Why are people in here geting upset for asking this question?
Yea, we all are living in modern day. But that does not mean everyone in America is. Not all people in this country live and think in a normal way like we do.
Its not racist to ask if he might be saught after. Its a perfectly legit question.
Look at the history of America and educated black men who try to make a difference in this world.
Some of you in here are so freakin defensive!
Uh oh, question about a Black man!!!! Racist Racist!
Lighten up people.
i agree, this is not a stupid thread, if i ( who happens to be voting for Obama ) am worried about that fact that someone might take a shot at him, especially because i hear the way people talk about him, how does that make me "living in the past" the threat is real, and for some body to blow the threat off saying "look how far we have come" or '' its not the 50's " are kidding themselves. just because people are not standing on the mountain tops screaming that they dont want a black president, dont mean that they are not out there.
anyway i hope he wins the nomination, i home he wins the election.
and i pray that im wrong that there could be a threat.
i'm not going to talk about this anymore, cause im getting angry.
Peace, Love.
"To question your government is not unpatriotic --
to not question your government is unpatriotic."
-- Sen. Chuck Hagel
i agree, this is not a stupid thread, if i ( who happens to be voting for Obama ) am worried about that fact that someone might take a shot at him, especially because i hear the way people talk about him, how does that make me "living in the past" the threat is real, and for some body to blow the threat off saying "look how far we have come" or '' its not the 50's " are kidding themselves. just because people are not standing on the mountain tops screaming that they dont want a black president, dont mean that they are not out there.
anyway i hope he wins the nomination, i home he wins the election.
and i pray that im wrong that there could be a threat.
i'm not going to talk about this anymore, cause im getting angry.
Well I for one do not want to get a wolf angry.
Get em a Body Bag Yeeeeeaaaaa!
Sweep the Leg Johnny.
Law Enforcement Official: Racist Chatter On Web Helped Prompt Secret Service Protection
WASHINGTON, May 4, 2007
(CBS/AP) Democratic Sen. Barack Obama was placed under Secret Service protection Thursday, prompted in part by information with a racist bent, a senior law enforcement official said.
Department of Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff authorized Obama's protection after consultations with the bipartisan congressional advisory committee, according to Chertoff spokesman Russ Knocke and the Secret Service.
According to a senior law enforcement official, the security detail was prompted by general concerns about the safety of a prominent black candidate. Although there was no direct threat to Obama, several factors raised concerns, including some racist chatter on white supremacist Web sites.
The official spoke on condition of anonymity because of the security issue.
Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., told reporters Thursday night that several weeks ago he received information that made him concerned for Obama's safety. The number of people Obama was attracting at campaign events also worried him, Durbin said.
"Some of the other information that was given to us, unfortunately, I think, raised a concern among many of his friends," Durbin, said. "Unfortunately, some of the information that we found was racially motivated."
Obama, D-Ill., who frequently draws crowds in the thousands at campaign stops, requested the protection. However, Secret Service spokesman Eric Zahren and Homeland Security officials said they were not aware of any threats to the senator.
Durbin said he approached Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., six to eight weeks ago and that Reid and Republican leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., went to the Secret Service last week.
"I expressed concern because of my affection for Barack and his family. I've traveled with Obama. I've witnessed enormous crowds," Durbin said. "This is a relief."
In a February interview with 60 Minutes' Steve Kroft, Obama's wife, Michelle, addressed the possibility that her husband could be the target of an assassination attempt. "I don't lose sleep over it because the realities are that, you know, as a black man, you know, Barack can get shot going to the gas station, you know," she said. "So you can't make decisions based on fear and the possibility of what might happen. We just weren't raised that way."
Obama campaign officials will not say why they requested early protection, reported CBS News correspondent Bob Orr. But one source inside the campaign said there is concern about the size of Obama's crowds, and the crush of people who want to press close or even touch a candidate who exudes rock star appeal.
The security is not cheap — more than $100 million has been budgeted
for protection for this campaign season — nearly a 50 percent increase over what was spent on security in 2004, Orr reported.
Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, D-N.Y., also a presidential candidate, has a Secret Service detail that is provided to all former first ladies.
In the last election, Democratic candidates John Kerry and John Edwards received their protection in February 2004 as they were competing for the party's nomination. Obama's detail comes nine months before the first votes are cast.
Federal law allows candidates to seek protection if they meet a series of standards, including public prominence as measured by polls and fundraising. The members of the congressional advisory committee are the speaker, the House and Senate majority and minority leaders as well as one additional member.
In a Feb. 12 interview with The Associated Press, Obama dismissed concerns about his own security, but he would not answer directly when asked if he had received death threats. Jesse Jackson drew early Secret Service protection because of violent threats during his campaigns for president in the 1980s.
"I face the same security issues as anybody," the Illinois senator told the AP. "We're comfortable with the steps we have taken."
The Secret Service and Homeland Security would not comment on the scope of Obama's protection or provide any other security details. Obama's campaign declined to comment.
SIN EATERS--We take the moral excrement we find in this equation and we bury it down deep inside of us so that the rest of our case can stay pure. That is the job. We are morally indefensible and absolutely necessary.
i think some are being a bit harsh on the poster for asking a question.
i like others here, have thought about this. in fact my gf and i were playing cards tonight while watching CNN and getting the updates and i brought this up to her. i actually heard a group of guys sitting in the bar the other day say and i quote " i swear , if that ( derogatory name here ) gets elected, i'll fuckin' shoot the ( same derogatory name ) myself."
i almost threw up.
its sad yes. but lets face it. that shit is still out there.
nooses being hung in trees on school grounds? c'mon. lay off the guy for asking a question. maybe he/she should have worded it different, but its a question worth asking.
It is sick......and that just makes me want Obama to win even more....fk these ignorant bastards...
I had a feeling ever since I knew he was running, and now it looks like he is going to get the dem nomination,
will he be assassinated?
I havent read all the posts but here's my two cents.
First of all, I do think this is a valid question. I know why its a disgusting question but me and most of my friends have discussed this question before so I think it is a real fear. This question seems to be most common amoung my mom and her friends though. I think growing up in the 60's they see this as a valid question. You have to think from their perspective, they've seen 2 presidents, 1 probable presidental nominee, and 2 great civil rights leaders shot in their lifetime.
So while agree its a sad question to ask I do think it is valid. I dont think its as simple as him being black though. My feeling is that back in the day they would just shoot someone they disagree'd with. Nowadays they've gotten so good at media manipulation that they can pretty much railroad anyone they want. I'm still waiting for that to happen to be honest.
I dont think it will happen but again. It is a valid question.
presidents and civil rights leaders only get assassinated for opposing the corporate agenda ... obama's security can handle kooks - just not inside jobs ...
colin powell held a very high position in gov't and i'm pretty sure he was relatively ok ...
Thanks to Puremagic for posting that article from May 2007. Upon my reading that article at the time it came out, it was also on the news, even though I wasn't and still am not on the Obama bandwagon, I knew that this country really was not ready for a non-white person as president.
I will be shocked if he is the democratic nominee, and I'll be floored in disbelief if he becomes president. But I do fear that constant security problems concerning assassination attempts will cause a significant disruption in how Obama can in good and calm consciousness, be the strong president that we need.
For Obama, the first black viable presidental candidate to NEED security at the beginning of his announcing his run for president, signals to me the true reality of how unprepared this country is for a black president.
It's very sad but this is the fucked up country that we all live in. :(
BTW, I'm a Hillary supporter.
~*~Me and Hippiemom dranketh the red wine in Cleveland 2003~*~
First PJ Show: March 20, 1994 | Ann Arbor | Crisler Arena
colin powell held a very high position in gov't and i'm pretty sure he was relatively ok ...
I heard that Colin Powell hasn't run for president specifically because he IS afraid he'd be assassinated if he did. (Of course, I have no valid source for this, so who knows.....)
so because 3 rednecks in Texas killed a black man several years ago, that's proof that the other 300 million here are racists? come on now.
and I don't see anyway possible that Obama could be more hated than W. has anybody made an attempt on W?
