Why Do You Think Human Life Is So Precious?

i wonder why this board is so fast to defend criminals without knowing any background. why so many are against the death penalty for those who cannot be permitted in society; be it our society or the prison society. what good do we do keeping these people alive? if death is the end; and all we can offer these criminals is solitary confinement; we've ended all quality of life anyway. what is the purpose of prolonging the biological aspects of that life?
also; why doesn't anyone consider the innocent victims? in all the threads over many years; the innocent victims are never mentioned.
i'm trying to understand. i would gladly give my life for several people i know. and i'd take the life of a criminal to save an innocent life.
can someone explain why the life of someone that cannot function is society is worth more than someone who can?
also; why doesn't anyone consider the innocent victims? in all the threads over many years; the innocent victims are never mentioned.
i'm trying to understand. i would gladly give my life for several people i know. and i'd take the life of a criminal to save an innocent life.
can someone explain why the life of someone that cannot function is society is worth more than someone who can?
Post edited by Unknown User on
and thats just one story that happened to be at the top of my google search.. there'll be many more like it
Taking the life of a criminal, if necessary, to save an innocent life is one thing. Most people would agree with that. But that's not what the death penalty is. The death penalty is "eye for an eye." It is simple revenge carried out by the state on behalf of either a victim's family or the bloodthirsty population at large. And, as dunkman mentioned, there is plenty of room for error in this, a situation where errors cannot ever be corrected.
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i believe atheist have morals. that isn't what this is about. to an atheist; life should be worth .98 cents because that is the equivilent of the cost of human make-up.
but that's not what this thread is about. i can see your point about wrongful deaths. it would have to be proven beyond ANY doubt. but i want to know what makes life so precious? people die every minute. we throw their bodies in the ground; or burn them to ashes; and it's over. i'm ready to die at any time. i have no fear of death. i'm unsure why the lives of those who cannot function in society are so important. why should someone that has done several drive-bys be sent to prison only to rule the gang from inside prison?
maybe i should be asking; what makes life so precious to you. i'm serious and trying to find an answer.
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
thank you; i find that to be a well thought out answer. i don't agree; but that's an answer i can respect.
how do you feel about the actions england took when they shipped the criminals out of the country? they basically had their freedom; but they were with their own kind.
Actually, I, like the above, would be for the death penaly if not for wrongful deaths. In our justice system, you are supposed to be proven beyond a shadow of a doubt, but there are flaws? What would make your idea happen...Super duper proven beyond a shadow of a doubt? That's not a mock, it's just may way to say that that does not work to separate death from life in prison.
Save all your responses about how hippocritical and evil christians are, thats not what i'm arguing. I'm just talking about the general doctrine and how its changed the western moral code.
Most modern atheists believe the same basic principles, thats not a coincidence.
i didn't mean any disrespect uncle leo. i'm going by what i believed true atheism to be from programs i've seen on the tele. i don't believe most people who claim to be atheist are true atheists. so i really don't want this thread to take that turn. in fact; i'll edit to remore that sentence.
i believe you're talking about what people believe christianity to be. original christianity didn't believe the burden of supporting those who could not function in society should be placed on society. people were outcast from that "society" or put to death.
in the original commandments; it says thou shalt not murder. there were reasons to kill. it wasn't until the 1960's that people questioned the need to kill those that killed innocent citizens.
Like said before, I don't believe in the death penalty in it's present for, because of the numerous innocent people that have been sentenced to death. If someone commits a truly heinous crime and they are caught in the act or on video or whatever, I'm ok with the death penalty.
But the crime has to be pretty bad for me to go for it (rape, murder, etc.), I don't think most crimes should end someone's life. While our system isn't the best for it, people can change and they can be rehabilitated.
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
i believe people can be "rehabilitated". i've seen people start over. i did. it took my death to open my eyes; but i did start over. but i've also seen society make it impossible for someone to start over and function in society.
i know someone that was accused of a sex crime. he was in a colorado hospital at the time this was suppose to happen; but someones testimony meant more. he's banned from living in many places. it's impossible for him to find a normal job because of background checks; so he started his own business installing satellite tv systems. he's one of the lucky ones. i know others (not sex offenders) who couldn't get good jobs because of background checks so they turned to selling drugs. if you do it properly; selling drugs is very profitable; with low risk. so if their lives are precious and they deserve a second chance; why doesn't society give them that second chance?
Because society is flawed, if death is a consequence of incompatability - why should the should the solution be death to the individual.. why not death to society?
because that would be stupid.
