I'm taking bets

musicismylife78musicismylife78 Posts: 6,116
edited April 2007 in A Moving Train
I am taking bets y'all. For nearly a decade kids have shot up classmates at school. They have brought guns to school and murdered their classmates. And everytime it happens its excused away "Oh, its just a crazy person" "oh he is insane" "oh that isnt representative of our community, school, state, region, nation...".

Nothing is ever done. We pump the kids full of more Ritalin, and think that will solve their anger. We see kids acting out and say, lets give them more medication or drugs. We ignore the warning signs.

We ignore the flat our RAGE of young white males, who take out their anger on fellow classmates and especially young girl classmates.

We ignore our childrens pleas, and comments, we berate them, abuse them, taunt them, kill them, and brutalize them, we jail them and beat them, then give them tablets and think it will solve something

You really think ANY of the school shooters can take tablets and magically all their rage, their anger, their feelings will disappear and they will smile and say everything is alright.

The Virginia shootings will happen again, unfortunatly. More kids will die needlessly because no one chooses to listen to our kids.

As Langston Hughes wrote, "What happens to a dream deferred?

Does it dry up
Like a raisin in the sun?
Or fester like a sore--
And then run?

Does it stink like rotten meat?
Or crust and sugar over--
like a syrupy sweet?

Maybe it just sags
like a heavy load.
Or does it explode?"

Indeed it exploded yesterday. mark my words. This is the scream of our generation. You all continue to ignore it.

This is the reality of the world. This is what happens when we send children off to die in Iraq. This is a direct result of it.

Our generation spoke yesterday. I am a peace activist and want peace, but as long as this war continues more shootings will occur, more violent than this one. Kids will murder their parents and friends. It will explode

They exploded yesterday, and no one has done anything about it. Face it people pumping kids full of Ritalin aint stopping it. Zero tolerance aint stopping it. It cant be stopped unless we bring down the system. Unless once and for all, this whole system crumbles and we built our own world, a world where violence by anyone, is not allowed. A world where violence isnt an everyday sight.

I am taking bets: will anyone rise up and actually deal with this appropriately. or are we going to sweep it under the rug again, only to be surprised AGAIN when more kids die needlessly.

Whats your bet?

People died yesterday, not because some nut killed people. People died because we are so desensitized and blind and numbed and jaded that this wasnt a shock. I knew it would happen. It was inevitable. People died yesterday because we tacitly accept violence in society as a way of life.

Our generation is lost. This is our acting out just as our parents grew their hair out, smoked dope and believed in free love.

This is our cry for help. The question is, did anyone listen. I heard it, did you?

We arent going to do a damn thing, cause kids killing kids isnt news, its normal. And we dont care.

Charles manson said "those kids that come at you with knives, those are your knives, and your kids, you taught them violence"

He is right. We all did this. And we all are going to ignore it once the latest Britney Spears album hits
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • AhnimusAhnimus Posts: 10,560
    If you ask me...

    Well, think about, what keeps most of us in-line? It's typically some kind of social acceptance. But if society rejects them, there is nothing for them to regret. Look at Charles Starkweather, he was ridiculed for having mutant legs, then he killed 11 people with his sexually abused teenage girlfriend Carol Ann Fugate.

    Charles Manson knew why he was fucked up and he told the world, and we ignored it, just as we ignore children when they tell us what is wrong.

    Those are the societal rejects, different from psychopaths like Dahmer. Psychopaths just don't think and feel the same way as normal people due to underdeveloped or damaged brains.

    No two brains are the same, and no two histories are the same. The answers to preventing murder lye within a combination of those two things.
    I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
  • lucylespianlucylespian Posts: 2,403
    This is a good question. I have just this minute finishe dtalking to an angry teenager, gettin into trouble for anger outbursts and using MJ to self-medicate.

    ONe of the things I discussed with ehr and her Dad, was that anger doe snot need to be taught or learnt. It is a hard-wired, default behaviour which we all have within ourselves.

