12 yr old has sex change

This is just sick and disgusting imo
A 12-year-old German boy who insisted he was a girl trapped in a boy's body convinced his parents that something had to be done, so they agreed to allow him to receive a series of hormone injections, making him the youngest sex-change patient in the world, according to published reports Monday.
Now 14, the boy, who went by the name Tim, has now become Kim – a blue-eyed blonde with a growing bust line who is allowed to wear make-up at weekends.
Kim has no boyfriends at present but her parents say she is interested in what, now, is the opposite sex.
Her treatment, which has cost more than $40,000, is being funded by German taxpayers.
Psychiatrists treating her say she was an ‘exceptional case – a person clearly in the wrong body’, even though the decision to grant her wishes when she was so young is still the subject of intense debate.
Her identity and medical insurance cards have been changed to her new name and sex.
A 12-year-old German boy who insisted he was a girl trapped in a boy's body convinced his parents that something had to be done, so they agreed to allow him to receive a series of hormone injections, making him the youngest sex-change patient in the world, according to published reports Monday.
Now 14, the boy, who went by the name Tim, has now become Kim – a blue-eyed blonde with a growing bust line who is allowed to wear make-up at weekends.
Kim has no boyfriends at present but her parents say she is interested in what, now, is the opposite sex.
Her treatment, which has cost more than $40,000, is being funded by German taxpayers.
Psychiatrists treating her say she was an ‘exceptional case – a person clearly in the wrong body’, even though the decision to grant her wishes when she was so young is still the subject of intense debate.
Her identity and medical insurance cards have been changed to her new name and sex.
America...the greatest Country in the world.
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First, I am not fond of the taxpayers funding it and I am a big commie liberal.
Second, I don't know at what age this should be able to occur, but I tend to think it is above 12. Then again, what to do now. I don't think taking the "sin" out of him through some extensive therapy is the way to go. I think that a suprising number of people feel like this kid does. There seems to be no right answer...
from my window to yours
I hated living in Germany. Stupid Krauts.
The whole thing is just sick.
how about the emotional effects of living as a boy when, really, you were supposed to be a girl? is that not a concern here? i understand the taxpayer element here, but, i believe that it's better for someone to be who they truly are rather than going through life as a conflicted individual. if she grows up and decides she was wrong...well, she has the bill on that one.
from my window to yours
he is 12. can you vote at 12? go to war? drink? smoke? no. becos 12 year olds cannot make huge, potentially life-altering decisions. this is fucking nuts and anyone who says otherwise is too.
if he wants to be a girl so bad, he can start by being the fruity gay kid.
She/he should foot the bill on this one.
and I have long insisted that I am a Lesbian trapped in the body of a man... that's my gig... no one else's.
Hail, Hail!!!
no, i just don't think it's my place to pass that sort of judgment on another.
from my window to yours
I bet they miss you as well.
Freedom is Slavery
Ignorance is Strength
so, only people with money should live happy, adjusted, psychosis-free lives?
from my window to yours
then we should repeal voting regulations and let children vote for political candidates? buy liquor and cigarettes? by supporting those prohibitions, you're passing judgment on them.
well then, you must be enraged to be a tax payer in the good ol' US of A.
angels share laughter
i'm talking about the situation at hand. you find it repulsive and i disagree. if you want me opinion then ask...or, don't ask...
cigarette and liquor laws are in place for the health of the person. if a person under the age of 18 demonstrated that they are capable of forming an intelligent, read opinion on politics then i say let them vote...they can't do any worse then the present electorate.
but, the personal decision of someone to have a sex change doesn't bother me. it doesn't affect me, and it doesn't affect you. if a child wants to smoke and drink, i don't fucking care. let them. i have never passed judgment on someone for smoking...i've passed judgment on them smoking where it affects me.
if you want to take it to the extreme based on my statement about not judging people then that's fine. it's ridiculous, but it's fine. why? because neither my opinion nor your opinion controls in germany. it doesn't even control here. so, it doesn't really matter.
i see that you are fine with transplanting your personal feelings on the matter onto a person whom you neither know nor care about. because, in the end, this individual will be happier and more fulfilled as she is now. but, if not, you're not going to be the to help her through it. i won't be there either. but, i respect the decisions that people make for themselves.
from my window to yours
Its a 12 year old... If this is the case than do you think a 12 yr old having sex with the 25 yr old is ok because its consentual?
No, but the German people shouldn't have to pay because you want to remove your dick and grow your hair out.
The difference being the US hasn't paid for this operation yet, the Germans have.
Yeah I am enraged about some of the things my taxes go towards. That's why I want to pay as little of them as possible. Money should go towards the necessities, not a criminal with a gender identity problem.
naděje umírá poslední
the Germans haven't paid for any operation for this twelve year-old either....she has only had some hormone injections
angels share laughter
you can take the extreme stance too. we're talking about ONE thing here. we're not talking about sex...we're talking about gender-identity. so, go start a thread about adult sex with minors and we'll talk about it. you think that this child walked into a doctor's office and had the operation. that's not how it happened. you have to be more intelligent about it than you are being. note that the individual was evaluated by psychiatrists (maybe she was diagnosed for real instead of just seen for a visit and then precribed medication to treat some wide-open diagnosis). this was not something done on a whim. the surgery isn't complete yet.
from my window to yours
your tax dollars aren't going towards it...so why does it bother you? is it a question of ethics or morals? and, why would you try to transplant your ethical and/or moral stance onto another?
from my window to yours
Beavis: "If I had boobs like that,... I'd leave the house to go get a mirror, and look at my boobs. Heh, heh,... heh".
i guess it cuts both ways. the kid culd be right and the german govt has saved her from growing up in a very difficult and confused state...
she might realise she actually wants to be a boy and she was just going through, for want of a better description, "teen angst".
i hope she is getting continual mental and physical checks just in case. i guess we will not really discover what will happen to her until she is 21 or something
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Give me a break. Call it whatever you want, but the German taxpayers still paid 40,000 for hormone injections to help change this boys gender.
so, you know more than psychiatrists evaluating the individual?
from my window to yours
i dont find it repulsive, i find it fucking stupid that they let kids make a decision like that. if cigarettes and alcohol have a "health effect" that merits government regulation, how does major surgery that alters the very sex of a child not have a "health effect"?