the point is when we (as western countries and the security council as a whole) stop infering with these countrie's politics and economies, they might start improving their life. Our countries actions, right now, are not helping the countries from where immigrants come. If we want to stop the flow, solve the problem at the source. And looking back, I doubt invasions would be a solution.
are you willing to pay for these new people coming into your country? if not they turn to crime. do you have enough food to feed them; or are you willing to take food from your own childrens mouths to feed them? can you afford to contribute more money to your government to keep your medical system in tact? socialized medicine doesn't mean doctors work for free and chemical companies give away free medicine. the government pays them and you pay the government.
Ever heard of the phrase "mixed messages"? The wife putting up the No Trespassing sign while the husband invites them in?
Should we shut down all businesses that hire illegals? No fines - shut them down. It's at least comparible to deportation. Oh, and make sure those responsible are never allowed to open a business again. They relinquish that right when they break the law. Kinda the same as a deportee never being allowed back in the country. Hell, you talk about invading countries. Why not also burn down every building where an illegal has worked? Comparible. Where's that rage?
so we should tear down the economic structure of our country for a bunch of criminals? illegals are good for target practice. other than that they only drain the country.
illegals are good for target practice. other than that they only drain the country.
Hahaha, and yet you call yourself a Christian. Nice.
Mexico City - July 17th 2003
Mexico City - July 18th 2003
Mexico City - July 19th 2003
Monterrey - December 7th 2005
Mexico City - December 9th 2005
Mexico City - December 10th 2005
Mexico City - November 24th 2011
so we should tear down the economic structure of our country for a bunch of criminals? illegals are good for target practice. other than that they only drain the country.
It's that economic structure that's causing everything you're complaining about. But you like cheap stuff, so you're being selective about the kinds of criminals we should be prosecuting (or in your case, calling for their execution).
Ever heard of the phrase "mixed messages"? The wife putting up the No Trespassing sign while the husband invites them in?
Should we shut down all businesses that hire illegals? No fines - shut them down. It's at least comparible to deportation. Oh, and make sure those responsible are never allowed to open a business again. They relinquish that right when they break the law. Kinda the same as a deportee never being allowed back in the country. Hell, you talk about invading countries. Why not also burn down every building where an illegal has worked? Comparible. Where's that rage?
shutting down businesses would hurt OUR economy
the real rage is in the greed factor. we all have it. we want the best product at the best prices, or if you can afford $300 Lucky jeans they are made overseas for $20 Lucky keeps all the money. the governments that rape their country and stave their people.
that will never change
the real rage is in the greed factor. we all have it. we want the best product at the best prices, or if you can afford $300 Lucky jeans they are made overseas for $20 Lucky keeps all the money. the governments that rape their country and stave their people.
that will never change
Don't you suspect that if we actually did shut down a business or two, that other businesses would take notice and suddenly discover that, by golly, we really CAN identify the illegals after all! That is exactly what I think would happen.
If the people who are constantly up in arms about illegal immigration truly believe what they are saying ... that illegal immigrants are a threat to our economy, our national security, and our way of life ... then we should be treating them and everyone who helps them as though they are a threat to our security and our way of life. That means no slaps on the wrist, no $500 dollar fines for the people that hire them. Someone who is threatening the future of our nation should be dealt with in the harshest possible way ... REAL fines, long-term imprisonment, closing the businesss if they don't change their ways.
"Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity." ~ MLK, 1963
Don't you suspect that if we actually did shut down a business or two, that other businesses would take notice and suddenly discover that, by golly, we really CAN identify the illegals after all! That is exactly what I think would happen.
