Is this party wrong?(MLK)



  • chopitdown wrote:
    I think the party was dumb to have but at the same time there are theme parties / costumes all the time. What if a group of black guys dress up as fraternity boys to mock them? Would the same outcry have occured?

    i am sure that no one would have said anything...but, the fact is, your scenario didn't, we should focus on what did occur...
    I'll dig a tunnel
    from my window to yours
  • chopitdownchopitdown Posts: 2,222
    i am sure that no one would have said anything...but, the fact is, your scenario didn't, we should focus on what did occur...

    why, we discuss things that didn't occur all the time. How many threads do people talk about what coulda happened? i remember that the draft would be enacted (hypothetically) if the republicans won 2 years ago...and abortion would be illegal that very same day.
    make sure the fortune that you the fortune that you need
  • chopitdown wrote:
    why, we discuss things that didn't occur all the time. How many threads do people talk about what coulda happened? i remember that the draft would be enacted (hypothetically) if the republicans won 2 years ago...and abortion would be illegal that very same day.

    goodness, give me a break...the racial double standard has been beaten down the drain...remember michael richards?

    there is a double's a doesn't make either situation right.

    well, it's okay because the Qs had a frat boy party...they chloroformed a bunch of girls and had sex with them...but they didn't move in and out very much because frat boys have little dicks...then the partygoers wrote "pussy drinker" and "slacker balls" all over the passed out girls with permanent black marker.

    it's like you're trying to say that one cancels out the other. no, both are wrong.
    I'll dig a tunnel
    from my window to yours
    miller8966 wrote:
    What fascist post did i make on this thread? I actually didnt even comment on the story.

    Learn to read

    I was referring to most of your other like to bait people.

    You are please share your wisdom on the matter.
  • chopitdownchopitdown Posts: 2,222
    goodness, give me a break...the racial double standard has been beaten down the drain...remember michael richards?

    it's like you're trying to say that one cancels out the other. no, both are wrong.

    yep i remember that thread. They are both wrong. I just was feelin' a little feisty...that's got to be allowed sometimes.
    make sure the fortune that you the fortune that you need
  • JamMastaEJamMastaE Posts: 444
    chopitdown wrote:
    White people can't make fun of black people in a stereotypical manner but it's ok for blacks to mock white people?

    i never said that,2 wrongs never = a right.but if I'm a..say black student of this college and see or hear of this I'm very mad.I'm in this college trying to better my life and fight this stereo-type that the media likes to it's not bad enough i face a racially biased system,police,job market,i can't even find peace in a place of "higher learning",i gotta deal with dick head,racist white boys throwing a party depicting a black image that most black people despise.fuck that!!!!!!!
    "In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot". Mark Twain

    "I would rather die on my feet than to live on my knees."
    Emiliano Zapata
  • chopitdown wrote:
    yep i remember that thread. They are both wrong. I just was feelin' a little feisty...that's got to be allowed sometimes.

    true...feist away.
    I'll dig a tunnel
    from my window to yours
  • miller8966miller8966 Posts: 1,450
    JOEJOEJOE wrote:
    I was referring to most of your other like to bait people.

    You are please share your wisdom on the matter.

    I have no wisdom on this matter. I just thought it was an interesting story that i wanted to share with the train.
    America...the greatest Country in the world.
  • enharmonicenharmonic Posts: 1,917
    America, 2007...heads still firmly inserted up asses.
  • Solat13 wrote:

    What a bunch of dumbasses.
    If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.

    Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
    -Oscar Wilde
    miller8966 wrote:
    I have no wisdom on this matter. I just thought it was an interesting story that i wanted to share with the train.

    Mr. Miller, I find it difficult to believe you have no opinion on the matter.

    As i said, you are just trying to bait people here.
  • fanch75fanch75 Posts: 3,734
    Those pictures of those white kids I saw on look like what I'd see at any random, white suburban shopping mall. I don't see what the big deal is.
    Do you remember Rock & Roll Radio?
  • even flow?even flow? Posts: 8,066
    JamMastaE wrote:
    it's not about PC,it's about co-existence through peace and respect.maybe you need to be taught some.

    Did you bitch and cry about the movie White Chicks? Same fucking thing, except those people got paid to do it.
    You've changed your place in this world!
  • South of SeattleSouth of Seattle West Seattle Posts: 10,724
    fanch75 wrote:
    Those pictures of those white kids I saw on look like what I'd see at any random, white suburban shopping mall. I don't see what the big deal is.