I'm from South Carolina, and our senior senator is gay as hell and none of us rednecks have left him to die tied to a fence. that should be proof how far the country has come in tolerating different kinds of people.
It doesn't take 300 million people to kill someone. It takes one asshole. And we don't know about any attempts on that asshole Bush. Nor how many have been foiled. Just because they don't run by the white house with an assualt rifle and start blindly firing doesn't mean it doesn't happen.
presidents and civil rights leaders only get assassinated for opposing the corporate agenda ... obama's security can handle kooks - just not inside jobs ...
colin powell held a very high position in gov't and i'm pretty sure he was relatively ok ...
and you are correct Colin Powell and Obama are the same.......... sellouts......
There was nothing wrong with his question. I thought it myself many times and I think the answer is yes. Not many people want a black president, its the truth, im sure people in goverment dont want a black president and his chances go up very much.
I had a feeling ever since I knew he was running, and now it looks like he is going to get the dem nomination,
will he be assassinated?
Fuck I hope not! :( .......does Mr T still do bodygaurd work?
Van 92.07.21 / Van 98.07.19 / Sea 98.07.22 / Tor 98.08.22 / Sea 00.11.06 / Van 03.05.30/ Van 05.09.02/ Gorge 06.07.22 & 23 / EV Van 08.04.02 / Tor 09.08.21 / Sea 09.09.21 & 22 / Van 09.09.25 / Van 11.09.25 / Van 13.12.04 / Pem 16.07.17 / Sea 18.08.10
I had a feeling ever since I knew he was running, and now it looks like he is going to get the dem nomination,
will he be assassinated?
Nah, he's a Freemason.
Only Presidents who were not Freemasons, are assassinated.
Obama is a member of the good 'ole boys club. Sadly, many won't realize this till after he's done some damage. Bush, Clinton, Reagan, Obama ...all the same crap.
this is a valid question...no its not 1966 anymore, however i now reside outside of greenville sc and there is a bar not 10 miles from my house that does not allow black people inside...no shit, i swear on the soul of my father...it is not posted anywhere but it is true...i heard the owner's brother, who is pushing 60, say about a month ago "someone better shoot that nigger if he gets elected" a direct quote, again on the soul of my father. this country is still full of ignorant fucks. these people down here are still bitter about the civil war and refer to me, as a damn yankee...even the friends i have made in the 8 years i have been down here. there is a distinct possibility of this atrocity and if, God forbid, it does happen, it will be an ignorant fuck from the good ol dirty south.
this is a valid question...no its not 1966 anymore, however i now reside outside of greenville sc and there is a bar not 10 miles from my house that does not allow black people inside...no shit, i swear on the soul of my father...it is not posted anywhere but it is true...i heard the owner's brother, who is pushing 60, say about a month ago "someone better shoot that nigger if he gets elected" a direct quote, again on the soul of my father. this country is still full of ignorant fucks. these people down here are still bitter about the civil war and refer to me, as a damn yankee...even the friends i have made in the 8 years i have been down here. there is a distinct possibility of this atrocity and if, God forbid, it does happen, it will be an ignorant fuck from the good ol dirty south.
LOL...I've spent some time in Greenville. Nights usually start at Hooters, move to Chiefs, and end at Platinum Plus...LOL... Never been to the bar you speak of but it absolutely sounds like SC to me.
LOL...I've spent some time in Greenville. Nights usually start at Hooters, move to Chiefs, and end at Platinum Plus...LOL... Never been to the bar you speak of but it absolutely sounds like SC to me.
I hangout in greenville almost every weekend, grew up and still live 30 mins away...neither of these two posts accurately describe the city. That being said, there are people like the ones described who live there but I'm sure you're both aware that this kind of mentality exists everywhere else, too. Hate, though on its decline, imo, still is alive and well all over this country and planet, for that matter. Personally, I view people that assume the south is filled to the brim with nothing but gomer pyles, inbred rednecks and sheet-wearing assholes to be just as ignorant, stereotypical and misinformed as the racists they show such disdain towards.