If the people who are constantly up in arms about illegal immigration truly believe what they are saying ... that illegal immigrants are a threat to our economy, our national security, and our way of life ... then we should be treating them and everyone who helps them as though they are a threat to our security and our way of life. That means no slaps on the wrist, no $500 dollar fines for the people that hire them. Someone who is threatening the future of our nation should be dealt with in the harshest possible way ... REAL fines, long-term imprisonment, closing the businesss if they don't change their ways.
great point.
i guess it will hurt small business more instead of giant corporations who take it overseas.
in my city we have a no harrassment zone for illegal workers, so they kind of look the other way here. also in my newspaper 2 illegal workers are suing their employer for not paying them. free lawyers too.
hey, i got it maybe immigrates should pay to be here. like indentured servants. if it would guarantee them a spot here i bet they would do it.
Don't you suspect that if we actually did shut down a business or two, that other businesses would take notice and suddenly discover that, by golly, we really CAN identify the illegals after all! That is exactly what I think would happen.
If the people who are constantly up in arms about illegal immigration truly believe what they are saying ... that illegal immigrants are a threat to our economy, our national security, and our way of life ... then we should be treating them and everyone who helps them as though they are a threat to our security and our way of life. That means no slaps on the wrist, no $500 dollar fines for the people that hire them. Someone who is threatening the future of our nation should be dealt with in the harshest possible way ... REAL fines, long-term imprisonment, closing the businesss if they don't change their ways.
i; and the state of arizona agree with you. we voted in measures where; if an EMT gives aid to an illegal; the EMT is jailed. we have autherized presence laws and we are very strict about illegals. the problem is other states won't follow and thus the problem continues. the illegals simply go to a state that doesn't have such laws.
great point.
i guess it will hurt small business more instead of giant corporations who take it overseas.
in my city we have a no harrassment zone for illegal workers, so they kind of look the other way here. also in my newspaper 2 illegal workers are suing their employer for not paying them. free lawyers too.
hey, i got it maybe immigrates should pay to be here. like indentured servants. if it would guarantee them a spot here i bet they would do it.
so your city is enabling them. your city is a part of the problem. yes; big corporations are sending work overseas and displacing workers. that means less jobs available in the us; yet we also have millions coming over the border. the end result is more people and less jobs. i don't know anyone whos quality of life has risen. one income families have become 2 income families and still struggle. people like me put their money in trusts and move it off-shore because we see the economic collapse coming. smart americans get their money out of the us because of the influx of poor. you can only put so many people in a boat before it sinks.
i; and the state of arizona agree with you. we voted in measures where; if an EMT gives aid to an illegal; the EMT is jailed. we have autherized presence laws and we are very strict about illegals. the problem is other states won't follow and thus the problem continues. the illegals simply go to a state that doesn't have such laws.
Wow. EMT as in paramedic? Is this true in the wonderful state of AZ? A state that was first Mexican before the Americans took it?
i; and the state of arizona agree with you. we voted in measures where; if an EMT gives aid to an illegal; the EMT is jailed. we have autherized presence laws and we are very strict about illegals. the problem is other states won't follow and thus the problem continues. the illegals simply go to a state that doesn't have such laws.
I still think legal immigration is by far the greater problem. Getting tough with poor people whether they be sneaky mexicans coming over the border, or the lowly EMT, is just a show. It's bullshit.
Wow. EMT as in paramedic? Is this true in the wonderful state of AZ? A state that was first Mexican before the Americans took it?
arizona is a new state and we stand by the laws. about 10 years ago arizona threatened to succeed from the union because the federal government broke its contract by failing to protect our borders.
there was 1 proposition voted in 2000 and another in 2004. i'm not sure where to find them online but knowing the election years should help. if i have time i'll give it a look too.
ONELONGSONG is correct that these countries gov are totally corrupt and don't give a crap about the impoverished mass they just cater to the rich and fuck the peasants .....that is why only the poor souls come here you don't see dr's ,lawyers coming here do we no ??
