with the recently deceased. second fallwell never ordered an immoral invasion of another country that resulted in hundreds of thousands of deaths. he espoused hateful ideals, as compared to commiting mass murder like these cowards have.

    i really do think there is a difference. lives are in the balance. did i gloat and call richard nixon names when he passed? sure didnt. will i celebrate and mock W when he passes, no. Cheney may be a different story however (just kidding ;))

    you preached hate towards fallwell, making you no better than him in that regard. you did exactly what you despised about him. i am not invading a country to show my despise for the worthless humans in washington.

    i dont advocate for their death, just a jail cell.
  • RushlimboRushlimbo Posts: 832
    my2hands wrote:
    first off fallwell died, he has children, friends, and family mourning his loss regardless of his ideals. i believe there is a difference when dealing with the recently deceased. second fallwell never ordered an immoral invasion of another country that resulted in hundreds of thousands of deaths. he espoused hateful ideals, as compared to commiting mass murder like these cowards have.

    i really do think there is a difference. lives are in the balance. did i gloat and call richard nixon names when he passed? sure didnt. will i celebrate and mock W when he passes, no. Cheney may be a different story however (just kidding ;))

    you preached hate towards fallwell, making you no better than him in that regard. you did exactly what you despised about him. i am not invading a country to show my despise for the worthless humans in washington.

    i dont advocate for their death, just a jail cell.

    So if it is an issue that YOU feel powerfully about then it is Ok to spew hate. Gotcha. Hypocrite.

    BTW - I agree Bush & company are worthless fucks that should be jailed or worse for their crimes. But you are a hypocrite. Have a good night.
    War is Peace
    Freedom is Slavery
    Ignorance is Strength
  • my2handsmy2hands Posts: 17,117
    Rushlimbo wrote:
    So if it is an issue that YOU feel powerfully about then it is Ok to spew hate. Gotcha. Hypocrite.

    BTW - I agree Bush & company are worthless fucks that should be jailed or worse for their crimes. But you are a hypocrite. Have a good night.

    call me what you like. i certainly didnt agree with fallwell, and despised his teachings of hate like you, but he has never kileld anyone.

    i guess i was tought to always show respect in a time of death, even towards my enemies.
  • peepspeeps Posts: 79
    my2hands once again manages to come off like a total idiot while having the right ideas. btw, i miss you baby.
  • all true. however, what good does that do us today? what do you or anyone suggest each of us do to 'have the troops come home NOW'..........? posting these messages over and over, right here....ain't gonna do it. so in all seriousness, i ask all who continually start these threads....what should we do...what are you doing...what CAN realistically be done?

    Spreading an idea is all that can be done. Email your representatives, protest, debate....all of that is spreading an idea and it's a good thing, imo. Even if it didn't accomplish anything...this is a form of posting your feelings..what's on your mind. It's just as good as any other idea on here that's been said many times over like, what shows your going to see in Europe or what's your favorite ice cream flavor, your thoughts on abortion, religion, taxes, capitalism....whatever. It all may or may not change anything but it is a form of expression and/or venting frustration. Not everyone is going to express the same thoughts another might. I guess Ed should shut up and sing already because saying what's on his mind over and over again ain't gonna change anything. :rolleyes: Spreading your ideas and feelings is one of the most important things we do as humans and it's the foundation for how we build our connections.
    If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.

    Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
    -Oscar Wilde
  • JeanwahJeanwah Posts: 6,363
    know1 wrote:
    I understand some of the emotion and I share your opposition of war, but I wonder if you would support disbanding the military altogether. After all, the nature of being in the military means that you will be in harm's way sometimes. If we just kept them home and safe, there'd be no need for a military.

    (Plus, you should have strongly encouraged them not to join)

    Know, he was saying that he had two friends in the Guard. The National Guard is not the military and their job is not to be prepared for combat. They are there for disasters; they should not be sent to Iraq, PERIOD.
  • bootlegger10bootlegger10 Posts: 16,095
    what an ignorant idiot!

    Its not like we are going to be sitting around all day doing drugs or something. Its an established commune, one of the most famous, been aorund since the 60's. Members are expected to fill a work hour quota.

    Right, you complain about the leaders in America and the troops being in harms way, but when push comes to shove, you hide in a commune.
  • my2handsmy2hands Posts: 17,117
    Right, you complain about the leaders in America and the troops being in harms way, but when push comes to shove, you hide in a commune.

    i would argue that he is stronger than you, i doubt you could do it. i know i couldnt, and i love the outdoors

    not to mention he wont be paying federal taxes, which is ultimately what fuels this
  • decides2dreamdecides2dream Posts: 14,977
    Spreading an idea is all that can be done. Email your representatives, protest, debate....all of that is spreading an idea and it's a good thing, imo. Even if it didn't accomplish anything...this is a form of posting your feelings..what's on your mind. It's just as good as any other idea on here that's been said many times over like, what shows your going to see in Europe or what's your favorite ice cream flavor, your thoughts on abortion, religion, taxes, capitalism....whatever. It all may or may not change anything but it is a form of expression and/or venting frustration. Not everyone is going to express the same thoughts another might. I guess Ed should shut up and sing already because saying what's on his mind over and over again ain't gonna change anything. :rolleyes: Spreading your ideas and feelings is one of the most important things we do as humans and it's the foundation for how we build our connections.

