somebody blew up america

catefrancescatefrances Posts: 29,003
edited August 2007 in A Moving Train
Somebody Blew Up America

They say its some terrorist,
some barbaric
A Rab,
in Afghanistan
It wasn't our American terrorists
It wasn't the Klan or the Skin heads
Or the them that blows up nigger
Churches, or reincarnates us on Death Row
It wasn't Trent Lott
Or David Duke or Giuliani
Or Schundler, Helms retiring

It wasn't
The gonorrhea in costume
The white sheet diseases
That have murdered black people
Terrorized reason and sanity
Most of humanity, as they pleases

They say (who say?)
Who do the saying
Who is them paying
Who tell the lies
Who in disguise
Who had the slaves
Who got the bux out the Bucks

Who got fat from plantations
Who genocided Indians
Tried to waste the Black nation

Who live on Wall Street
The first plantation
Who cut your nuts off
Who rape your ma
Who lynched your pa

Who got the tar, who got the feathers
Who had the match, who set the fires
Who killed and hired
Who say they God & still be the Devil

Who the biggest only
Who the most goodest
Who do Jesus resemble

Who created everything
Who the smartest
Who the greatest
Who the richest
Who say you ugly and they the goodlookingest

Who define art
Who define science

Who made the bombs
Who made the guns

Who bought the slaves, who sold them

Who called you them names
Who say Dahmer wasn't insane

Who? Who? Who?

Who stole Puerto Rico
Who stole the Indies, the Philipines, Manhattan
Australia & The Hebrides
Who forced opium on the Chinese

Who own them buildings
Who got the money
Who think you funny
Who locked you up
Who own the papers

Who owned the slave ship
Who run the army

Who the fake president
Who the ruler
Who the banker

Who? Who? Who?

Who own the mine
Who twist your mind
Who got bread
Who need peace
Who you think need war

Who own the oil
Who do no toil
Who own the soil
Who is not a nigger
Who is so great ain't nobody bigger

Who own this city

Who own the air
Who own the water

Who own your crib
Who rob and steal and cheat and murder
and make lies the truth
Who call you uncouth

Who live in the biggest house
Who do the biggest crime
Who go on vacation anytime

Who killed the most niggers
Who killed the most Jews
Who killed the most Italians
Who killed the most Irish
Who killed the most Africans
Who killed the most Japanese
Who killed the most Latinos

Who? Who? Who?

Who own the ocean

Who own the airplanes
Who own the malls
Who own television
Who own radio

Who own what ain't even known to be owned
Who own the owners that ain't the real owners

Who own the suburbs
Who suck the cities
Who make the laws

Who made Bush president
Who believe the confederate flag need to be flying
Who talk about democracy and be lying

Who the Beast in Revelations
Who 666
Who know who decide
Jesus get crucified

Who the Devil on the real side
Who got rich from Armenian genocide

Who the biggest terrorist
Who change the bible
Who killed the most people
Who do the most evil
Who don't worry about survival

Who have the colonies
Who stole the most land
Who rule the world
Who say they good but only do evil
Who the biggest executioner

Who? Who? Who?

Who own the oil
Who want more oil
Who told you what you think that later you find out a lie

Who? Who? Who?

Who found Bin Laden, maybe they Satan
Who pay the CIA,
Who knew the bomb was gonna blow
Who know why the terrorists
Learned to fly in Florida, San Diego

Who know why Five Israelis was filming the explosion
And cracking they sides at the notion

Who need fossil fuel when the sun ain't goin' nowhere

Who make the credit cards
Who get the biggest tax cut
Who walked out of the Conference
Against Racism
Who killed Malcolm, Kennedy & his Brother
Who killed Dr King, Who would want such a thing?
Are they linked to the murder of Lincoln?

