You are confusing your issues, or at least you are trying to bring too many things into the equation. Dude, I'm not talking about the issue of politicians who use fear-mongering as a tactic. I know and AGREE with you about that.
In this case, I'm talking about journalism and the poor taste that was shown by the NYT. That's all.
I addressed that too when I said that, in my opinion, page 34 was about the right place for it. Poor journalism is plastering every half-baked whack-jobs plans all over the front page everytime someone says "boo." Hell, there aren't enough front pages in the country to handle all that noise.
So planning to blow something up and trying to are really all that different? Only difference is a matter of time. I'm glad you aren't in charge we'd procrastinate ourselves right into the grave.
i didn't say that it wasn't a good thing that they were caught or that the plan was broken up... I am happy that the were arrested. However, it's not the huge "unthinkable" news that US attorney's and justice dept said...
"...the attack the boasted would be so devastating to the airport that 'even the Twin Towers can't touch it.' Like the Fort Dix case several weeks ago, this plot highlights the evolving nature of the terrorist threat we face, and our investigation into both plots highlights how our agents and prosecutors are refining their capability to detect and pre-empt such plots before they advance to a dangerous stage."
"The defendants are charged with conspiring to bomb one of the busiest airports in the United States, located in one of the most densely populated areas in the northeast – had the plot been carried out, it could have resulted in unfathomable damage, deaths, and destruction," stated U.S. Attorney Mauskopf.
If that isn't fear-mongering I don't know what is. All of the news media that ran with it should be ashamed.
My whole life
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
The news item is that 4 men were caught tyring to attempt mass murder through a terrorist stike against the US. That is front page news anyday of the week! That is all that matters. It is a mute point if it was the fucking three stooges that were plotting this attack, okay - the news is that 4 human beings were trying to kill thousands of other human beings becuase of religous-motivated hatred.
What if these guys had figured out their plan was faulty and instead tried for an easier target? What if they decided, fuck this gas shit... let's just go pull a London subway attack????
The POINT is that these are murderous-planning bastards and they were caught. That is big-time news, okay? I'm not sure how you can disagree with that....
Let's say your kids went to a school were a few of their classmates were caught trying to pull a Columbine or something... only their plan wouldn't have worked for some reason or another... Wouldn't you say that is some HUGE news that these kids were caught before they attempted anything??? Think about that, especially if they were your children's classmates.
I'm not debating the fact that it was news. I am simply stating that the media over sensationalizes everything. The new here in NYC stated that the attack could have killed thousands of people when in reality that is a lie. There was no potential for that attack to even work never mind kill thousands of people. Another instance is about a year ago there where terrorists planning to blow up the Holland Tunnel. the media stated that if they had succeeded thousands would have died and lower Manhattan would have been flooded. Yet again the experts come on a state that that there would have been casualties but not thousands of them and lower Manhattan was in no danger of flooding had the attack been successful.
"When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads." - Ron Paul
i didn't say that it wasn't a good thing that they were caught or that the plan was broken up... I am happy that the were arrested. However, it's not the huge "unthinkable" news that US attorney's and justice dept said...
"...the attack the boasted would be so devastating to the airport that 'even the Twin Towers can't touch it.' Like the Fort Dix case several weeks ago, this plot highlights the evolving nature of the terrorist threat we face, and our investigation into both plots highlights how our agents and prosecutors are refining their capability to detect and pre-empt such plots before they advance to a dangerous stage."
"The defendants are charged with conspiring to bomb one of the busiest airports in the United States, located in one of the most densely populated areas in the northeast – had the plot been carried out, it could have resulted in unfathomable damage, deaths, and destruction," stated U.S. Attorney Mauskopf.
If that isn't fear-mongering I don't know what is. All of the news media that ran with it should be ashamed.
Obviously, the news should be truthful...but it is important to share these stories because they do happen and it is only fair to report on the successes as well as the failures. You need the total package.
When you are verbally attacked you tend to emphasis your good
The news item is that 4 men were caught tyring to attempt mass murder through a terrorist stike against the US. That is front page news anyday of the week! That is all that matters. It is a mute point if it was the fucking three stooges that were plotting this attack, okay - the news is that 4 human beings were trying to kill thousands of other human beings becuase of religous-motivated hatred.