If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
I hangout in greenville almost every weekend, grew up and still live 30 mins away...neither of these two posts accurately describe the city. That being said, there are people like the ones described who live there but I'm sure you're both aware that this kind of mentality exists everywhere else, too. Hate, though on its decline, imo, still is alive and well all over this country and planet, for that matter. Personally, I view people that assume the south is filled to the brim with nothing but gomer pyles, inbred rednecks and sheet-wearing assholes to be just as ignorant, stereotypical and misinformed as the racists they show such disdain towards.
amen sister...i've probably ran into just as many racists in la than i would in the south...
and damnit, good to see ya! hope all is well....:D
amen sister...i've probably ran into just as many racists in la than i would in the south...
and damnit, good to see ya! hope all is well....:D
Hey there, cutback! All is peachy here, thanks for asking, hope all is good on your side. I should be around much more often now so here's to springtime at the pit.
If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Hey there, cutback! All is peachy here, thanks for asking, hope all is good on your side. I should be around much more often now so here's to springtime at the pit.
It's a valid question. I don't think Obama will be assassinated, but that doesn't mean I don't think somebody will try it. Hell, security has already probably nabbed some plotters. Here's where the script writers put in a crooked VP candidate. If he picks Chaney, watch out.
"Almost all those politicians took money from Enron, and there they are holding hearings. That's like O.J. Simpson getting in the Rae Carruth jury pool." -- Charles Barkley
Me? Rational? It's making me giggle thinking about what some here would think about that.
Although we don't agree on everything, or even most things, I have always respected your posts, and enjoyed your perspective. I'm glad to hear you'll be back in the pit!
"I'll use the magic word - let's just shut the fuck up, please." EV, 04/13/08
Although we don't agree on everything, or even most things, I have always respected your posts, and enjoyed your perspective. I'm glad to hear you'll be back in the pit!
The feeling has always been mutual, jeff.
If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Kennedy had the makings of one of the worst presidents ever. what "hope"? hope of starting a war that cost 60,000 US lives? I'd hope there is no similarities between JFK and Obama.
you do realize that JFK was commited to getting out of vietnam right?
thats why a lot of the conspiracy therories think LBJ had something to do with it, so he could become president, within 3 days of JFK' burial, and Lyndon Johnson being president, LBJ sign a document that reversed JFK's decision to get out of Vietnam, and that was actually the start of the vietnam war effort.
please know what you are talking about b4 you make statements like this.
Peace, Love.
"To question your government is not unpatriotic --
to not question your government is unpatriotic."
-- Sen. Chuck Hagel
I hangout in greenville almost every weekend, grew up and still live 30 mins away...neither of these two posts accurately describe the city. That being said, there are people like the ones described who live there but I'm sure you're both aware that this kind of mentality exists everywhere else, too. Hate, though on its decline, imo, still is alive and well all over this country and planet, for that matter. Personally, I view people that assume the south is filled to the brim with nothing but gomer pyles, inbred rednecks and sheet-wearing assholes to be just as ignorant, stereotypical and misinformed as the racists they show such disdain towards.
In my life I've lived in New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania and North Carolina. I've been to South Carolina (Charleston area) Atlanta, California, Wisconsin and Oregon several times, for an extended time period (visit).
I can tell you that I have never seen bigger racists and rednecks than some of the people I met/seen when I lived in north western New Jersey, New York City and in the Dingmans Ferry area of Pennsylvania.
Which is not an attempt on my part to insinuate or make a sweeping generalization of people from those northern states. Simply, there are some people (certainly not all) up north who are raging, ignorant racists to the bone. No more no less than any other racist ........in any part of this country.
The difference that I have noticed as a northern transplant living in the south, is this. And it seems to work often with the individuals I have personally met.
The racist up north for the most part are more upfront and forthcoming regarding their racist perceptions and attitudes. The racists I have met down here in the south, seem to be more guarded and secretitive about their racism.
When I was in Dingman's Ferry, PA; I felt like I was an anthropologist, who had just discovered a long lost civilization that was isolated and nestled deep in the woods of PA from the real world; for hundreds and hundreds of years. It was bizarre.