Who invaded Grenada
Who made money from apartheid
Who keep the Irish a colony
Who overthrow Chile and Nicaragua later

Who killed David Sibeko, Chris Hani,
the same ones who killed Biko, Cabral,
Neruda, Allende, Che Guevara, Sandino,

Who killed Kabila, the ones who wasted Lumumba, Mondlane,
Betty Shabazz, Die, Princess Di, Ralph Featherstone,
Little Bobby

Who locked up Mandela, Dhoruba, Geronimo,
Assata, Mumia, Garvey, Dashiell Hammett, Alphaeus Hutton

Who killed Huey Newton, Fred Hampton,
Medgar Evers, Mikey Smith, Walter Rodney,
Was it the ones who tried to poison Fidel
Who tried to keep the Vietnamese Oppressed

Who put a price on Lenin's head

Who put the Jews in ovens,
and who helped them do it
Who said "America First"
and ok'd the yellow stars

Who killed Rosa Luxembourg, Liebneckt
Who murdered the Rosenbergs
And all the good people iced,
tortured, assassinated, vanished

Who got rich from Algeria, Libya, Haiti,
Iran, Iraq, Saudi, Kuwait, Lebanon,
Syria, Egypt, Jordan, Palestine,

Who cut off peoples hands in the Congo
Who invented Aids
Who put the germs
In the Indians' blankets
Who thought up "The Trail of Tears"

Who blew up the Maine
& started the Spanish American War
Who got Sharon back in Power
Who backed Batista, Hitler, Bilbo,
Chiang kai Chek

Who decided Affirmative Action had to go
Reconstruction, The New Deal,
The New Frontier, The Great Society,

Who do Tom Ass Clarence Work for
Who doo doo come out the Colon's mouth
Who know what kind of Skeeza is a Condoleeza
Who pay Connelly to be a wooden negro
Who give Genius Awards to Homo Locus

Who overthrew Nkrumah, Bishop,
Who poison Robeson,
who try to put DuBois in Jail
Who frame Rap Jamil al Amin, Who frame the Rosenbergs,
The Scottsboro Boys,
The Hollywood Ten

Who set the Reichstag Fire

Who knew the World Trade Center was gonna get bombed
Who told 4000 Israeli workers at the Twin Towers
To stay home that day
Why did Sharon stay away?

Who? Who? Who?

Explosion of Owl the newspaper say
The devil face cd be seen

Who make money from war
Who make dough from fear and lies
Who want the world like it is
Who want the world to be ruled by imperialism and national
oppression and terror violence, and hunger and poverty.

Who is the ruler of Hell?
Who is the most powerful

Who you know ever
Seen God?

But everybody seen
The Devil

Like an Owl exploding
In your life in your brain in your self
Like an Owl who know the devil
All night, all day if you listen, Like an Owl
Exploding in fire. We hear the questions rise
In terrible flame like the whistle of a crazy dog

Like the acid vomit of the fire of Hell
Who and Who and WHO who who
Whoooo and Whooooooooooooooooooooo!

- amiri baraka
hear my name
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • NMyTreeNMyTree Posts: 2,374 that ........whoooooooo be that...

    The White Devil?

  • AhnimusAhnimus Posts: 10,560
    Too many grammatical errors.
    I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
  • NMyTreeNMyTree Posts: 2,374
    Maybe a history lesson of the evils, violent and murderous attrocities of those other than white; is a requirement for those who write poems......such as this one.
  • Holy crap that was long...

    Don't even joke about it...
    Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
    and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
    over specific principles, goals, and policies.

    ( o.O)
  • AhnimusAhnimus Posts: 10,560
    NMyTree wrote:
    Maybe a history lesson of the evils, violent and murderous attrocities of those other than white; is a requirement for those who write poems......such as this one.

    You don't mean the white slaves in Africa do you?
    I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
  • catefrancescatefrances Posts: 29,003
    hear my name
    take a good look
    this could be the day
    hold my hand
    lie beside me
    i just need to say
  • NMyTreeNMyTree Posts: 2,374
    Thank god that youtube video changes historical fact.

    As we all know, just because some fool is filmed babbling a fool; it changes all the historical facts, forever.

    Him certainly is the most goodest.
  • Amiri Baraka is a hero, and a true American. He is an avowed Marxist, and his poems an inspiration and a breath of fresh air.

    That he was replaced or fired as the poet laureate is an outrage.

    Amiri Baraka is pure genius
  • NMyTreeNMyTree Posts: 2,374
    ...and for the record....

    No one has killed more Africans, then Black Africans.

    But him still the most goodest.
  • NMyTree wrote:
    Maybe a history lesson of the evils, violent and murderous attrocities of those other than white; is a requirement for those who write poems......such as this one.

    What is he saying that is incorrect?