    HOWEVER, what can and needs to be taught, is a non-anrgy response to life adn situations. Tihs is what we kearn fro a calm parent, who thinks and negotaited their way to peaceful resolutions.
    When angry parents raise kids, they re-inforce the hard-wired behaviour, and kids never learn another coing strategy. Even when anger is not displayed by parents, passive or ineffective coping fails to teach a non-angry response.

    I am wondering if that was an issue with Vtech boy, given teh brief background available. It is also possible that he was overtly psychotic as well. Before Angelica or anyone gets flamey on me, there was a paper released recently saying an the initial psychotic episode is the highest risk one for triggering homicidal actions.
    Music is not a competetion.
  • AhnimusAhnimus Posts: 10,560
    This is a good question. I have just this minute finishe dtalking to an angry teenager, gettin into trouble for anger outbursts and using MJ to self-medicate.

    ONe of the things I discussed with ehr and her Dad, was that anger doe snot need to be taught or learnt. It is a hard-wired, default behaviour which we all have within ourselves.

    HOWEVER, what can and needs to be taught, is a non-anrgy response to life adn situations. Tihs is what we kearn fro a calm parent, who thinks and negotaited their way to peaceful resolutions.
    When angry parents raise kids, they re-inforce the hard-wired behaviour, and kids never learn another coing strategy. Even when anger is not displayed by parents, passive or ineffective coping fails to teach a non-angry response.

    I am wondering if that was an issue with Vtech boy, given teh brief background available. It is also possible that he was overtly psychotic as well. Before Angelica or anyone gets flamey on me, there was a paper released recently saying an the initial psychotic episode is the highest risk one for triggering homicidal actions.

    That's very interesting because electromagnetic interference in the temporal lobe leads to visions and presences or what might clinically be named psychotic. If it were visions of a demon or something. If it were visions of angels it'd be a religious experience. But anyway. There could be an increase in psychosis that correlates with the increase in use of electromagnetism. Perhaps he rode a Maglev train to school.

    But also what you are saying about behavior. You are absolutely correct. I agree. The child-rearing part is very important, and it's simply not enough to suppress bad behavior, but to reinforce good behavior as well.
    I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
  • patrickredeyespatrickredeyes Posts: 8,834
    I blame a small part on the video game world. You have had whole generation of kids that play nothing but video games. They kill people in these games and they think doing it for real its also just a game. I remember coming home from school and playing outside or doing something besides sitting in front of a t.v. And killing people on a game for 5 hrs. Of course there are non shooting games. But the shooting games make kids feel cooler. Yes this was a college student but this shit has been happening for yrs. Wake the fuck up parents and tell and show yr kid life is not a video game. You can't go around killing people to solve yr problems. I'm off point cause once again this was college kids. But I just think the video game world plays a small part in this terrible and sad situations. My prayers go out to the ones that were lost and for those who's lives will never be the same. I always thought Columbine was the worst shooting. So sad that this had to happen.

  • lucylespianlucylespian Posts: 2,403
    Ahnimus wrote:
    That's very interesting because electromagnetic interference in the temporal lobe leads to visions and presences or what might clinically be named psychotic. If it were visions of a demon or something. If it were visions of angels it'd be a religious experience. But anyway. There could be an increase in psychosis that correlates with the increase in use of electromagnetism. Perhaps he rode a Maglev train to school.

    But also what you are saying about behavior. You are absolutely correct. I agree. The child-rearing part is very important, and it's simply not enough to suppress bad behavior, but to reinforce good behavior as well.

    Why would he need to have electro-magnetic radiation ???Why could he not just have a psychotic illness ????
    Music is not a competetion.
  • korbykorby Posts: 298
    or... let me guess. the "devil" made me do it
    its ok
  • AhnimusAhnimus Posts: 10,560
    Why would he need to have electro-magnetic radiation ???Why could he not just have a psychotic illness ????

