i'm officially done with walmart

i'm sure everyone has heard this story by now, but, i'll include a link anyway. In the past i've questioned walmart but stopped short of saying i would never shop there. i have finally declared that i will never spend another red cent there. This is some horrible shit. What greedy bastards.
"When all your friends and sedatives mean well but make it worse... better find yourself a place to level out."
Post edited by Unknown User on
Legally, yes, they are within their rights. We're talking about a company that made 300 BILLION last year. Answer me this. WHY should they pursue this now handicapped woman for apx. 275 grand? 275 grand that obviously is nothing to them, but money this woman was counting on to support her and her care for the rest of her life! Her husband has legally divorced her so that she could recieve more medicaid, he works two jobs to pay for her care, is losing his car, is unable to send their son to college. Walmart made 300 BILLION last year alone! They may have te LEGAL RIGHT to sue her for what amounts to a few pennies for them, but they have absolutely no moral or ethical integrity in doing so. They have the legal RIGHT, but not the legal OBLIGATION. This shit is sick. Your defense of them, IMO, is even worse. There is no way to defend this nauseating bullshit.
But if she doesn't sign the paperwork that has said clause in it, she doesn't get health insurance.
Pick another insurance company then. Not ALL of them have that clause.
Because that's what the contract says they can do. She signed a contract and the court said she has to pay it back as per that contract. Sad? Yes. Read before you sign is the lesson here.
Too bad. Why even have a contract then if you're not going to honor it when the time comes? Let's just treat each person with how we feel that day or with our emotions.
READ before you sign ANYTHING!
Wal-Mart is in the right...its a sad scenario, but legally they win and righfully so
You folks are sick. Morally and etically bankrupt.
i sincerely hope you are not plowed by a large truck, rendered severely brain damaged, and then fucked by your dispicable employer. i wouldn't wish that on anyone. Even you. i have to say though, if it were to happen, i'd probably laugh my ass off.
one in particular... http://www.walmartmovie.com/ I'm positive there's a google vid version of it...
Question: Got enough money yet ya fat greedy f--ks??
I take particular pleasure tossing their flyer's in the trash
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
They are doing things like contracting with Amory Lovins of the Rocky Mountain Institute to work on fuel use reduction devices for their delivery trucks ... in case you don't know, Wal-Mart has the largest privately owned fleet of big rig trucks in the world.
And Stone went scuba diving with Walton's son ... that's good enough reason for me to shop there.
Walmart is what it is - an extremely large multi-national corporation that, like ANY corporation cares mostly about one thing: profit. At least they are trying out "environmental"\ "sustainable" initiatives. That counts for something in my book.
[hey, i'm just playing devils advocate. seriously]
If I opened it now would you not understand?
That's the thing... she had two shitty choices. 1) Crappy health insurance where her employer at least pays a little bit, or 2) Expensive private insurance (with probably the same clause.
Gotta love the health care insurance industry/health care situation in this country.... we should be ashamed and outraged of how business can treat us, but of course we aren't.
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
This is the same as politics so no one is going to win their argument here
20-30% compared to where??? Their prices are not that great, but I can see that their marketing campaign works well.
I shop there occasionally because of the convenience, but besides the disposable, piss-poor quality store brand stuff, normal things are about the same price just about everywhere. Sometimes more, sometimes less.
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
PEARL JAM~San Antonio, TX. 4~5~03
INCUBUS~Houston, TX. 1~19~07
INCUBUS~Denver, CO. 2~8~07
Lollapalooza~Chicago, IL. 8~5~07
INCUBUS~Austin, TX. 9~3~07
Bonnaroo~Manchester, TN 6~14~08
That shit doesn't bother me. It's all about me. Always has been, always will be.
I always hope people like you come across a serious situation in your life where you really need help with something, and nobody bothers to even look in your direction...
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
yeah. thats good karma right there, BRY.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
Compared to just about anywhere I've shopped.
Here's a couple of examples.
Deodorant that I use - $4.99 elsewhere; $3.42 Walmart - 31.46% savings
The coffee that I use - $8.49 elsewhere; $6.42 Walmart - 24.38% savings
That's only a couple that I can think of off the top of my head, but most of the time other items are about the same savings. Next time I'll remember to save my receipt.
See, to me that would be perfect. I don't want any help from people. Once people help you they act as if you owe them something. Fuck that. I'd rather just lay down and die.
Still won't keep me from shopping there, but more power to you.
for the least they could possibly do
I've got a Wal-Mart and another chain grocery store in my neighborhood. After buying groceries at the grocery store for a few months, I switched to Wal-Mart. Saved about $50 a month.
In this economy, that adds up.
Sorry about this poor woman's medical bills, but what do you want from me?
for the least they could possibly do
Wow. Human garbage. Flush.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
Thanks for pointing that out. What is really sad is I copied and pasted it from a bumper sticker website. Must be hundreds of them driving around the country like that...lol!
seriously get a life....
im not backing wal mart in this but the law is the law, what are you going to do about it?
ok boycott wal mart...the 30 bucks you spend there isnt going to break them
just like people that want to boycott gas stations but fill up there everyday so they can drive their cars
good luck with that boycott
everyone knows wal mart sucks
Wal-Mart is such a mixed bag. Or a chef's salad of good and bad. I swear. Although I'm not the biggest fan of Wal-Mart, I'll admit that I've been participating in a program that involves them for the past few months. It's a plastic bag recycling program at my kids' school. For every large plastic bag entirely filled with plastic bags, Wal-Mart gives the school $5. It's been a good, easy way to raise money for the school, and it's been good for the environment. But, for every really good thing that Wal-Mart does, you can name an equally bad thing. I'm not sure what to think about Wal-Mart overall, except to think that a corporation has status as an individual. And, it's just like an individual...an individual with a split personality or with multiple personalities where about half are sweetness and light and half are devils straight from hell.
"The Shanks didn't notice in the fine print of Wal-Mart's health plan policy that the company has the right to recoup medical expenses if an employee collects damages in a lawsuit."
why is that clause even included on the health plan?
Because it was in the contract. Ergo, someone signed and agreed to it.
The other reason is, for me at least, because if it truly is completely abnormal and lacking in legitimacy, case law allows the offended party to claim unconscionability and the court will strike the contract as invalid.
So in theory, if this is truly unconscionable (as you seem to suggest), and the defense can prove it so, then the lady will not be forced to remit repayment to Walmart.
If I opened it now would you not understand?