What if these guys had figured out their plan was faulty and instead tried for an easier target? What if they decided, fuck this gas shit... let's just go pull a London subway attack????
The POINT is that these are murderous-planning bastards and they were caught. That is big-time news, okay? I'm not sure how you can disagree with that....
Let's say your kids went to a school were a few of their classmates were caught trying to pull a Columbine or something... only their plan wouldn't have worked for some reason or another... Wouldn't you say that is some HUGE news that these kids were caught before they attempted anything??? Think about that, especially if they were your children's classmates.
i think you would appreciate the new york post, the arbiter of journalistic integrity.
if you wanna be a friend of mine
cross the river to the eastside
June 6, 1944. -NORMANDY- Three hundred French civilians were killed and thousands more wounded today in the first hours of America's invasion of continental Europe. Casualties were heaviest among women and children.
Most of the French casualties were the result of artillery fire from American ships attempting to knock out German fortifications prior to the landing of hundreds of thousands of U.S. troops. Reports from a makeshift hospital in the French town of St. Mere Eglise said the carnage was far worse than the French had anticipated and reaction against the American invasion was running high. "We are dying for no reason," said a Frenchman speaking on condition of anonymity. "Americans can't even shoot straight. I never thought I'd say this, but life was better under Adolph Hitler."
The invasion also caused severe environmental damage. American troops, tanks, trucks and machinery destroyed miles of pristine shoreline and thousands of acres of ecologically sensitive wetlands. It was believed that the habitat of the spineless French crab was completely wiped out, threatening the species with extinction. A representative of Greenpeace said his organization, which had tried to stall the invasion for over a year, was appalled at the destruction, but not surprised. "This is just another example of how the military destroys the environment without a second thought, " said Christine Moanmore. "And it's all about corporate greed." Contacted at his Manhattan condo, a member of the French government-in-exile who abandoned Paris when Hitler invaded said the invasion was based solely on American financial interests. "Everyone knows the President Roosevelt has ties to big beer," said Pierre LeWimp.
"Once the German beer industry is conquered, Roosevelt's beer cronies will control the world market and make a fortune."
Administration supporters said America's aggressive actions were based in part on the assertions of controversial scientist Albert Einstein, who sent a letter to Roosevelt speculating that the Germans were developing a secret weapon, a so-called "atomic bomb." Such a weapon could produce casualties on a scale never seen before and cause environmental damage that could last for thousands of years. Hitler has denied having such a weapon and international inspectors were unable to locate such weapons even after spending two long weekends in Germany.
Shortly after the invasion began reports surfaced that German prisoners had been abused by Americans. Mistreatment of Jews by Germans at so-called "concentration camps" has been rumored but so far, remains unproven.
Several thousand Americans died during the first hours of the invasion and French officials are concerned that uncollected corpses pose a public health risk. "The Americans should have planned for this in advance," they said. "It's their mess and we don't intend to clean it up."
Sorry... but, there is one glaring fact that is missing from this whole thing... D-Day occurred in 1944... today, it's 2007. Things have changed.
I know it's meant to be a joke... but, it is basically propaganda to enforce the fear of the Liberal Jew (Oy Vey!!!) bias in the media that the militia types are always warning us against.
Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
Hail, Hail!!!
So planning to blow something up and trying to are really all that different? Only difference is a matter of time. I'm glad you aren't in charge we'd procrastinate ourselves right into the grave.
where the hell have you been? We got a deaf, blind, dumb, procrastinating motherfucker in office, which is why we happen to be in this mess. The Arizona FBI memo explains that well enough.
Contacted at his Manhattan condo, a member of the French government-in-exile who abandoned Paris when Hitler invaded said the invasion was based solely on American financial interests. "Everyone knows the President Roosevelt has ties to big beer," said Pierre LeWimp."
where the hell have you been? We got a deaf, blind, dumb, procrastinating motherfucker in office, which is why we happen to be in this mess. The Arizona FBI memo explains that well enough.
That this whole thing could've been prevented but a procrastinator (i use that term loosely. Mentally retarded would probably suit him better) decided to go on vacation decided to leave it for another day.
