lol what a gift to the republicans! I cant thank you enough Johnny boy.
How is this a gift to the republicans? Kerry isn't even up for re-election. Kerry's comments have nothing to do with any of the other Democratic candidates running this year.
"When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads." - Ron Paul
How is this a gift to the republicans? Kerry isn't even up for re-election. Kerry's comments have nothing to do with any of the other Democratic candidates running this year.
but the media will overplay this for three days.
you're a real hooker. im gonna slap you in public.
~Ron Burgundy
How is this a gift to the republicans? Kerry isn't even up for re-election. Kerry's comments have nothing to do with any of the other Democratic candidates running this year.
I know how it works, or better term would be doesn't work. I'm just thinking logically which I know isn't allowed in the realm of politics. Kerry's comment wether you agree or disagree has nothing to do with other democrats.
"When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads." - Ron Paul
lol what a gift to the republicans! I cant thank you enough Johnny boy.
It's really more a gift to Hillary Clinton, John Edwards, Barak Obama - or any other democrat that wants to be the president.
This is on par with Howard Dean's rant after loosing that primary. He just ended what small chance he had to be the president. It's time to shut the fuck up and get out of the way now. Too bad Howard Dean hasn't done that. These guys have such big egos!
Will this piss some people off? Yes. The chances of this being the deciding factor for voters though is so minimal it isn't even worth talking about. Let's see, the 2006 mid-term election is turning into a referendum on the war in Iraq and the Bush policies. A stupid mis-worded phrase being pumped out in the media by the GOP isn't going to change peoples minds. People are fed up with this administration, they are fed up with the rubber stamp Congress, they are fed up with scandals of kick backs and sexual contact between Congressman and pages, and they are ready for some checks and balances in Iraq.
What Senator Kerry was not worded properly, but the man supports the troops, just like every Democrat.
I know how it works, or better term would be doesn't work. I'm just thinking logically which I know isn't allowed in the realm of politics. Kerry's comment wether you agree or disagree has nothing to do with other democrats.
some of bushs or cheneys comments have nothing to do with ALL republicans but that doesnt seem to hold true for liberals. its all just a political game.
some of bushs or cheneys comments have nothing to do with ALL republicans but that doesnt seem to hold true for liberals. its all just a political game.
That could have something to do with the fact that Bush and Cheney are the president and vice-president of the entire country, whereas Kerry is one of two senators from a smallish east coast state.
"Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity." ~ MLK, 1963
some of bushs or cheneys comments have nothing to do with ALL republicans but that doesnt seem to hold true for liberals. its all just a political game.
Well guess what then they are just as stupid as the people making a big deal about Kerry's comments.
"When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads." - Ron Paul
That could have something to do with the fact that Bush and Cheney are the president and vice-president of the entire country, whereas Kerry is one of two senators from a smallish east coast state.
Kerry's comment was ridiculous and it's quite funny to see the cons falling all over themselves in the race to condemn Kerry's utterance. Even our war hero prez is going to jump in the fray.
Kerry's comment was ridiculous and it's quite funny to see the cons falling all over themselves in the race to condemn Kerry's utterance. Even our war hero prez is going to jump in the fray.
I'm enjoying the show myself
"Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity." ~ MLK, 1963
Kerry's comment was ridiculous and it's quite funny to see the cons falling all over themselves in the race to condemn Kerry's utterance. Even our war hero prez is going to jump in the fray.
so its not funny to you when all the liberals jump all over a republican's comment.
How is this a gift to the republicans? Kerry isn't even up for re-election. Kerry's comments have nothing to do with any of the other Democratic candidates running this year.
when you're in the public eye; your comments represent the party or group you represent; unless of course everyone realizes the speaker is a complete idiot.
he insulted every voter with a friend or relative in the military. and they're saying: SO THIS IS HOW THE DEMS CONSIDER MY SON.
when you're in the public eye; your comments represent the party or group you represent; unless of course everyone realizes the speaker is a complete idiot.
he insulted every voter with a friend or relative in the military. and they're saying: SO THIS IS HOW THE DEMS CONSIDER MY SON.
