somebody blew up america



  • Bu2Bu2 Posts: 1,693
    You quote Baraka from a 1965 speech.....and everyone starts talking about Barack Obama...

    Feels Good Inc.
  • Purple HawkPurple Hawk Posts: 1,300
    you have to understand that i too am left wing hawk.

    we can't all be perfect :)
    And you ask me what I want this year
    And I try to make this kind and clear
    Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
    Cuz I don't need boxes wrapped in strings
    And desire and love and empty things
    Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
  • catefrancescatefrances Posts: 29,003
    we can't all be perfect :)

    no we can't. :)
    and how boring would we be if we were? it's the quirks and imperfections that make us interesting don't you think?
    hear my name
    take a good look
    this could be the day
    hold my hand
    lie beside me
    i just need to say
  • NMyTreeNMyTree Posts: 2,374
    by fags, how do you know the man meant it in the homosexual sense? perhaps baraka was saying that white men are raised to just accept what is fed to them and not question a damn thing. that white men have no conviction and therefore get railroaded into believing the world should be as they see it. that white men are weak, not homosexual.
    if this is the case then if he is disparaging anyone it is white men not gays.

    ......and as i can see baraka has indeed labelled white men as weak and blank.

    Which is the equivelent of some white guy labeling all black men as thugs and criminals or lazy and irresponsible. In fact, some whites label all black men as weak of character. Which is exactly the same thing Baraka said.

    Isn't it interesting how stereotypes work?
  • catefrancescatefrances Posts: 29,003
    NMyTree wrote:
    Which is the equivelent of some white guy labeling all black men as thugs and criminals or lazy and irresponsible. In fact, some whites label all black men as weak of character. Which is exactly the same thing Baraka said.

    Isn't it interesting how stereotypes work?

    i didn't say i agree with the man. baraka is a black marxist, it makes sense to me that he'd say something like that.
    hear my name
    take a good look
    this could be the day
    hold my hand
    lie beside me
    i just need to say
  • NMyTreeNMyTree Posts: 2,374
    people people people let's not forget amiri baraka is A POET. he is not painting pretty pictures that's for sure. who knows if he expects us to read his work and take evrything he writes as gospel. but he's got us thinking and engaging with each other. and that's what it's all about. :)

    Baraka is a racist. He may be a so-called "poet", but he's also a hateful, historically ignorant and historically selective racist.

    If some white guy wrote a poem like that, with a slant against blacks (or any other race for that matter), then made a video and made the video available for public consumption; Reverand Al "Sham-a-Lama-Ding-Dong" Sharpton and Jesse "Slap-Daddy" Jackson would be on the warpath.

    The NAACP would be filing lawsuits and stirring their troops to protest and riot. The Rutgers Women's Basketball team would once again fall to the floor and curl themselves into the fetal position; with thumb firmly inserted in mouth.

    Kia Vaughn would be seeking 300 million dollars in damages, from the white poet.

    And finally, Cheguevara6 would be in a fit of rage as he littered The Moving Train with illustrations of his racist outrage and calling for the death of the white poet.

    Ah, racism and hypocracy's not just for breakfast, anymore.
  • catefrancescatefrances Posts: 29,003
    NMyTree wrote:
    Baraka is a racist. He may be a so-called "poet", but he's also a hateful, historically ignorant and historically selective racist.

    If some white guy wrote a poem like that, with a slant against blacks (or any other race for that matter), then made a video and made the video available for public consumption; Reverand Al "Sham-a-Lama-Ding-Dong" Sharpton and Jesse "Slap-Daddy" Jackson would be on the warpath.

    The NAACP would be filing lawsuits and stirring their troops to protest and riot. The Rutgers Women's Basketball team would once again fall to the floor and curl themselves into the fetal position; with thumb firmly inserted in mouth.

    Kia Vaughn would be seeking 300 million dollars in damages, from the white poet.

    And finally, Cheguevara6 would be in a fit of rage as he littered The Moving Train with illustrations of his racist outrage and calling for the death of the white poet.

    Ah, racism and hypocracy's not just for breakfast, anymore.

    if some white man wrote a poem like that i'd be amazed.

    throughout history the human condition has been different for white man.
    hear my name
    take a good look
    this could be the day
    hold my hand
    lie beside me
    i just need to say
  • NMyTreeNMyTree Posts: 2,374
    throughout history the human condition has been different for white man.