That this whole thing could've been prevented but a procrastinator (i use that term loosely. Mentally retarded would probably suit him better) decided to go on vacation decided to leave it for another day.
I think it safe to say that America didn't take the threat as seriosuly as it should have....long ago and up to 9/11/01. Sure, people talked about it, btu we did very little. That's true.
I think it safe to say that America didn't take the threat as seriosuly as it should have....long ago and up to 9/11/01. Sure, people talked about it, btu we did very little. That's true.
it just upsets me. Sorry if it seemed like i was directly attacking you. I just pisses me off that all of the information was handed to this administration and they just laid it on a desk, without doing anything about it.
it just upsets me. Sorry if it seemed like i was directly attacking you. I just pisses me off that all of the information was handed to this administration and they just laid it on a desk, without doing anything about it.
And when we "went to war with" Iraq, a lot of people had access to the briefings that warned we'd be stuck there and we'd lose a lot of American lives and we'd spend a lot of American dollars (borrowed from China, no less) but did our Senators,, read the briefings? No. Only about 7 of them did. Hillary wasn't one of them. I don't believe Biden was one of them. Edwards wasn't one of them either. Only 7 or 8 people read the full briefings.
Yet Hillary and Edwards have the nerve to stand up there with Obama the other night, in the second Dem presidential debate, and both of them act as though Obama is the new, dumb, kid on the block.
Meanwhile Obama, back in 2002 wasn't yet a US Senator and didn't have access to those briefings but he already KNEW what would happen.
*whups Hillary and John upside the head and down the backside with the briefing neither read*
June 6, 1944. -NORMANDY- Three hundred French civilians were killed and thousands more wounded today in the first hours of America's invasion of continental Europe. Casualties were heaviest among women and children.
After going home and watching a few shows on the whole invasion, I found this to be pretty stupid considering how many people got killed.
Then I reread this this morning and I now know why America thinks they won the entire war all by themselves. First paragraph explains that there were no other military might involved. The guy who put this garbage together must have been skooled in Yankyville. "America's invasion". ha ha
Discussing war is one thing. Making fun of an event that probably turned the tide in a war, just to get a silly point across is another. Comparing the controlling of oil fields for greed and the fact that the American public will swallow any excuse to go to war and when they are wrong or bad just substitute it with another to make them feel good is what this tool should have really typed about.
Drew, I'm sorry, but I didn't get past the second paragraph of this utter shit. There are a few things to remember:
1. Hitler wasn't the soverign ruler of France.
2. Hitler's power in France wasn't secured by American involvement and support for fifteen years prior to D-day.
3. Hitler isn't Saddam Hussein anymore than he's George W. Bush.
I could write an article similar to this, only casting Iraq as France, the U.S. as Germany, Britian as Italy, and the insurgents as the French underground - but I've long since realized that the axiom "Mention Hitler and you Lose the Argument" is true.
Reminder: The Iraq War Is Not World War II.
It's just a joke. Sometimes we all need a laugh. Everyone chill.
Some of you get your panties in a wad way too easily..(in even flow?'s case, a thong )
Just be honest here the NYT is a leftist paper, and has been for quite some time now; just be honest. What has really been pissing me off lately is Bush has kept people in this country safe since Sept 12, 2001 and no one and I fucking mean no one gives him credit for any of this. There have been numerous plots to kill innocent Americans since 9/11 and yet all we seem to worry about is his approval rating, or the Iraq Budget witn pork tenderloins all of it, Harry Reid comes to mind and his state of Nevada. They reported this story underneath why Fuddrucker's is a good spot for children's bday parties. Are you fucking serious? If FDR was a Rep, the NYT would crucify him if it wasn't going well, since he wasn't and if we lost, the NYT would report that it was Rep's fault for not giving enough support.