That my friend is a stretch. John Kerry's remarks may have been stupid but they where in no way disrespectfull towards the troops. It was a bone headed comment and nothing more. People like Limbaugh and Hannity are the one's insinuating that he is disrespecting the troops and all their dittohead followers who can barely muster an original thaught of their own are singing in chorus.
"When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads." - Ron Paul
when you're in the public eye; your comments represent the party or group you represent; unless of course everyone realizes the speaker is a complete idiot.
he insulted every voter with a friend or relative in the military. and they're saying: SO THIS IS HOW THE DEMS CONSIDER MY SON.
Kerry represents the voters of Massachusetts, not all Dems.
You may or may not know this... but, i am a Republican. A middle of the road conservative who believes in basic, not radical, conservative ideals.
That being said... You guys are grasping for threads, here. John Kerry? Come on... how long ago was that story?
you should be more concerned about the way YOUR party has been hi-jacked by these ultra-extremist far Right Wing fanatics. Look at all of the terrible things that have been done in your party... a gigantic, intrusive government. Since when was BIG government... that looks in your bank account and at your phone calls... been a Conservative value? What about the whole morals issues? Foley... Abramoff... Delay... is a 54 year old man jacking off to a teenager's messages your conservativism? Because it sure ain't mine. Same goes for corrupt deals to line the pockets of these greedy fucking assholes.
And Iraq... since when is fucking over our military personel by lying to them and shipping them overseas to be referrees in a fucking religious civil war part of the Republican Doctrine?
So, on one side you got Kerry...
On the other side you got Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Rice, Foley, DeLay, Abramoff, Iraq, inept handling of FEMA, gigantic government, intrusive policies, massive deficit... Looks like you got the shit end of the stick, here.
You guys need to quit acting like dicks and get this ship pointed in the right direction again. Put in office whoever will get America out of thise fucked up place we've been led. I don't care if they are Democrats or Republicans or Libertarians or Aliens... whoever gets us off this fucked up course.
Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
Hail, Hail!!!
lol what a gift to the republicans! I cant thank you enough Johnny boy.
I would take John Kerry over the gifts that the Republican controlled government has given us such as war, war and more war, fear, corruption, scandals, abuse of power, increase in deficit, unemployment and gas prices, loss of freedom in the name of security and God, the blundering of national security on 9/11 and for Hurricane Katrina as well as the loss of credibility with the rest of the world. And that's just a few of the great gifts we got from the Republicans.
"...believe in get's divine...whoa...oh, you know what its like..."
....well is it true or is it true? Sure there are some smart folks over there but it's long been my opinion that people join the military for one of three reasons.
1) Poverty (promised a job & money for education)
2) Ignorance (brainwashed into thinking that fighting is patriotic and noble)
3) Stupidity (like my best friend Tyler who knows the risks and doesn't believe in the cause, but he wants more flying time in a helicopter)
It's been argued on this board several times because people think they can come up with other reasons why someone would ever join the U.S. military but without fail, any reason will fall into one of these three categories.
Kerry just said what many already know.
He is a fool in the political game for saying it.
I like to think of voting for corrupt politicians as a vote for the lesser of two evils. Where ever that evil might reside.
I hope one day that won't be the case.
You may or may not know this... but, i am a Republican. A middle of the road conservative who believes in basic, not radical, conservative ideals.
That being said... You guys are grasping for threads, here. John Kerry? Come on... how long ago was that story?
you should be more concerned about the way YOUR party has been hi-jacked by these ultra-extremist far Right Wing fanatics. Look at all of the terrible things that have been done in your party... a gigantic, intrusive government. Since when was BIG government... that looks in your bank account and at your phone calls... been a Conservative value? What about the whole morals issues? Foley... Abramoff... Delay... is a 54 year old man jacking off to a teenager's messages your conservativism? Because it sure ain't mine. Same goes for corrupt deals to line the pockets of these greedy fucking assholes.