    How so?
  • MLC2006MLC2006 Posts: 861
    NMyTree wrote:
    How so?

    I'm interested to see the answer to that one myself.
  • MLC2006MLC2006 Posts: 861
    Bu2 wrote:
    You quote Baraka from a 1965 speech.....and everyone starts talking about Barack Obama...


    I'll fill you in....this thread is about a racist bafoon named AMIRI BARACK. after the discussion was well under way, a WHITE person on this board stated that Barack is a *real, true* black man, and Barack Obama is a *not black enough* black man. now, how a white person (or any other person for that matter) could state with such authority what is an authentic black person and what is not, that's beyond me. it seems racist to me to make such a stereotype that all people of any given race should act and behave the same. I have 3 or 4 black male friends who don't seem to have the same outlook on life that Baraka has. and I went so far to ASSUME that these guys were REALLY black. but I guess if they were REAL black men, they would call me fag and want to rape my wife and children and write incredibly goofy "poems".
  • catefrancescatefrances Posts: 29,003
    NMyTree wrote:
    How so?
    MLC2006 wrote:
    I'm interested to see the answer to that one myself.

    just taking into account the last 500 or so years:

    the empire building of european powers.
    the taking of indigenous lands and the exterminations of native people.
    the treating of 'others' as just that.
    the colonisation of africa.
    the arrogance that white man is the epitome of everything.
    the denial of basic human rights to indigenous and displaced peoples
    the spreading of christianity and the denial and intolerence of other religions.

    the world is ruled by rich old white men. surely you can see that.
    hear my name
    take a good look
    this could be the day
    hold my hand
    lie beside me
    i just need to say
  • I realized today that hate is the enemy to success... in every instance of the inmagination

    fuck...what a tightrope of persistence...(in my case)

    It's the right direction though.

    the only way to true clarity and serenity.

    be strong in it...

    If there isn't humor behind's most likely not the right mode of thinking.

    hard to be this way...

    we are taught hatred and intolerance in the media on a daily basis...
    Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
    and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
    over specific principles, goals, and policies.

    ( o.O)
  • NMyTreeNMyTree Posts: 2,374
    just taking into account the last 500 or so years:

    the empire building of european powers.
    the taking of indigenous lands and the exterminations of native people.
    the treating of 'others' as just that.
    the colonisation of africa.
    the arrogance that white man is the epitome of everything.
    the denial of basic human rights to indigenous and displaced peoples
    the spreading of christianity and the denial and intolerence of other religions.

    the world is ruled by rich old white men. surely you can see that.

    Selective history.

    Certainly your list is accurate to a certain degree (although, several of your submissions are incomplete or partial, because you are only telling one side of the story).

    But your comment was this:

    " throughout history the human condition has been different for white man."

    The term "throughout the history of the human condition..." is an all encompassing statement. It includes all of the history of human beings.

    The list you submitted only covers (in a one sided manner) the last 400-500 years.

    You are excluding the fact that there were many reasons and events (perpetuated by those of non-white or christian), which led to many of the things you listed. Not all, but certainly many significant and pivotal.

    Furthermore, white men were not and are not the only people who followed/follow christianity. They certainly were not the first christians, nor were they they first to wage war, invade or kill in the name of Christianity.

    It's clear, as any legitimate and honest historian will tell you; that christianity was created, founded and developed by human beings of a darker skin color.

    .....the empire building of european powers.

    1) Yes, that's true. But how does that differ from the empire building, for thousands of years, by people who were non-white?

    Are you implying they (non-whites) built their empires by the way of hugs, kisses and the distribution of lovely and colorful flower pedals; without ever shedding a drop of blood or oppressing and denying the basic human rights of other indigenous and displaced peoples?

    ....the taking of indigenous lands and the exterminations of native people.

    2) An accurate statement. But again, how does that differ from what non-whites have done, through out the history of human beings?

    Do you mean to suggest that when white people do it, it's some how more evil, devious and wrong; than when non-whites did it; hence the "white devil" label? You do realize white people have been in existence for so very much longer than 400-500 years, right?

    ...the treating of 'others' as just that.