When I was 19 years old my friends and I were stuck in the middle of a race-motivated fight, while sleeping over for Rush tickets; at the Capital Theater in Passiac, NJ.
Gangs of black teenagers attacked the people in line (who all happened to be white), by not only throwing bottles, rocks, batteries and anything else they could get their hands on, at us; but they also charged the people in line and started beating on them. We had to fight back and 35-40 of us had to pull together as a group (gang) and defend the people in line from the attacks. We spent the night on constant watch and patrol.
In self-defense, we too gathered beer/liquor bottles, rocks, sticks, pipes and anything we could use as a weapon and passed them out to all the people in line; so they could chuck them at the attackers when they attempted their attacks or runbys. We were fighting and brawling in the streets and all over/around the Capital Theater, all night. We returned their attacks and beat the crap out of each other all night. But we were for the most part successful in protecting the people/girls in line. Although one girl got hit in the head with a bottle and had to be taken to the hospital for stitches and checked for any internal injury. Eventually, we drove them back and had them on the run. We were the ones chasing them down and they scattered all over the place.
The cops never arrived to break it up. The black teens even broke the glass of that classic ticket booth which stood out front of the Capital theater, for decades and decades; by throwing a big rock through it. A rock that was meant for the heads of some Rush fans waiting for tickets.
Racists come in all colors and from any where.
They are all over this country, both north and south......east and west.
i dont think so. while im sure there are plenty of morons who have problems with a black president, i think the inbreeding has deprived them of the mental capacity to do anything about it.
i agree, this is not a stupid thread, if i ( who happens to be voting for Obama ) am worried about that fact that someone might take a shot at him, especially because i hear the way people talk about him, how does that make me "living in the past" the threat is real, and for some body to blow the threat off saying "look how far we have come" or '' its not the 50's " are kidding themselves. just because people are not standing on the mountain tops screaming that they dont want a black president, dont mean that they are not out there.
anyway i hope he wins the nomination, i home he wins the election.
and i pray that im wrong that there could be a threat.
i'm not going to talk about this anymore, cause im getting angry.
"To question your government is not unpatriotic --
to not question your government is unpatriotic."
-- Sen. Chuck Hagel
Well I for one do not want to get a wolf angry.
Sweep the Leg Johnny.
Law Enforcement Official: Racist Chatter On Web Helped Prompt Secret Service Protection
WASHINGTON, May 4, 2007
(CBS/AP) Democratic Sen. Barack Obama was placed under Secret Service protection Thursday, prompted in part by information with a racist bent, a senior law enforcement official said.
Department of Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff authorized Obama's protection after consultations with the bipartisan congressional advisory committee, according to Chertoff spokesman Russ Knocke and the Secret Service.
According to a senior law enforcement official, the security detail was prompted by general concerns about the safety of a prominent black candidate. Although there was no direct threat to Obama, several factors raised concerns, including some racist chatter on white supremacist Web sites.
The official spoke on condition of anonymity because of the security issue.
Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., told reporters Thursday night that several weeks ago he received information that made him concerned for Obama's safety. The number of people Obama was attracting at campaign events also worried him, Durbin said.
"Some of the other information that was given to us, unfortunately, I think, raised a concern among many of his friends," Durbin, said. "Unfortunately, some of the information that we found was racially motivated."
Obama, D-Ill., who frequently draws crowds in the thousands at campaign stops, requested the protection. However, Secret Service spokesman Eric Zahren and Homeland Security officials said they were not aware of any threats to the senator.
Durbin said he approached Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., six to eight weeks ago and that Reid and Republican leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., went to the Secret Service last week.
"I expressed concern because of my affection for Barack and his family. I've traveled with Obama. I've witnessed enormous crowds," Durbin said. "This is a relief."
In a February interview with 60 Minutes' Steve Kroft, Obama's wife, Michelle, addressed the possibility that her husband could be the target of an assassination attempt. "I don't lose sleep over it because the realities are that, you know, as a black man, you know, Barack can get shot going to the gas station, you know," she said. "So you can't make decisions based on fear and the possibility of what might happen. We just weren't raised that way."