    Exactly! They look more like poorly dressed white kids than anything else. That last pic is classic though.
  • cornnifercornnifer Posts: 2,130
    This was at a university?! Unfuckingbelievable. The University has the right, in fact the responsibility, to enforce disciplinary action. Absolutely disgusting. The fact that it was in response to the MLK holiday is IMO further proof that this "party" was motivated by racial hatred and prejudice and that it wasn't just "good clean fun" as some here have chosen to label it. And people here blasted me in another recent thread and said i oversetimate the level of racism in this country. Unfuckingbelievable.

    Honestly, i might expect a party such as this to be defended on, let's say, a Lynard Skynard, fanboard. But never here. i'm sadly disappointed.
    "When all your friends and sedatives mean well but make it worse... better find yourself a place to level out."
  • cornnifercornnifer Posts: 2,130
    fanch75 wrote:
    Those pictures of those white kids I saw on look like what I'd see at any random, white suburban shopping mall. I don't see what the big deal is.

    Really? You see teenage girls dressed up like Aunt Jemima at the fucking mall? You see dickhead kids mocking gang signs wearing t-shirts that say "i love fried chicken" at the mall? Do they have a specialty shop for pointy white hoods and robes at your mall?
    "When all your friends and sedatives mean well but make it worse... better find yourself a place to level out."
  • cornnifer wrote:
    This was at a university?! Unfuckingbelievable. The University has the right, in fact the responsibility, to enforce disciplinary action. Absolutely disgusting. The fact that it was in response to the MLK holiday is IMO further proof that this "party" was motivated by racial hatred and prejudice and that it wasn't just "good clean fun" as some here have chosen to label it. And people here blasted me in another recent thread and said i oversetimate the level of racism in this country. Unfuckingbelievable.

    Honestly, i might expect a party such as this to be defended on, let's say, a Lynard Skynard, fanboard. But never here. i'm sadly disappointed.

    How so? There is no violence. No hatred indicated here. Ignorence at worst. You're the one spewing judgements, not them. Not all mocking/teasing comes out of hatred... in fact, some comes out of admiration.

    Was it tasteless? Yeah. Should kids have their life negatively impacted and punished for a party w/ absolutely no harm caused to anyone? A couple people may have felt offended, at most.

    Dave Chappelle used to put on white skin make up, and talk in a delibrately over the top preppie white guy voice. The World Laughed and called him a genius. All cultures have difference... and if joking around is how we resolve it, instead of killing each other, then id say things are moving forward a lot better than you may think.
  • cornnifercornnifer Posts: 2,130

    Was it tasteless? Yeah. Should kids have their life negatively impacted and punished for a party w/ absolutely no harm caused to anyone? A couple people may have felt offended, at most.

    Dave Chappelle used to put on white skin make up, and talk in a delibrately over the top preppie white guy voice. The World Laughed and called him a genius. All cultures have difference... and if joking around is how we resolve it, instead of killing each other, then id say things are moving forward a lot better than you may think.

    Yes these kids should have their lives negatively impacted and be punished!

    BTW Dave Chapelle is a fucking comedian who does what he does in order to expose racism and poke fun at it. He goofs on EVERYONE, and does it very openly for everyone to see! Its paraody. HE'S A COMEDIAN!!
    Do you really think THAT is what was going on at this party? i'm willing to guess no. This is nothing more than a bunch of punk ass, racist, dickhead kids who think they're clever and choose to hide their racism behind close doors and amongst their peers because they're huge fucking pussies to scared to do it openly. The safe confines of a fucking frathouse serve to protect their anonymity just like the costume of a klansmen. Oops it seems there was a mole. How many Black kids were invited to this party, i wonder.
    "When all your friends and sedatives mean well but make it worse... better find yourself a place to level out."
  • cornnifer wrote:
    Yes these kids should have their lives negatively impacted and be punished!

    BTW Dave Chapelle is a fucking comedian who does what he does in order to expose racism and poke fun at it. He goofs on EVERYONE, and does it very openly for everyone to see! Its paraody. HE'S A COMEDIAN!!
    Do you really think THAT is what was going on at this party? i'm willing to guess no. This is nothing more than a bunch of punk ass, racist, dickhead kids who think they're clever and choose to hide their racism behind close doors and amongst their peers because they're huge fucking pussies to scared to do it openly. The safe confines of a fucking frathouse serve to protect their anonymity just like the costume of a klansmen. Oops it seems there was a mole. How many Black kids were invited to this party, i wonder.

    Have you ever been to a college party? There is no such thing as "invite". People hear a party is going down.. and then they just let some in, and others not.

