Republican supporters

How do you feel about the way the election turned out? What do you see happening in Washington over the next 2 years? Any race really surprise you ? Any random thoughts -- I'm just interested in the mindset of true republican backers.
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Fly isn't baiting you, he's (like myself) just curious to what you think
Lest I don't THINK he's baiting you. Fly's a cold blood killa though, so watch out. Matha Fucka was just talkin to me one day and this guy walked by and Fly was all like "BAM" and I was all like "What the fuck!?". I turned around and the dude was knocked out. I looked at Fly and was like "DDDDDUUUUUUUDDDDDDEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!! What'd you do!?". He was all like "Dude. Matha fucka gave me the eye. I take none of that" I was like "Dude! what do you do to him?!" and Fly was like "I gave him my matha fuckin pimp slap. Faster than light and more deadly than a bomb."
This probably is a good thing for Republicans. Hopefully they'll find their soul, and now that the Dems have some power, they'll also have a record to run against in 2008. Hopefully the Republicans will learn how to control a budget again and we can have 1994 all over again.
*can't take away from me a continuous laughter like beavis&butthead
I was thinking along the same lines with the Republicans as far as dealing with a lame duck president. They will probably look after themselves and become more moderate the way they have the last few months before this election, but certainly they will not make things easy for the democrats.
'If my fuckin' ex-wife told me to take care of her dog while her and her new boyfriend went to Honolulu, I'd tell her to go fuck herself." -The Dude
Whisky Drinker, Non-Hunter from Denver.
I was disappointed by the overall results yesterday. Many people are saying that people voted yesterday against the Iraq War, but how do you explain the Democratic incumbents who voted for the War and maintained their seats? I believe America simply bought into the "We hate Republicans" platform the Democrats ran on which means America voted on hate and anger much in the same way they did when Republicans originally came to dominate government. I don't believe that bodes well.
I don't see any coherent message coming from the Democrats and have no expecations that things will be better tomorrow than they were yesterday.
I'm not Republican, but there won't be any changes.
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
I'm worreid that we've just turned into a country that votes only AGAINST things rather than FOR things though...seems to be a trend. It's why the Reps won power and it;s now why the Dems have some power back.
ONe race shocked me...I don't even remember which one, but they did a poll that showed 64% approval for the incumbent republican...then they voted him out....because of the R by his name....that is sad and certainly sends the incorrect message.
BUt we'll have to wait and see what happens. I pretty pissed because the Repubs had control for 12 years and didn;t privatize social security...I'm really happy that 20-40% of my work day is devoted to paying others.
B. Now that the dems have power they actually have to do something. You won because you werent republicans, not because you had any major ideas. Now your going to have to prove yourselves to the american people..or you wont be in power for long. And the american people are still conservative on many gay marriage.
c. The Democrats that won were not "left wing" they were middle of the road democrats. Some even being against abortion. The country is definetly not liberal. They just want a change.
I agree that they need to work on those core issues, but the problem is that the Dems will just raise taxes on all of us. That's what bothers me about them the most...besides their pro-abortion stance.
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
As much as I hate more taxes we do have a massive debt that we need to take care of. Had the Republican controlled Congress not allowed this President to spend like a careless kid with his daddy's credit card there would be no need to raise taxes. I would rather see the Dems cut spending in order to alieviate some of this debt, but I'm not holding my breath. I think the Dems are smart enough though to know that raising taxes would be a death nail to them. The abortion issue needs to be shelved, no offense to anyone. We spend so much time and energy, as well as are politicians, argueing over an issue that will never be resolved. Abortion will never be illegal in this country so energy needs to be refocused on limiting abortion. Better sex education is a good start. I understand that abortion is a serious issue for many people in this country, but we need to fix the way our government has been operating before we tackle anything else.
most of them admitted they fucked up and have been willing to be vocal about how poorly it's going. which is better than the republicans who continue to insist no mistakes were made and everything is still roses over there. it's classic dumb and dumber.
Cut spending....quit throwing $ away...(yes, including Iraq). I serously think we should take the printing of money away from teh government...privatize it...that way, maybe they stop spending so damn much.
Oh, but's much easier to just raise taxes...and disproportionately on the 'EVIL RICH'...let's just do that.
I would definetly love for spending to be cut. I would love to see double digit cuts in government spending, upwards of 20%. Like you stated it is easier to just raise taxes which is unfortunate. I don't think the Dems will raise them though, I could be wrong. I believe that they know that by raising taxes they will only be shooting themselves in the foot.
excellent post!
If they don't raise taxes on the so-called 'RICH'...I'll buy you a beer.
How about a coffee, I don't drink anymore. pansy...a coffee it is.
Can't drink right now because of my meds. Trust me once I'm off them I'll behitting the pub for a nice Newcastle Brown Ale.
They won with candidates that are very conservative (North Carolina 11, Indiana 8 for example) which is another defeat for liberalism. This is the ultimate battle, not between Republicans and Democrats, but between liberals and conservatives...and the direction that this country is going is clear.
What's going to happen when the far left of the Democratic party and the moderate, conservative wing sit down and talk about the issues?
Again, the election was a victory for conservatism.
And I try to make this kind and clear
Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
Cuz I don't need boxes wrapped in strings
And desire and love and empty things
Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
I'm right here. and im not a republican. yesterday I voted for both republicans and democrats based on what I knew about the individual.
very nice childish giggle you there.
What do you mean?
Certainly it's better to admit you fucked up than to pretend you didn't. But I'm not sure how an apology cuts it here, considering the levity of the issue.
I agree 100%. As a Republican, I'm actually kind of glad to see the Democrats in control of something so as to keep some form of checks and balances in place. Other than that, unfortunately, I predict we will see two years of stalemate. By this time in 2008, we will still be in Iraq and Bush will not have been impeached. Honestly, what reason would there be for an impeachment? WMDs? Please. This country has been led to believe for 15 years that Iraq was a nuclear threat. 9/11? Again, put down the bong. My hope is that after this election, the Republican Party will either realize what they have become and make the changes necessary to return us to the party of Lincoln, or, enough of us will be disenchanted enough with the Republican Party to join the Libertarians and make something of a viable third party. It was definitely time to clean house, so let's get to the 1st of the year already and see what our Congress will do for us!!!!
i'm not bitter. everyone I voted for won, expect one local election that isnt cleared up yet. you wont see me complaining.
...sorry. strike that.
...a lover and a fighter.
"I'm at least half a bum" Rocky Balboa
Edmonton, AB. September 5th, 2005
Vancouver, BC. April 3rd, 2008
Calgary,AB. August 8th, 2009