    Heh, I'm referring to Dr. Michael Persinger's experiments. Part of the video I sent you. That reminds me too, the effect didn't work on Dawkins, but it did work on Michael Shermer the world's biggest skeptic. This suggests that Dawkins' temporal lobe is not functioning the same as Michael Shermer's because they both hold the same disbelief or skepticism. Possibly due to child-rearing, I'm not sure how either were raised, if neuroplasticity has anything to do with the operation of the temporal lobe, I suspect it might. But anyway, Persinger's experiments suggest that electromagnetism affects the temporal lobe of the brain causing religious experiences, or feeling, visions that type of thing.

    I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
  • InkdaubInkdaub Posts: 235
    I agree that things like this are a symptom of our society. No question. We are focused on the wrong things.
  • i like matt.ci like matt.c Posts: 1,122
    I blame a small part on the video game world. You have had whole generation of kids that play nothing but video games. They kill people in these games and they think doing it for real its also just a game. I remember coming home from school and playing outside or doing something besides sitting in front of a t.v. And killing people on a game for 5 hrs. Of course there are non shooting games. But the shooting games make kids feel cooler. Yes this was a college student but this shit has been happening for yrs. Wake the fuck up parents and tell and show yr kid life is not a video game. You can't go around killing people to solve yr problems. I'm off point cause once again this was college kids. But I just think the video game world plays a small part in this terrible and sad situations. My prayers go out to the ones that were lost and for those who's lives will never be the same. I always thought Columbine was the worst shooting. So sad that this had to happen.

    I was watching the news today and they actually had someone on who is serving life on jail for murdering classmates and he actually said that he got shooting techniques from video games. It is so disgusting that these types of games are sold.
  • LesbelgesLesbelges Posts: 434
    I think the US has to come to grips with the fact that it is somehow maximizing the chances of such shootings happening, and then do something about it.

    I'm not exactly sure as to why it happens so often here, but I think there is a reason for why it happens so often.
    Cincinnati '03 Flooded venue!
    Bridge School '06 Night 1 & 2
    Venice '07 pummeled by the sleet! 
    Nijmegen '07
    Werchter '07
    April Fools ~ LA1
  • even flow?even flow? Posts: 8,066
    Take bets on this? My buddies and I are not even suprised when stuff like this happens anymore. It used to be a rare occurance. Now it seems to happen every month, somewhere in the world. Even my mom still asks about the morbid poetry and stories I used to write. A mix between imagination and what you see in society as a whole contributed to those inkings. At least she had a tab on me. Which I can take a swing at when these people go off the deepend that the parents look pretty stupid saying they didn't know what went wrong. Really stupid actually.

    Out of touch with your kids? Out of touch with their reality. Their daily lives. Their friends (if they have any). Your job and life is not more important then your family. That should have been a given when your first child was born.
    You've changed your place in this world!
  • know1know1 Posts: 6,794
    I am taking bets y'all. For nearly a decade kids have shot up classmates at school. They have brought guns to school and murdered their classmates. And everytime it happens its excused away "Oh, its just a crazy person" "oh he is insane" "oh that isnt representative of our community, school, state, region, nation...".

    Nothing is ever done. We pump the kids full of more Ritalin, and think that will solve their anger. We see kids acting out and say, lets give them more medication or drugs. We ignore the warning signs.

    We ignore the flat our RAGE of young white males, who take out their anger on fellow classmates and especially young girl classmates.

    We ignore our childrens pleas, and comments, we berate them, abuse them, taunt them, kill them, and brutalize them, we jail them and beat them, then give them tablets and think it will solve something

    You really think ANY of the school shooters can take tablets and magically all their rage, their anger, their feelings will disappear and they will smile and say everything is alright.

    The Virginia shootings will happen again, unfortunatly. More kids will die needlessly because no one chooses to listen to our kids.

    As Langston Hughes wrote, "What happens to a dream deferred?

    Does it dry up
    Like a raisin in the sun?
    Or fester like a sore--
    And then run?

    Does it stink like rotten meat?
    Or crust and sugar over--
    like a syrupy sweet?

    Maybe it just sags
    like a heavy load.
    Or does it explode?"

    Indeed it exploded yesterday. mark my words. This is the scream of our generation. You all continue to ignore it.

