Nader: A Vote Worth Casting!



  • Urban HikerUrban Hiker Posts: 1,312
    hobbes wrote:
    does he not define self importance? no one in his position actually thinks they have ANY chance of EVER getting ANYONE to vote for them.

    negative impact? arrogance? not viable?

    well let's see. did he get the required percentage during his last "campaign" in order to have a third party represented in the next election (this was in 2000)? i think it was 6% of the national vote he needed.

    there's no way of telling if gore was would have been a better president then bush. but nader took votes and support from him.

    he's come on in the media throwing racial bullshit around at obama.

    not viable? hmm..let's look at the percentage of votes cast by americans in 2004 ( ) ...a really strong showing for a man who is a viable third party candidate.

    he's done a lot of good. i can't take that away from him. but his ventures into presidential politics..laughable.

    ron paul and nader are a joke. you nor i will ever see any of their ideas in the mainstream during our lifetime. sad? yes. depressing? yes. true. very much so.

    When the White House locks you out, how do you fight them? Answer: By trying to get a ticket in.
    Walking can be a real trip
    "We've laid the groundwork. It's like planting the seeds. And next year, it's spring." - Nader
    Prepare for tending to your garden, America.
  • hobbes wrote:
    he's done a lot of good. i can't take that away from him. but his ventures into presidential politics..laughable.

    ron paul and nader are a joke. you nor i will ever see any of their ideas in the mainstream during our lifetime. sad? yes. depressing? yes. true. very much so.
    Do you ever stop to think that it's people's resignation to that idea that perpetuates it?
    Smokey Robinson constantly looks like he's trying to act natural after being accused of farting.
  • national politics are bullshit anyway. career politicians have ruined the system. it'll only be a matter of time before obama is bought.

    if you want to change your world then focus on the state level.
  • Do you ever stop to think that it's people's resignation to that idea that perpetuates it?

    sure. i can agree with you. in fact i would love to get someone like nader into the white house. unfortunately i do not represent the majority of voting americans. ignorance is bliss. money buys votes. the system is fucked.
  • mca47mca47 Posts: 13,307
    I have tremendous respect for Nader.
    That said, I will NOT vote for him this time around.
  • When the White House locks you out, how do you fight them? Answer: By trying to get a ticket in.

    hey ralph. i hate to break it to you buddy. but america is run by businessmen with their businesses in mind. national health care? not until they take it away from private industry. and you sir. will not be the one who does it.
  • Urban HikerUrban Hiker Posts: 1,312
    hobbes wrote:
    hey ralph. i hate to break it to you buddy. but america is run by businessmen with their businesses in mind. national health care? not until they take it away from private industry. and you sir. will not be the one who does it.

    Fucking naysayers bottlenecking progressive action, as usual.
    Walking can be a real trip
    "We've laid the groundwork. It's like planting the seeds. And next year, it's spring." - Nader
    Prepare for tending to your garden, America.
  • hobbes wrote:
    sure. i can agree with you. in fact i would love to get someone like nader into the white house. unfortunately i do not represent the majority of voting americans. ignorance is bliss. money buys votes. the system is fucked.
    If you'd love to see someone like Nader in the White House, vote for him! If you don't, you'll just keep excusing yourself - it wasn't the right time, America wasn't ready... The system's broken because the voters allow it to be.
    Smokey Robinson constantly looks like he's trying to act natural after being accused of farting.
  • hobbes wrote:
    does he not define self importance? no one in his position actually thinks they have ANY chance of EVER getting ANYONE to vote for them.

    Someone of his already achieved legacy could just sit back and not have to do shit to make people admire him...he could write books and give lectures like many others do. He puts himself out there on the line, taking on huge amounts of criticism and insults, all to do what he feels needs to be done because he cares about this country and what going very wrong here. That's selfless, imo. We are all free to have our on perceptions, though. No one really knows for sure. But based on his years of service and dedication to his causes and efforts to try and make this place better where he thinks he can...I definitely do not hesitate to view him as courageous, determined and selfless.
    hobbes wrote:
    negative impact? arrogance? not viable?

    Well let's see. Did he get the required percentage during his last "campaign" in order to have a third party represented in the next election (this was in 2000)? i think it was 6% of the national vote he needed.

    The last election, the DNC fought to keep him off the ballot, here in the supposed democracy of the US of A. Surely, you're not okay with that and think people should just accept it and support the Dems anyway?
    hobbes wrote:
    there's no way of telling if gore was would have been a better president then bush. but nader took votes and support from him.

    No, people voted FOR Nader. Gore is not owed anyone's vote..he must earn it. This logic is flawed and explains a lot about the ridiculousness of our elections and imagined 'choice' in the matter of picking representation that reflects what we what.
    hobbes wrote:
    he's come on in the media throwing racial bullshit around at obama.