    Frats are pretty good at keeping things top secret, until kids die or go to the hospital. If they were trying to keep this behind closed doors, it probably would have stayed behind there. Its stupid kids having fun. Claiming racism and hate, when its just stupid and poor taste takes away for legitimate claims. I dont even the school should punish them indivudially. If its a frat, investigate their charter, but dont suspend or expel kids for being nothing more than tasteless.

    He's hes a comedian. A comedian who poked fun at stereotypes. Why is it okay for him, just because he's getting paid? I only bring up this point because his joke is not rooted in HATE. its rooted in entertainment. (im not bringing up the double standard).

    Not everyone that mocks or teases a race, culture, or other difference is a racist. Sorry.
  • cornnifercornnifer Posts: 2,130
    Have you ever been to a college party? There is no such thing as "invite". People hear a party is going down.. and then they just let some in, and others not.

    Frats are pretty good at keeping things top secret, until kids die or go to the hospital. If they were trying to keep this behind closed doors, it probably would have stayed behind there. Its stupid kids having fun. Claiming racism and hate, when its just stupid and poor taste takes away for legitimate claims. I dont even the school should punish them indivudially. If its a frat, investigate their charter, but dont suspend or expel kids for being nothing more than tasteless.

    He's hes a comedian. A comedian who poked fun at stereotypes. Why is it okay for him, just because he's getting paid? I only bring up this point because his joke is not rooted in HATE. its rooted in entertainment. (im not bringing up the double standard).

    Not everyone that mocks or teases a race, culture, or other difference is a racist. Sorry.

    Mandatory sensitivity and race relations courses prior to graduation and issuance of diploma, and, if in fact it is a fraternal thing, automatic disbanding of the host fraternity. Fuck 'em. The university needs to step up and exhibit a backbone and show they will not tolerate such shit.
    "When all your friends and sedatives mean well but make it worse... better find yourself a place to level out."
  • cornnifer wrote:
    Mandatory sensitivity and race relations courses prior to graduation and issuance of diploma, and, if in fact it is a fraternal thing, automatic disbanding of the host fraternity. Fuck 'em. The university needs to step up and exhibit a backbone and show they will not tolerate such shit.

    Brilliant response... "Whatever"

    Yeah, they should exhibit a backbone... and not succumb to PC media pressure and NOT do anything.

    There is no hate in those pictures. Look at them. Its stupid kids being tasteless. On Cinco De Mayo im sure they wear sombraros and eat tacos as well. Its a theme party- a stupid one- that doesnt "hurt" anyone. There are no victims, other than sense and decorum.

    Back in the dorms, a couple black members of the football teams were from florida, and lived on our floor. One night, the pulled their couch into the hall and called it an "Ole Fashioned Southern Porch Party" and drank 40's- and invited us to join them. Not at all racist, but just silly and dumb.
  • Uncle LeoUncle Leo Posts: 1,059
    Brilliant response... "Whatever"

    Yeah, they should exhibit a backbone... and not succumb to PC media pressure and NOT do anything.

    There is no hate in those pictures. Look at them. Its stupid kids being tasteless. On Cinco De Mayo im sure they wear sombraros and eat tacos as well. Its a theme party- a stupid one- that doesnt "hurt" anyone. There are no victims, other than sense and decorum.

    Back in the dorms, a couple black members of the football teams were from florida, and lived on our floor. One night, the pulled their couch into the hall and called it an "Ole Fashioned Southern Porch Party" and drank 40's- and invited us to join them. Not at all racist, but just silly and dumb.

    I have anecdotal stories too, from high school. Most of my friends in high school could not stop talking about chicken and watermellon. And when we went to a buffet, one piled his plate with fried chicken just for the laughs he'd get. Of course you could not spend an hour with them without hearing the N-word, but yeah, they weren't racist...

    EDIT: Just to make sure my post is clear, they were and most of them seem to still be.
    I cannot come up with a new sig till I get this egg off my face.
  • cornnifercornnifer Posts: 2,130
    Brilliant response... "Whatever"

    Yeah, they should exhibit a backbone... and not succumb to PC media pressure and NOT do anything.

    There is no hate in those pictures. Look at them. Its stupid kids being tasteless. On Cinco De Mayo im sure they wear sombraros and eat tacos as well. Its a theme party- a stupid one- that doesnt "hurt" anyone. There are no victims, other than sense and decorum.

    Back in the dorms, a couple black members of the football teams were from florida, and lived on our floor. One night, the pulled their couch into the hall and called it an "Ole Fashioned Southern Porch Party" and drank 40's- and invited us to join them. Not at all racist, but just silly and dumb.

