vegetarian? pros & cons.



  • onelongsongonelongsong Posts: 3,517
    Songburst wrote:
    My Great-Grandmother lived until she was 89. She smoked a pack a day for 70 years. Her breakfast was usually fried bacon (fried in an iron skillet ... mmm) and Finnish pancakes (which, if you have never had, you have not lived). Supper was usually some sort of roasted meat and mashed potatoes. She got drunk at least once a week. She had a garden with some vegetables in the summer time (which is like 3 months here), but I can't really attribute her long life and good health to eating organic vegetables occasionally. Judging from the crap that my great-grandmother ingested, I would think that longevity and long term health has more to do with genetics than it does with diet, but that's just me.

    i had one grandmother who smoked from age 8 until age 69 when she was told she had heart disease. i couldn't tell you how much she smoked. she always seemed to have one lit.
    you neglected to mention more about her diet. did she can her veggies? where did she get her meat from? i'm asking for research reasons. i'll eat butter and other things i'm told are bad because my meat is range fed and i don't have to compensate for the fats and cholesterol in store meats.
    meats didn't really turn bad until farms became mechanized; which is when corporate CEOs started buying farms as investments and having someone else run it. that's when the big "save money here and there" and the "pack them with grain so they put on lots of fat" movement started.
  • writersuwritersu Posts: 1,867
    Ive just become a vegetarian, some poeple agree with me and some people dont, i have been hearing both sides..the pros and cons..

    can anyone give me any info on becoming a vegetarian?

    am i harming myself or am i eating healthier?

    I don't think you are harming yourself as long as you keep eating healthy in terms of getting enough vitamins, etc. I can't even say that people that eat meat, (myself included) are getting the right kinds of protein anyway, so I hardly think that us carnivores can criticize you herbivores.

    and if you ever need a thought to keep you a vegan, try to think of animals and what they look like BEFORE they go on the grill........

    that is what is making me eat less and less meat............
    Baby, You Wouldn't Last a Minute on The Creek......

    Together we will float like angels.........

    In the moment that you left the room, the album started skipping, goodbye to beauty shared with the ones that you love.........
  • iamicaiamica Chicago Posts: 2,628
    I've been vegetarian for 7 years now. I used to get sinus infections all the time; since I quit eating meat, I've never gotten one. I don't get sick as much either.
    Just make sure that you try to get protein and fatty acids from non-meat foods. I take vitamin supplements too.
    Chicago 2000 : Chicago 2003 : Chicago 2006 : Summerfest 2006 : Lollapalooza 2007 : Chicago 2009 : Noblesville (Indy) 2010 : PJ20 (East Troy) 2011 : Wrigley Field 2013 : Milwaukee (Yield) 2014 : Wrigley Field 2016
  • CosmoCosmo Posts: 12,225
    Pros -
    You can claim 'Vegitarian' when you are offered some rank meat food at dinner. Go see that Sigur Ros film and the part where the big feast included some sort of animal faces... you can say, "Sorry.. I'm a Vegitarian".
    When I take you out on a date... I can say, "Anything on the menu" and not worry about the bill.
    Cons -
    A nice slice of Prime Rib and horse radish and red wine every once in a while is really good.
    Also, I don't care what's in a hot dog... nothing is better on a Summer's day at the ball park.
    You don't get Sushi... not that wierd Sierra Cocktail stuff... the good stuff, like the Salmon, Tuna and Shrimp.
    Don't eat anything with a face? Worms don't have faces.
    There is only so much Tofu a person can eat... I would think. I mean... a Tofu hot dog? Tofu burger? No matter what you call it... it's still Tofu.
    Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
    Hail, Hail!!!
  • Its 'Vegetarian" dumbass. Maybe you should skip that Prime Rib with horseradish next time and use the cash to buy a dictionary. While we're at it this assertion that vegetarians only eat tofu is complete horseshit. I'm a vegetarian and I probably only eat 2-3 servings of tofu a week. We (my girlfriend and I) get protein from anything from tofu to tempeh to seitan to various legumes. For dinner today we had french bread pizza with spicy tempeh and it was as good as any pizza I've ever had (I ate meat for 19 years).
    Cosmo wrote:
    Pros -
    You can claim 'Vegitarian' when you are offered some rank meat food at dinner. Go see that Sigur Ros film and the part where the big feast included some sort of animal faces... you can say, "Sorry.. I'm a Vegitarian".
    When I take you out on a date... I can say, "Anything on the menu" and not worry about the bill.
    Cons -
    A nice slice of Prime Rib and horse radish and red wine every once in a while is really good.
    Also, I don't care what's in a hot dog... nothing is better on a Summer's day at the ball park.
    You don't get Sushi... not that wierd Sierra Cocktail stuff... the good stuff, like the Salmon, Tuna and Shrimp.
    Don't eat anything with a face? Worms don't have faces.
    There is only so much Tofu a person can eat... I would think. I mean... a Tofu hot dog? Tofu burger? No matter what you call it... it's still Tofu.
  • JeanieJeanie Posts: 9,446
    Its 'Vegetarian" dumbass. Maybe you should skip that Prime Rib with horseradish next time and use the cash to buy a dictionary. While we're at it this assertion that vegetarians only eat tofu is complete horseshit. I'm a vegetarian and I probably only eat 2-3 servings of tofu a week. We (my girlfriend and I) get protein from anything from tofu to tempeh to seitan to various legumes. For dinner today we had french bread pizza with spicy tempeh and it was as good as any pizza I've ever had (I ate meat for 19 years).

