Ahmadinejad Gives US TV Interview

If this has been posted I apologize...very interested to see this interview
CBS | August 10 2006
(CBS) Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad sat down with Mike Wallace in Tehran on Tuesday in a rare, exclusive interview with a Western reporter.
In the wide-ranging interview, the Iranian leader comments on President Bush's foreign policy, the lack of relations between Iran and the United States, Hezbollah, Lebanon and Iraq.
Speaking about President Bush's failure to answer his 18-page letter that criticized U.S. foreign policy, Ahmadinejad said, "Well, (with the letter) I wanted to open a window towards the light for the president so that he can see that one can look on the world through a different perspective. … We are all free to choose. But please give him this message, sir: Those who refuse to accept an invitation will not have a good ending or fate. You see that his approval rating is dropping every day. Hatred vis-à-vis the president is increasing every day around the world. For a ruler, this is the worst message that he could receive. Rulers and heads of government at the end of their office must leave the office holding their heads high."
On what the "conducive conditions" would be for Iran to establish relations with the U.S., the president said, "Well, please look at the makeup of the American administration, the behavior of the American administration. See how they talk down to my nation. And this recent resolution passed about the nuclear issue, look at the wording. They have given us — presented us with a package which we are studying right now. We even gave them a date for our response. Ignoring that, they passed a resolution. They want to build an empire. And they don't want to live side-by-side in peace with other nations. The American government, sir, it is very clear to me they have to change their behavior and everything will be resolved. (George W. Bush) believes that his power emanates from his nuclear warhead arsenals. The time of the bomb is in the past, it's behind us. Today is the era of thoughts, dialogue and cultural exchanges."
Portions of the interview will appear on the CBS Evening News on Thursday, Aug. 10 at 6:30 p.m. ET/PT. The entire report will be broadcast on 60 Minutes this Sunday at 7 p.m. ET/PT.
CBS | August 10 2006
(CBS) Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad sat down with Mike Wallace in Tehran on Tuesday in a rare, exclusive interview with a Western reporter.
In the wide-ranging interview, the Iranian leader comments on President Bush's foreign policy, the lack of relations between Iran and the United States, Hezbollah, Lebanon and Iraq.
Speaking about President Bush's failure to answer his 18-page letter that criticized U.S. foreign policy, Ahmadinejad said, "Well, (with the letter) I wanted to open a window towards the light for the president so that he can see that one can look on the world through a different perspective. … We are all free to choose. But please give him this message, sir: Those who refuse to accept an invitation will not have a good ending or fate. You see that his approval rating is dropping every day. Hatred vis-à-vis the president is increasing every day around the world. For a ruler, this is the worst message that he could receive. Rulers and heads of government at the end of their office must leave the office holding their heads high."
On what the "conducive conditions" would be for Iran to establish relations with the U.S., the president said, "Well, please look at the makeup of the American administration, the behavior of the American administration. See how they talk down to my nation. And this recent resolution passed about the nuclear issue, look at the wording. They have given us — presented us with a package which we are studying right now. We even gave them a date for our response. Ignoring that, they passed a resolution. They want to build an empire. And they don't want to live side-by-side in peace with other nations. The American government, sir, it is very clear to me they have to change their behavior and everything will be resolved. (George W. Bush) believes that his power emanates from his nuclear warhead arsenals. The time of the bomb is in the past, it's behind us. Today is the era of thoughts, dialogue and cultural exchanges."
Portions of the interview will appear on the CBS Evening News on Thursday, Aug. 10 at 6:30 p.m. ET/PT. The entire report will be broadcast on 60 Minutes this Sunday at 7 p.m. ET/PT.
Post edited by Unknown User on
You'll have to forgive me if I don't take this guy seriously. You know, since he's already called for the destruction of Israel, and things of that nature. That's beside the point though…
I found it interesting that when I was reading his words, most of what he said seemed to echo the sentiments and rhetoric of some of those on this very message board. I think you could take elements of the quote, attribute a few board member names to it, and no one would ever be the wiser.
Fair is fair though. I think most of those same board members on here really DO want peace, whereas this jackass is just spewing crap.
Low Traffic CIO MIW
I don't speak Farsi or Arabic or whatever Iranians speak, so I guess it all comes down to translation. Interesting to see this though.
George Washington
Pat Robertson has called for the assassination of heads of state, yet people still care about what he has to say. Granted, they're mostly inbred pig fuckers living in double-wides...but that's what you get in middle America.
