New Rolling Stone: Ed's idol is a hawk?

Pete Townshend quotes in new Rolling Stone:
"Peace is something that has to be made. It doesn't come from passivity."
In regards to Bush haters..."He fucking is not a fucking bad man."
Funny that Rolling Stone didn't follow up with any questions to those comments. Doesn't fit with their agenda I guess. I do remember them asking Bono the same question three times trying to get him to say something bad about Bush. It's funny. They even turned a review of "Friday Night Lights" into a negative Bush piece.
Somehow I've got this trash sent to me in my name, so I gotta cancel it.
WARNING: Don't fall off the Who bandwagon as fast as you jumped on the Incubus bandwagon after Megalomaniac.
"Peace is something that has to be made. It doesn't come from passivity."
In regards to Bush haters..."He fucking is not a fucking bad man."
Funny that Rolling Stone didn't follow up with any questions to those comments. Doesn't fit with their agenda I guess. I do remember them asking Bono the same question three times trying to get him to say something bad about Bush. It's funny. They even turned a review of "Friday Night Lights" into a negative Bush piece.
Somehow I've got this trash sent to me in my name, so I gotta cancel it.
WARNING: Don't fall off the Who bandwagon as fast as you jumped on the Incubus bandwagon after Megalomaniac.
Post edited by Unknown User on
it was townsend's music that spoke to ed. not his opinions on the real world.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
Freedom is Slavery
Ignorance is Strength
You are too clever! First, the play off of Rush Limbaugh's name for your Board name, and then changing Party to Pedophiles. Classic! Dane Cook would be proud of you. Gold star.
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
Look around here. A lot of folks admit that if Pearl Jam was a right-leaning band that they would not follow them.
Because we all know The Who was all about conservative/ rightwing type music.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Obviously not. And his comments in the magazine don't make him pro-Bush.
I didn't state otherwise.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
ed loved him some johnny ramone . and he was taliban/republican
Although never a "closet Republican," (many around him said he was vocal about his opinions), Johnny made his political affiliation known to the world in 2002, when the Ramones were inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. After thanking everyone who made it possible — clad in his trademark T-shirt, ripped blue jeans and leather jacket — Johnny said "God bless President Bush, and God bless America," [1]. He said in an interview, when questioned on his conservatism, "I think Ronald Reagan was the best President of our lifetime."
who is a registered sex offender
But if you "cant possibly be a real Pearl Jam fan " because you disagree with ONE band members political beliefs, how the hell can Ed justify enjoying the music of a CON????!!!!!!
Good shit. I love irony.
Edit, already been stated, but still, the point remains.
Nobody said this. A few have said it would be hard to listen to a group who has political music that was the opposite of our own political view but the Who doesn't have songs that reek of conservatism. See the difference?
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Sorry, I've just been wanting to bitch about that, and now seemed like a good time.
Sammi: Wanna just break up?
first, how is someone saying Bush is not a 'bad man" make them a 'hawk'
how does someone saying Bush is not a 'bad man' immediately make them some sort of radical right wing reactionary? Seriously, think about it.
This type of thing is really getting old to me.
And I try to make this kind and clear
Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
Cuz I don't need boxes wrapped in strings
And desire and love and empty things
Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
There are plenty of PJ songs which lean to the left...some are up for interpretation others kinda hard to miss. Not to mention the hard to miss politicial leanings of Ed, which did infact DID have many of you saying you were done with PJ after Ed's 'fuck em' statement.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Untill their will grows tired
Maybe it was this other quote I posted:
"Peace is something that has to be made. It doesn't come from passivity."
His leadup to this quote was much, much more hawkish. I don't believe his comments were taken out of context. They were pretty clear. But because he says Bush isn't a bad man, doesn't mean he agrees with him about everything. I just posted this because I found it interesting one of Ed's idols made these statements.
I personally was never "done with pearl jam", as much as done idolizing ed. I went from a guy who loved pearl jam because of Ed, to one who loves pearl jam despite ed. DO YOU SEE THE DIFFERENCE? Ed can go fuck himself, and his model wife, and his imaginary ideals, and his hypocrisy.
Go cry about the worlds problems to your model wife, in your suv, while flying in your jet, and tell me all about how YOU know how to fix the world. Right ed. And you idjuts lap it up much like the dittoheads do. You're just a different kind of ditto head, and all those sheep are pathetic. On both sides. So how many here are now "done with townsend" for his pro bush statements? How many of you only even fucking know who pete is because ED told you he was cool? Seriously, its so pathetic its amusing.
He talked about this in the current interview.
oh god, here we go...
Dude, I know of their music but I don't even listen to the Who.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
glorified g
brain of j
god's dice
green disease
help help
1/2 full
marker in the sand
army reserve
whale song
leavin here
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
You are only one person. Congradulations on your very obvious individuality. You should listen to some Who. Some great music our pal Pete and Roger made. Despite the limitations on creativity that are rampant in the conservative community.
heres a gem of a post. I was at a concert where ed was almost in tears becuase he was trying to explain that townshend was doing research to stop child porn when he was arrested for possesion of it. label all republicans pedophiles. people around here have the maturity of 7 year olds
Correction. They have the maturity of a liberal. Don't insult 7 year olds please.