    3) Certainly white people are no different than any other human beings, when it comes to that.

    African blacks for thousands of years commited genocide, invasions of villages, rape, enslavement and discrimination; based on certain black tribes believing they were superior to the other black tribes and it's people.

    In fact, it still continues to occur in Africa, to this day. Genocide, mass slaughters and all kinds of hideous attrocities are committed by african blacks on their own people and others.

    Middle Easterners (Muslims, Jews, Christians, Catholics....etc of non-white skin) have a long and blood-filled history of exactly the same behavior. And it continues, today.

    As do the people of India, China, Japan, South America/Latin America ......the list goes on. And it continues in most of those countries, to this very day.

    Do you realize there are few hundred non-white races and cultures in the world, this very day; committing the very same attrocities you only apply to white people? Do you realize they have been committing these attrocities, for the last 400-500 years; as well?

    .......the colonisation of africa.....

    4) True.

    But white people are hardly the only ones to attempt that. A whole lot of brown-skinned people and people of other colors, races and religions made trouble in Africa; and continue to do so, today.

    .....the arrogance that white man is the epitome of everything..

    5) I'm sorry, I had to laugh at this one.

    Are saying white people are the only race that have arrogant, power-hungry, greedy, self-righteous and narcissistic people within their race?

    Have you heard some of these muslims, Jews, blacks, Latinos ...etc, talk about their race and religion? They are all arrogant, believe they are "the chosen ones" and that their race and religion is the superior one. Not just in the far distant past, but right!

    What seperates a white person's arrogance from their arrogance?

    ...the denial of basic human rights to indigenous and displaced peoples....

    6) See response numbers......1 through 6.

    the spreading of christianity and the denial and intolerence of other religions.

    7) See responses 2,3 and 5.

    Are you implying it's acceptable for non-whites to spread their religion and be intolerent of other people, and their religions (Muslims and Islam come immediately to mind); but that some how it's evil when christians spread christianity?

    Once again I am compelled to remid you. White people were not and are not the only people who followed/follow and spread christianity.

    .....the world is ruled by rich old white men. surely you can see that.

    8) Partially true.

    What world do you speak of?

    You do realize that there are many rich, wealthy and powerful men who rule "the world"; who are non-white, right?

    The fact is, on the global scale; wealth and power transcend race/color.

    There are an awfully lot of wealthy and powerful men all over the world, who are non-white (including the Middle East, Africa, China, Japan, India, South/Latin America) and a shit load of other contries. You have to realize that these men, regardless of color/race interact, share similar philosophies, similar lifestyles and similar bank accounts and similar amounts of power; in their respective regions or reach.

    You see, there's no doubt some rich, weathy white people are creating a lot of problems not only here in the United States, but also on a global scale.

    But to demonize white people and imply they are the only one's doing this; is naive, racist, hypocritical and completely unobjective.

    You are doing exactly the same thing (demonizing and selectively generalizing) that you and so many here (and around the world) get all upset and outraged about, when someone sterotypes and demonizes blacks, Latinos, Jews or Muslims. It's pure racism and hypocrisy.

    This list you provided in nothing more than a testement to the species of human beings. Whites are merely one genra of the species. But all generas have behaved and continue to behave, exactly the same.

    You have to understand that the there's always an action...and a reaction. There's always a push, a pull and then a push back. Whites have never had a monopoly on this.

    If you truely want to address the problems on our planet and our species, then, we have to focus on the human condition and human behavior. No race is exempt. No race worse than the other. All races do the very same crap and behave in exactly the the same manner you have listed. Both historically speaking and in current times.

    Demonizing one race is absurd.

    Those who claim to know where all the trouble started, who's to blame for it and advocate the demonization of one race; are only contributing to the problem in a racist and biased manner. Or thye are complete fools.

    The truth is, everyone is to blame. There are no innocents, here.

    White americans, white europeans, middle eastern muslims, muslims all over the world, jews, american blacks, african blacks, goes on and on. They all have played their roles in bring this world to it's miserable current state.

    Where is the demand for resposibility and acountability on everyone's part?

    Blaming one race or one religion or one country accomplishes nothing. The problems of our species runs so much deeper than that. It's a problem that has been several thousand years in the making and every race and religion has played it's bloody role through out the history of our species and continue to play their bloody role, now.