    This is the reality of the world. This is what happens when we send children off to die in Iraq. This is a direct result of it.

    Our generation spoke yesterday. I am a peace activist and want peace, but as long as this war continues more shootings will occur, more violent than this one. Kids will murder their parents and friends. It will explode

    They exploded yesterday, and no one has done anything about it. Face it people pumping kids full of Ritalin aint stopping it. Zero tolerance aint stopping it. It cant be stopped unless we bring down the system. Unless once and for all, this whole system crumbles and we built our own world, a world where violence by anyone, is not allowed. A world where violence isnt an everyday sight.

    I am taking bets: will anyone rise up and actually deal with this appropriately. or are we going to sweep it under the rug again, only to be surprised AGAIN when more kids die needlessly.

    Whats your bet?

    People died yesterday, not because some nut killed people. People died because we are so desensitized and blind and numbed and jaded that this wasnt a shock. I knew it would happen. It was inevitable. People died yesterday because we tacitly accept violence in society as a way of life.

    Our generation is lost. This is our acting out just as our parents grew their hair out, smoked dope and believed in free love.

    This is our cry for help. The question is, did anyone listen. I heard it, did you?

    We arent going to do a damn thing, cause kids killing kids isnt news, its normal. And we dont care.

    Charles manson said "those kids that come at you with knives, those are your knives, and your kids, you taught them violence"

    He is right. We all did this. And we all are going to ignore it once the latest Britney Spears album hits

    Why the comment about white males?
    The only people we should try to get even with...
    ...are those who've helped us.

    Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
  • mammasanmammasan Posts: 5,656
    even flow? wrote:
    Take bets on this? My buddies and I are not even suprised when stuff like this happens anymore. It used to be a rare occurance. Now it seems to happen every month, somewhere in the world. Even my mom still asks about the morbid poetry and stories I used to write. A mix between imagination and what you see in society as a whole contributed to those inkings. At least she had a tab on me. Which I can take a swing at when these people go off the deepend that the parents look pretty stupid saying they didn't know what went wrong. Really stupid actually.

    Out of touch with your kids? Out of touch with their reality. Their daily lives. Their friends (if they have any). Your job and life is not more important then your family. That should have been a given when your first child was born.

    I totally agree with you. Almost every single one of these school shooter exhibited strange behavioral patterns prior to their attacks. After words you hear parents, class-mates, school officials, etc.. stating that they never realized it. I will not go as far as saying that the parents where neglecting their kids but they definetly needed to pay more attention.

    Also what che said has some truth to it. Instead of just pumping our kids full of medication because they may be acting a bit differently take the time to fucking talk to them. Take them to joint therapy. Maqking your kid swallow a pill everyday doesn't solve the problem, it just masks it.
    "When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads." - Ron Paul
  • Pacomc79Pacomc79 Posts: 9,404
    Living in a reasonably free society forces you to accept a large degree of risk. I'd rather live with the risk than go facist. There are some interesting alternatives though, I know GB has cameras all over that assist police, it's not foolproof, but it could help in situations like this kind of thing.

    We all need to reassess our priorities for certain.

    Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.
    Benjamin Franklin (1706 - 1790), Historical Review of Pennsylvania, 1759
    My Girlfriend said to me..."How many guitars do you need?" and I replied...."How many pairs of shoes do you need?" She got really quiet.
  • know1know1 Posts: 6,794
    mammasan wrote:
    I totally agree with you. Almost every single one of these school shooter exhibited strange behavioral patterns prior to their attacks. After words you hear parents, class-mates, school officials, etc.. stating that they never realized it. I will not go as far as saying that the parents where neglecting their kids but they definetly needed to pay more attention.

    Also what che said has some truth to it. Instead of just pumping our kids full of medication because they may be acting a bit differently take the time to fucking talk to them. Take them to joint therapy. Maqking your kid swallow a pill everyday doesn't solve the problem, it just masks it.

    I think poor parenting is one of the biggest causes of MOST of society's problems. It's time to start holding parents accountable.
    The only people we should try to get even with...
    ...are those who've helped us.

    Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
  • mammasanmammasan Posts: 5,656
    know1 wrote:
    I think poor parenting is one of the biggest causes of MOST of society's problems. It's time to start holding parents accountable.

    I agree that we should hold parents accountable, if they are neglegent. You do have good parents out there who just have troublesome children. Should they be held responsible even though they are doing everything they can to reign in their child.

    It's a nice idea but it is hard to enforce simply because who will be the judge of what good parenting is, the government, the community.
    "When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads." - Ron Paul
  • soulsingingsoulsinging Posts: 13,202
    You really think ANY of the school shooters can take tablets and magically all their rage, their anger, their feelings will disappear and they will smile and say everything is alright.

    well, normally i'd sort of agree. most of the shooters are not "crazy" but i think this guy clearly was. he had crystal clear psychosis going on, ted bundy style. most of the time, i'd say you're right though... a bunch of angry kids with no outlet. giving them pills might shut them up, but it won't solve the problems behind it. i think this kid though was pretty obviously schizophrenic and could have benefited from medical intervention. he's the exception though.
    This is the reality of the world. This is what happens when we send children off to die in Iraq. This is a direct result of it.

    almost ever single one of these shootings occurred before the iraq war dude. you really need to get that off your brain man. not EVERYTHING in this world is tied to iraq. iraq is just another stupid war in a long line of stupid wars. no more or less significant than any other war. the problem goes so much deeper than iraq. the problem was there when we were at peace in the 90s.
  • LesbelgesLesbelges Posts: 434
    Pacomc79 wrote:
    Living in a reasonably free society forces you to accept a large degree of risk. I'd rather live with the risk than go facist. There are some interesting alternatives though, I know GB has cameras all over that assist police, it's not foolproof, but it could help in situations like this kind of thing.

    We all need to reassess our priorities for certain.

    Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.
    Benjamin Franklin (1706 - 1790), Historical Review of Pennsylvania, 1759

    Fascist...come on. You make it sound like these things are unavoidable in such a "free" country. While on the other side of the pond where all western European countries have as much if not more freedom than the US, yet this type of crap doesn't happen.
    Cincinnati '03 Flooded venue!
    Bridge School '06 Night 1 & 2
    Venice '07 pummeled by the sleet! 
    Nijmegen '07
    Werchter '07
    April Fools ~ LA1
  • Pacomc79Pacomc79 Posts: 9,404
    Lesbelges wrote:
    Fascist...come on. You make it sound like these things are unavoidable in such a "free" country. While on the other side of the pond where all western European countries have as much if not more freedom than the US, yet this type of crap doesn't happen.

    different society. Why dosen't democracy work in the middle east?

    Horrible events happen everywhere, reactionary government only takes more and more rights away from people. Crazy lunatics don't go away and you will still end up with horrific events in this very violent society. Anti gun people make some great points but the vast majority of people who own guns never commit horrific acts with them. I do not believe in taking basic liberties away from people simply because a few insane people happen to be out there. I'm not afraid of lunatics and nor do I own a gun, but laws do not prevent anything horriffic from happening and they only police the law abiding. Prohibition has never stopped anyone from doing anything they wanted to do. I'd wager the attitudes and more relaxed cultures of Europeans has more do to with thier lack of gigantic mass murders than lack of public weapon sales or know how.

    Do we need a lot more smart and basic gun control...Absolutely but laws only police the willing and small town police will never be prepared to handle the kind of issue that this is spurned from.
    My Girlfriend said to me..."How many guitars do you need?" and I replied...."How many pairs of shoes do you need?" She got really quiet.
  • Ms. HaikuMs. Haiku Washington DC Posts: 7,296
    The murderer did the killing. One person killed 32 people. Suicide-Homicide. I agree that from what little I read the murderer was psycho-nuts, but he still had facility to choose. If mass-murders like this increase in number I theorize because potential murderers are getting ideas from past murderers by having access to the news. Does this mean stopping the news - of course not. However, as those english teachers were alarmed at the murderer's violent essay, and asked that he get evaluated, maybe more training to spot violent behavior is appropriate for teachers. I wouldn't be surprised if teachers are already trained in this sort of thing, though.