    All the stuff he wrote about is fact. He is extremely thorough in the poem detailing 400 years of abuse, murder and outright rape, perpetrated by a white male patriarchal society that could give a damn if a black man is shot 41 times all because the pigs thought his wallet was a gun!
  • NMyTreeNMyTree Posts: 2,374
    Amiri Baraka is a hero, and a true American. He is an avowed Marxist, and his poems an inspiration and a breath of fresh air.

    That he was replaced or fired as the poet laureate is an outrage.

    Amiri Baraka is pure genius

    Him also historically ignorant.
  • Purple HawkPurple Hawk Posts: 1,300
    What is he saying that is incorrect?

    All the stuff he wrote about is fact. He is extremely thorough in the poem detailing 400 years of abuse, murder and outright rape, perpetrated by a white male patriarchal society that could give a damn if a black man is shot 41 times all because the pigs thought his wallet was a gun!

    i wish you people would become more vocal...and the politicians you donate money to would actually say the things that you guys believe. trust me, it would take the move to the right that much easier.

    btw - what a crock of shit...glenn beck has a kick ass che gorevara shirt...but he can't sell it b/c of copywright all of a sudden you people are capitalists?
    And you ask me what I want this year
    And I try to make this kind and clear
    Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
    Cuz I don't need boxes wrapped in strings
    And desire and love and empty things
    Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
  • ByrnzieByrnzie Posts: 21,037
    Somebody Blew Up America

    Thanks for posting this. I'd not heard of him before.
    I thought it was one of your own there for a second. I was gonna say 'wow!'
  • catefrancescatefrances Posts: 29,003
    Byrnzie wrote:
    Thanks for posting this. I'd not heard of him before.
    I thought it was one of your own there for a second. I was gonna say 'wow!'

    you're welcome.

    and it's still wow. :)
    hear my name
    take a good look
    this could be the day
    hold my hand
    lie beside me
    i just need to say
  • These two are a tad off the hook:
    - 4000 Israeli's warned of 9/11...
    - Aids invented...
    there was one more but I forgot.

    The best line:
    - Who know what kind of Skeeza is a Condoleeza

    Interesting and mostly accurate, but somewhat over exaggerated.

    It's like saying white people are the reason for everything wrong in the world today.

    Lots of All races have done absolutely horrible things, and could be related to Satan by their actions.
    Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
    and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
    over specific principles, goals, and policies.

    ( o.O)
  • usually we agree roland but on this issue we arent in lock step.

    I am a white kid, but I do know this, This poem is alot more accurate towards blacks feelings than Obama's asinine "quiet rage" and "quiet riot" idea.

    The poem reminds me of the just as powerful Langston Hughes poem Raisin in the Sun where he talks about "does a raisin fester like a sore, or does it...explode?"

    Amiri Baraka is expressing pain and anger, just as Hughes, Baldwin, Morrison, Angelou etc... expressed their pain and anger.

    In my view, this poem is an indication of exactly why I loathe obama. He's so middle of the road. He isnt a radical at all. He isnt even a goddamn liberal for godssake. He spends part of the debate talking about how he is black enough because his skin color makes it hard for him to catch taxis. Yet his platform spends little to no time on racial profiling, rabid racist cops, the unfair and unjust judicial system, the racist prison system, the racist drug war, unfair racist housing practices, and everyday racism and discrimination. Yet he wants our vote? And he wants blacks votes? Give me a goddamn break!

    He should be rightly calling for reperations. He should be calling for the release of all political prisoners. He should be calling for a system where cops are not needed, but if by any chance they are mandatory, that the neighborhood itself votes on who should be a cop and who shouldnt. He should be calling for an end to the drug war and the release of the majority of the 1 million plus black men in jail, not for killing or raping, but for nonviolent drug offences.

    Obama isnt black enough. Its simple.

    At this point in history, after being in 2 wars under bush, losing civil liberties, losing more of the environment, etc... is what we need right now a middle of the road centrist person? Or do we need something and someone else?

    Is Obama really all that different from the past 42 presidents we have had, barring his skin color? Is he really not into slinging mud, bowing down to corporations?
  • I dont know your race roland but I am a white kid, and I can say I have never been profiled by police and never experienced racism. African Americans experience it daily. DAILY. So who are we to judge. Who are we to tell baraka what he should feel?

    He has written a powerful poem, a call to arms that questions our societys basic principles of "we are all created equal".