    I don't think he meant it to be what some took it as. I think he spoke out of frustration and it wasn't something that I agree he should have done. He is usually much more articulate and able to express his points without resorting to that kind of talk. What he said has some truth to it but the way he said it was all wrong. Everyone has their moments like these and it's not something that I think should have been made a big deal out of.
    hobbes wrote:
    not viable? hmm..let's look at the percentage of votes cast by americans in 2004 ( ) ...a really strong showing for a man who is a viable third party candidate.

    Like I mentioned earlier, the DNC fought to keep him off the ballot in 04. He then sued them and won. And crap like that coming from these spoiled and corrupted 2 parties make me wanna support Nader even more.
    hobbes wrote:
    he's done a lot of good. i can't take that away from him. but his ventures into presidential politics..laughable.

    I hear people saying laughable but always failing to add why. I think he has proven himself to be a great leader with the needs of the people in the forefront of his mind. If that's not what makes a good president then maybe we need to start thinking about what the president is to us and how either of these other 2 clowns running have managed to qualify as 'presidential material'. What the fuck have they ever done for us? Their votes for FISA were mighty kind of them , the patriot Act also...war funding. Thanks Guys! I just can't wait to see what they do with their 'presidential ventures'!!
    hobbes wrote:
    ron paul and nader are a joke. you nor i will ever see any of their ideas in the mainstream during our lifetime. sad? yes. depressing? yes. true. very much so.

    I'm not a pessimist and I DO NOT in the slightest see either of these men as a joke. People going against the odds to stand behind their ideals are not jokes. Politicians who pander for money and votes while lying and going against our interests yet you still give them your respect and support no matter what they do....well, there's where the joke can be found.

    We can have anything happen in this country when we want it to..if we realized our power in this democracy of, by and for the people but we have to get behind it with our hearts, minds and effort first and quit thinking that crooked politicians will do it for us. It takes much more than supporting a broken system. It takes breaking the cycle and saying enough is enough.
    If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.

    Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
    -Oscar Wilde
  • hobbes wrote:
    hey ralph. i hate to break it to you buddy. but america is run by businessmen with their businesses in mind. national health care? not until they take it away from private industry. and you sir. will not be the one who does it.

    Well you and your apathy can see back and continue to whine and complain. But there are others of us who choose to try to do something about it. Win or lose, at less we are trying and not afraid of failing.
    If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.

    Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
    -Oscar Wilde
  • NevermindNevermind Posts: 1,006
    but mud slinging is ok I take it?
    I must have missed the mud slinging.
    the fear that bushco has stirred is based on lies and greed.
    my fears are based on fact and observation. You think that's some kind of clever rhetoric, but really you're just telling me to sit down and shut up.
    not gonna happen.
    Id rather you not shut up.
  • hobbes wrote:
    national politics are bullshit anyway. career politicians have ruined the system. it'll only be a matter of time before obama is bought.

    if you want to change your world then focus on the state level.

    Only a matter of time....LOL

    You can focus on more than one level at one time. You can make the right votes on all levels...there is no restriction on the amount of votes you can place for 3rd parties.

    This is just a silly argument made to make it seem like you can't do more than vote Dems or Reps in the national election. Completely absurd notion.
    If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.

    Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
    -Oscar Wilde
  • Eliot RosewaterEliot Rosewater Posts: 2,659
    brain of c wrote:
    sorry, but nader is a joke. he couldn't run water, let alone a country.
    Thank God you type small....that's all I can say.
  • Eliot RosewaterEliot Rosewater Posts: 2,659
    Kenny Olav wrote:
    you know i love ya abook but trying to get americans to vote for nader is like trying to make wine out of oranges.
    Because most americans are lazy motherfuckers who sit their fat asses in front of a TV every night and care more about voting for american idol than for their president. It's sickening.
  • Eliot RosewaterEliot Rosewater Posts: 2,659
    Voting out of fear seems to point to a belief of being powerless in this situation. You aren't.

    The only vote thrown away is one where you didn't voice your true beliefs but instead settled for someone who contradicts those beliefs but you have been told he is the only option you have.

    There are always other options for us to choose. We just have to be willing to let go off the old ways that have proven to fail us over and over again and instead reach out for something that represents a new way. This old way is not working for our country. At some point you realize this and move on already.
    Excellent post. The only thing that would convince me even MORE that Nader is the right choice, is if he promised Abook a position in his cabinet.
  • Eliot RosewaterEliot Rosewater Posts: 2,659
    hobbes wrote:
    but nader took votes and support from him.
    Dude, you've been around here long enough to have had many, many, MANY opportunities to get the facts on this. It's absolute ignorance to include that sentence in your post.
  • Urban HikerUrban Hiker Posts: 1,312

    We can have anything happen in this country when we want it to..if we realized our power in this democracy of, by and for the people but we have to get behind it with our hearts, minds and effort first and quit thinking that crooked politicians will do it for us. It takes much more than supporting a broken system. It takes breaking the cycle and saying enough is enough.