    Responsibility is on parents to watch their children, but how can that be implemented by the governement if it isn't naturally implemented by the parents? What positive community activism would need to occur for all to be welcomed, and not judged so that changes can occur?
    There is no such thing as leftover pizza. There is now pizza and later pizza. - anonymous
    The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math - The Mincing Mockingbird
  • soulsingingsoulsinging Posts: 13,202
    Ms. Haiku wrote:
    The murderer did the killing. One person killed 32 people. Suicide-Homicide. I agree that from what little I read the murderer was psycho-nuts, but he still had facility to choose. If mass-murders like this increase in number I theorize because potential murderers are getting ideas from past murderers by having access to the news. Does this mean stopping the news - of course not. However, as those english teachers were alarmed at the murderer's violent essay, and asked that he get evaluated, maybe more training to spot violent behavior is appropriate for teachers. I wouldn't be surprised if teachers are already trained in this sort of thing, though.

    Responsibility is on parents to watch their children, but how can that be implemented by the governement if it isn't naturally implemented by the parents? What positive community activism would need to occur for all to be welcomed, and not judged so that changes can occur?

    where does it stop for teachers though? many of these occur in high schools. you're talking about someone being paid barely over $30,000 a year. they're expected to teach, play social worker and spot abuse, become psychiatrists and spot threats... for what we give these people, we expect way too much.
  • mammasanmammasan Posts: 5,656
    where does it stop for teachers though? many of these occur in high schools. you're talking about someone being paid barely over $30,000 a year. they're expected to teach, play social worker and spot abuse, become psychiatrists and spot threats... for what we give these people, we expect way too much.

    I agree. We shouldn't just rely on our teachers and parenst to spot warning signs. It has to be a community effort.
    "When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads." - Ron Paul
  • LesbelgesLesbelges Posts: 434
    Pacomc79 wrote:
    different society. Why dosen't democracy work in the middle east?

    Horrible events happen everywhere, reactionary government only takes more and more rights away from people. Crazy lunatics don't go away and you will still end up with horrific events in this very violent society. Anti gun people make some great points but the vast majority of people who own guns never commit horrific acts with them. I do not believe in taking basic liberties away from people simply because a few insane people happen to be out there. I'm not afraid of lunatics and nor do I own a gun, but laws do not prevent anything horriffic from happening and they only police the law abiding. Prohibition has never stopped anyone from doing anything they wanted to do. I'd wager the attitudes and more relaxed cultures of Europeans has more do to with thier lack of gigantic mass murders than lack of public weapon sales or know how.

    Do we need a lot more smart and basic gun control...Absolutely but laws only police the willing and small town police will never be prepared to handle the kind of issue that this is spurned from.

    You make some good points, and I'm not going to pretend this is a very black and white issue. But here is what I think.

    I don't think you can blame the differences in society for the shootings in the US. I mean this guy was from Korea, with Korean parents, and Korean beliefs/morals. So technically he is not of the same society.
    Also I think we can both agree that the US has no more lunatics than European countries.
    We have the same TV shows, same movies, same video games.

    So what's the difference? Gun control is the obvious one, but who knows if that is the cause?

    All I know is this: If there is an apple tree whose apple you're not supposed to eat and there is another apple tree next to it but surrounded by a knee high white fence. I think the white fence, even though easily hopped over will make you think twice about getting the apple, while the other tree will likely get its apple taken.

    My point is this, in Europe, we have guns, but the amount of guns in circulation is minimal compared to the US...and this is similar to our white fence. Since getting a gun is tougher, people have the time to think twice about what they are doing. So in the end, the situation is the same inside these people's heads, its just that, in my opinion, the US' gun lack of gun control laws just maximize the likeliness of a crazy person jumping from being pissed off but not going over the fence, to a crazy person killing 32 people.