    He has good reason to be pissed off.

    And lets face it, he has a lot to be pissed of about in terms of white america.
  • catefrancescatefrances Posts: 29,003
    usually we agree roland but on this issue we arent in lock step.

    I am a white kid, but I do know this, This poem is alot more accurate towards blacks feelings than Obama's asinine "quiet rage" and "quiet riot" idea.

    The poem reminds me of the just as powerful Langston Hughes poem Raisin in the Sun where he talks about "does a raisin fester like a sore, or does it...explode?"

    Amiri Baraka is expressing pain and anger, just as Hughes, Baldwin, Morrison, Angelou etc... expressed their pain and anger.

    In my view, this poem is an indication of exactly why I loathe obama. He's so middle of the road. He isnt a radical at all. He isnt even a goddamn liberal for godssake. He spends part of the debate talking about how he is black enough because his skin color makes it hard for him to catch taxis. Yet his platform spends little to no time on racial profiling, rabid racist cops, the unfair and unjust judicial system, the racist prison system, the racist drug war, unfair racist housing practices, and everyday racism and discrimination. Yet he wants our vote? And he wants blacks votes? Give me a goddamn break!

    He should be rightly calling for reperations. He should be calling for the release of all political prisoners. He should be calling for a system where cops are not needed, but if by any chance they are mandatory, that the neighborhood itself votes on who should be a cop and who shouldnt. He should be calling for an end to the drug war and the release of the majority of the 1 million plus black men in jail, not for killing or raping, but for nonviolent drug offences.

    Obama isnt black enough. Its simple.

    At this point in history, after being in 2 wars under bush, losing civil liberties, losing more of the environment, etc... is what we need right now a middle of the road centrist person? Or do we need something and someone else?

    Is Obama really all that different from the past 42 presidents we have had, barring his skin color? Is he really not into slinging mud, bowing down to corporations?

    the problem with obama is that he's a politician. and by NOT BLACK ENOUGH what exactly do you mean? do youo consider him as black as malcolm x for example?
    hear my name
    take a good look
    this could be the day
    hold my hand
    lie beside me
    i just need to say
  • NMyTreeNMyTree Posts: 2,374
    That poem has so many historically inaccurate comments and downright stereotypesl that it just becomes laughable.

    Granted, he definitely got some things right. But for the most part, the theme of that poem, is just a "broad sweeping generalization".

    I really love seeing you guys post the things you're saying in this thread.

    Essentially what this guy is saying, is exactly the same as some white guy stereotyping all blacks as thugs, criminals and calling them niggers.

    Yet, you applaud this guy and appoint him a genius. What hypocrites.

    Personally, I don't have a problem with his poem and what he's saying. It really doesn't effect me at all, except that he makes me laugh at him. He has the right to express himself, but I see him for what he really is; an uneducated, hateful racist.

    Much in the same way I laugh at white racists stereotyping and generalizing the whole black race. I see them for what they really are, uneducated, hateful racists.

    Of course I can concede that there have been and continue to be a lot of hateful, bad, even evil white people. Which in part plays into this clown's theme and generalization.

    But I can also concede that there have been and continue to be a lot of hateful, bad ....even evil black people. Which in part plays into every uneducated, racist white guy's theme and generalizations.

    Stereotyping and generalizing white people as "White Devils" "Satan" is the equivelent of calling blacks "Niggers". If you're someone who is offended and outraged by the latter; then, you're a hypocrite if you're not offended by the former.

    But then again, we've seen who the true racists in this tread are. Just look for the people claiming Obama isn't "black" enough.

    Who do the genocide of their own black people
    Who do abducted and enslave their own black people
    Who do invaded their own black villages and slaughtered families
    Who do slaughtered families in villages because they were inferior blacks
    Who do kill blacks because they not the right kind of black
    Who do sold/traded slaves to themselves and outsiders

    Who do abducted, enslaved and butchered outsiders who came to their great black land

    Who do get mad because white man did to them for 400 years, as they had done to others....for thousands of years

    Who Do...Who Do..........

    Like the acid vomit of the fire of Hell
    Who and Who and WHO who who
    Whoooo and Whooooooooooooooooooooo!

    You know who..........

    Who do, indeed.

    Who do? The species of human being, that's who do

    Every race, every color, every religion, on every inch of land on this planet, that's who do.