    This is what I'm thinking every time someone starts telling me they admire Ralph Nader.
    They break my heart when they follow their words of admiration with "BUT", plus a long line of excuses of why we can't vote for him.

    I've heard so many say it that I KNOW Nader is a viable candidate. Unfortunately, the majority of people don't seem to believe in the power of their votes.

    Imagine if all who have ever admired him supported (by support, I mean getting out their and spreading the word) and voted for him.
    Walking can be a real trip
    "We've laid the groundwork. It's like planting the seeds. And next year, it's spring." - Nader
    Prepare for tending to your garden, America.
  • Excellent post. The only thing that would convince me even MORE that Nader is the right choice, is if he promised Abook a position in his cabinet.

    :) Alright! Now we're talking! :D
    If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.

    Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
    -Oscar Wilde
  • This is what I'm thinking every time someone starts telling me they admire Ralph Nader.
    They break my heart when they follow their words of admiration with "BUT", plus a long line of excuses of why we can't vote for him.

    I've heard so many say it that I KNOW Nader is a viable candidate. Unfortunately, the majority of people don't seem to believe in the power of their votes.

    Imagine if all who have ever admired him supported (by support, I mean getting out their and spreading the word) and voted for him.

    I've been saying the same thing! It's amazing just how many respect and admire the man. And the ones who don't know of him seem soooo impressed by his history. But it's all about media spin and money....and those things don't make a good leader. They put out the kind of crap we've gotten all too used to and unfortunately comfortable with....we've gotten comfortable with the fact that our elected representative government isn't doing it's job, works against our interest and have become lulled into believing that's just how it has to be! It's not! We can end it this we truly wanted it and believed in our democracy and the power granted to us under it.
    If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.

    Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
    -Oscar Wilde
  • Urban HikerUrban Hiker Posts: 1,312
    Walking can be a real trip
    "We've laid the groundwork. It's like planting the seeds. And next year, it's spring." - Nader
    Prepare for tending to your garden, America.
  • face it 10% of the vote sux ass
    PEARL JAM~Lubbock, TX. 10~18~00
    PEARL JAM~San Antonio, TX. 4~5~03
    INCUBUS~Houston, TX. 1~19~07
    INCUBUS~Denver, CO. 2~8~07
    Lollapalooza~Chicago, IL. 8~5~07
    INCUBUS~Austin, TX. 9~3~07
    Bonnaroo~Manchester, TN 6~14~08
  • If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.

    Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
    -Oscar Wilde
  • kenny olavkenny olav Posts: 3,319
    I'm not really interested in aiming for what America has been prone to vote for. Kinda left a bad taste in my mouth. You? To me, they seem to have trouble when it comes to knowing what's best for them...a bit misguided if you will. I'm interested in change.

    I'm interested in getting the idea out there that we are not forced to vote for people who are undeserving and down right crooked. I'm interested in getting people to look at other options, take the time to look into the issues and see how they affect them. That's how you get them to think more about their them how important it really is. There is no obligation to vote for crap...I want better. How do I show that? By choosing things that are better and that I won't have to call 'less evil'. Win or lose...I'll know I did what I felt was right and that's all you really can do.

    Be it Nader, Kucinich, Gravel, Paul whomever...I'm willing to stand behind what I see as right because I believe in it....not because I think other's will also vote for it. That's how you get ideas to gain fight for it in the face of a steep climb when the odds are stacked against you. When people see others willing to do gets them to pay attention and look deeper....just like with Paul this year. I don't share some of his ideology so I won't vote for him...but I applaud those brave enough to stand behind him because they view him as right...they did this no matter what they nay sayers spewed at them...and they have made a lasting impression! Bravo! That's what we need in this country. People who lead by example...each and every one of us. I'm not interested in following the trends of what the masses are doing. They'll catch on soon enough....they always have. We will just have to wait until then while steadily building a strong foundation. ;)

    first, i want to say that I found out that you actually can make wine out of oranges. who knew? and i wonder what vin d'orange tastes like. but anyway, my point still stands.

    i've reached the conclusion that Washington D.C. is incurable. it's hopelessly corrupt. there's too much money flowing through its doors. even if a person like Nader were elected President, there would still be an army of assholes standing in the way of progress and good government. so my solution is for states to secede one by one. i'm not saying that's likely to happen anytime soon. the biggest secession movements (Vermont, NH, Alaska, California, Hawaii) are still made up of small fractions of those states' populations (Vermont has probably the highest, with 13%). but i think it is at least a goal that worth working toward. when the shit really hits the fan one day, and this country becomes completely unmanageable, i think people will realize we have to make government more local. so it's best to put the bug in people's ears now. the only other option to undo chaos would be fascism.
  • Kenny Olav wrote:
    first, i want to say that I found out that you actually can make wine out of oranges. who knew? and i wonder what vin d'orange tastes like. but anyway, my point still stands.