    We're you at the party? Sounds like you're the first one that needs to enroll in the classes i mentioned as you apparently have no clue as to why it is wrong and the drastic ways it differs from all the examples you offer. How is a multi-racial group of people sitting around drinking beer and having a good time even remotely comparable to a bunch of white assholes dressing up like Al fucking Jolson on MLK day? Sheesh. Again, i wonder how many of the "we're having a party" flyers were floating around the Black Studies department.
    "When all your friends and sedatives mean well but make it worse... better find yourself a place to level out."
  • cornnifer wrote:
    We're you at the party? Sounds like you're the first one that needs to enroll in the classes i mentioned as you apparently have no clue as to why it is wrong and the drastic ways it differs from all the examples you offer. How is a multi-racial group of people sitting around drinking beer and having a good time even remotely comparable to a bunch of white assholes dressing up like Al fucking Jolson on MLK day? Sheesh. Again, i wonder how many of the "we're having a party" flyers were floating around the Black Studies department.

    Did i say it was right? At any point? No. I didnt.

    there are varying degrees of wrong. Being offensive and tasteless is just that. Ive never said its right, but ive also said its being overblown to compare these stupid kids to Klan members.

    I had many a beer with Brandon and Bryce, but that night i was on my way out already.

    And please, if you're going to sign me up for sensativity training, please show me where i have said anything remotely racist in this thread.
  • And please, if you're going to sign me up for sensativity training, please show me where i have said anything remotely racist in this thread.

    Still waitin.....
  • cornnifercornnifer Posts: 2,130
    Still waitin.....

    Can't let it go?
    Look, i didn't say you were racist (i don't know you to make such an assessment), nor did i imply that anything you've posted here is overtly racist. That being said, telling an off color joke at an inappropriate time is "tasteless". This party, IMO, is far beyond tasteless, especially given the occasion it was thrown in "honor" of. It is nothing short of hateful and the University should step in with at least some of the measures i suggested. To disregard this party as merely "in bad taste, yet completely harmless", and write it off as mere "college theme party" no different than poker night, or some shit like that, is, at best, highly insensitive. It is insensitive to a degree you obviously do not understand, because you are, well... insensitive.
    "When all your friends and sedatives mean well but make it worse... better find yourself a place to level out."
  • cornnifer wrote:
    Can't let it go?
    Look, i didn't say you were racist (i don't know you to make such an assessment), nor did i imply that anything you've posted here is overtly racist. That being said, telling an off color joke at an inappropriate time is "tasteless". This party, IMO, is far beyond tasteless, especially given the occasion it was thrown in "honor" of. It is nothing short of hateful and the University should step in with at least some of the measures i suggested. To disregard this party as merely "in bad taste, yet completely harmless", and write it off as mere "college theme party" no different than poker night, or some shit like that, is, at best, highly insensitive. It is insensitive to a degree you obviously do not understand, because you are, well... insensitive.

    An off color joke (dressing as a black stereotype) at an inappropriate time (MLK Day)--- tasteless.

    Tasteless and insensitive does not mean hate.
  • this same shit happened at clemson, the university that i attend. it's all over the news. people are a bunch of pussies for being scared that black people will be mad at them. there is shit ten times as bad as this on t.v. i've been to plenty of theme parties and the three main ones were halloween, redneck and gangster parties. i never got offended when my black friends wore shit that stereotyped white people. it's just something stupid that people do. so what? there are plenty of other issues more important than this, yet the news is blowing it up like clemson is full of white supremacists. what a bunch of fucking PC pussies.
    you're a real hooker. im gonna slap you in public.
    ~Ron Burgundy
  • cornnifercornnifer Posts: 2,130
    this same shit happened at clemson, the university that i attend. it's all over the news. people are a bunch of pussies for being scared that black people will be mad at them. there is shit ten times as bad as this on t.v. i've been to plenty of theme parties and the three main ones were halloween, redneck and gangster parties. i never got offended when my black friends wore shit that stereotyped white people. it's just something stupid that people do. so what? there are plenty of other issues more important than this, yet the news is blowing it up like clemson is full of white supremacists. what a bunch of fucking PC pussies.

    Here's the thing. If there is a party where white partygoers dress as their favorite Black stereotype, Black partygoers dress as their favorite white sterotype , etc... at the SAME party, i might let you off the hook with the "its a harmless theme party" line of bullshit. That isn't what is happening here. This is clearly a bunch of assholes thumbing their nose at MLK in a manifestation of racist attitude. C'mon man, Halloween?! Are you fucking kidding me? Look, i'm not saying these dumbasses should be arrested and hate crime legislation invoked, but, the University does need to send a very clear message that this type of shit will not be tolerated.
    Furthermore, i'm not a "P.C. Pussy". It doesn't take one of those to realize that this kind of behavior is unacceptable. Is there "shit ten times as bad" as this? Yeah. Probably even twenty times. Does that mean we ignore it? Fuck no! Try that with the next cop that pulls you over for going 60 in a 45. Guess what, you're still getting a fucking ticket.