    It's certainly done nothing for your demeanour or perhaps one needs to be an animal in order to benefit your softer side?
    Maybe all those soy products you're eating are messing with your hormones?

    *~You're IT Bert!~*

    Hold on to the thread
    The currents will shift
  • SongburstSongburst Posts: 1,195
    Its 'Vegetarian" dumbass. Maybe you should skip that Prime Rib with horseradish next time and use the cash to buy a dictionary. While we're at it this assertion that vegetarians only eat tofu is complete horseshit. I'm a vegetarian and I probably only eat 2-3 servings of tofu a week. We (my girlfriend and I) get protein from anything from tofu to tempeh to seitan to various legumes. For dinner today we had french bread pizza with spicy tempeh and it was as good as any pizza I've ever had (I ate meat for 19 years).

    I don't care -- this is the greatest post in this thread. All I can picture are a couple of artsy wankers wearing black and white striped shirts enjoying the lastest interpretive dance over a couple of fair-trade mocha lattes at the local Schmartenheimers.
    1/12/1879, 4/8/1156, 2/6/1977, who gives a shit, ...
  • barakabaraka Posts: 1,268
    I was a vegetarian in college (or tried to be one) and I wasn't very healthy. I got dangerously thin. I don't think I followed a proper vegetarian diet, though I just kind of 'winged it'. I believe I lacked protein and and a healthy amount of fatty foods. I have friends that follow a good veggie diet and are very healthy. I think one just needs to do it properly, which takes a bit of effort.
    The greatest obstacle to discovery is not ignorance,
    but the illusion of knowledge.
    ~Daniel Boorstin

    Only a life lived for others is worth living.
    ~Albert Einstein
  • SongburstSongburst Posts: 1,195
    baraka wrote:
    I was a vegetarian in college (or tried to be one) and I wasn't very healthy. I got dangerously thin. I don't think I followed a proper vegetarian diet, though I just kind of 'winged it'. I believe I lacked protein and and a healthy amount of fatty foods. I have friends that follow a good veggie diet and are very healthy. I think one just needs to do it properly, which takes a bit of effort.

    It still isn't worth it. I really see no need to resort to vegetarianism. I guess if you are completely against eating animals, then you have no choice. The argument that it is healthier than a diet that includes meat is complete BS.
    1/12/1879, 4/8/1156, 2/6/1977, who gives a shit, ...
  • CosmoCosmo Posts: 12,225
    Its 'Vegetarian" dumbass. Maybe you should skip that Prime Rib with horseradish next time and use the cash to buy a dictionary. While we're at it this assertion that vegetarians only eat tofu is complete horseshit. I'm a vegetarian and I probably only eat 2-3 servings of tofu a week. We (my girlfriend and I) get protein from anything from tofu to tempeh to seitan to various legumes. For dinner today we had french bread pizza with spicy tempeh and it was as good as any pizza I've ever had (I ate meat for 19 years).
    Cons - VegEtarians lose their sense of humor.
    Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
    Hail, Hail!!!
  • halvhalv Posts: 703
    Songburst wrote:
    It still isn't worth it. I really see no need to resort to vegetarianism. I guess if you are completely against eating animals, then you have no choice. The argument that it is healthier than a diet that includes meat is complete BS.