I guess you're not aware of the many professionals (i.e. college degree) people that work legally in the US. Just look at the faculty for any major engineering university and count how many of them were not born in the US.
arizona is a new state and we stand by the laws. about 10 years ago arizona threatened to succeed from the union because the federal government broke its contract by failing to protect our borders.
there was 1 proposition voted in 2000 and another in 2004. i'm not sure where to find them online but knowing the election years should help. if i have time i'll give it a look too.
arizona is a new state and we stand by the laws. about 10 years ago arizona threatened to succeed from the union because the federal government broke its contract by failing to protect our borders.
there was 1 proposition voted in 2000 and another in 2004. i'm not sure where to find them online but knowing the election years should help. if i have time i'll give it a look too.
No, you don't have to look for them. I'll take your word.
I understand your frustration about having to deal with this problem, but I think you are trying to treat the symptoms and not the cause of the problem. The US is a major cause of the immigration problem, by pushing for economic superiority, and keeping a growing economy, in created the voids that need to be filled.
I think you are not 100% correct with the unemployment issue. And I believe that the illegal immigrant labor pays back more than you think, via economic viability of the industries they serve, for part of their share in infrastructure and services. If you look at pro-immigration data, they point a whole different picture. I'm not saying their right, but it is not a drain as the anti-immigration sites tend to report.
I guess you're not aware of the many professionals (i.e. college degree) people that work legally in the US. Just look at the faculty for any major engineering university and count how many of them were not born in the US.
yes i know that but i'm saying succesfull lawyers, dr's, that live across the borders they mainly stay in their countries they have no need to leave they have good lives there ??
yes i know that but i'm saying succesfull lawyers, dr's, that live across the borders they mainly stay in their countries they have no need to leave they have good lives there ??
No, they definitely don't have the incentive. But on the other hand, a lot of researchers do move to the US because here is where the money is. It isn't all one sided.
No, they definitely don't have the incentive. But on the other hand, a lot of researchers do move to the US because here is where the money is. It isn't all one sided.
it's the same where i was born CHILE when ever i go there the only one's that wan't to come here are the poor, not the well off my fathers side of the family has a few very well off profesionals they live very well they have no intentions of ever moving here ...
here's a few of our anti-illegal alien laws. this includes english as our official language which includes all schools must teach in english only; aliens arrested cannot receive bail; illegals cannot obtain any public services; and the like.
i; and the state of arizona agree with you. we voted in measures where; if an EMT gives aid to an illegal; the EMT is jailed. we have autherized presence laws and we are very strict about illegals. the problem is other states won't follow and thus the problem continues. the illegals simply go to a state that doesn't have such laws.
Jailing someone for saving a life is just sick.
"Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity." ~ MLK, 1963
here's a few of our anti-illegal alien laws. this includes english as our official language which includes all schools must teach in english only; aliens arrested cannot receive bail; illegals cannot obtain any public services; and the like.
here's a few of our anti-illegal alien laws. this includes english as our official language which includes all schools must teach in english only; aliens arrested cannot receive bail; illegals cannot obtain any public services; and the like.
It's very sad. Like you stated before, they may move to another state where laws aren't as harsh (or maybe more crops to tend than in AZ ), but what in reality may happen is that a sub-race is being created. One that is not equal to its citizens, considered to be of lesser value. That somehow does not seem to be what the US is about. Or is it?
A immigrant once said, "you call me an immigrant? Do you pay taxes? If you do, then you are also an immigrant. The only natives around here don't pay taxes!"
No, you don't have to look for them. I'll take your word.
I understand your frustration about having to deal with this problem, but I think you are trying to treat the symptoms and not the cause of the problem. The US is a major cause of the immigration problem, by pushing for economic superiority, and keeping a growing economy, in created the voids that need to be filled.