Obama campaign officials will not say why they requested early protection, reported CBS News correspondent Bob Orr. But one source inside the campaign said there is concern about the size of Obama's crowds, and the crush of people who want to press close or even touch a candidate who exudes rock star appeal.
The security is not cheap — more than $100 million has been budgeted
for protection for this campaign season — nearly a 50 percent increase over what was spent on security in 2004, Orr reported.
Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, D-N.Y., also a presidential candidate, has a Secret Service detail that is provided to all former first ladies.
In the last election, Democratic candidates John Kerry and John Edwards received their protection in February 2004 as they were competing for the party's nomination. Obama's detail comes nine months before the first votes are cast.
Federal law allows candidates to seek protection if they meet a series of standards, including public prominence as measured by polls and fundraising. The members of the congressional advisory committee are the speaker, the House and Senate majority and minority leaders as well as one additional member.
In a Feb. 12 interview with The Associated Press, Obama dismissed concerns about his own security, but he would not answer directly when asked if he had received death threats. Jesse Jackson drew early Secret Service protection because of violent threats during his campaigns for president in the 1980s.
"I face the same security issues as anybody," the Illinois senator told the AP. "We're comfortable with the steps we have taken."
The Secret Service and Homeland Security would not comment on the scope of Obama's protection or provide any other security details. Obama's campaign declined to comment.
It is sick......and that just makes me want Obama to win even more....fk these ignorant bastards...
I havent read all the posts but here's my two cents.
First of all, I do think this is a valid question. I know why its a disgusting question but me and most of my friends have discussed this question before so I think it is a real fear. This question seems to be most common amoung my mom and her friends though. I think growing up in the 60's they see this as a valid question. You have to think from their perspective, they've seen 2 presidents, 1 probable presidental nominee, and 2 great civil rights leaders shot in their lifetime.
So while agree its a sad question to ask I do think it is valid. I dont think its as simple as him being black though. My feeling is that back in the day they would just shoot someone they disagree'd with. Nowadays they've gotten so good at media manipulation that they can pretty much railroad anyone they want. I'm still waiting for that to happen to be honest.
I dont think it will happen but again. It is a valid question.
colin powell held a very high position in gov't and i'm pretty sure he was relatively ok ...
I will be shocked if he is the democratic nominee, and I'll be floored in disbelief if he becomes president. But I do fear that constant security problems concerning assassination attempts will cause a significant disruption in how Obama can in good and calm consciousness, be the strong president that we need.
For Obama, the first black viable presidental candidate to NEED security at the beginning of his announcing his run for president, signals to me the true reality of how unprepared this country is for a black president.
It's very sad but this is the fucked up country that we all live in. :(
BTW, I'm a Hillary supporter.
First PJ Show: March 20, 1994 | Ann Arbor | Crisler Arena
I heard that Colin Powell hasn't run for president specifically because he IS afraid he'd be assassinated if he did. (Of course, I have no valid source for this, so who knows.....)
It doesn't take 300 million people to kill someone. It takes one asshole. And we don't know about any attempts on that asshole Bush. Nor how many have been foiled. Just because they don't run by the white house with an assualt rifle and start blindly firing doesn't mean it doesn't happen.
and you are correct Colin Powell and Obama are the same.......... sellouts......
PEARL JAM~San Antonio, TX. 4~5~03
INCUBUS~Houston, TX. 1~19~07
INCUBUS~Denver, CO. 2~8~07
Lollapalooza~Chicago, IL. 8~5~07
INCUBUS~Austin, TX. 9~3~07
Bonnaroo~Manchester, TN 6~14~08
Fuck I hope not! :( .......does Mr T still do bodygaurd work?
Nah, he's a Freemason.
Only Presidents who were not Freemasons, are assassinated.
Obama is a member of the good 'ole boys club. Sadly, many won't realize this till after he's done some damage. Bush, Clinton, Reagan, Obama ...all the same crap.