    It's actually not bs at all. There are numerous studies showing that a meat based diet is unhealthy. They of course get very little coverage from the mainstream media. The most intensive nutrional study ever conducted is in a book called The China Study by Dr. T. Colin Campbell. He actually started this study about 30 years ago as a big believer in eating meat, but has since gone vegan due to the results.
    Another good reason to go veg is the enviromental impact. A UN study recently issued a report that said the meat industry contributes more to greenhouse gas emmisions than all the transportation in the world combined! Of course the water issue as well, desertification, etc etc.
    Going veg isn't just good for the animals, it's good for your health and the enviroment.
  • onelongsongonelongsong Posts: 3,517
    halv wrote:
    It's actually not bs at all. There are numerous studies showing that a meat based diet is unhealthy. They of course get very little coverage from the mainstream media. The most intensive nutrional study ever conducted is in a book called The China Study by Dr. T. Colin Campbell. He actually started this study about 30 years ago as a big believer in eating meat, but has since gone vegan due to the results.
    Another good reason to go veg is the enviromental impact. A UN study recently issued a report that said the meat industry contributes more to greenhouse gas emmisions than all the transportation in the world combined! Of course the water issue as well, desertification, etc etc.
    Going veg isn't just good for the animals, it's good for your health and the enviroment.

    who did these studies? people promoting veggies no doubt. i can take a fatty piece of meat and compare it to my range fed buffalo and prove buffalo is the best thing you could put in your body. however; if i compare lean, range fed beef to my range fed buffalo; it's a closer match.
    your enviornmental impact information is pure BS. tractors have to till the soil; plant the seed; cultivate the seed; spray herbicides and insecticides; then harvest the veggies. all that exhaust goes into the atmosphere. now the water issue. water is sprayed over the field; some evaporates; some gets to the plants; and some is wasted in the rows where nothing is planted.

    i recall a un study in 2003 that said a certain amount of ice would be melted by 2050. that ice is already melted.

    here's a link about the china study.

    Yet the 19 years of research into this project leave us with more questions than answers, and have left T. Colin Campbell with a foundation of unsupported conclusions upon which he has built his tower of vegan propaganda.
  • onelongsongonelongsong Posts: 3,517
    baraka wrote:
    I was a vegetarian in college (or tried to be one) and I wasn't very healthy. I got dangerously thin. I don't think I followed a proper vegetarian diet, though I just kind of 'winged it'. I believe I lacked protein and and a healthy amount of fatty foods. I have friends that follow a good veggie diet and are very healthy. I think one just needs to do it properly, which takes a bit of effort.

    i've never seen a healthy looking vegetarian and that's enough for me.
  • halvhalv Posts: 703
    who did these studies? people promoting veggies no doubt. i can take a fatty piece of meat and compare it to my range fed buffalo and prove buffalo is the best thing you could put in your body. however; if i compare lean, range fed beef to my range fed buffalo; it's a closer match.
    your enviornmental impact information is pure BS. tractors have to till the soil; plant the seed; cultivate the seed; spray herbicides and insecticides; then harvest the veggies. all that exhaust goes into the atmosphere. now the water issue. water is sprayed over the field; some evaporates; some gets to the plants; and some is wasted in the rows where nothing is planted.

    i recall a un study in 2003 that said a certain amount of ice would be melted by 2050. that ice is already melted.

    here's a link about the china study.

    Yet the 19 years of research into this project leave us with more questions than answers, and have left T. Colin Campbell with a foundation of unsupported conclusions upon which he has built his tower of vegan propaganda.

    Last I heard the UN isn't a vegan study group. And it's fairly obvious you haven't read the China Study. I'll let you read it first and then listen to your arguments. However Dr. Campbell isn't the only doctor who's said eating meat can harm your health. I've never heard a doctor tell someone to eat less vegetables, or only in moderation.

    And about the farming process of vegetables you mention....we wouldn't have to farm as many crops if we didn't feed the majority of them to the over 60 billion land based animals we slaughter every year for meat. Brazilian rainforests are being razed to grow crops for cattle. The majority of land cleared across North America is for grazing animals. More than 50% of our freshwater is given to livestock. Think about the incredible amount of feces that come from over 60 billion animals...and they don't have a sewage treatment all ends up in our lakes and rivers. It goes on and on and on. It's just so obvious.
  • halvhalv Posts: 703
    i've never seen a healthy looking vegetarian and that's enough for me.