See how making up your mind about someone can ruin the potential for a real breakthough?
old music: http://www.myspace.com/slowloader
What does he say in that passage that is so bad?
Um, who's arming Hez again - nice cultural exchange he's got going there? And uh, I gotta point out just how open he is to the thoughts, dialogue and cultural exchange coming from "his" people. (i.e. - not very....)
But I agree, this is interesting discourse that taken at face value riffs off many positive points, excellent propoganda. Unfortunately it's just a delaying tactic until he has nukes and can really spout off like I think he wants to...
Scared much....Bush has tactical nukes and that freaks me out just as much as this guy...actually the prescence of nukes freaks me out....
Isn't that what America wants? A Democratic Iran?
That's what Iran was in the 50's...a democracy...that is until Kermit Roosevelt came in, and bought America a coup...employing sympathizers to carry out acts of terror against the Iranian people in an effort to destabilize the democratically elected government.
and people wonder why the United States has zero credibility with Iran.
old music: http://www.myspace.com/slowloader
I hear you, they scare me, and while I think it's possible that Bush or a Western leader could say "God wants me to nuke _____" I think it's far more likely to happen in an Islamic nation. I don't think it's a question of nukes, I think it's a question of values. A western leader might be deterred by mutually assured destruction -- an Islamic leader might welcome the opportunity to send his flock to martyrdom?
The world will SEE??? I smell a major iranian attack on Israel. Maybe I'm reading too much into this nutjob, but he's dropped too many hints pointing towards this date...
old music: http://www.myspace.com/slowloader
Just don't doubt that Bush will use that date to stage a terrorist attack as a pretext to go to war with Iran. The government controls the media and have a lot of say in what gets aired. $1.62 billion turns a lot of heads, you know. This sounds like a set-up.
old music: http://www.myspace.com/slowloader
I'm not sure who's crazier! Ahmadinejad or you and a select few on here!
Yes, because spewing crap about the destruction of Israel somehow makes a person a valid part of the solution. :rolleyes: It's no wonder I read his statements with a bit of trepidation and skepticism when he makes comments about wiping other countries off the map. So no, I don't see how making up my mind about people on things they previously said...and currently say...can ruin the potential for a real breakthough.
Pat Robertson also admitted that what he said was wrong…I'm still kinda waiting for Ahmadinejad to do the same. Maybe he did, and I just need to adjust the tinfoil on my boys head to get a better reception. Hard to keep track of these things when the little woman is barefoot and pregnant, hootin' and hollerin' at Zstillings and binauralsounds next door to pass her some smokes and whiskey.
Low Traffic CIO MIW
I wanted to giggle at this post, but instead I'm just scared.
Yeah, after about 14,000 posts or so...I just let it go...it's not even worth my time anymore.
Low Traffic CIO MIW
22 Aug is the date that Islamist recognize as the day that Muhammed rose into Heaven and landed in Jerusalem. Of course, Ahmedinijhad knows this. Very significant date to them.
BTW, I can't who said this on the first page, but Iranians speak Farsi, and they are Persians.
Yea, that's what I thought. It slipped my mind, I remembered they are Persian, so... I don't know why I said Arabic.
When, where and to whom did he call for the destruction of Israel?
Persian transcript please, with a credible English translation is all i need to be convinced he said the things your media suggest he said.
Yeah, i mean, its not as if any of our Presidents have never invaded another country during their presidency, or threatend other nations, or laid sanctions upon other nations. Oh no, only real axis of evil leaders do that.
Or do they?
Wow, id hate to be you.
All your posts smell of fear and bitterness. Maybe you should go work for those hawks at the Pentagon who believe in "smells", "hunches" and "hints".
We've been dragged to war on less.
I think that his dislike of Israel is justified. Perhaps he would change his rhetoric if the United States would stop dicking around with his country. We made an enemy out of Iran 50 years ago. You have to fix that before you can move forward. We don't seem interested in fixing our wrong in this situation, so we get what we get.
old music: http://www.myspace.com/slowloader
We made an enemy out of the whole middle east the minute they struck oil back in 1890 something.
regardless of what his motives are - is he talking shit?? ... i don't think so ... until americans can see what is being done in the name of american democracy - there will be no peace in this world ... until americans realize they aren't the do-gooders they think they are we will get nowhere ...
hilarious :rolleyes:
Coincidence!! I have a hunch thats what I think everytime I read one of your 'posts' !!
Have a wonderful day in your utopia! Glad all is well up in the garden state!
I'll keep ya in my prayers:)