Philly '98 '00 (1 & 2) '03 '06 (1 & 2) '08 (1 & 2)
East Rutherford '98
Merriweather '98
Gorge '05
Vancouver '05
Los Angeles I,II '06
Santa Barbara '06
Fonda Theater '06
Just be honest here the NYT is a leftist paper, and has been for quite some time now; just be honest. What has really been pissing me off lately is Bush has kept people in this country safe since Sept 12, 2001 and no one and I fucking mean no one gives him credit for any of this. There have been numerous plots to kill innocent Americans since 9/11 and yet all we seem to worry about is his approval rating, or the Iraq Budget witn pork tenderloins all of it, Harry Reid comes to mind and his state of Nevada. They reported this story underneath why Fuddrucker's is a good spot for children's bday parties. Are you fucking serious? If FDR was a Rep, the NYT would crucify him if it wasn't going well, since he wasn't and if we lost, the NYT would report that it was Rep's fault for not giving enough support.
This story? Which story are you talking about?
"For to win one hundred victories in one hundred battles is not the acme of skill. To subdue the enemy without fighting is the acme of skill."
- Sun Tzu the leftists, it's not a leftist paper. It's the "news". But don't get them started on Foxnews Channel. THAT is just propaganda.
See how it works?
I'd pit the New York Times journalistic integrity over Fox News (i.e. the New York Post, if I'm not mistaken) any day.
Hey, how about Fox News's William Jefferson coverage? They figured out who he is yet, or are they still randomly pointing cameras at black congressmen and shouting "thar 'e is"?
Just be honest here the NYT is a leftist paper, and has been for quite some time now; just be honest. What has really been pissing me off lately is Bush has kept people in this country safe since Sept 12, 2001 and no one and I fucking mean no one gives him credit for any of this. There have been numerous plots to kill innocent Americans since 9/11 and yet all we seem to worry about is his approval rating, or the Iraq Budget witn pork tenderloins all of it, Harry Reid comes to mind and his state of Nevada. They reported this story underneath why Fuddrucker's is a good spot for children's bday parties. Are you fucking serious? If FDR was a Rep, the NYT would crucify him if it wasn't going well, since he wasn't and if we lost, the NYT would report that it was Rep's fault for not giving enough support.
We where safe during most of Clinton's administration as well, except for the first WTC attack, does anyone give him credit for that. 9/11 was a one in a billion shot in the dark. Most plans are broken up prior to the attack occuring because of the work of law enforcement, be it federal, state or local. It's not really the president who protects us it's the people out in the field. I wouldn't give the president credit for keeping us safe just as I wouldn't blame the presidnet for the actual attack.
"When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads." - Ron Paul the leftists, it's not a leftist paper. It's the "news". But don't get them started on Foxnews Channel. THAT is just propaganda.
See how it works?
It's the New York Times what do you expect. A paper based in one of the most liberal cities in the country sure as hell isn't going to be leaning to the right.
"When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads." - Ron Paul
It's the New York Times what do you expect. A paper based in one of the most liberal cities in the country sure as hell isn't going to be leaning to the right.
I'm not arguing that. I'm talking about the people here..not the paper.
I'd pit the New York Times journalistic integrity over Fox News (i.e. the New York Post, if I'm not mistaken) any day.
Hey, how about Fox News's William Jefferson coverage? They figured out who he is yet, or are they still randomly pointing cameras at black congressmen and shouting "thar 'e is"?
Of course you would, that's my point.
How much coverage is that story getting in the Times?
$90k in his freezer...nothing to see here..move along..nothing to see here.
How much coverage is that story getting in the Times?
$90k in his freezer...nothing to see here..move along..nothing to see here.
Well, I don't usually buy the Times, but considering I saw it on the cover of just about every newspaper when the indictment was handed down, I'd say plenty. Only, see, in those newspapers, they showed a picture of the right black congressman.
I'd pit the New York Times journalistic integrity over Fox News (i.e. the New York Post, if I'm not mistaken) any day.
Hey, how about Fox News's William Jefferson coverage? They figured out who he is yet, or are they still randomly pointing cameras at black congressmen and shouting "thar 'e is"?
OMG, first of all you can't have a straight comparison becuase one is a cable news outlet and the other is a news paper. What a cheap shot with the Jefferson flub!
We where safe during most of Clinton's administration as well, except for the first WTC attack, does anyone give him credit for that. 9/11 was a one in a billion shot in the dark. Most plans are broken up prior to the attack occuring because of the work of law enforcement, be it federal, state or local. It's not really the president who protects us it's the people out in the field. I wouldn't give the president credit for keeping us safe just as I wouldn't blame the presidnet for the actual attack.