    Who do say, that maybe....all human beings are the devils
  • yes malcolmx or even MLK are examples of "black enough" in my book. Why I say Obama isnt black enough is the same reasons I went on my tirade. Obama has talked about a "quiet rage" that exists in many black neighborhoods. I laughed hard at that assertion, if anything the rage he talks about, is overt, and righteous. The neighborhood that witnessed the most publicized instance of overt police racism, where a black 20 year old coming home from a bachelor party was shot 50 some times by police. And the kid was UNARMED. I dont even live in the neighborhood and I was pissed off. Those neighbors most likely werent "quietly raging" by "loudly raging!"

    Additional things that upset me about obama: as a person who knows politics, obama has to know that when the u.s. starts wars, almost without exception those wars are against poorer, and darker nations. Yet he is no pacifist and has continually made that clear. He isnt opposed to starting wars.

    He is indeed a politician, and that scares me. He is unique and is a fresh face but he isnt above the power that corrupts.

    I mean look, he is popular, he is a black man, and he is getting a ton of press. Many dems seem to think he has a real shot at becoming our future president. Yet Obamas platform isnt filled with what I described in previous posts. He isnt trying to reduce racial profiling. he isnt for reparations. He isnt against the drug war. He doesnt call the judicial system racist, and on and on. That to me means he isnt black enough.
  • as a popular black leader, possibly our next president, obama has a responsibility. A responsibility to the millions of black people who feel continually disillusioned and disenfrancished by our system in general, people who feel they have no stake in america.

    Baraka expresses that desire better than Obama ever could.

    Obama is manufactured, whereas baraka is alarmist and genuine. Whatever your opinion of his statements, Baraka is speaking the truth as he sees it, and is speaking from his heart. He is genuinely pissed off.

    Again, black history is filled with great authors (morrison), poets (hughes), singers (holiday), who have expressed the pain and rage of living as essentially a second class citizen in America. Those documents and albums are valuable and almost without exception powerful.

    But as whites I dont think we should be bashing Baraka.

    I disagree with those who say he is a liar or distorting facts. He is actually saying some important truths. He lists real historical and current people, and events.

    Sure there are bad apples in every race, and not all whites are bad people, but lets face it people, the white race has seriously messed up, and continually, even currently.

    We claim to be an all encompassing country, a place where everyone can make it, a place where skin color has as little importance as sock color or shirt color, a place where one can rise up from poor and become a donald trump or paris hilton.

    But those are pipe dreams and we all know this.

    We see it daily. Ground Zero is often talked about, but very rarely do we EVER here mention of the fact that the towers were built on ancient native and slave remains. The banks like Aetna and others who profitted off slave labor, continue to refuse to give that money back. We as a nation refuse to even CONSIDER reparations. All whites dismiss it on site. We refuse to believe that the entire system is slanted towards whites. We refuse to come to terms with the fact that its harder for blacks to buy houses because of discrimination and unfair practices. We refuse to believe that racist cops are shooting anyone on site. We refuse to believe racism still lives here in the us of a. We refuse to believe the justice system is racist and tell ourselves that blacks are more violent than whites, because after all the majority of those in prison are black.

    As a white male, this poem should make me uncomfortable, and it should make us all uncomfortable. Its expressing a rage, a rage that seems almost primal, a desire to be heard and to be treated fairly, a desire to not be maligned and lynched and sent to the new slave labor camps called federal prisons.

    Its fine to disagree with Baraka, but I find no reason to call him stupid. Would you call Langston Hughes or Toni Morrison stupid?

    They all are expressing a truth, an important one. And I for one, refuse to be like most whites, someone who nods but doesnt listen, someone who doesnt give a damn.

    To prove my statements, has anyone read Morrisons first novel The Bluest Eye. it is as rage filled, as pissed off, as incendiary and as radical as Barakas poem, but is less overt. But both documents are coming from the same place.

