Ahmadinejad Gives US TV Interview



  • rebornFixerrebornFixer Posts: 4,901
    "Hatred vis-à-vis the president is increasing every day..."

    haha, sly...

    I like this statement, I like it a lot.

    Why, exactly? Its hardly a novel idea.
  • Its hard to take even good arguments seriously when they come from someone who believes in Holocaust revisionism and genocide. I mean, you could probably get a white supremist on there that sounds passionate, articulate, and truthful. Even if the guy said the sky was blue, I'd still find him revolting.

    He defiently believes in the Holocaust he said that...I think he beleives that the #'s are exagerrated to fit an agenda I guess whatever he has his beliefs right....he leads into the point why does Germany not have to give up land since they were the scene of the crime...he asks why the area of Palestine...as he says they did nothing to deserve their lose of land....his point of view take it for it is....which is somewhat of a good question...I dont know why to tell you the truth.....

    For me its hard to come to your conclusions as we live in a brutaly biased culture when in comes to Iran...you have to admit that....however I do not think he is all roses and sunshine, ultimately we all have an agenda...but he stresses foreign diplomacy....how about the mentioning of a nuclear energy agreement that happened to be signed by our nation....as he says maybe it is time for Iran/USA to end 26 years of no diplomacy but he says the US must stop its evil agenda...like I said countries and governments need to work together......

    Okay lets say he is the devil (to me he is not a good guy but he isn't the devil...just as I apply the sentiment to Bush as well) I think it is important to learn about your enemies.... their is more to learn from someone than through threats and violence...maybe listening and learning would help us all better....after watching the interview I hold nothing more against him than I already did.....you think after the actions of Iraq and Lebanon the West would finally realize you will not destroy terrorism through bombs....you have to agree with the concept of increased violence only breeds violence...like I said the viscous circle of hate and violence...peace cannot exist within that cycle...the terrorist threats of today is not equivalent to Nazi Germany in the 30's therefore it must be handeled completely different...problem is people resort to the easy option violence and BOTH sides are ultimately guilty of that....

    You must work with those in the countries that strive for deomocary and listen to them on what needs to be done to bring them in...countries need to start working together with less individual efforts and I think we can pull some peace out of that area of the world.....concessions for both sides....
  • rebornFixerrebornFixer Posts: 4,901
    He defiently believes in the Holocaust he said that...I think he beleives that the #'s are exagerrated to fit an agenda I guess whatever he has his beliefs right....he leads into the point why does Germany not have to give up land since they were the scene of the crime...he asks why the area of Palestine...as he says they did nothing to deserve their lose of land....his point of view take it for it is....which is somewhat of a good question...I dont know why to tell you the truth.....

    For me its hard to come to your conclusions as we live in a brutaly biased culture when in comes to Iran...you have to admit that....however I do not think he is all roses and sunshine, ultimately we all have an agenda...but he stresses foreign diplomacy....how about the mentioning of a nuclear energy agreement that happened to be signed by our nation....as he says maybe it is time for Iran/USA to end 26 years of no diplomacy but he says the US must stop its evil agenda...like I said countries and governments need to work together......

    Okay lets say he is the devil (to me he is not a good guy but he isn't the devil...just as I apply the sentiment to Bush as well) I think it is important to learn about your enemies.... their is more to learn from someone than through threats and violence...maybe listening and learning would help us all better....after watching the interview I hold nothing more against him than I already did.....you think after the actions of Iraq and Lebanon the West would finally realize you will not destroy terrorism through bombs....you have to agree with the concept of increased violence only breeds violence...like I said the viscous circle of hate and violence...peace cannot exist within that cycle...the terrorist threats of today is not equivalent to Nazi Germany in the 30's therefore it must be handeled completely different...problem is people resort to the easy option violence and BOTH sides are ultimately guilty of that....

    You must work with those in the countries that strive for deomocary and listen to them on what needs to be done to bring them in...countries need to start working together with less individual efforts and I think we can pull some peace out of that area of the world.....concessions for both sides....

    I agree that the U.S. and Iran need to rely on diplomacy to resolve their issues. What this guy does is concede that, but then goes on to spout bullshit. Using phrases like "evil agenda" and promoting anti-Semitism is NOT the way to start diplomacy off on the right foot. In fact, the guy is a browner (and uglier) Bush, in many ways. He's decrying what Bush says but then uses the same folk devil-style jingoistic terminology to describe his rival. The parallels are pretty striking, actually. Apparently it doesn't occur to either Dubya or Ajamalamalamabad to have a look in the mirror before opening their mouths.
  • I agree that the U.S. and Iran need to rely on diplomacy to resolve their issues. What this guy does is concede that, but then goes on to spout bullshit. Using phrases like "evil agenda" and promoting anti-Semitism is NOT the way to start diplomacy off on the right foot. In fact, the guy is a browner (and uglier) Bush, in many ways. He's decrying what Bush says but then uses the same folk devil-style jingoistic terminology to describe his rival. The parallels are pretty striking, actually. Apparently it doesn't occur to either Dubya or Ajamalamalamabad to have a look in the mirror before opening their mouths.

    Make you go to bed better at night knowing two extremes (which are both bad) are heading for a full on collsion?

    I agree 1000% with your last statement.....

    The insulting also is just as unproductive as threats....diplomacy is required and as I say concessions made....for example lets say this....

    The US (or the west) would supply Iran with nuclear technology (stricly energy purposes) if Iran was to oblige to strictest of government/UN inspections...and to allow permenant inspectors in their countries (comprised of a multitude of nations) to work hand-in-hand with their government in rolling out a nuclear energy program (ie. training personel, as we do not need another Chernobyl, start-up of equipment, help with maintenace, etc.)....meaning that inspections would be permanent...for example Canada could sell them Candu reactors and supply a permenent team of speacilists to help with the program...that way there is always someone involved with the everyday operations of the program...the Iranian government would have to co-operative and they would also be involved everyday....