    Having said this, at this point, stricter laws would not make a great impact as an enormous black market for guns would emerge.
    Cincinnati '03 Flooded venue!
    Bridge School '06 Night 1 & 2
    Venice '07 pummeled by the sleet! 
    Nijmegen '07
    Werchter '07
    April Fools ~ LA1
  • Ms. HaikuMs. Haiku Washington DC Posts: 7,296
    where does it stop for teachers though? many of these occur in high schools. you're talking about someone being paid barely over $30,000 a year. they're expected to teach, play social worker and spot abuse, become psychiatrists and spot threats... for what we give these people, we expect way too much.
    Yep, I agree. That's why the last question in my post was the most important part, and the one that needed answers. Sorry I didn't make that clear.

    What positive community activism would need to occur for all to be welcomed, and not judged so that changes can occur?
    There is no such thing as leftover pizza. There is now pizza and later pizza. - anonymous
    The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math - The Mincing Mockingbird
  • jeffbrjeffbr Seattle Posts: 7,177
    know1 wrote:
    Why the comment about white males?

    I was going to ask the same thing. It was strange to make this point and then use Cho Seung-Hui as some sort of evidence.
    "I'll use the magic word - let's just shut the fuck up, please." EV, 04/13/08
  • soulsingingsoulsinging Posts: 13,202
    Lesbelges wrote:
    Having said this, at this point, stricter laws would not make a great impact as an enormous black market for guns would emerge.

    yeah, but the cost will go up. those guns are going to be pricey as the supply diminishes. joe college kid who snaps is going to have a tough time getting one. same with high school kids. even local gang bangers would feel the squeeze. it's not perfect, but it would be an improvement. the problem is that it is simply too easy to get a gun while you're in the heat of the moment. honestly, i don't see why we sell guns to anyone under 21. if you cannot be trusted with alcohol, why the hell should you have a gun? if you're a hunter, you can use it under parental supervision, as parents are also allowed to drink with their kids. but let's be reasonable. and background checks are worthless. we ought to just issue licenses complete with training and some sort of evaluation... this kid apparently radiated psychosis. he would not have gotten through a course without someone taking note. id also advocate holding gun owners strictly liable for crimes committed with your gun. your kid gets it and kills someone? you shoulda been more careful. you thought it would be fine to pawn it for $50 when you were short on booze money? bad move dipshit. get these things off the street.
  • soulsingingsoulsinging Posts: 13,202
    Ms. Haiku wrote:
    Yep, I agree. That's why the last question in my post was the most important part, and the one that needed answers. Sorry I didn't make that clear.

    What positive community activism would need to occur for all to be welcomed, and not judged so that changes can occur?

    gotcha. but i dont have the answers though. you cannot force good parenting and that is where this starts. colleges have gone overboard on diversity training, but you cannot prevent teens from forming cliques and dividing into the uncool and the cool. it's inevitable. there will always be downtrodden, the marginalized, the depressed and abused. it is sad, but unavoidable. what is needed is to make sure they have some sort of recourse besides grabbing a gun and getting even.
  • surferdudesurferdude Posts: 2,057
    know1 wrote:
    Why the comment about white males?
    Didn't you catch on yet, 'round here your the enemy. If you are a white male you oppress people and don't have the ability to empathize. You are everything wrong with America and the world.
    “One good thing about music,
    when it hits you, you feel to pain.
    So brutalize me with music.”
    ~ Bob Marley
  • mammasanmammasan Posts: 5,656
    surferdude wrote:
    Didn't you catch on yet, 'round here your the enemy. If you are a white male you oppress people and don't have the ability to empathize. You are everything wrong with America and the world.

    I think Che was reffering to the string of school shooting where the majority of the shooters where white males.
    "When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads." - Ron Paul
  • soulsingingsoulsinging Posts: 13,202
    surferdude wrote:
    Didn't you catch on yet, 'round here your the enemy. If you are a white male you oppress people and don't have the ability to empathize. You are everything wrong with America and the world.

    i think actually he was saying the exact opposite. did you read the post?
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