    I for one am tired of blacks continually being placated, and maligned and abused.
  • MLC2006MLC2006 Posts: 861
    this Baraka once said that all white males in America are raised to be fags. now, I was not raised to be a "fag" and I was also not raised to use such derogatory terms about people. the rhetoric that he spews out is offensive, nothing more, nothing less. I don't doubt that he has faced racism in his life, but when comes out with this trash, he reduces himself to the level of the racists that he claims to be against. MLK took the high ground and proved that he was above the fray, and that is why he is regarded in such a good light. Baraka is nothing, he will not be remembered when he dies in a few years and I highly doubt that most HS aged children of any race could tell you who he is. if you think someone saying that other people are rapists and fags is a "great American", then you are out of touch.

    as for Obama, I don't care one way or another. but if you think he would take this neo-militant approach of Baraka and get more the 1% of the popular vote, you're a fool. we may one day have a black president, but it WON'T be a black militant, you can bank on that.
  • chopitdownchopitdown Posts: 2,222

    He should be rightly calling for reperations. He should be calling for the release of all political prisoners. He should be calling for a system where cops are not needed, but if by any chance they are mandatory, that the neighborhood itself votes on who should be a cop and who shouldnt. He should be calling for an end to the drug war and the release of the majority of the 1 million plus black men in jail, not for killing or raping, but for nonviolent drug offences.

    Obama isnt black enough. Its simple.

    Reparations for whom? As I've said before if there is anyone alive today who was a slave in America they should be compensated, but I think if they do reparations the countries in Africa and Europe should kick money in too, after all Africans and Europeans also sold Africans in the Slave trade, in fact African Americans even owned slaves in some places, so blanket reparations are very irresponsible. A system where cops are not needed and if it's mandatory the community gets to choose who they are? while they a good IDEA you seem to have a lot of faith in human beings when you can look through history and see tons of examples of humans doing terrible things to humans, why would that change now? And to say someone isn't black enough is just crazy talk. That's the kind of crap that keeps a lot of african americans from really trying. The culture usually makes fun of people for trying to get ahead and for bettering themselves, unless they happen to be athletic or musically inclined, which is sad. There are a lot of race problems still, and calling someone not black enough is evidence of it. Maybe you should say he doesn't share the ideals that you do, there's no need to stereotype him and say he isn't black enough.
    make sure the fortune that you the fortune that you need
  • MLC2006 wrote:
    this Baraka once said that all white males in America are raised to be fags. now, I was not raised to be a "fag" and I was also not raised to use such derogatory terms about people. the rhetoric that he spews out is offensive, nothing more, nothing less. I don't doubt that he has faced racism in his life, but when comes out with this trash, he reduces himself to the level of the racists that he claims to be against. MLK took the high ground and proved that he was above the fray, and that is why he is regarded in such a good light. Baraka is nothing, he will not be remembered when he dies in a few years and I highly doubt that most HS aged children of any race could tell you who he is. if you think someone saying that other people are rapists and fags is a "great American", then you are out of touch.

    as for Obama, I don't care one way or another. but if you think he would take this neo-militant approach of Baraka and get more the 1% of the popular vote, you're a fool. we may one day have a black president, but it WON'T be a black militant, you can bank on that.

    i didnt know he stated that about gays. I find any homophobia sick and gross. And that statement should be condemned. But also I thinik you may be wrong. Baraka was part of the beat generation. he was friends with Kerouac who was rumored to be gay and was friends with ginsberg who was an openly gay male. Why would Kerouac and Ginsberg be friends with someone who hated white gays, which both were?

    And to just be fair here, obama aint mister pro gay rights. The only person on the stage at the debates who is for gay marriage is dennis kucinich. Obama isnt for gay marriage. That to me is just as offensive as anything baraka said about white male gays.

    I have always been amazed at how one sided this board is. There are two sides to the issues people. And ignoring obama's faults, which include not being supportive of our gay brothers and sisters, is something that is striking and disturbing.

    Why wouldnt we ever have a black militant? We have had over 200 years of white male militants as presidents, why not level the playing field?

    And my point remains: anyone who seriously thinks the "system" is run by blacks, or latinos or anyone else of color is obviously ingesting copious amounts of lsd. Baraka is right on, because he speaks the truth. Whether you want to believe he hates all whites is up to you. And remember what I said before, he was a leader and a friend to many in the beat movement, which was a largely white male group of people, and a large amount of them were gay. For me though, Baraka's statements are truth because he is made at a system that we can all agree is run by white males. We have never had a president who wasnt a white male. The police force has traditionally been run by white males. The jails are run by white males. The corporations that fund Obama's campaign are largely white male run. And on and on

    Please address my other concerns:

    Why are you singling out Baraka? Why is someone like Toni Morrison, Maya Angelou, Billie Holliday, and Langston Hughes up for your ridicule?