    Demand responsibility from all sides.....all involved. Let no one off the hook.

    Not finger-pointing and the blame-game. Everyone is guilty. That's way too many pointing fingers and it acomplishes nothing.

    Demand responsibility and accountability from leaders and citizens.
  • barakabaraka Posts: 1,268
    NMyTree wrote:
    Baraka is a racist.

    The greatest obstacle to discovery is not ignorance,
    but the illusion of knowledge.
    ~Daniel Boorstin

    Only a life lived for others is worth living.
    ~Albert Einstein
  • NMyTreeNMyTree Posts: 2,374
    baraka wrote:

    Amiri Baraka.

    Not you:D

    Unless, of are Amiri Baraka?

    If that's the case, then yeah, you're a racist.
  • barakabaraka Posts: 1,268
    NMyTree wrote:
    Amiri Baraka.

    Not you:D

    Unless, of are Amiri Baraka?

    If that's the case, then yeah, you're a racist.

    Oh no, you guys are on to me!!! ;) Ha ha, it was humorous to me to see 'Baraka is a racist'. I know you weren't referring to me.

    FYI: My name was not inspired by Amiri Baraka.
    The greatest obstacle to discovery is not ignorance,
    but the illusion of knowledge.
    ~Daniel Boorstin

    Only a life lived for others is worth living.
    ~Albert Einstein
  • gue_bariumgue_barium Posts: 5,515
    Somebody Blew Up America

    They say its some terrorist,
    some barbaric
    A Rab,
    in Afghanistan
    It wasn't our American terrorists
    It wasn't the Klan or the Skin heads
    Or the them that blows up nigger
    Churches, or reincarnates us on Death Row
    It wasn't Trent Lott
    Or David Duke or Giuliani
    Or Schundler, Helms retiring

    It wasn't
    The gonorrhea in costume
    The white sheet diseases
    That have murdered black people
    Terrorized reason and sanity
    Most of humanity, as they pleases

    They say (who say?)
    Who do the saying
    Who is them paying
    Who tell the lies
    Who in disguise
    Who had the slaves
    Who got the bux out the Bucks

    Who got fat from plantations
    Who genocided Indians
    Tried to waste the Black nation

    Who live on Wall Street
    The first plantation
    Who cut your nuts off
    Who rape your ma
    Who lynched your pa

    Who got the tar, who got the feathers
    Who had the match, who set the fires
    Who killed and hired
    Who say they God & still be the Devil

    Who the biggest only
    Who the most goodest
    Who do Jesus resemble

    Who created everything
    Who the smartest
    Who the greatest
    Who the richest
    Who say you ugly and they the goodlookingest

    Who define art
    Who define science

    Who made the bombs
    Who made the guns

    Who bought the slaves, who sold them

    Who called you them names
    Who say Dahmer wasn't insane

    Who? Who? Who?

    Who stole Puerto Rico
    Who stole the Indies, the Philipines, Manhattan
    Australia & The Hebrides
    Who forced opium on the Chinese

    Who own them buildings
    Who got the money
    Who think you funny
    Who locked you up
    Who own the papers

    Who owned the slave ship
    Who run the army

    Who the fake president
    Who the ruler
    Who the banker

    Who? Who? Who?

    Who own the mine
    Who twist your mind
    Who got bread
    Who need peace
    Who you think need war

    Who own the oil
    Who do no toil
    Who own the soil
    Who is not a nigger
    Who is so great ain't nobody bigger

    Who own this city

    Who own the air
    Who own the water

    Who own your crib
    Who rob and steal and cheat and murder
    and make lies the truth
    Who call you uncouth

    Who live in the biggest house
    Who do the biggest crime
    Who go on vacation anytime

    Who killed the most niggers
    Who killed the most Jews
    Who killed the most Italians
    Who killed the most Irish
    Who killed the most Africans
    Who killed the most Japanese
    Who killed the most Latinos

    Who? Who? Who?