And Iraq... since when is fucking over our military personel by lying to them and shipping them overseas to be referrees in a fucking religious civil war part of the Republican Doctrine?
So, on one side you got Kerry...
On the other side you got Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Rice, Foley, DeLay, Abramoff, Iraq, inept handling of FEMA, gigantic government, intrusive policies, massive deficit... Looks like you got the shit end of the stick, here.
You guys need to quit acting like dicks and get this ship pointed in the right direction again. Put in office whoever will get America out of thise fucked up place we've been led. I don't care if they are Democrats or Republicans or Libertarians or Aliens... whoever gets us off this fucked up course.
Well said, Cosmo.
I see this hullabaloo about Kerry's comments from the GOP, much ado about nothing. They really are just reaching for it this close to elections. Trying anything to distract the voters from the real issues.
I don't see how Kerry's comment is any different from Michael Moore videotaping army recruiters targeting the poor side of town. Without poverty, we wouldn't have a military. At least Kerry has the guts to admit it.
O i cant wait. My man, the genius Karl Rove, is going to have a field day with this one.
John Kerry just two years ago was the democratic nominee for president of the U.S, and now he goes out and bashes the troops. Beautiful timing johnny...all you had to do was keep that frankenstein looking trap of yours shut and the dems pretty much could have coasted next week.
O i cant wait. My man, the genius Karl Rove, is going to have a field day with this one.
John Kerry just two years ago was the democratic nominee for president of the U.S, and now he goes out and bashes the troops. Beautiful timing johnny...all you had to do was keep that frankenstein looking trap of yours shut and the dems pretty much could have coasted next week.
Guess what? The troops in Iraq are stuck there. They don't want to be there and they know that they shouldn't be there. It's not like Iraq is this noble war like WW2 or something like that. Americans are dying for nothing. Every time you utter shit like this, you are pissing on the grave of those people that got stuck in Iraq and never came out. Good on you, you patriot.
1/12/1879, 4/8/1156, 2/6/1977, who gives a shit, ...
Americans are dying for nothing. Every time you utter shit like this, you are pissing on the grave of those people that got stuck in Iraq and never came out. Good on you, you patriot.
"Massachusetts Sen. John Kerry defiantly and in no uncertain terms declared Tuesday that he would "apologize to no one" for statements made a day earlier, in which he told a gathering of California college students that if you don't do well in school, you will "get stuck in Iraq."
Im pissing on graves...sorry pal, john kerry is calling troops who serve and have fallen in battle IDIOTS. He is the lowest of the low.
How is this a gift to the republicans? Kerry isn't even up for re-election. Kerry's comments have nothing to do with any of the other Democratic candidates running this year.
but the media will overplay this for three days.
~Ron Burgundy
do you really have any idea how politics works?
I know how it works, or better term would be doesn't work. I'm just thinking logically which I know isn't allowed in the realm of politics. Kerry's comment wether you agree or disagree has nothing to do with other democrats.
It's really more a gift to Hillary Clinton, John Edwards, Barak Obama - or any other democrat that wants to be the president.
This is on par with Howard Dean's rant after loosing that primary. He just ended what small chance he had to be the president. It's time to shut the fuck up and get out of the way now. Too bad Howard Dean hasn't done that. These guys have such big egos!
Will this piss some people off? Yes. The chances of this being the deciding factor for voters though is so minimal it isn't even worth talking about. Let's see, the 2006 mid-term election is turning into a referendum on the war in Iraq and the Bush policies. A stupid mis-worded phrase being pumped out in the media by the GOP isn't going to change peoples minds. People are fed up with this administration, they are fed up with the rubber stamp Congress, they are fed up with scandals of kick backs and sexual contact between Congressman and pages, and they are ready for some checks and balances in Iraq.
What Senator Kerry was not worded properly, but the man supports the troops, just like every Democrat.
some of bushs or cheneys comments have nothing to do with ALL republicans but that doesnt seem to hold true for liberals. its all just a political game.