    i've reached the conclusion that Washington D.C. is incurable. it's hopelessly corrupt. there's too much money flowing through its doors. even if a person like Nader were elected President, there would still be an army of assholes standing in the way of progress and good government. so my solution is for states to secede one by one. i'm not saying that's likely to happen anytime soon. the biggest secession movements (Vermont, NH, Alaska, California, Hawaii) are still made up of small fractions of those states' populations (Vermont has probably the highest, with 13%). but i think it is at least a goal that worth working toward. when the shit really hits the fan one day, and this country becomes completely unmanageable, i think people will realize we have to make government more local. so it's best to put the bug in people's ears now. the only other option to undo chaos would be fascism.

    If that's what you want to think...who knows, maybe you're right. I'm much more hopeful, though and am not afraid. And even if some of the assholes in Congress tried to block any progress psuhed by Nader...I'll still know that I voted my conscience and tried to bring about something or someone I truly believe in, they can't scare me from voting for him or make me feel powerless...that's all I can do with my vote, vote for what is right and stop supporting what I clearly know is wrong and unjust. So I'm going to treat my vote just like it's MINE, it represents ME and is not dependent on assholes who try to control us.

    And besides let those fuckers in Congress give Nader a hard time about bringing something to this country like's what the people want instead of the special interests for fucking once...that way the ball's in their court, we did what we could. Then they will have to expose themselves for the frauds they always have been...who don't give a shit about the people's interests and demands in this here 'democracy'. Let them show their true colors....I'm not worried one bit about them and they will not influence my vote thus continuing to get free passes to have their way.
    If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.

    Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
    -Oscar Wilde
  • face it 10% of the vote sux ass

    Supporting politicians who pander to special interests and take your vote for granted sux much worse...and we are living that and are giving them permission to continue on....grow soome balls and say enough is enough already. We are not obliged to vote for don't deserve it.

    It's time we snap out of it, get out of this funk and FINALLY move on to better things!!!

    Why not???

    If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.

    Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
    -Oscar Wilde
  • If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.

    Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
    -Oscar Wilde
  • catch22catch22 Posts: 1,081
    Voting for Obama will end the war now?

    faster than voting for nader.

    it's easy for nader to have the perfect left wing platform... he's never held a political office. he's got no record. so you can comb obama's record and say he's pro-war or pro-this. i'd be curious how nader's record might look if he had ever actually sat in the senate and had to vote and work with people from another ideology to get legislation passed.
    and like that... he's gone.
  • I am a liberal who likely would agree in theory to much of what Nader would like to do with this country. However, he is far from a viable candidate. He would never garner the support needed to win over independents and centrists, and that is a fact. His views are far left of mainstream America.

    We do not need someone who would divide this country, much in the same way that Bush and the Republicans have done this decade.

    Further, if elected, he would be rendered impotent by Congress, who would not just see, oh, Nader wants us to do this or that, so we had better get in line! Where are the Green Party members in congress to push across his initiatives.

    I've said it before, and I know you all don't agree, but trying to challenge the 2 party system from the top down will NEVER work! You need to build a following at the local level --> state level --> and then MAYBE you will have the influence to take on the Democrats and Republicans.

    Until then, keep clinging to your idealism... Me, I will proudly cast my vote for Barack Obama, and hope that there are enough sensible, pragmatic people in this country to do the same.
    Obama/Biden '08!!!
  • catch22 wrote:
    faster than voting for nader.

    it's easy for nader to have the perfect left wing platform... he's never held a political office. he's got no record. so you can comb obama's record and say he's pro-war or pro-this. i'd be curious how nader's record might look if he had ever actually sat in the senate and had to vote and work with people from another ideology to get legislation passed.

    Comb through? Pffft

    Obama has been in the senate though and doesn't have to much to show for it so why does that even matter? He offers no real change from that which we already have in place. He just says the word 'change' a lot while not bringing too much of it to the plate. Sound bytes and you're sold.

    Nader has a very impressive record and stands for the things I'd like to see happen in this country. I'll proudly vote for that over some empty promises from a politician who has been little more than just talk words any day.

    We, as a nation, have the the freedom to vote for whomever we feel is best and I'm going to do just that and use my voice to most accurately reflect my beliefs. I don't care what everyone else is doing or what others tell me is possible. I think for myself and don't follow numbers in making my decisions.
    If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.

    Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
    -Oscar Wilde
  • NMyTreeNMyTree Posts: 2,374
    I guess a Comb through, is better than a comb over.

    Hi ABook.

    NADER! NADER! NADER!!!!!!!
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