    Who own the ocean

    Who own the airplanes
    Who own the malls
    Who own television
    Who own radio

    Who own what ain't even known to be owned
    Who own the owners that ain't the real owners

    Who own the suburbs
    Who suck the cities
    Who make the laws

    Who made Bush president
    Who believe the confederate flag need to be flying
    Who talk about democracy and be lying

    Who the Beast in Revelations
    Who 666
    Who know who decide
    Jesus get crucified

    Who the Devil on the real side
    Who got rich from Armenian genocide

    Who the biggest terrorist
    Who change the bible
    Who killed the most people
    Who do the most evil
    Who don't worry about survival

    Who have the colonies
    Who stole the most land
    Who rule the world
    Who say they good but only do evil
    Who the biggest executioner

    Who? Who? Who?

    Who own the oil
    Who want more oil
    Who told you what you think that later you find out a lie

    Who? Who? Who?

    Who found Bin Laden, maybe they Satan
    Who pay the CIA,
    Who knew the bomb was gonna blow
    Who know why the terrorists
    Learned to fly in Florida, San Diego

    Who know why Five Israelis was filming the explosion
    And cracking they sides at the notion

    Who need fossil fuel when the sun ain't goin' nowhere

    Who make the credit cards
    Who get the biggest tax cut
    Who walked out of the Conference
    Against Racism
    Who killed Malcolm, Kennedy & his Brother
    Who killed Dr King, Who would want such a thing?
    Are they linked to the murder of Lincoln?

    Who invaded Grenada
    Who made money from apartheid
    Who keep the Irish a colony
    Who overthrow Chile and Nicaragua later

    Who killed David Sibeko, Chris Hani,
    the same ones who killed Biko, Cabral,
    Neruda, Allende, Che Guevara, Sandino,

    Who killed Kabila, the ones who wasted Lumumba, Mondlane,
    Betty Shabazz, Die, Princess Di, Ralph Featherstone,
    Little Bobby

    Who locked up Mandela, Dhoruba, Geronimo,
    Assata, Mumia, Garvey, Dashiell Hammett, Alphaeus Hutton

    Who killed Huey Newton, Fred Hampton,
    Medgar Evers, Mikey Smith, Walter Rodney,
    Was it the ones who tried to poison Fidel
    Who tried to keep the Vietnamese Oppressed

    Who put a price on Lenin's head

    Who put the Jews in ovens,
    and who helped them do it
    Who said "America First"
    and ok'd the yellow stars

    Who killed Rosa Luxembourg, Liebneckt
    Who murdered the Rosenbergs
    And all the good people iced,
    tortured, assassinated, vanished

    Who got rich from Algeria, Libya, Haiti,
    Iran, Iraq, Saudi, Kuwait, Lebanon,
    Syria, Egypt, Jordan, Palestine,

    Who cut off peoples hands in the Congo
    Who invented Aids
    Who put the germs
    In the Indians' blankets
    Who thought up "The Trail of Tears"

    Who blew up the Maine
    & started the Spanish American War
    Who got Sharon back in Power
    Who backed Batista, Hitler, Bilbo,
    Chiang kai Chek

    Who decided Affirmative Action had to go
    Reconstruction, The New Deal,
    The New Frontier, The Great Society,

    Who do Tom Ass Clarence Work for
    Who doo doo come out the Colon's mouth
    Who know what kind of Skeeza is a Condoleeza
    Who pay Connelly to be a wooden negro
    Who give Genius Awards to Homo Locus

    Who overthrew Nkrumah, Bishop,
    Who poison Robeson,
    who try to put DuBois in Jail
    Who frame Rap Jamil al Amin, Who frame the Rosenbergs,
    The Scottsboro Boys,
    The Hollywood Ten

    Who set the Reichstag Fire

    Who knew the World Trade Center was gonna get bombed
    Who told 4000 Israeli workers at the Twin Towers
    To stay home that day
    Why did Sharon stay away?

    Who? Who? Who?

    Explosion of Owl the newspaper say
    The devil face cd be seen

    Who make money from war
    Who make dough from fear and lies
    Who want the world like it is
    Who want the world to be ruled by imperialism and national
    oppression and terror violence, and hunger and poverty.

    Who is the ruler of Hell?
    Who is the most powerful

    Who you know ever
    Seen God?