    You know what i find ridiculous? A bunch of white folks on a message board griping about what Blacks should not be offended by.
    "When all your friends and sedatives mean well but make it worse... better find yourself a place to level out."
  • Solat13Solat13 Posts: 6,996
    Well it looks like the University is happy with the apology and this matter will drop from the public eye.

    Tarleton can take pride in forthright response

    By Bud Kennedy
    Star-Telegram Staff Writer

    Tarleton State University, coming soon to west Fort Worth, would usually love coverage on Fox News and CNN.

    But not this way. Not because a bunch of partying students drank 40-ounce malt liquors and dressed as Aunt Jemima, belittling black Americans and a Baptist pastor's crusade for equal rights.

    When I first heard that some Tarleton students threw an "MLK Day" party last week, I thought that the best punishment would be to publish their photos.

    They had already done that themselves.

    So let me ask: What's dumber -- throwing a goofy party?

    Or putting photos of the party on the Web?

    To their credit, Tarleton officials and student leaders responded with horror, both at the stereotypes and the immature snapshots now compiled for the world to see at

    In its proud 107-year history, Tarleton has matured into the second-largest university in the Texas A&M system. The Stephenville university is on the verge of opening its sparkling new Fort Worth center on Camp Bowie Boulevard.

    Two of the student leaders complaining about the photos -- and now, praising Tarleton's response -- are from Fort Worth.

    Kendrick Spencer, 20, a communications senior and former Fort Worth municipal cable TV reporter, said that fellow student D. Ray Elder Jr. probably wouldn't have time for another interview Friday. They and fellow students were getting ready for interviews on CNN's Paula Zahn Now.

    But Spencer, a former student body president at Trimble Technical High School, said that Tarleton officials and students can be proud of the campus response, which included an open student forum Wednesday night. President Dennis P. McCabe sternly called the party pics "reprehensible."

    Tarleton student Jeremy Pelz, a party host, has apologized publicly to both students and reporters. He told the campus newspaper, the J-TAC, that students just meant "to have some fun."

    His fraternity, Lambda Chi Alpha, has denied any connection to the party.

    One of Pelz's former roommates is African-American. He told the local newspaper, the Empire-Tribune, that he didn't take the insults seriously.

    Spencer and Elder, the top officials of the Tarleton student chapter of the NAACP, looked at and took them very seriously.

    "It's not cool to mock someone," Spencer said by phone from Stephenville. "To mock anyone else's race is not socially acceptable."

    He's impressed at the reaction of most students, he said. "Everybody is being very caring and friendly. I think it's very authentic. People are walking up and putting their arms around each other."

    That is, except for one man.

    Spencer said he was walking up his apartment steps Thursday when a white couple was leaving. He heard the man mutter only one word.

    It begins with an n.

    "Stephenville needed this kind of discussion," Spencer said. "Tarleton State needed it. Some racism still exists."

    It has been only a few years since Erath County ended a long debate by renaming a street honoring Nathan Bedford Forrest, the Confederate general and Ku Klux Klan founder, to Forest Lane.

    One town in the next county had a documented history of 19th-century "ousters," where African-American residents were forced at gunpoint to leave town. Another town 25 miles away had a 20th-century "sundown sign" warning, "[N-word], don't let the sun set on you."

    Even this week, some readers writing to the Stephenville paper don't see the party pics as any big deal.

    A Hico reader called the NAACP student leaders' complaints "hypersensitive" and "trivial." A reader from Boerne completely redirected blame, writing that the complaints "dragged the name of a fine fraternity and a great university through the mud."

    Now let me get this right.

    A bunch of college students dress up as Aunt Jemima or put on T-shirts reading "I Love Chicken" and pose with fried chicken buckets and Colt .45 malt liquor, then put their own photos on the Web.

    And anybody who complains is dragging Tarleton's name through the mud?

    Even conservative talk-radio host Sean Hannity called the photos "outrageous" and "an offense." A guest compared them to scenes from the movie Borat.

    If you love Tarleton State, it must have been a rough week. The proud Texans were embarrassed by the photos, then again by the Jay Leno one-liners.

    But the university's response was strong. Maybe strong enough to earn Tarleton some new friends in Fort Worth.
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