I think you are not 100% correct with the unemployment issue. And I believe that the illegal immigrant labor pays back more than you think, via economic viability of the industries they serve, for part of their share in infrastructure and services. If you look at pro-immigration data, they point a whole different picture. I'm not saying their right, but it is not a drain as the anti-immigration sites tend to report.
i see your point but i have a problem with data. nevada did a big study in a pro-immigration state of mind. by the results of this "study" you would think that we should open the borders and roll out red carpets. but at the conference; things took a turn when i questioned why the study didn't address displaced workers; or why the fact that these immigrant workers were below poverty level and thus receiving state aid and medicaid. the study showed these people paying taxes; but i pointed out that a worker receiving $200/week is only paying $500/year in taxes while the public services they receive is costing the state thousands per person.
so you need to look at all the facts. studies don't do that because they have a "desired" conclusion in mind.
i see your point but i have a problem with data. nevada did a big study in a pro-immigration state of mind. by the results of this "study" you would think that we should open the borders and roll out red carpets. but at the conference; things took a turn when i questioned why the study didn't address displaced workers; or why the fact that these immigrant workers were below poverty level and thus receiving state aid and medicaid. the study showed these people paying taxes; but i pointed out that a worker receiving $200/week is only paying $500/year in taxes while the public services they receive is costing the state thousands per person.
so you need to look at all the facts. studies don't do that because they have a "desired" conclusion in mind.
Someone making $200 a week isn't receiving any financial aid, liar.
It's very sad. Like you stated before, they may move to another state where laws aren't as harsh (or maybe more crops to tend than in AZ ), but what in reality may happen is that a sub-race is being created. One that is not equal to its citizens, considered to be of lesser value. That somehow does not seem to be what the US is about. Or is it?
AZ is a big food producer. we're not all desert. the sub-race is already created. the taxpayers got tired of having to work for money to support their families; only to have it taken away to support someone elses. when the propositions came out; the work was done and the numbers published. i don't remember the exact numbers but the cost of these illegals is unbelievable. it included the cost of law enforcement to arrest and investigate crimes by illegals; costs to the courts to prosecute; uninsured illegals driving; medical services provided and never paid for; and the list goes on and on.
AZ is a big food producer. we're not all desert. the sub-race is already created. the taxpayers got tired of having to work for money to support their families; only to have it taken away to support someone elses. when the propositions came out; the work was done and the numbers published. i don't remember the exact numbers but the cost of these illegals is unbelievable. it included the cost of law enforcement to arrest and investigate crimes by illegals; costs to the courts to prosecute; uninsured illegals driving; medical services provided and never paid for; and the list goes on and on.
i see your point but i have a problem with data. nevada did a big study in a pro-immigration state of mind. by the results of this "study" you would think that we should open the borders and roll out red carpets. but at the conference; things took a turn when i questioned why the study didn't address displaced workers; or why the fact that these immigrant workers were below poverty level and thus receiving state aid and medicaid. the study showed these people paying taxes; but i pointed out that a worker receiving $200/week is only paying $500/year in taxes while the public services they receive is costing the state thousands per person.
so you need to look at all the facts. studies don't do that because they have a "desired" conclusion in mind.
The only problem I have with your arguements... they come from you.
It's tough for me to take anything you say seriously... based upon you track record.
Let's see... you became 'invisible' when you assumed the identity of a dead person... you killed two people... you were a former Rock Star who had a near death experience and came back from the dead as an example of a medical miracle... you haven't paid taxes... served a public office... was a successful lawyer who never lost a case.... retired a millionaire at age 40... run a steroid free buffalo ranch... with lots of guns... gave water from Lourdes to your mom, your sister and a perfect stranger and their cancer miraculously disappeared...
Well, you see where am getting? Kinda far fetched... or pretty amazing... for one life... that isn't even complete. You need to write an autobiography... except, we wouldn't know how to classify it... fiction or non-fiction.
You want to validate your arguements... send us to the website of these Public Hearings on immigration... give us the link to this Nevada Study as a reference... let us read and decipher the data and data analysis for ourselves so we can reach our own conclusions. Otherwise, it's Walter Mitty's version of how Immigration works.
Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
Hail, Hail!!!
are you willing to pay for these new people coming into your country? if not they turn to crime. do you have enough food to feed them; or are you willing to take food from your own childrens mouths to feed them? can you afford to contribute more money to your government to keep your medical system in tact? socialized medicine doesn't mean doctors work for free and chemical companies give away free medicine. the government pays them and you pay the government.
so we should tear down the economic structure of our country for a bunch of criminals? illegals are good for target practice. other than that they only drain the country.
Hahaha, and yet you call yourself a Christian. Nice.
Mexico City - July 18th 2003
Mexico City - July 19th 2003
Monterrey - December 7th 2005
Mexico City - December 9th 2005
Mexico City - December 10th 2005
Mexico City - November 24th 2011
shutting down businesses would hurt OUR economy
the real rage is in the greed factor. we all have it. we want the best product at the best prices, or if you can afford $300 Lucky jeans they are made overseas for $20 Lucky keeps all the money. the governments that rape their country and stave their people.
that will never change
If the people who are constantly up in arms about illegal immigration truly believe what they are saying ... that illegal immigrants are a threat to our economy, our national security, and our way of life ... then we should be treating them and everyone who helps them as though they are a threat to our security and our way of life. That means no slaps on the wrist, no $500 dollar fines for the people that hire them. Someone who is threatening the future of our nation should be dealt with in the harshest possible way ... REAL fines, long-term imprisonment, closing the businesss if they don't change their ways.
great point.
i guess it will hurt small business more instead of giant corporations who take it overseas.
in my city we have a no harrassment zone for illegal workers, so they kind of look the other way here. also in my newspaper 2 illegal workers are suing their employer for not paying them. free lawyers too.
hey, i got it maybe immigrates should pay to be here. like indentured servants. if it would guarantee them a spot here i bet they would do it.
i; and the state of arizona agree with you. we voted in measures where; if an EMT gives aid to an illegal; the EMT is jailed. we have autherized presence laws and we are very strict about illegals. the problem is other states won't follow and thus the problem continues. the illegals simply go to a state that doesn't have such laws.
so your city is enabling them. your city is a part of the problem. yes; big corporations are sending work overseas and displacing workers. that means less jobs available in the us; yet we also have millions coming over the border. the end result is more people and less jobs. i don't know anyone whos quality of life has risen. one income families have become 2 income families and still struggle. people like me put their money in trusts and move it off-shore because we see the economic collapse coming. smart americans get their money out of the us because of the influx of poor. you can only put so many people in a boat before it sinks.
Wow. EMT as in paramedic? Is this true in the wonderful state of AZ? A state that was first Mexican before the Americans took it?
I still think legal immigration is by far the greater problem. Getting tough with poor people whether they be sneaky mexicans coming over the border, or the lowly EMT, is just a show. It's bullshit.
all posts by ©gue_barium are protected under US copyright law and are not to be reproduced, exchanged or sold
except by express written permission of ©gue_barium, the author.
arizona is a new state and we stand by the laws. about 10 years ago arizona threatened to succeed from the union because the federal government broke its contract by failing to protect our borders.
there was 1 proposition voted in 2000 and another in 2004. i'm not sure where to find them online but knowing the election years should help. if i have time i'll give it a look too.
I guess you're not aware of the many professionals (i.e. college degree) people that work legally in the US. Just look at the faculty for any major engineering university and count how many of them were not born in the US.
all posts by ©gue_barium are protected under US copyright law and are not to be reproduced, exchanged or sold
except by express written permission of ©gue_barium, the author.
No, you don't have to look for them. I'll take your word.
I understand your frustration about having to deal with this problem, but I think you are trying to treat the symptoms and not the cause of the problem. The US is a major cause of the immigration problem, by pushing for economic superiority, and keeping a growing economy, in created the voids that need to be filled.