    But everybody seen
    The Devil

    Like an Owl exploding
    In your life in your brain in your self
    Like an Owl who know the devil
    All night, all day if you listen, Like an Owl
    Exploding in fire. We hear the questions rise
    In terrible flame like the whistle of a crazy dog

    Like the acid vomit of the fire of Hell
    Who and Who and WHO who who
    Whoooo and Whooooooooooooooooooooo!

    - amiri baraka

    Mr. Green Disease.

    all posts by ©gue_barium are protected under US copyright law and are not to be reproduced, exchanged or sold
    except by express written permission of ©gue_barium, the author.
  • MLC2006MLC2006 Posts: 861
    just taking into account the last 500 or so years:

    the empire building of european powers.
    the taking of indigenous lands and the exterminations of native people.
    the treating of 'others' as just that.
    the colonisation of africa.
    the arrogance that white man is the epitome of everything.
    the denial of basic human rights to indigenous and displaced peoples
    the spreading of christianity and the denial and intolerence of other religions.

    the world is ruled by rich old white men. surely you can see that.

    ohhhh, now I see, thanks for clearing that up. so I'm some joe schmo in South Carolina stuck in what is pretty much a deadend job basically living paycheck to paycheck to pay the bills and support my family. I worked 30-40 hours a week from the 11th grade all the way through college and had to get a student loan that I'm STILL paying on 8 years after graduating from college. but I've had it so good in life, just as good as Bush, and Bill Gates, and Carnegie, and who the fuck ever else, because I'm part of their elite "white male American club". thanks, that's solid logic you're using there.
  • catefrancescatefrances Posts: 29,003
    MLC2006 wrote:
    ohhhh, now I see, thanks for clearing that up. so I'm some joe schmo in South Carolina stuck in what is pretty much a deadend job basically living paycheck to paycheck to pay the bills and support my family. I worked 30-40 hours a week from the 11th grade all the way through college and had to get a student loan that I'm STILL paying on 8 years after graduating from college. but I've had it so good in life, just as good as Bush, and Bill Gates, and Carnegie, and who the fuck ever else, because I'm part of their elite "white male American club". thanks, that's solid logic you're using there.

    you class yourself as an old rich white man do you? you think you are one of thsoe ruling the world do you?
    and yeah perhaps you are some joe schmo stuck in south carolina working in a deadend job living paycheck to paycheck. but then perhaps not. but seeings how you admit you work 30-40 hours a week and are still paying off your student loan and all the other bills you accumulate, then yes again perhaps you are one of those joe schmos YOU speak of. i never said anything about being stuck in the conditions you speak of. YOU brought all that up when you decided to join the kings of the world. so i say again unless you consider yourself a rich old white guy happily ensconced amongst those who really rule the world then i don't know what the hell you're going on about.
    but hey i understand that but for accident of birth you and i both could have been born into wretched conditions where the opportunity to discuss this would be non existent. where the opportunity to even reach adulthood would be vastly impaired as we struggle just to survive. fortunately you and i both were born into, or have come to live in, white western so called democracies where depending on how much we are willing to sell our souls for, we can achieve anything. or so we're told. we have choices millions of other people couldn't even dare to wish for.
    hear my name
    take a good look
    this could be the day
    hold my hand
    lie beside me
    i just need to say
  • MLC2006MLC2006 Posts: 861
    you class yourself as an old rich white man do you? you think you are one of thsoe ruling the world do you?
    and yeah perhaps you are some joe schmo stuck in south carolina working in a deadend job living paycheck to paycheck. but then perhaps not. but seeings how you admit you work 30-40 hours a week and are still paying off your student loan and all the other bills you accumulate, then yes again perhaps you are one of those joe schmos YOU speak of. i never said anything about being stuck in the conditions you speak of. YOU brought all that up when you decided to join the kings of the world. so i say again unless you consider yourself a rich old white guy happily ensconced amongst those who really rule the world then i don't know what the hell you're going on about.
    but hey i understand that but for accident of birth you and i both could have been born into wretched conditions where the opportunity to discuss this would be non existent. where the opportunity to even reach adulthood would be vastly impaired as we struggle just to survive. fortunately you and i both were born into, or have come to live in, white western so called democracies where depending on how much we are willing to sell our souls for, we can achieve anything. or so we're told. we have choices millions of other people couldn't even dare to wish for.

    here's your quote........."throughout history the human condition has been different for white man."

    so no, *I* didn't group myself with old rich white men that are ruling the world, YOU did. which is extremely racist, imo, because it follows racial stereotypes, that all people of a particular race are the exact same thing with the exact same life laid out for them.

    you're right, it's the luck of the draw that we are born where we are and to who we are. so what? what the fuck does that have to do with anything whatsoever? I'm supposed to apologize or to blame my parents for me being born in a wealthy country like the US rather than some 3rd world country? fuck off.
  • mookie9999mookie9999 Posts: 4,677
    It may have already been saids, but I's didn't know we be owning no ocean!
    "The leads are weak!"