    IF his ambition is nuclear energy he would have no problems to this and IF the West is to really believe there arguement it would be okay for Iran to have nuclear power IF they chose not to pursue nukes they should also be alright with supplying the technology and everyday manpower for these purposes....

    Therefore Iran gets its power and the Western nations get their assurance nothing secretive is going on as they essentially "run" the nuclear program from within...I dunno not the greatest idea but just a starting point at where diplomacy can get you....better than where we are right now.....
  • rebornFixerrebornFixer Posts: 4,901
    Make you go to bed better at night knowing two extremes (which are both bad) are heading for a full on collsion?

    I agree 1000% with your last statement.....

    The insulting also is just as unproductive as threats....diplomacy is required and as I say concessions made....for example lets say this....

    The US (or the west) would supply Iran with nuclear technology (stricly energy purposes) if Iran was to oblige to strictest of government/UN inspections...and to allow permenant inspectors in their countries (comprised of a multitude of nations) to work hand-in-hand with their government in rolling out a nuclear energy program (ie. training personel, as we do not need another Chernobyl, start-up of equipment, help with maintenace, etc.)....meaning that inspections would be permanent...for example Canada could sell them Candu reactors and supply a permenent team of speacilists to help with the program...that way there is always someone involved with the everyday operations of the program...the Iranian government would have to co-operative and they would also be involved everyday....

    IF his ambition is nuclear energy he would have no problems to this and IF the West is to really believe there arguement it would be okay for Iran to have nuclear power IF they chose not to pursue nukes they should also be alright with supplying the technology and everyday manpower for these purposes....

    Therefore Iran gets its power and the Western nations get their assurance nothing secretive is going on as they essentially "run" the nuclear program from within...I dunno not the greatest idea but just a starting point at where diplomacy can get you....better than where we are right now.....

    Sounds good to me. I think the Americans should actively help Iran to develop a non-military nuclear program, provided that Iran does agree to safeguards like the ones you mentioned. I would also insist that the anti-Israel rhetoric stop as a condition of such assistence. Obviously individual Iranians can say what they will about Israel, free speech and all that. But the Iranian government needs to cease its official rhetoric around the destruction of other nations. Doing this would be a real attempt at fostering some goodwill.
    I see your point about Iran's president as well, I think ... He is right when he says that a dialogue needs to occur. Both sides, however, need to stop sending mixed messages.
  • Sounds good to me. I think the Americans should actively help Iran to develop a non-military nuclear program, provided that Iran does agree to safeguards like the ones you mentioned. I would also insist that the anti-Israel rhetoric stop as a condition of such assistence. Obviously individual Iranians can say what they will about Israel, free speech and all that. But the Iranian government needs to cease its official rhetoric around the destruction of other nations. Doing this would be a real attempt at fostering some goodwill.
    I see your point about Iran's president as well, I think ... He is right when he says that a dialogue needs to occur. Both sides, however, need to stop sending mixed messages.

    Bingo...he needs to make the realization that he is now a leader and with that comes great responsibility to not only his countrymen but the world...if he would stop with the dumb rhetoric he could potentially motivate people to think that way (ie. the body rots from the head down)...people learn from leaders it is our instinct.....that is a concession he needs to make not only to better his country but better himself as a person....

    Exactly work with each other and not against each other...the problem today is that most in the West view Iran as the devil (which from previous comments one could be lead to believe that) and people in the Middle East view America as the devil (which from previous engagements one could be lead to believe that)...this lies the big discrepancy....at the end of the day the common man wants stability and peace....we need to end the rhetoric between both sides and come together...to say clean the slate and start fresh...realize we are the leaders of today and not of yesterday where mistakes were made...lets get off that path and make a new path...together....

    Right now the problem is that Iran is being verbally hostile to Israel...they need to end that and view Israel has a permanent neighbour...step 1....get out of denial.... Israel is not going to go anywhere live with it...more importantly work with them......step 2 America needs to stop being paranoid and actually help the Iranians....think about this reborn...if Bush decided to have conversations with the Iranian leader and came to the conclusion or pact to help develop nuclear non-weapon technolgy (which the best and effective way is to sell them modern technology) and help them with construction and education of the systems...while, which is important, keeping a permanent team to oversee not only the operation but to ensure nothing shadey is occuring (which Iran must make as a concession) it would without a doubt in my mind help American relations somewhat in the Middle East...sure not everyone will love them but not everyone will love the samething....they could potentially drop the war mongering image and put a better face on America...Israel could also help by pledging allegiance to this pact and also on a faith of good will offer their own support to Iran to help out which Iran would have to accept....

    The problem is right now we have two groups vemently opposed to each other for reasons in my mind can be bridged...the thing is concessions from both sides....but imagine if the West helped Iran (hand-in-hand) with nuclear energy what a positive that could be for the area....but like I said Iran must agree to become a world player and acknowledge that Israel is not moving and understand for support of their program foreign inspectors are required....the USA will need to get over the paranoia of Iran by showing some mutual trust we will give you the technolgy but you cannot go here and to ensure that we offer these inspectors...Israel will need to live with the fact the Iran is it's neighbour and is not going anywhere and has the RIGHT has any free nation to develop energy.....if America showed that it isn't the evil and Iran stopped appearing to be evil....relations could very much improve....dialogue is key....and I tell you violence will not bring us here....peace and talk will......
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