Well guess what then they are just as stupid as the people making a big deal about Kerry's comments.
no it doesnt.
i guess so. its all a big game
so its not funny to you when all the liberals jump all over a republican's comment.
when you're in the public eye; your comments represent the party or group you represent; unless of course everyone realizes the speaker is a complete idiot.
he insulted every voter with a friend or relative in the military. and they're saying: SO THIS IS HOW THE DEMS CONSIDER MY SON.
That my friend is a stretch. John Kerry's remarks may have been stupid but they where in no way disrespectfull towards the troops. It was a bone headed comment and nothing more. People like Limbaugh and Hannity are the one's insinuating that he is disrespecting the troops and all their dittohead followers who can barely muster an original thaught of their own are singing in chorus.
That being said... You guys are grasping for threads, here. John Kerry? Come on... how long ago was that story?
you should be more concerned about the way YOUR party has been hi-jacked by these ultra-extremist far Right Wing fanatics. Look at all of the terrible things that have been done in your party... a gigantic, intrusive government. Since when was BIG government... that looks in your bank account and at your phone calls... been a Conservative value? What about the whole morals issues? Foley... Abramoff... Delay... is a 54 year old man jacking off to a teenager's messages your conservativism? Because it sure ain't mine. Same goes for corrupt deals to line the pockets of these greedy fucking assholes.
And Iraq... since when is fucking over our military personel by lying to them and shipping them overseas to be referrees in a fucking religious civil war part of the Republican Doctrine?
So, on one side you got Kerry...
On the other side you got Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Rice, Foley, DeLay, Abramoff, Iraq, inept handling of FEMA, gigantic government, intrusive policies, massive deficit... Looks like you got the shit end of the stick, here.
You guys need to quit acting like dicks and get this ship pointed in the right direction again. Put in office whoever will get America out of thise fucked up place we've been led. I don't care if they are Democrats or Republicans or Libertarians or Aliens... whoever gets us off this fucked up course.
Hail, Hail!!!
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
I would take John Kerry over the gifts that the Republican controlled government has given us such as war, war and more war, fear, corruption, scandals, abuse of power, increase in deficit, unemployment and gas prices, loss of freedom in the name of security and God, the blundering of national security on 9/11 and for Hurricane Katrina as well as the loss of credibility with the rest of the world. And that's just a few of the great gifts we got from the Republicans.
1) Poverty (promised a job & money for education)
2) Ignorance (brainwashed into thinking that fighting is patriotic and noble)
3) Stupidity (like my best friend Tyler who knows the risks and doesn't believe in the cause, but he wants more flying time in a helicopter)
It's been argued on this board several times because people think they can come up with other reasons why someone would ever join the U.S. military but without fail, any reason will fall into one of these three categories.
He is a fool in the political game for saying it.
I like to think of voting for corrupt politicians as a vote for the lesser of two evils. Where ever that evil might reside.
I hope one day that won't be the case.
-Greg Dulli
I see this hullabaloo about Kerry's comments from the GOP, much ado about nothing. They really are just reaching for it this close to elections. Trying anything to distract the voters from the real issues.
Kills a pound of pain
John Kerry just two years ago was the democratic nominee for president of the U.S, and now he goes out and bashes the troops. Beautiful timing johnny...all you had to do was keep that frankenstein looking trap of yours shut and the dems pretty much could have coasted next week.
Guess what? The troops in Iraq are stuck there. They don't want to be there and they know that they shouldn't be there. It's not like Iraq is this noble war like WW2 or something like that. Americans are dying for nothing. Every time you utter shit like this, you are pissing on the grave of those people that got stuck in Iraq and never came out. Good on you, you patriot.
"Massachusetts Sen. John Kerry defiantly and in no uncertain terms declared Tuesday that he would "apologize to no one" for statements made a day earlier, in which he told a gathering of California college students that if you don't do well in school, you will "get stuck in Iraq."
Im pissing on graves...sorry pal, john kerry is calling troops who serve and have fallen in battle IDIOTS. He is the lowest of the low.