Hizzbollah leads rebuilding.

They have kept Israel out of Lebanon, now have the respect of the Lebanese people and government, as well as much of the arab and non-arab world.
Post edited by Unknown User on
Since when do you have an interest in foreign developments?
And I try to make this kind and clear
Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
Cuz I don't need boxes wrapped in strings
And desire and love and empty things
Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
You mean that Israel destroyed with US supplied DU shells, phosphorous bombs, and cluster bombs which were used in populated areas...
Its relevant. This a foreign development that can be tied to US foreign policy, since the US provides Israel with $2 billion in military aid every year, msome of which has just been used to destroy entire towns in southern Lebanon.
And yeah! Look at 'em rebuilding! Let's see how far they get with that before they get distracted with more important things ... pure propaganda for now.
They actually get $5 billion, but 2 is strictly military...which is insane no matter how you look at it. We got levees breaking at home, hungry mouths to feed, 50 million without health insurance...and we're giving terror states billions of US tax dollars.
So you are obviously concerned with holding citizens and leaders of this nation responsible for their votes. If Lebanon votes in the Hezbos as the ruling party, a party that advocates the destruction of Israel, should they or should they not be held accountable? We deserved 9/11 because of our policies, right? Does Lebanon deserve whatever is on the horizon for their decisions?
And I try to make this kind and clear
Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
Cuz I don't need boxes wrapped in strings
And desire and love and empty things
Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
I haven't seen Hizbollah cross the border in a military capacity. Israel on the other hand...
I'm sure at some point in the past someone in an official Israel position called on the destruction of all arabs, and that actually holds more credence, given the history of the conflict.
And I never implied we deserved 9/11...didn't surprise me at all, but that's not to say it [edit]wasn't a tragic event..
Wait wait, few edits needed there:
They have a sound reputation with Iran of doing great things for Iran, like rebuilding their arm caches everytime they terrorize the south.
Ah, much better!
It's not easy to fight US agression.....Hizbollah guerillas did, though, came out on top, in more ways than one.
You realize Israel is just a US military base in the region I hope....
Well find an exact quote (if from Reuters, AP, the NYT, or CBS, double check the sources!) and then get back to me. Until then, there's nothing to talk about.
And I try to make this kind and clear
Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
Cuz I don't need boxes wrapped in strings
And desire and love and empty things
Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
Oooh, well gee no. So of course I googled that, closest US base is probably Turkey, then Kuwait?
The state of Israel itself is a US miltary base, according a man the New York Times calls, "arguably the most important intellectual alive." Referring to Noam Chomsky, a professor at MIT.
Well, if the New York Times reports it, it MUST be true! Intellectuals are supposed to form hypotheses, and test them. Chomsky spouts his opinion and the disaffected, self-loathing few follow him. Very insightful.
And I try to make this kind and clear
Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
Cuz I don't need boxes wrapped in strings
And desire and love and empty things
Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
You obviously haven't read much Chomsky. Or weren't able to comprehend his writing, one of the 2.
Israel is not a terror state and 2 billion is not that much in the scheme of government, especially since it is going to an embattled democracy in the middle of a sea of anti-western hate spawned by failed governments and fanatic clerics.
Yeah, your wrong once again, but that's no surprise. Israel gets support from the US now, but they didn't used to and they still had the best military in the region, not because the US built them up to fight America's war, but because Israel needed it cause its neighbors wouldn't stop trying to kill everyone living there. If Israel was actually as aggressive as you seem to think she is why hasn't she conquered the ME already? She easily could have done it if she wanted to. At the very least a few neighboring countries. Instead she has given back land she conquered in defensive wars in exchange for peace. Do you guys even know any history at all?
Reading your post, I don't think you know any history.
Or maybe he's like me and has read Chomsky and finds him to be ass backwards and repulsive and generally wrong about most things.
prove where he is wrong.
OK...great. I really could care less if the blind are saying they don't think I can see.
or is israel behind a lot of america's actions? The line blurs easily with the two.
well if you keep on walking into walls, I don't see how anyone can come to any other conclusion other than you having no sight.
now back to noam. prove him wrong, bring out some facts.
What does that even mean "prove it!"? Prove that he's wrong about everything? Chomsky has his opinion and I have mine and they happen to be mutually exclusive. I can't prove someone else's opinion to be wrong. If you mean his facts, some of them are correct, maybe even most of them, but he has a tendency to leave out information that doesn't fit into his theory of America always being in the wrong, he often mis-quotes what others have said in order to attack them, and tries to claim that he didn't say what he plainly did when he comes out on the wrong side of history. Just see Cambodia. Look, I am not inclined to get into an argument with you over Chomsky. If you care enough about intellectual integrity you'll look it up yourself.