    "The leads are weak? Fuckin' leads are weak? You're Weak! I've Been in this business 15 years"

    "What's your name?"

  • NMyTreeNMyTree Posts: 2,374
    MLC2006 wrote:
    here's your quote........."throughout history the human condition has been different for white man."

    so no, *I* didn't group myself with old rich white men that are ruling the world, YOU did. which is extremely racist, imo, because it follows racial stereotypes, that all people of a particular race are the exact same thing with the exact same life laid out for them.

    you're right, it's the luck of the draw that we are born where we are and to who we are. so what? what the fuck does that have to do with anything whatsoever? I'm supposed to apologize or to blame my parents for me being born in a wealthy country like the US rather than some 3rd world country? fuck off.

    Notice she :D skipped right over my previous response to him? Notice he doesn't want to address those facts?
  • Purple HawkPurple Hawk Posts: 1,300
    people people people let's not forget amiri baraka is A POET. he is not painting pretty pictures that's for sure. who knows if he expects us to read his work and take evrything he writes as gospel. but he's got us thinking and engaging with each other. and that's what it's all about. :)

    nothing says poetry like saying...anyone that disagrees with you is a hatemongering racist hillybilly. sounds like a VERRRRRY open-minded "artist" who really wants to discuss the issues and REALLY interested in hearing the other side. sounds to me like he wants to shut down debate by painting the otherside as the epitome of evil...even though evil doesn't exist in his twisted world.

    no offense..but it's a bunch of crap and it's embarrassing than anyone would think this is enlightening and getting us to "think."

    bullshit like this doesn't have us thinking...we have ourselves thinking.
    And you ask me what I want this year
    And I try to make this kind and clear
    Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
    Cuz I don't need boxes wrapped in strings
    And desire and love and empty things
    Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
  • MLC2006MLC2006 Posts: 861
    NMyTree wrote:
    Notice he skipped right over my previous response to him? Notice he doesn't want to address those facts?

    I always find that the most racist and backward people are the ones who are so self-righteous and "forward thinking". except for skin tone, I have nothing whatsoever in common with the Bushes and Kennedys and Bill Gates of the world. but somehow, I get lumped into the same category like I'm living on easy fucking street or something. I try to work, pay my bills, look out for my family, and because I'm not out fighting against "the man" like Baraka moron, I'm the fucking devil.
  • catefrancescatefrances Posts: 29,003
    nothing says poetry like saying...anyone that disagrees with you is a hatemongering racist hillybilly. sounds like a VERRRRRY open-minded "artist" who really wants to discuss the issues and REALLY interested in hearing the other side. sounds to me like he wants to shut down debate by painting the otherside as the epitome of evil...even though evil doesn't exist in his twisted world.

    no offense..but it's a bunch of crap and it's embarrassing than anyone would think this is enlightening and getting us to "think."

    bullshit like this doesn't have us thinking...we have ourselves thinking.

    did you see this bit?:

    who knows if he expects us to read his work and take evrything he writes as gospel.

    if you're so pissed off about what he said challenge it. just like he's challenging you. for fuck's sake people, the reason i posted it was not because i agree with everything he says in the poem but because i knew the reaction it would get. so thank you all for that, on both sides. :)

    no offense taken hawk. after all, i didn't write the poem. :)
    hear my name
    take a good look
    this could be the day
    hold my hand
    lie beside me
    i just need to say
  • catefrancescatefrances Posts: 29,003
    MLC2006 wrote:
    I always find that the most racist and backward people are the ones who are so self-righteous and "forward thinking". except for skin tone, I have nothing whatsoever in common with the Bushes and Kennedys and Bill Gates of the world. but somehow, I get lumped into the same category like I'm living on easy fucking street or something. I try to work, pay my bills, look out for my family, and because I'm not out fighting against "the man" like Baraka moron, I'm the fucking devil.