    apparently you read far more into my posts than is intended....i said "in all seriousness"....meaning, truly asking what others here are doing in support of this idea...things they realistically think CAN be done to change this situation. i was actually hoping for more ideas.

    i am well aware of the purpose of this and all the forums thank you..i was merely asking a legitimate question, also participating in the discussion. and the fact that you take it beyond to 'ed should just shut up and sing'....:rolleyes: truly shows how MUCH you read into my comments falsely.....b/c i adore ed's politics, his lyrics...and his speaking out.

    my apologies for actually asking for NEW ideas of what others may be doing to forward this idea of ending this war pronto. all that are listed, all good of course and i have done my share of such things...i just thought maybe, there was something else others have thought of that i have not, or simply sharing ideas beyond 'the war should stop'....that's all. i am not suggesting people stop their 'end the war' threads, we all need to vent...if i am uninterested in what is said, i simply disregard the i was truly interesting in more IDEAS beyond simply discussion, and more towards action.

    my2hands wrote:
    1. dont pay your federal taxes
    2. communicate
    3. organize, or join organizations with similar ideals
    4. learn, read, and educate yourself
    5. vote
    6. protest
    7. state your opinion openly, you never know who you may sway
    8. teach peace and practice peace
    9. dont invest in the military industrial complex
    10. understand that you cannot stop it alone, and dont question what others are doing for the cause, just make sure you are playing your part

    and of course ther are many more things. just a few i prefer, feel free to add any suggestions

    thank you, that is exactly the real kind of response i was hoping for...truly addressing the question. many i agree with, others i would not dream of least not now....but i appreciate the real suggestions. again, i guess in some small way...i was hoping for some new ideas....but we all just have to do our part.

    edit - i have been thinking about this since i read/posted you seriously not pay the federal portion of your taxes to protest the war? that was probably the one idea you listed i would not i am just curious. the rest, absolutely....but that one just stuck out......
    Stay with me...
    Let's just breathe...

    I am myself like you somehow

  • bootlegger10bootlegger10 Posts: 16,095
    my2hands wrote:
    i would argue that he is stronger than you, i doubt you could do it. i know i couldnt, and i love the outdoors

    not to mention he wont be paying federal taxes, which is ultimately what fuels this

    Stronger than me? Because he is joining a commune? It sounds like he just wants to stop reading the newspapers and working the "40 hour week." That does not make him stronger than me (not that I care). You are right though that I would not want to live in a commune. I would love to give up the stress of the real world, but sometimes a little perseverance pays off instead of running from the tough parts of life.
  • polarispolaris Posts: 3,527
    Stronger than me? Because he is joining a commune? It sounds like he just wants to stop reading the newspapers and working the "40 hour week." That does not make him stronger than me (not that I care). You are right though that I would not want to live in a commune. I would love to give up the stress of the real world, but sometimes a little perseverance pays off instead of running from the tough parts of life.

    do you think just because you are part of the "40 hour week" - you are somehow facing the tough parts in life better than he is?

    that is so far from the truth ... one of the toughest things in life is being true to your convictions - he will be going to a commune where everyone has to pull their weight or the entire system fails - that is as much part of the real world as it gets - and in doing so, he will be leading a lifestyle that he doesn't have to compromise for ...

    why is it that when someone chooses to make positive changes in one's life - so many people want to shoot them down?? ... look yourselves in the mirror first before you start criticizing people ...
  • mammasanmammasan Posts: 5,656
    polaris wrote:
    do you think just because you are part of the "40 hour week" - you are somehow facing the tough parts in life better than he is?

    that is so far from the truth ... one of the toughest things in life is being true to your convictions - he will be going to a commune where everyone has to pull their weight or the entire system fails - that is as much part of the real world as it gets - and in doing so, he will be leading a lifestyle that he doesn't have to compromise for ...

    why is it that when someone chooses to make positive changes in one's life - so many people want to shoot them down?? ... look yourselves in the mirror first before you start criticizing people ...

    Well said.
    "When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads." - Ron Paul
  • polaris wrote:
    do you think just because you are part of the "40 hour week" - you are somehow facing the tough parts in life better than he is?

    that is so far from the truth ... one of the toughest things in life is being true to your convictions - he will be going to a commune where everyone has to pull their weight or the entire system fails - that is as much part of the real world as it gets - and in doing so, he will be leading a lifestyle that he doesn't have to compromise for ...

    why is it that when someone chooses to make positive changes in one's life - so many people want to shoot them down?? ... look yourselves in the mirror first before you start criticizing people ...

    Some people, it appears, love spreading their misery. I can't see any other reason for displaying such negativity and anger towards someone elses difference in perspective.
    If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.

    Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
    -Oscar Wilde
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