Cherish there own life maybe, but other's lives wouldn't be that important. At least thats how I would see it. If I believed life was all there was, I wouldn't give a shit about anyone but myself and do whatever it takes for survival.
i really like this answer. i know what solitary confinement can be like. we're expected to have 3 days of heavy rain and once my internet goes out; it's solitary confinement with privledges. i'm stranded for at least a week waiting for roads to dry out. if i had to be in a small cell; i'd go crazy. if i knew this was permanent; i'd kill myself. i have a DNR order in because of my illness so i'm not afraid to die. my quality of life is worth more to me than being confined. be it a convenescent home or a vegetative state.
i agree with your views on the death penalty btw.
beautiful answer. that's how i understand it. when you cherish the lives of others; isn't that all christianity really is. Jesus only taught to love others. not building temples or churches.
please explain. i see the indivual to be part of society.
The easy answer is that most people think they don't deserve one.
I find this post a little out of your character (a useful reminder that everyone is so much more than what we can understand of them?
not if you are the individual..
if you are not stupid, you could develop a more agreeable solution than killing those that don't comply
many individuals do not
This does NOT means I am against punishment. A criminal should do the time in prison... if it means the rest of his life.. it should be the rest of his life.
And just because someone is against Capital Punishment does NOT mean they don't give a shit about the 'Innocent Victims'. Anyone who believes anyone else is 'Pro-Criminal' is an idiot. No one is Pro-Criminal... not matter what your television tells you.
Hail, Hail!!!
mainly becos life is all we've got. it's the only thing i have to lose that i really can't get back. that said, im not afraid to die and i don't think human life is all that special compared to animals or plants or whatever else. just that mine happens to be rather important to me, and becos i imagine most other people feel the same way about their lives, i don't support taking that life lightly.
but i don't oppose the death penalty for that reason. i oppose it becos it's cheaper and safer and life in prison keeps us plenty safe.
boy, you hang out with some savory characters. how come so many of your buddies have a knack for felony convictions? even more remarkable is how many of them are framed or falsely accused! yet you support the death penalty... good thing that person wasn't testifying against your friend in a murder trial.
first; i need to explain. robbers caught in the act do deserve another chance. robbers caught in the act AND INTENT ON DOING BODILY HARM OR DEATH to those inside the house; give up that right. maybe it's better explained by saying that if you try to kill me or do bodily harm to me; YOU give me the right to defend myself.
as to being out of character; i post very often that i will take the extreeme side to get the debate heated. when the debate gets heated; we learn much more about peoples feelings. for example; the horn thread. if it didn't get heated; there'd be a dozen posts saying he was wrong and it's a shame about the 2 dead guys. because it did get heated; it went on 12 plus pages and i learned a lot about the people here and how they really feel. i think horn was wrong and i posted that early in the thread.
A few things to open up about "not being able to function in society". First we could start by killing every (yes I will use the word) retarded person in society who contribute nothing but drool on their chests. Even those not that incapcitated would equal up to being axed from "our" society. Same could be said for older folks who suffer serious strokes, heart attacks, etc, and have to ride the wagon and waste in "our" society. Fine line we pick to just say this about prisoners and people who kill innocent victims in this life. I am for the death penalty for asshats that kill, rape, maim as leaving them in prison to me seems like a waste of time. Sure somebody will say "they have to think about it". Well I will say that in my years on this Earth that when I really think about death, I don't need to be in some cell for it to bother me. Anybody who says it is different for them because they are in a cell is kidding themselves. Nobody escapes here easy and I have seen my fair share of friends do stupid things because of thoughts in their heads.
I couldn't imagine from a parent's view that their child no matter how much care they need or what they turn into, dosen't think that birth was a miracle and I don't think that anybody on this board could convince those same parents that their child is about to have a death sentence set upon them by the state. Yes this kind of contradicts my view on the death penalty but I am able to see the other side of the coin.
Regarding you subject title, "Why Do You Think Human Life Is So Precious?"...
My answer is... it's the only life we are certain we possess. There are no guarantees on anything beyond death's portal.
And you may believe you would gladly give your life for others... but, you don't know that. You will only know that if the situation arises where it really comes down to your life or theirs. Other than that.. they are merely empty words. My guess is that when we are on our death beds... and the last bits of life leaves our bodies... we will all want more.
As for Crime and Punishment... life in prison is considered punishment in my books.
Hail, Hail!!!