This global Jihad didn't even get going until late into Clinton's second term. The Taliban didn't take over in Afghanistan until what, 1997? Still, I'll give him credit where credit is due. I'm not bashing Clinton, personally I thought he was a pretty good president.
OMG, first of all you can't have a straight comparison becuase one is a cable news outlet and the other is a news paper. What a cheap shot with the Jefferson flub!
Well, if you'll read up a bit, you'll see I'm not the one who made the original comparison.
As for the cheap shot, well why not? Fox News is the cheap shot network, and I never claimed to be above them. Besides, it was funny.
This global Jihad didn't even get going until late into Clinton's second term. The Taliban didn't take over in Afghanistan until what, 1997? Still, I'll give him credit where credit is due. I'm not bashing Clinton, personally I thought he was a pretty good president.
My point is, and maybe i didn't express it clearly, is that the President hasn't done anything substancial to safe guard our country. WE are protected by the people in law inforcement and the intelligence community. The same way these people protected us prior to 9/11.
"When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads." - Ron Paul
OMG, first of all you can't have a straight comparison becuase one is a cable news outlet and the other is a news paper. What a cheap shot with the Jefferson flub!
new york post is a paper. it is owned by r.murdoch's news corp. it's a paper that i'm sure had the JFK TERROR PLOT [TO KILL US ALL BECAUSE THEY HATE US] on the cover, just like they had paris hilton's prison photo on the cover this week and a-rod's stripper lady friend recently.
NYT to NYP comparison is completely valid, well at least in the sense that they are both paper objects.
if you wanna be a friend of mine
cross the river to the eastside
i didn't say that it wasn't a good thing that they were caught or that the plan was broken up... I am happy that the were arrested. However, it's not the huge "unthinkable" news that US attorney's and justice dept said...
"...the attack the boasted would be so devastating to the airport that 'even the Twin Towers can't touch it.' Like the Fort Dix case several weeks ago, this plot highlights the evolving nature of the terrorist threat we face, and our investigation into both plots highlights how our agents and prosecutors are refining their capability to detect and pre-empt such plots before they advance to a dangerous stage."
"The defendants are charged with conspiring to bomb one of the busiest airports in the United States, located in one of the most densely populated areas in the northeast – had the plot been carried out, it could have resulted in unfathomable damage, deaths, and destruction," stated U.S. Attorney Mauskopf.
If that isn't fear-mongering I don't know what is. All of the news media that ran with it should be ashamed.
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
I'm not debating the fact that it was news. I am simply stating that the media over sensationalizes everything. The new here in NYC stated that the attack could have killed thousands of people when in reality that is a lie. There was no potential for that attack to even work never mind kill thousands of people. Another instance is about a year ago there where terrorists planning to blow up the Holland Tunnel. the media stated that if they had succeeded thousands would have died and lower Manhattan would have been flooded. Yet again the experts come on a state that that there would have been casualties but not thousands of them and lower Manhattan was in no danger of flooding had the attack been successful.
Obviously, the news should be truthful...but it is important to share these stories because they do happen and it is only fair to report on the successes as well as the failures. You need the total package.
When you are verbally attacked you tend to emphasis your good
i think you would appreciate the new york post, the arbiter of journalistic integrity.
cross the river to the eastside
Sorry... but, there is one glaring fact that is missing from this whole thing... D-Day occurred in 1944... today, it's 2007. Things have changed.
I know it's meant to be a joke... but, it is basically propaganda to enforce the fear of the Liberal Jew (Oy Vey!!!) bias in the media that the militia types are always warning us against.
Hail, Hail!!!
where the hell have you been? We got a deaf, blind, dumb, procrastinating motherfucker in office, which is why we happen to be in this mess. The Arizona FBI memo explains that well enough.
Did someone say beer?
What is your point exactly?
That this whole thing could've been prevented but a procrastinator (i use that term loosely. Mentally retarded would probably suit him better) decided to go on vacation decided to leave it for another day.
