Ed's political rant

I say this with utmost respect for eddie. he has shaped my worldview and inspired me musically and politically. He isn;t one of those meatheaded rock stars who thinks they are the greatest. He is humble. However he is wrong in terms of what he said in relix mag.
He said, something along the lines of that, "there will be an antiwar leader who comes along, only when the polls show that people will support one". Ed seems to me to be a intelligent and very aware guy, the article in relix confirmed this, however, how could he say such a quote!
Since last year, same time, the same time the Karl Rove/CIA leak story heated up, the american public started souring big time on the war in iraq. Until then, the war was somewhat popular, lukewarm popular basically. Last year in the summer it became unpopular in terms of popular opinion of it. Doesn't matter the source, ABC, NBC, CBS, Wall Street Journal, Fox news, Ny Times, La Times, all have taken polls fairly regularly, and again since July of last year, the war has been extremely unpopular. All the polls point this out. But oddly enough dems (senators, or congresspeople) arent popular either.
The polls have asked what would americans rather do: put more troops in, stay indefinitely, withdraw some, or withdraw all immediatly. The most popular choices since last year have been the latter two, withdrawing.
Granted americans dont want to pull out immediately, but americans seem to want to pull out of iraq soon, within a year or so. This isnt just a blip or because of some news in iraq. It has remained constant for a year.
Getting back to the point of the post, ed suggested americans aren't antiwar and that the polls don't reflect an american public that is antiwar.
I beg to differ. Americans overwhelmingly are antiiraq war and want troops out. Its surprising ed seemed to suggest otherwise. I mean look at the websites and reccomended websites on the ten club site. They are independent news sources who arent curropted by mainstream influence. I visit them daily myself. Which makes it all the more strange ed wouldnt be aware of said polls.
The war started out popular 70 percent were for it in the months leading up to the start of the war. Now the war is almost flipped in terms of support with nearly that amount 55-60 percent against the war and a majority of americans for withdrawing of troops in a year.
He said, something along the lines of that, "there will be an antiwar leader who comes along, only when the polls show that people will support one". Ed seems to me to be a intelligent and very aware guy, the article in relix confirmed this, however, how could he say such a quote!
Since last year, same time, the same time the Karl Rove/CIA leak story heated up, the american public started souring big time on the war in iraq. Until then, the war was somewhat popular, lukewarm popular basically. Last year in the summer it became unpopular in terms of popular opinion of it. Doesn't matter the source, ABC, NBC, CBS, Wall Street Journal, Fox news, Ny Times, La Times, all have taken polls fairly regularly, and again since July of last year, the war has been extremely unpopular. All the polls point this out. But oddly enough dems (senators, or congresspeople) arent popular either.
The polls have asked what would americans rather do: put more troops in, stay indefinitely, withdraw some, or withdraw all immediatly. The most popular choices since last year have been the latter two, withdrawing.
Granted americans dont want to pull out immediately, but americans seem to want to pull out of iraq soon, within a year or so. This isnt just a blip or because of some news in iraq. It has remained constant for a year.
Getting back to the point of the post, ed suggested americans aren't antiwar and that the polls don't reflect an american public that is antiwar.
I beg to differ. Americans overwhelmingly are antiiraq war and want troops out. Its surprising ed seemed to suggest otherwise. I mean look at the websites and reccomended websites on the ten club site. They are independent news sources who arent curropted by mainstream influence. I visit them daily myself. Which makes it all the more strange ed wouldnt be aware of said polls.
The war started out popular 70 percent were for it in the months leading up to the start of the war. Now the war is almost flipped in terms of support with nearly that amount 55-60 percent against the war and a majority of americans for withdrawing of troops in a year.
Post edited by Unknown User on
I think Ed was half kidding with whoever he was talking to giving that poetic anti-war view...
But the half that wasn't kidding motioned towards a leader in the political sense of things... like a strong Democratic anti-war Presidential candidate (does that even exist?).
It's one thing that the American people are overwhelmingly anti-war, but our government has its head up it's own ass.
Oh my, they dropped the leash.
Morgan Freeman/Clint Eastwood 08' for President!
"Make our day"
hey now, i disagree with about all of eds political views. but his views are thought out, and he is honest about them. he is also very consistent. when i was younger and didn't give a shit about alot of political stuff, it was ed that brought things to my attention.
Does anyone have the exact quote?
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
i guess its all in how you define peace. peace is not sitting back while your sworn enemies are trying to figure out ways to kill you.
Seeking peace is seeking peace. Period. Justifying not seeking peace is justifying NOT seeking peace.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
i disagree, i think we all want peace. but true peace is what should be desired. peace is not just ignoring your enemies while they plot to kill you. we were supposedly at peace through the late 90's..but we really weren't. we had known enemies that swore to attack us, yet we did nothing.
Count the countries that the US has bombed since even the late sixties. Peace? You have got to be kidding me. War is what they love down south.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
Lest he upset your unstable ultra right wing world view. God forbid!
Down south? I thought Wshington D.C was in the north of the country?
oh man...you believe that if you disagree with ed you are ultra right wing? i hate to tell ya, but ed is FFFAAAAAAARRRRRR left.
Yep, we're a long way off from being willing and able to support and create peace. Therefore we won't recognise the validity of the leaders who do speak of peace. Our weakest links--our hidden inner fears dictate that we need to have war-supporting leaders in order to keep us "safe". As we totally overlook that it's our own inner lacks that are to be feared. Who keeps us safe from our inner demons?
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
Our presidental candidates offer us what we want. If the country wants war, then the candidates are all about war. If we demand the war to stop, then who ever runs would be crazy to run with a pro-war status. There will not be a president who is against war until we demand that there be.
I think that is what he is saying.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
South of the border that makes up the country I live in.
Oh my, they dropped the leash.
Morgan Freeman/Clint Eastwood 08' for President!
"Make our day"
“I don’t think any Democrat or Republican is going to lead an antiwar movement until there is a shift in the polls that says that movement will be supported. If people are united, forceful and opinionated in letting their voice be heard and they support an antiwar candidate, then we will get one.”--Eddie Vedder.
I note the part that says: "If people are united, forceful and opinionated in letting their voice be heard and they support an antiwar candidate, then we will get one".
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
when it hits you, you feel to pain.
So brutalize me with music.”
~ Bob Marley
Oh my, they dropped the leash.
Morgan Freeman/Clint Eastwood 08' for President!
"Make our day"
I couldn't have said it better. Great post Angelica.
I would think that most everyone wants peace.... even maybe Kim Jong Il. I dunno, that guy is a whack job - but I don't think these other jokers like Amejabilabidadydad or whoever he is Iran - I don't thing they want war.
I just think they want the power to lead the world in a direction they want it to go. But their way cannot co-exist with Western views. Separation of Church and State is a fundamental cornerstone of Western society.
So in essence, the two sides are trying to undermine each other - weaken each other. We are basically fighting for the future of the world.
It can look like a future dominated by the US, which is scary - don't get me wrong. But it is much more palatable than a future dominated by theocrats- and Muslim theocrats at that!
I see what you are saying....however the Western governments need to do a better job of separating church and state than currently is occuring.....overall I agree, very generally, with you....unless it is Buddhist theocrats I agree....