LOL...I've spent some time in Greenville. Nights usually start at Hooters, move to Chiefs, and end at Platinum Plus...LOL... Never been to the bar you speak of but it absolutely sounds like SC to me.
I hangout in greenville almost every weekend, grew up and still live 30 mins away...neither of these two posts accurately describe the city. That being said, there are people like the ones described who live there but I'm sure you're both aware that this kind of mentality exists everywhere else, too. Hate, though on its decline, imo, still is alive and well all over this country and planet, for that matter. Personally, I view people that assume the south is filled to the brim with nothing but gomer pyles, inbred rednecks and sheet-wearing assholes to be just as ignorant, stereotypical and misinformed as the racists they show such disdain towards.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
amen sister...i've probably ran into just as many racists in la than i would in the south...
and damnit, good to see ya! hope all is well....:D
Hey there, cutback! All is peachy here, thanks for asking, hope all is good on your side.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
good the amt needs your rational thought....:)
Me? Rational? It's making me giggle thinking about what some here would think about that.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Although we don't agree on everything, or even most things, I have always respected your posts, and enjoyed your perspective. I'm glad to hear you'll be back in the pit!
The feeling has always been mutual, jeff.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
you do realize that JFK was commited to getting out of vietnam right?
thats why a lot of the conspiracy therories think LBJ had something to do with it, so he could become president, within 3 days of JFK' burial, and Lyndon Johnson being president, LBJ sign a document that reversed JFK's decision to get out of Vietnam, and that was actually the start of the vietnam war effort.
please know what you are talking about b4 you make statements like this.
"To question your government is not unpatriotic --
to not question your government is unpatriotic."
-- Sen. Chuck Hagel
In my life I've lived in New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania and North Carolina. I've been to South Carolina (Charleston area) Atlanta, California, Wisconsin and Oregon several times, for an extended time period (visit).
I can tell you that I have never seen bigger racists and rednecks than some of the people I met/seen when I lived in north western New Jersey, New York City and in the Dingmans Ferry area of Pennsylvania.
Which is not an attempt on my part to insinuate or make a sweeping generalization of people from those northern states. Simply, there are some people (certainly not all) up north who are raging, ignorant racists to the bone. No more no less than any other racist ........in any part of this country.
The difference that I have noticed as a northern transplant living in the south, is this. And it seems to work often with the individuals I have personally met.
The racist up north for the most part are more upfront and forthcoming regarding their racist perceptions and attitudes. The racists I have met down here in the south, seem to be more guarded and secretitive about their racism.
When I was in Dingman's Ferry, PA; I felt like I was an anthropologist, who had just discovered a long lost civilization that was isolated and nestled deep in the woods of PA from the real world; for hundreds and hundreds of years. It was bizarre.
When I was 19 years old my friends and I were stuck in the middle of a race-motivated fight, while sleeping over for Rush tickets; at the Capital Theater in Passiac, NJ.
Gangs of black teenagers attacked the people in line (who all happened to be white), by not only throwing bottles, rocks, batteries and anything else they could get their hands on, at us; but they also charged the people in line and started beating on them. We had to fight back and 35-40 of us had to pull together as a group (gang) and defend the people in line from the attacks. We spent the night on constant watch and patrol.
In self-defense, we too gathered beer/liquor bottles, rocks, sticks, pipes and anything we could use as a weapon and passed them out to all the people in line; so they could chuck them at the attackers when they attempted their attacks or runbys. We were fighting and brawling in the streets and all over/around the Capital Theater, all night. We returned their attacks and beat the crap out of each other all night. But we were for the most part successful in protecting the people/girls in line. Although one girl got hit in the head with a bottle and had to be taken to the hospital for stitches and checked for any internal injury. Eventually, we drove them back and had them on the run. We were the ones chasing them down and they scattered all over the place.
The cops never arrived to break it up. The black teens even broke the glass of that classic ticket booth which stood out front of the Capital theater, for decades and decades; by throwing a big rock through it. A rock that was meant for the heads of some Rush fans waiting for tickets.
Racists come in all colors and from any where.
They are all over this country, both north and south......east and west.