I think it safe to say that America didn't take the threat as seriosuly as it should have....long ago and up to 9/11/01. Sure, people talked about it, btu we did very little. That's true.
it just upsets me. Sorry if it seemed like i was directly attacking you. I just pisses me off that all of the information was handed to this administration and they just laid it on a desk, without doing anything about it.
And when we "went to war with" Iraq, a lot of people had access to the briefings that warned we'd be stuck there and we'd lose a lot of American lives and we'd spend a lot of American dollars (borrowed from China, no less) but did our Senators,, read the briefings? No. Only about 7 of them did. Hillary wasn't one of them. I don't believe Biden was one of them. Edwards wasn't one of them either. Only 7 or 8 people read the full briefings.
Yet Hillary and Edwards have the nerve to stand up there with Obama the other night, in the second Dem presidential debate, and both of them act as though Obama is the new, dumb, kid on the block.
Meanwhile Obama, back in 2002 wasn't yet a US Senator and didn't have access to those briefings but he already KNEW what would happen.
*whups Hillary and John upside the head and down the backside with the briefing neither read*
And don't get me started on the Republicans....
After going home and watching a few shows on the whole invasion, I found this to be pretty stupid considering how many people got killed.
Then I reread this this morning and I now know why America thinks they won the entire war all by themselves. First paragraph explains that there were no other military might involved. The guy who put this garbage together must have been skooled in Yankyville. "America's invasion". ha ha
Discussing war is one thing. Making fun of an event that probably turned the tide in a war, just to get a silly point across is another. Comparing the controlling of oil fields for greed and the fact that the American public will swallow any excuse to go to war and when they are wrong or bad just substitute it with another to make them feel good is what this tool should have really typed about.
It's just a joke. Sometimes we all need a laugh. Everyone chill.
Some of you get your panties in a wad way too easily..(in even flow?'s case, a thong
East Rutherford '98
Merriweather '98
Gorge '05
Vancouver '05
Los Angeles I,II '06
Santa Barbara '06
Fonda Theater '06
"For to win one hundred victories in one hundred battles is not the acme of skill. To subdue the enemy without fighting is the acme of skill."
- Sun Tzu the leftists, it's not a leftist paper. It's the "news". But don't get them started on Foxnews Channel. THAT is just propaganda.
See how it works?
Hey, how about Fox News's William Jefferson coverage? They figured out who he is yet, or are they still randomly pointing cameras at black congressmen and shouting "thar 'e is"?
We where safe during most of Clinton's administration as well, except for the first WTC attack, does anyone give him credit for that. 9/11 was a one in a billion shot in the dark. Most plans are broken up prior to the attack occuring because of the work of law enforcement, be it federal, state or local. It's not really the president who protects us it's the people out in the field. I wouldn't give the president credit for keeping us safe just as I wouldn't blame the presidnet for the actual attack.
It's the New York Times what do you expect. A paper based in one of the most liberal cities in the country sure as hell isn't going to be leaning to the right.
I'm not arguing that. I'm talking about the people here..not the paper.
Of course you would, that's my point.
How much coverage is that story getting in the Times?
$90k in his freezer...nothing to see here..move along..nothing to see here.
OMG, first of all you can't have a straight comparison becuase one is a cable news outlet and the other is a news paper. What a cheap shot with the Jefferson flub!
This global Jihad didn't even get going until late into Clinton's second term. The Taliban didn't take over in Afghanistan until what, 1997? Still, I'll give him credit where credit is due. I'm not bashing Clinton, personally I thought he was a pretty good president.
As for the cheap shot, well why not? Fox News is the cheap shot network, and I never claimed to be above them. Besides, it was funny.
My point is, and maybe i didn't express it clearly, is that the President hasn't done anything substancial to safe guard our country. WE are protected by the people in law inforcement and the intelligence community. The same way these people protected us prior to 9/11.
new york post is a paper. it is owned by r.murdoch's news corp. it's a paper that i'm sure had the JFK TERROR PLOT [TO KILL US ALL BECAUSE THEY HATE US] on the cover, just like they had paris hilton's prison photo on the cover this week and a-rod's stripper lady friend recently.
NYT to NYP comparison is completely valid, well at least in the sense that they are both paper objects.
cross the river to the eastside