    It would be sad indeed if no HS student knew of Baraka's poetry. His poetry is important, and you must live in la la land if you think he doesnt have reason to be pissed off and angry at a system that continually oppressed and murders those of a different skin tone.
  • cornnifercornnifer Posts: 2,130

    Obama isnt black enough. Its simple.


    LMFAO! Wo are you? The White spokesman for Black America? Just what makes a person "Black Enough"?
    "When all your friends and sedatives mean well but make it worse... better find yourself a place to level out."
  • cornnifercornnifer Posts: 2,130
    This is the second thread in two days that proves to me this train aint really movin'
    "Blacks straight to the back of the train!"

    "When all your friends and sedatives mean well but make it worse... better find yourself a place to level out."
  • MLC2006 wrote:
    this Baraka once said that all white males in America are raised to be fags. now, I was not raised to be a "fag" and I was also not raised to use such derogatory terms about people. the rhetoric that he spews out is offensive, nothing more, nothing less. I don't doubt that he has faced racism in his life, but when comes out with this trash, he reduces himself to the level of the racists that he claims to be against. MLK took the high ground and proved that he was above the fray, and that is why he is regarded in such a good light. Baraka is nothing, he will not be remembered when he dies in a few years and I highly doubt that most HS aged children of any race could tell you who he is. if you think someone saying that other people are rapists and fags is a "great American", then you are out of touch.

    as for Obama, I don't care one way or another. but if you think he would take this neo-militant approach of Baraka and get more the 1% of the popular vote, you're a fool. we may one day have a black president, but it WON'T be a black militant, you can bank on that.

    I dont agree with his statement on gays, but lets be fair here buddy. He isntmaking stuff up about rape and such. Slave owners would rape the female slaves. Then you have the whole lynching issue, where it was acceptable for a white to rape a black, but if a black even talked to a white female, he would likely be hung by a tree.

    Baraka is a great american. Just as Morrison, and Hughes are great americans.

    Thats whats so funny about this thread. The unstated assumption here is:

    we as whites like our blacks quiet, moderate and non uppity. Case in point Obama. He isnt some black radical. He is a moderate.

    But if blacks are pissed off and upset and have rage, oh they are off their rocker or are silly or are lying.
  • gue_bariumgue_barium Posts: 5,515
    cornnifer wrote:
    This is the second thread in two days that proves to me this train aint really movin'
    "Blacks straight to the back of the train!"

    At least on two threads.


    all posts by ©gue_barium are protected under US copyright law and are not to be reproduced, exchanged or sold
    except by express written permission of ©gue_barium, the author.
  • cornnifer wrote:
    LMFAO! Wo are you? The White spokesman for Black America? Just what makes a person "Black Enough"?

    read my statement above. I laid it out several times.
  • chopitdown wrote:
    Reparations for whom? As I've said before if there is anyone alive today who was a slave in America they should be compensated, but I think if they do reparations the countries in Africa and Europe should kick money in too, after all Africans and Europeans also sold Africans in the Slave trade, in fact African Americans even owned slaves in some places, so blanket reparations are very irresponsible. A system where cops are not needed and if it's mandatory the community gets to choose who they are? while they a good IDEA you seem to have a lot of faith in human beings when you can look through history and see tons of examples of humans doing terrible things to humans, why would that change now? And to say someone isn't black enough is just crazy talk. That's the kind of crap that keeps a lot of african americans from really trying. The culture usually makes fun of people for trying to get ahead and for bettering themselves, unless they happen to be athletic or musically inclined, which is sad. There are a lot of race problems still, and calling someone not black enough is evidence of it. Maybe you should say he doesn't share the ideals that you do, there's no need to stereotype him and say he isn't black enough.

    a black leader who has a real shot at becoming president and isnt saying ANYTHING on profiling, housing discrimination, racist pigs, the drug war, the judicial system etc... isnt black enough.

    Its simple. I have stated this many times.

    Obama is a politician. He is a liar, and its as simple as that. He isnt about bringing real change to the country. He is a moderate and a reformist. He wants to change a few laws and then everything will be fine.

    Thats silly and childish.
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