    My wife would have to disagree with you here. Eddie Vedder looks not to bad to her. Natalie Portman looks pretty good to me.
  • onelongsongonelongsong Posts: 3,517
    halv wrote:
    My wife would have to disagree with you here. Eddie Vedder looks not to bad to her. Natalie Portman looks pretty good to me.

    eddie looks malnourished through an objective eye. have you seen natalie portman without make-up?
    to each his own i guess.

    edit: a lot has to do with how long a person has been veggin. going veggie for a couple months can be good for you. as long as you don't go back to bad habits.
  • CosmoCosmo Posts: 12,225
    eddie looks malnourished through an objective eye. have you seen natalie portman without make-up?
    to each his own i guess.

    edit: a lot has to do with how long a person has been veggin. going veggie for a couple months can be good for you. as long as you don't go back to bad habits.
    I've seen both of them in person... and up close... well, close enough to shake their hands and say, 'Hey...'. and they both look okay to me. In fact, Natalie Portman looks as beautiful as you would imagine her to be.
    Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
    Hail, Hail!!!
  • writersuwritersu Posts: 1,867
    Cosmo wrote:
    I've seen both of them in person... and up close... well, close enough to shake their hands and say, 'Hey...'. and they both look okay to me. In fact, Natalie Portman looks as beautiful as you would imagine her to be.

    ok, so how the heck do you get in such a close place that you get to shake hands with Eddie Vedder?
    Baby, You Wouldn't Last a Minute on The Creek......

    Together we will float like angels.........

    In the moment that you left the room, the album started skipping, goodbye to beauty shared with the ones that you love.........
  • CosmoCosmo Posts: 12,225
    writersu wrote:
    ok, so how the heck do you get in such a close place that you get to shake hands with Eddie Vedder?
    I wait outside the venue with the handful of fans that usually do (and Eddie tends to stay way late... I figure he's talking to everyone and drinkin')... so, don't believe those bouncer fools who tell you, "They all left a long time ago"... the bouncers just want you to go home so they can go home and to them... you are work.
    I met Eddie outside of Royce Hall after A.T.P., the Wiltern Theater after the Tsunami Benefit (he and Dave Grohl finished off a fifth of Jack and when they came out, it was really late and they were really drunk), outside the Fonda after the Hulabaloo.
    And I met Natalie Portman at Largo in L.A. at a Jon Brion show that Fiona Apple sang at. She is very, very beautiful and down to Earth... just talk to her about music (and steer clear of the 'Star Wars'). I got her talking about the music from 'Garden State'... but, ended up just getting hypnotized by her beauty... but, I know she likes The Shins.
    Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
    Hail, Hail!!!
  • SongburstSongburst Posts: 1,195
    halv wrote:
    It's actually not bs at all. There are numerous studies showing that a meat based diet is unhealthy. They of course get very little coverage from the mainstream media. The most intensive nutrional study ever conducted is in a book called The China Study by Dr. T. Colin Campbell. He actually started this study about 30 years ago as a big believer in eating meat, but has since gone vegan due to the results.
    Another good reason to go veg is the enviromental impact. A UN study recently issued a report that said the meat industry contributes more to greenhouse gas emmisions than all the transportation in the world combined! Of course the water issue as well, desertification, etc etc.
    Going veg isn't just good for the animals, it's good for your health and the enviroment.

    So the other numerous studies that show that a healthy diet includes eating meat are wrong? Every single civilized nation that has a national food guide recommends eating meat every day. But I guess they have just been swayed by big beef and big weiners.
    1/12/1879, 4/8/1156, 2/6/1977, who gives a shit, ...
  • writersuwritersu Posts: 1,867
    Cosmo wrote:
    I wait outside the venue with the handful of fans that usually do (and Eddie tends to stay way late... I figure he's talking to everyone and drinkin')... so, don't believe those bouncer fools who tell you, "They all left a long time ago"... the bouncers just want you to go home so they can go home and to them... you are work.
    I met Eddie outside of Royce Hall after A.T.P., the Wiltern Theater after the Tsunami Benefit (he and Dave Grohl finished off a fifth of Jack and when they came out, it was really late and they were really drunk), outside the Fonda after the Hulabaloo.

    cool. The closest I ever got was when I found out (supposedly) that they were recording at some recording studio on Hasted street in Chicago like 12 years ago. I took my three combat boot wearing sons with me who were then 5,3,and 1 and walked up and down the street only to see the window washer of the building who said something like, "I am not at liberty to say.....", which to me meant "he's here", but I never got to meet him. Later on, I felt stupid but he did always appear to me to be someone who would be cool to meet, given that you didn't impose , you know? was he?
    Baby, You Wouldn't Last a Minute on The Creek......

    Together we will float like angels.........

    In the moment that you left the room, the album started skipping, goodbye to beauty shared with the ones that you love.........
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