I think you are not 100% correct with the unemployment issue. And I believe that the illegal immigrant labor pays back more than you think, via economic viability of the industries they serve, for part of their share in infrastructure and services. If you look at pro-immigration data, they point a whole different picture. I'm not saying their right, but it is not a drain as the anti-immigration sites tend to report.
yes i know that but i'm saying succesfull lawyers, dr's, that live across the borders they mainly stay in their countries they have no need to leave they have good lives there ??
No, they definitely don't have the incentive. But on the other hand, a lot of researchers do move to the US because here is where the money is. It isn't all one sided.
it's the same where i was born CHILE when ever i go there the only one's that wan't to come here are the poor, not the well off my fathers side of the family has a few very well off profesionals they live very well they have no intentions of ever moving here ...
here's a few of our anti-illegal alien laws. this includes english as our official language which includes all schools must teach in english only; aliens arrested cannot receive bail; illegals cannot obtain any public services; and the like.
This is a rich vs. poor problem that you support.
all posts by ©gue_barium are protected under US copyright law and are not to be reproduced, exchanged or sold
except by express written permission of ©gue_barium, the author.
It's very sad. Like you stated before, they may move to another state where laws aren't as harsh (or maybe more crops to tend than in AZ
I agree with this... cool cartoon.
A immigrant once said, "you call me an immigrant? Do you pay taxes? If you do, then you are also an immigrant. The only natives around here don't pay taxes!"
i see your point but i have a problem with data. nevada did a big study in a pro-immigration state of mind. by the results of this "study" you would think that we should open the borders and roll out red carpets. but at the conference; things took a turn when i questioned why the study didn't address displaced workers; or why the fact that these immigrant workers were below poverty level and thus receiving state aid and medicaid. the study showed these people paying taxes; but i pointed out that a worker receiving $200/week is only paying $500/year in taxes while the public services they receive is costing the state thousands per person.
so you need to look at all the facts. studies don't do that because they have a "desired" conclusion in mind.
Someone making $200 a week isn't receiving any financial aid, liar.
all posts by ©gue_barium are protected under US copyright law and are not to be reproduced, exchanged or sold
except by express written permission of ©gue_barium, the author.
AZ is a big food producer. we're not all desert. the sub-race is already created. the taxpayers got tired of having to work for money to support their families; only to have it taken away to support someone elses. when the propositions came out; the work was done and the numbers published. i don't remember the exact numbers but the cost of these illegals is unbelievable. it included the cost of law enforcement to arrest and investigate crimes by illegals; costs to the courts to prosecute; uninsured illegals driving; medical services provided and never paid for; and the list goes on and on.
someone receiving $200/week with a wife and kids is receiving financial aid. where the hell do you live?
all posts by ©gue_barium are protected under US copyright law and are not to be reproduced, exchanged or sold
except by express written permission of ©gue_barium, the author.
it's not rich vs poor. the rich are smart enough to get their money out and the poor become poorer.
The only problem I have with your arguements... they come from you.
It's tough for me to take anything you say seriously... based upon you track record.
Let's see... you became 'invisible' when you assumed the identity of a dead person... you killed two people... you were a former Rock Star who had a near death experience and came back from the dead as an example of a medical miracle... you haven't paid taxes... served a public office... was a successful lawyer who never lost a case.... retired a millionaire at age 40... run a steroid free buffalo ranch... with lots of guns... gave water from Lourdes to your mom, your sister and a perfect stranger and their cancer miraculously disappeared...
Well, you see where am getting? Kinda far fetched... or pretty amazing... for one life... that isn't even complete. You need to write an autobiography... except, we wouldn't know how to classify it... fiction or non-fiction.
You want to validate your arguements... send us to the website of these Public Hearings on immigration... give us the link to this Nevada Study as a reference... let us read and decipher the data and data analysis for ourselves so we can reach our own conclusions. Otherwise, it's Walter Mitty's version of how Immigration works.
Hail, Hail!!!