    it appears we have a MAJOR communication breakdown. do not think for one minute i was lumping you in with the bushes or the kennedys or the gates' of this world. that was not my intention. and until you chucked your hissy fit it never occurred to me that anyone on this board would even think that when i said the world is run by rich old white men i was addressing or including them.

    where did i say you were living on easy street? where did i even imply it?where did i say ALL white men are the same?

    and no i do not think you are the devil.
    hear my name
    take a good look
    this could be the day
    hold my hand
    lie beside me
    i just need to say
  • catefrancescatefrances Posts: 29,003
    MLC2006 wrote:
    here's your quote........."throughout history the human condition has been different for white man."

    so no, *I* didn't group myself with old rich white men that are ruling the world, YOU did. which is extremely racist, imo, because it follows racial stereotypes, that all people of a particular race are the exact same thing with the exact same life laid out for them.

    you're right, it's the luck of the draw that we are born where we are and to who we are. so what? what the fuck does that have to do with anything whatsoever? I'm supposed to apologize or to blame my parents for me being born in a wealthy country like the US rather than some 3rd world country? fuck off.

    NO, i did not lump you in with rich old white men.
    and no of course you're not suppose to apologise for being born into the society you were. how could you? and why would i ask that of you? simple answer is, i wouldn't.
    hear my name
    take a good look
    this could be the day
    hold my hand
    lie beside me
    i just need to say
  • Purple HawkPurple Hawk Posts: 1,300
    did you see this bit?:

    who knows if he expects us to read his work and take evrything he writes as gospel.

    if you're do pissed off about what he said challenge it. just like he's challenging you. for fuck's sake people, the reason i posted it was not because i agree with everything he says in the poem but because i knew the reaction it would get. so thank you all for that, on both sides. :)

    no offense taken hawk. after all, i didn't write the poem. :)

    he's not challenging anyone...there is no intellecutal honesty in anything he is saying. he is not turning anyone on to a discussion. he is ripping off a bunch of distorted stereotypes to get people who are miserable to say "hell yeah." if you can point to one thing of substance that he actually says...i'll challenge it...but it's pointless to challenge vague plattitudes.
    And you ask me what I want this year
    And I try to make this kind and clear
    Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
    Cuz I don't need boxes wrapped in strings
    And desire and love and empty things
    Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
  • MLC2006MLC2006 Posts: 861
    it appears we have a MAJOR communication breakdown. do not think for one minute i was lumping you in with the bushes or the kennedys or the gates' of this world. that was not my intention. and until you chucked your hissy fit it never occurred to me that anyone on this board would even think that when i said the world is run by rich old white men i was addressing or including them.

    where did i say you were living on easy street? where did i even imply it?where did i say ALL white men are the same?

    and no i do not think you are the devil.

    and again, here is your quote.............."throughout history the human condition has been different for white man."

    so since I AM a "white man", I am to assume by your quote that my "human condition" has been much better than people of other races. so I would like you to explain that quote.

    if you meant to say "old rich white men", then that is what you should've said instead of lumping all "white men" together. and even if you said "old rich white men", I would have to point out that some of the most powerful people in the world are Arabs and black Africans, so it is NOT just "old rich white men" that are ruling the world.
  • MLC2006MLC2006 Posts: 861
    he's not challenging anyone...there is no intellecutal honesty in anything he is saying. he is not turning anyone on to a discussion. he is ripping off a bunch of distorted stereotypes to get people who are miserable to say "hell yeah." if you can point to one thing of substance that he actually says...i'll challenge it...but it's pointless to challenge vague plattitudes.

    that's the thing, I think to attempt to "challenge" it would be a validation of it, and I choose not to. it lacks any kind of merit, so rather than validate it, I'd just call the author what he ignorant racist. and though I'm no poetry expert, I don't see who this could even be viewed as "art". this is just stream of conscious from a bitter old man. if so many people didn't view him as a "genius" or if he didn't come from a time when this avant garde crap was looked on so highly, he would be viewed as nothing more than one of those demented street preachers roaming around NYC and California.
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